West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Jun 1927, p. 4

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Resampled001B6D4D The Corporation of the District of bVest Vancouver wEST vtNCOUVER Paaxs PuacNAsa aY LAW. No. SOS I Sty WHEREAS Ihc fsnomog lands I.~ ALL ~D4 SINGULAR those cvvihlu yovccl~ ov Ivociv o( lhh4F ~ aociv. )yiut Dhd bc(Dc Iu the Iiuukipoiay of Wvoi Ycuccovvv. Fvuv Iocv o( svaisb colcwidh, ware Ievvkoicwy Olio h ohd dacv(bvd U LOTS Ohc A. Ohv. Twe ll vco. Fear. Five Six. Sv Fo. Eithi, Nioc, Tco. FIDUS ao4 sixivco I)A. 4 t. ~ . ~ . a. ~. T. C, ~ . 10, II oe) I ~ I UI LOCK Nombcv Twchiyka~ hi its) Ih sob di Ivkh of ~ poFUOD of IND(vki Loi Ncebve ei Txa Hooded uud ThivireFFFD I st I I Cvouo 0 c II I NF Wvvieluicv Ihvivki, ~Oceanus I~ ibc Rccisicvv4 mop ov plan of mc eh(4 cuba)~ Istw dciesacd U ihc Loud Rctlvivr Of(kc hi Ibc CRr at Vuhcoova. B. C.. DD4 Nombcvcd StSII us4 a)oct Nue. bvv T chir-oioc I ~ I) Iu Scbdivlsku c( ~ poviiou o( Disivici Loi Ncmbcvcd Two Huu- dvei osd Thivir-vvvco ID. L ti'11 Gvouy ooc III NF a'vs(misc)OF DUAL occovd- Ioe io ihc Rveisi vei moo or DIOS of chid smuknvisioo dcpockvd Iu the LDS4 Rceivivy omcc ci the ciiy o( vchcoc Fv, a. c cud Nowlwvvd 4000, hove tech o(fecal (CF sole IO \be COVPoFDUOO. AND WHEREAS n k IFFIDFI ~dvivsbic io pcvcbovc such Ihodv Io Ie osc4 (sv Part phvpaa. AND WHEREAS It Is occcs hvy uud vx- pv4icoi for Ihc h(SF»hid pcvpocvo Ihci Ihc Cooocil o( Ihc Covyoauoo o( the Dwivlci 0( Wai Voocoovvv Iw ~ omcvivel Io bovvwo ov vhisv Ihv som o( Tbiviy Thouscod Five HODIW4 Donsvv (tte.soe.eel AND WNKREAS It Is hccvcsuvr ihhi the ~Did eoocy shall I» aisvd hphh ihc even( o( Ihv su)4 Covycvoooo AND WHEREAS the sde of Thivir Iboa- ~hd. Ive hcodIel Doiiua IIII.400.441 Is Ihc hmuhui of ihc dc)\ whkb Ihk By-Ihw Ioicvuicd Io cvcoioi AND WHEREAS Ii woo)4 bc ovccsvhvy Io misc ahaohsr br spccih) UU the sue o( scvco huudvvd hod Ihiviy.svc Dousvc ~Dd I c ccoU 10704.00) Dviucipol had the ~ om o( Oac Ihoesho4. Ivc buhdvcd cod Iooair-svc Dolkvs (II.W4.es) Ioicvcci, Ihhtiog Iogcihcv Ibc ISIS) DDICDDI Dhouhuy of Two ibooscod Iwo boudvcd hod sixiy Doi- Iua DD4 svc ccais ISLtce.e4) for the tens o( T»hiy-svc (t41 rcovs (ov the ycrmcoi o( the ssid lcoo Dad iaicvcsi Ihcvcoa as ~cvcihhficv mcciiouc4 I AND WHEREAS Ihc Assccvei aloe o( Ihc holt )Sod of Ibc chid Covpoaikh. ac- coeiiht Io Ihc Ihsi revised Usasmvhi roll. ~eoooic Io Thva 1(in)oh Nlhc Hohdvei hhd Twaiy-DISC Thoosuhd. Six Huodvcd hod Tkvhu-I ~ DOllara \It.sty.c(0.04) OO4 Ibv Usvoocd CD(SF of Ihc IwDFS Cecum «hohhi Iu Two )din)oh Fouv Huodvcd hod Fifiy-Ioo Thohahll, Six Hohdvcd ood SUIT Iwo Dol lars, (ItAIT.4CL441 mhtlht Iotvibcv ~ total of Sm IIUI(ou. Thvvc Hhadvcd DD4 Kithiy- Iwo Ttooscod. T o Huudvvd hhd Eighiy- ~ecch Dollars (Isuetg07.esi AND WHEREAS Ihc vciuc of Ihc whole Fuicoblc Iho4 o( Ibv chid Covpovhiioo. Cc- coe(iut Io Ihc (UI vvvkel Assasevoi Roll. ~wahU Io Thva NiUICD Thivvr Tbolehod Kighi Hoodvcd had Theo(r Dollars Ii ~ .000.. 014 441 ohd Ibc Iwpvo cwvois DolooDI io Tev Hi(i(oh Tbvcc Hohdvcd ood Tbvvc Tbohsho4 Tbvcc Hoodvei aod Twcoiy-svvco IILIOIU17.00) cut(at Iotcibcv ~ Ioiui of )7» 1(i)SOS Three Hohdvcd ood Tbivir-four Thcasuo4 One Hhodvvd hhd Foviyacvco DDUDFD I IIBSI.)47.441. AND WHEREAS Io pvovide for Ihe pcr meat o( ioicvcsi Dod Ibe cvchiioo of ~ siotiog food (DF Ihc phylDtoi 0( Ibe said pviecipai suol o( Thivir Tbousa4 Avc Huodvcd Doii~ Fs 11Ritlxi («in woold bc ococssscr Io Icvf o spec)hi FDIC sue)cicai Io Fhise (bc corn of Two Tbouseod HCS4vcd hod Sixiy Douce hod Fi ~ Ccois ittS44.04) Ibc hmooai Io bc chico- IaU4 DDDDDUr oo the hole o( the a(cubic (Sod ov IDD4 oad impvo FIDCDIF. o( the CovyoaNoh. NOW THEREFORE Ibc Bccvc hhd Coao- CU o( the Covpovhuoa of the Disivki of West Vhocoovcv Io cyco mccuhg assembled cocci as fonowcv- Ii) The Cooocu o( Ibc Covpovhuoo Is hereby hoihovixcd Io Dcvchhsc ibc ~(ovc-chid )Duds at or (ov the price or corn of Thivir Tbooshod Douse (100.000.00) ohd Io bold DD4 osc sah )Dods fov Part Fhvpaa. Iti Ii cbh)1 be Ihwfcl for the Reeve of the chid Covyovhuoo DD4 the Cicvt o( Ibc Cococib for the povpoccc h(ovacid Io bov- ~uw or chive br whr of )coo (Foov hoy pcv- ~oo or pcvsoos. hodr Or bodies covycchic, ho eur be wuliog Uyudvhha the shee oyoa Ibc credit o( the dcb h(uva (havio- r(IFF ea(khvd) Df IIC Uld CDFpovhuco. ~ cm u( vooocy ooi cxcceUog ia Ibc wbo)c the som o( Tbivir Thoosahd F(vc Hchdvcd Douha Is ~ 0.000.DI) hod Io ause the shee Io bc placed ia Tbc Roru) Bush of Chhhdh ~I Wai Vohcoovcv. BFII b Columbia. Io Ibc credit of ihc said Covpoaiioo (ov Ib~ puv- yacs Shove FcckeL hhd the dcbcoiuva o( Ibc chid Corpore))oh Io Ibc cmoohi o( Thiviy Tbooshod Fi ~ Hooded DOUCFS (Its.sse.es) io the wbo)c mhy be issovd by Ibc suid Bvc c cod C)cvt io haovduDcc wiib Ibc HUNICIPAL ACT" lo scev as ehy bc vc- ccivcd of ooi kvc Ihha One Hhhdvcd Dollars 10140.40) each. Such dcbcoiovc Shun be ~ itoel by ihc Rcc ~ uod Cicvt hod IbcC)at shun attach Ihcvcio the Covpovsic Seal of the sci4 Covpovhuoo. Thc sat( dcbcoiova mcu be dc(cd the )si dhr o( Augovi 1017. Dod shhU bav Ioicvcsi ~ I Ihc tate o( rive Dcv ceo( (0%.1 pcv cooom. parable oo Ih I ~ I dhr o( Aut- os( hod Ibc I ~I dhr of Pcbvuhvy io each ~od cvcvy rchv doviug the curvcocr of Ibc ~hid Icbm(Sr . or cor o( (hem. Shd ibc Iviaciiwl of Ihc said dcbcoiovcc ov chr of Them. shall be porhb)c oo Ihc I ~ I duy ofAug»i, Isis. Th VC SbhU be ~Iavbvd Ic of I&c dcbcoiovcs coopohs ~ Ithcd br the Rccvc hod Cicvt (ov each hhd cvcvypure»( o( Iaicvcci that esy bccoloc doc, ~od voch sigveicvcs mcr hc ciibcv pvioivd. FR(co ov b(hog»phot It) Thc Cubi dvhcoiovvs chhu be cx- pvcacd Io be parable io kwful Wooer of Coohdh. ( ~ I The «id d hcoiovcc as Io pviociysi ~od Ioicvcsi hall I» parable ~I hhy bvhocb of Tbc Borh) Bhhh of Ccoudh io Chosdh ~I Ihc ho)4FF' oyuoo by Ibc Coaovhnoh. (41 Thee shun bv Fhiscd hhd lc iei uo- ouhuy by Shak) FDIC vufficichi Ibav(ov epos DU a(Cubic (Cud or (cad hcd iepvovc- hccols of ihc CCFpovhi )oh ihc ~ uw of Sv co HCD4W4 hei Thivir-dvc DoUDFC sod Five ccoic I ~ 10.441 for the phvpac of fae- iog ~ siatiog fohd for the phymai of Ihc ~D)d dvba)uva. Ud Ihc shw of OU Thous ~el Pl ~ HOD4vei ud T chip-I ~ Donhn I ~ IAts.ee) (ov IIIC Dove»i of ioicvcvi DI the rate hfcvahid. Io hccoec duc oo Such 4chchiovcc doc(St the cuvvcocr Ibcvco( Ibc iog the voce) hohohi Spec)hi rate of dvcimh( ~c c Iy svc I.TII IS(is oo the dollar of Ihc p»UDI IDD4 vhiuuuoo) or socb foviha ovoiha rate as shall 4 ccffkiesi for Ihc chid povpcoc. Ihc Shee Io bc ia odd)noh Io DU ~DIOS Io bc Icvie( chd craved io Ibc vhhiCcvreanco daiot the &ok covvacr of ~hh( dclwoiova ov hor of Ihchl. I ~ ) Thiv By-lc ecv bc ckei fccan puv yoscc as WEST VANCOUVER PARKS PURCHASE BY-LAW. No. I ~ C. )017" PASSED BY THE COUNCI(. ou the Tera-4)eb duy of shoe. A.D. )017. RECEIVEDihc Uvai of the maar at Ih Ekc(ichfor that Iuvvpccc oo Ihc Sih dsr o( Jo)y, A.D. Iytr. RECONSIDERED hud ShoatADOPTED by Ihc CcoocU. SIGNED by Ibc Reeve hod Ckm Dhd SEALED wkh ibcccvyc»U sed of mc chid covpovhiioo. Di) oa Ihc dhy o( yoiy. A.D. 1017. Rccv . Cicvt. THF. IVFST VAN NE(VS TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true ropy of the proposed By-law upoa which the vote of the Maaiei- pallty will be taken at the Ferry Gar- age, 14th street, Ambleaide, West Vancouver. B. C., oa Tuesday the 6th day of July. IS27. between the hours of S a.m. aad S p.m. &Signed) James Ollasoa, Municipal Clevk. CORORATION OF THK DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOI.'VER Notice to Electors Pf)BLIC NOTICE is hereby given thai the rote of the electors uualify- ing on property situate within ihe Maalcipality will be taken oa the above By-law at the Ferry Garage, 14th street, Ambleside. &vest Van- couver, B. C., on Tuesday, the 6th day of July, IB27, between the hours of S o'lock a.m. and S o'lock p.m. aad that 'ivilliam Herria has been ap- pointed Returning Officer io take the Iu)tes of such electors with the usual powers in that behalf, (Signed) V. V. Vinson, Reeve. (Signed) James Oliaaon, Clerk. .ki.S J ForGoodness SakePLY&Ox The A. O. T. S. is ho}ding a basket aociRI on the lawn of IV. C, Thompson's house. 20th Rnd Waterfront, on Wednesday. June 29th. A very pleasant Rfternoon wRs spent on 1VednesdRy, June 22nd, at the home of )11rs. D. C. ltitchiw, in honor of Islrs. II. Hos- kins, who is lenvlng shortly to tnRke her home in Mont rcnl. Aficp R &lelightful walk in the groumls. (en wRs served nn the vcrRndah. The principal event of the afternoon wns the pres- entntion on behalf of the W. A. Rnd choir of the Unite(l Church, of n silver cake bnsket fnr slrs. Hoskins, silver cigarette box for )1}r. Iioskins, Rnd R ICRther pock- et book for Eric. })Ir. Rnd slrs. Hoakms carry with them the best wishes nf R large circle of friends. Amongst those pres- ent werc: 5}csdnmcs Ritchie, McTaggnrt, Turnbull, ilamilton, MCLcan, Bnldwin, Gnrdincr, Moncriefi', L. Garthornc, A. GBF}thornc, Hin&lmnrsh, Allan, 1Villinmson, Ashe, Dewar, Hnr- vcy, Eccleston, Eager, Kerfoot, IVat1, Pntt erson, Blnir, Brine, slcDolveu, Chisholm, Da- vis,EIRRF, Lnwson; the Misses Anne Ritchie, 11. Ritchie, E. Mc- Bain, 5L I"inme Rnd Ker. BU1 1OUR (FRO( I RH 9 AT (FRLEINW ODD S Rnd you IviH he sut'e of get- ting e(FOUI)NESS." 1VU CBrry only the best quRhty of Food Stuffs. You can rely upon the Groceries that come from (hie store (iunlity nnd Fnir I'rlceR. Phone 1%est 16 Jiine «4. 1927 ~ ~ ~ 5}iss H. Searle nf the local tele- phone stRI? is away on her Rn- nunl vacation. ~ ~ c Wnr&l hns been received from W. A. Forrest.. 25th Rml I5}nth- ers, that his father. C. S. For- rest, hus reached Scotland. Ivhlch he is visiting nfter an Rb- acnce of 75 years. Blr. Forrcst lvho is in his 83rd year. lives at Brnndon. IBIRn., but spent this )Tinter in West Vancouver with his son. 0 ~ Greef}woo}I I GROCERY tye deliver )1}r. End )BITE. Thompson, whose daughter, )1lrs. George Curric resides on MRrine Drive at Alta- mont, have returned by motor to their home in Saskatchewan after having spent the winter at the 13lillnrd bungalow, 25th Rnd LRtvson. ~ ~ Colone! Frnncis Pineo, late of the Imperial Army, wns here on 15}ondny on R visit to his rela- tive, 3}rs. Geo. Pineo, 13th anil Keith Road. Colonel Pineo, who has recently retired from the army, is on his wRy to Van- couver Island from the Old Countrv. NEIV PARKING BY-I.AW A parking by-}RIY is in course of preparation for slarine Drive between the ivcsterly boundary of D.L. 657 Rnd the easterly boundary of Block A. D.L. 430, Nelson avenue from 51arinu Drive to Bay street, BRy street from Nelson avenue to RoyRI avenue, Royal avenue from B R y street to C h R I h a m street, Und Chatham street from Royal avenue to Nelson avenue. A draft of this new by-law hus been submitted by the council to the Police Com- missioners for revision with the follotving suggestions: 1. Fifteen minutes parking be allowed on week days. 2. Ihfo parking on pavemnnt Rllotved on Sundays and holi- days. 3. No parking within 15 feet of street corners and intersec- tions. 4. No parking within 25 feet of hydrants. Play a Game BILLIARDS i1HI.LINERY STORE Ol'EN TO I'UBI.IC ON SATURDAY CHET SHIELDS 11TH 9TREFT right st Railway Crossing Mndnme Vick announces the opening of U first-class Rml up- to-date millinery store tomor- row (SaturdRy}. Ma&lamp Vick operated a business in Calgary for many years, Rnd is very well known to the okl-timers in that city. She has hRd many years'xperiencein the millinery Rnd dry goods business Rnd is rec- ognized as a milliner and artist of considerable ability. Her store in the new Yates building is well fitted up, and the ladies of }Vest Vancouver can be sure of getting good service, Rnd R splendid choice in their millin- ery requirements. ~ ~ ' IMF. Rnd Mrs. Connolly, of Vancouver have taken Miss JRck's cottage at 24th Rnd 1Vaterfyont. ~ h C AIrs. Jenkinson aml her sister have rented one of the Nelson cottages on Marine Drive near 23rd. TOBACCO, CONFECTIOVEI(Y New classes now being formed J. M. Morgan WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and SingingNELSON CREEK TO BE PIPED BY NEIV LINE D Mrs. Frank TURife and Mrs. A. B. Flemming have taken the residence of the Rev. A. M. O'Donnell at Dundarave for the summer months. Phones West 173 Seymour 3058oTenders are to be called for the pipe required to bring Nelson Creek water down to 3}Urine Drive in connection with the Gleneagles, IVhytecliff and Eagle Harbour sections of the munici- pR}ity, also for making a trail and opening R ditch from Nel- son Creek intake to the Drive. 1Vhat 1Vould You Do« A few days Rgo the telephone in R local office rang and the following converastion I o o k place: Is that the nurse? Yes, madam. 1VeH my little girl has swal- lowed R penny. IVhRI shall I do? Try to gcb it back, madaml LADIES HAIRCUTTING Miss Yvonne Gait, daughter of Mr. John Gait, who is mana- ger of the Bank of Montreal at Ross}and, B.C., is visiting her aunt, Mrs W. D. FFRser, at SFramar," EsquimRlt and 18th street. sad SHINGLING, any Style HOI.LYBURN BARBEll SHOP 26 years experience Wbi. NEWBY Prop. Chamois leather gloves will not lose their color when washed if water in tvhich orange rind hRS soaked over night is used. Hollyburn Theatre June Zi and 26 -- Friday and Saturday( "Every Mother's Son" June 27--Monday( 'The Country Beyond'lr. End Mrs. F. 'W. Rudolph of DalemeRd, Alberta, announce the engagement of their elder daughter, IVinifred, to Mr. Alan Cleveland, second son of Mr. and Mrs. H. IV. Cleveland, of Dale- mead, Alberta. The wedding will take place at St. Stephen's Church, West Vancouver, on June 30, at 2 o'lock. NICK A WA Cree Indian EntertainerJune 29--Wednesday: 'God Gave jt)fe TwentyCents.'4 LUMBER SPECIALS OF HIGH QUALITY 6" Cedar Beveled Siding, clear......... 2x6, 8, 10, 12 Com. sized ........................... 6" Cedar Ship}Up ....................................... 4x4 Rnd 5x5 Cedar Posts ............................. Ix4 Short Flooring Rnd V Joint .............. .. $ 12.00 16.00 12.00 24.00 20.00 These SppciRIE are Rll of good grade and we guarantee satisfaction. Come in Rnd look them over. ~ $ jl I ~ F J.'1(vm'. i I ) gi( ', IIj } Hollyburn Theatre . TUESDAY June 28th at 8.15 p.m. SASH, DOORS AND FRAMES At Lower than City Prices. mg I Phone 1VUBt 199 16th Rnd slurine AD1IISISION -- 50c JUNIORS -- 35c Ambleside Lumber Co. «I Ipf'upe- 'bpe'u sb Alitcb }t& }}i(4 i(uf mstf(41 wbg'st g'ups t}utfs} th b}4 w 'fbc m pepins ttfcs 4 st& pride iwcl lsi" ppuf& fpf b}ufmy, &} I wsy D,rut I, eervpe 1}rs „4 gitprisi ibi purips ivere beld t E&}SS ;I}itt )7}su tp I Iiuunwy I'bs gueSI 1}tt E. J. tty»}ft ylctprlsi 'i(bar(ispu j tpp Iirs.. }L ,mitbi 1'" y Iyibittsk spu 1}rt Cit }isrtswsy „in&to&, I" })}its }f)+~ b }} Stcvcus( bs. I}itt Iiul Edus Lpitlu cock, Jliss,'auline Sbsi bliss B&pbel Doris Hsrrt The 8sun( Liberals in 71 Pridsy was i'}pse prcseu cupplied tu& kept gpiug u 'fbe riPcul irtcting the lower levels. seen Pn 6 u ps Mttbefs, morning M. epcpuptercd along Ingle'nd 20th stt 15th sud (}& twp bottles the stream sud eujpye& In rcsppn the A. 0. 'I bsd 4 tap Park grput for the ri during the bratipus tb TF Tbp, dp Ing pi they sr vety bI with tb ilute tb epiirpiy 'with tb&