West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Jun 1927, p. 2

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Resampled001B6D4D THE WEST VAhN NFWS June 24, 1927 High School Notes The grade XI. students are this week writing the Matricula- tion and gVormal entrance ex- aminations. Seventeen stud- ents are writing: thirteen blat- riculation and four Normal en- trance. gbfr. Southam is super- visor and the papers are being shotten at the Hollyburn School. Miss hbfaycock is supenising the high school entrance exam- inations which are being written this week at the Pauline John- son SchooL Miss Ruddick left )Vednesday evening for the East. She will spend the summer holidays with her mother at Brockville, Ont. Mr. Alsbury, who has for three years conducted the Com- mercial Department, has receiv- ed an appointment to the Com- mercial Department of the Mc- Gee high school, in Point Grey. hbfr. Alsbury was deserv- edly popular ivith both teachers and students. The high school Jubilee fioat is being constructed at the bus garage, Ambleside. The boys who are on the fioat are asked to meet the principal at the Hol- Lvburn School, blonday morning at 10 o'lock. The Jubilee medals have ar- rived and will be given out at the sports, Ambleside Park, July 1. There is a medal for each stud- ent. Friday, June 17, saw a fitting end to the school term IB an ex- citing baseball game. The "Ins" won from the "Out" by a safe margin. Bill Davie pitched for the "Ins" and Arthur Brown for the "Outs." There was uncer- tain support from the outfield of both teams. Principal Pat- terson umpired and organized successful hunting parties for the ball which was prone to wander in the bushes. IL C. PROCTOR UNDER- GOES OPERATION The many friends of Mr. R. C. Proctor will be glad to learn that the operation he under- went at the General Hospital, Vancouver, yesterday, was suc- cessful and that the patient is now doing welL Mr. Proctor had his appendix removed. blrs. C. J. Archer and bliss F. bfcCreery are spending the week in Victoria and Seattle in con- nection with the annual conven- tion of the Eastern Star. They are expected home Sunday eve- ning. ~ ~ ~ The roof of the Hollyburn Gen- eral Store is being re-shingled. Vote for The Bridge HOLLYBORN HALL Cor. 14ih and Duchness Sunday 7.80 SPECIAL ADDRESS MR. W. REID of Glasao)v Come and hear ibc Gospel United Church A special service of prai~e is being given in the Unit&gd Church next Sunday evening. The soloists are bliss Anne Ritchie and tblr. Addy. A quartette is being sung: "Saviour. Thy Children Keep." The soloists are blrs. Howieson, Nrs. Kerfoot, hblr. Kerfoot and blr. Addy. And the choir are singing biendeLssohn'6 "Hear hbfy Prayer," and Brahm's "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings." United Church Garden Fete The Young Peoples'ociety of the United Church will hold a garden fete at the home of Nrs. Chilton, 15th and Inglewood, next Tuesday, 28th inst., at 3 p.m. A musical programme has been arranged. The funds will be used in defraying the expense of completing the church tennis courts. 3VEST VAN PROHIBITIOiVISTS ORGANIZE At a well attended rally held hbIonday evening in the Amble- side Hall. the West Vancouver Prohibitionists elected the fol- lowing oificers: President, W. R. Hamilton; vice-president. F. S. Narsh; secretary, F. J. Patter- son; treasurer, B. R. Harrison. Mr. Hamilton presided; Rev. Harding Priest led the devotional exercises, and Mr. 51cIntyre, provincial organizer, gave valu- able assistance in the matter of organizing. Preceding Ihe election of offi- cers Dr. Hugh Dobson in a very able and convincing speech ar- gued the need of a change in our B. C. liquor laws. He stressed the corrupting influences of the liquor traffic upon the public life of the province; portrayed the ghastly results which so often follows the mixing of booze and automobiles; and stressed the need of reinforcing the other methods of fighting the drink evil by enacting prohibitory leg- islation. The organization sets out with confidence and a determination to make a success of the "Dry- by-Nine" campaign. wBsT vANcoUYBA Christian Science Society "gave the surface and Paint Up ~El ~&ve ~ p~&V ~ Qeau Up ('HI'11( H BDIFICB 201k cnd Fieqoimcli, Holi)burn Sunday Service at 11.30 a.m. Senour.'0 Floor I'aint Fop cli inside Hoovs. Dries hard ohev nigh&. Outside I'orch I'aint Foc verandah Hoore a pc)eh steps Neu-Tone A wcehobio tlat ou paint Iov in&eric) decorcilon. IVood-IA)c Varnish Slnin Improved the new, renews the old. For Hooch sod Torsi&Ore. tblartin's de I.uxe Enamel Highcxc gvcdo enamel in white ond colors. Subject June 2Gth: " ('HHISTIA Vi SCIENCE w Sunday School at 10.00 c. m. Testimony hieetiog every IVcd- oezday at 6.15 p.m. St. Stephen's Church Trinitv 2 (Jun&. 26th) 8 O.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--blorning prayer and Litany. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. The preacher on Sunday eve- ning will be the Rev. N. H. Jack- son, rector of St. George' church, Vancouver. The first of the summer ser- vices at Caulfeild will be held Sunday at 11.15 a.m. at the home of hbIrs. Stuart Cameron. Tomorrow (Saturday) after- noon a lawn social is being held at the home of Nrs. )V. L. Ber- ry, 21st and bIarine, from 3 to 0 o'lock, under the auspices of the Junior Auxiliary. The senior camp for Angli- can boys opens Monday at Long Bay, Gambier Island. Several members of the Broth- erhood of St. Andrew are coming from the city next IVednesday evening to meet the senior boys of the parish. The junior baseball team closed the season with a victory, defeating Zion United Monday night at Alexandria School by a score of 40-2. The St. Stephen's battery was )Vright and Tim- brell. THE pAlNT FQR WEAR and WEATHER For Exterior and Interior )VE CARRY A FUI,I, STO('K. I,ET'8 TA I.lt IT O'VER Hollyburn General Store WEST VAN RESTAURANT 1421 hier)so Drive at 141k SL I'hose )vest 611-0 CHOICE CAKES Are baked fresh dally In our cc- iabiishmoni. Vi'hy bother with home baking &hie weather, wbon you can gei such delicious cakes bove fresh every doy Drop io this afternoon ood cce oor dis- play. A iricl oc ooyihing we moke will convince you oc Iix quoi icy. OUB 0READ Is baked Icczh hissy anti moy be bod at ouc shop or delivered ot your home. Phono iveci 27 cod oor delivery mcn will calL Established over 6)/) Yenrs C. J. OVERINGTON lith ana Marina BARBER For the coovcolcncc of the ladies of the District I hovo hod the telephone installed PHONE WEST 1$6 cnd make an oppolocmcnt. STRATTON'S BAKERY Baptist Church Amblesldo Tea Rooms Forcy Wkccc'- WEST VANCOUVER Camp Aod Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, cic. Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. lveek)y prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. A Golden Tree Jubilee Page- ant will be given in First Baptist Church, Vancouver, Monday, June 27, at 7:30 o'lock when a splendid outline of the Baptist women's work of the past 50 years will be given in drama and costume. All Baptists interest- ed should see this.. -- Try the Burrard Laundry If you'e ever had trouble with your laundry work or feel sick and tired of washing at home, try the "Burrard." They'l do up everything beautifully and the very modest charges will act- ually surprise you. Ring up and enquire about our "Services." H. PER RIN, R o. OPTO)igvg)ST ANO OPTICIAN Wednesdays from 2 p. m. Evenings from 7 p.m. gegei Seek Side. Pheg ~ Wee& doxg Night Auto Service The-Bead.J,aundry Limited For the convenience o( the public this Gorcgo will be OPEN EVERY NIGHT until 9 o'clock TOWING -- AUTO REPAIRS BATTERIES RECHARGED West Van Auto Service (Keo Aobiocon) Marine Drive oc 25&5 Phone West 411 St. Anthony's Church For Peep)e Ipbo Age Pew)eeleg TH)39 STgEET eed ST. OATIOS North Vancouver Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--bfass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a.m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a. m. Phone North 1310 (Hooper and Son) 17th and Marine IVE DELIVER I'hone West 46 ifc cs ksve 1"1 )Vs 81" oi UST A"" 02(on 88) 141$ Rgtsl Cauadi A HF.VAI pcdeix u CAI tC light h "'cg lisle Tris pbcxe I PHONE 466 5 San& Fergt Trucks lcsv Trucks lcav Grigor's Dry Goods Store 1460 MRI'iue DrlVe wicmcc Zao 5cchh'ge hieo'c Summer Combinations (B.D.V.) op from, pcr zoit...............75c Mco'c Dress Shirts, up from, cxcb .........$)$0 Mco'c Khaki Work Shirts, each--„. ~....................$ ).50 Mco'c Sox, at, pcr pair ......25c, 50c, 75c cnd 95c Meo'c Leather Belts, Aii sixes, each .............. 25c ALL WOOL BATHING SUITS Lcdicc'eo'c cod Children's--Nice assortment OC colors, op from $ 1.95 Children's Co&coo Ac&kiog Soiic (Bcokco Sizes) io clear, oniy........69c Bcibiog Caps, up from Ex&ra Large Colored Bc&k Towels. pcr pair.........., 7ec, $ 1.25, $ 1.65 Wane Beth Towele, dainty colored borders, pcc pair .....$ 1.00 aod $ 1.25 AII White Bath Towels, good quality, per pair, only ............Osc ycpcoccc (Blacks)cd) Tez Cioikc .....,... „„......,... 25c cod 35c Serviettes, co clear...............3 for 25c We are ctsi selling oiT Mca Sclicr'6 stock at less than coci. All Toys and Novelties at Greatly Reduced Prices "ELIM HALL" M..I'.'D... Mr. and Mrs. R. Capper, Missionaries From Yunnan, China, will speak about their work on Sunday at 7.30 p. m. A Special Scrvl'cc For children at 3.00 p. m. Come and sce Kitchen and Door Gods, Ancestral Tablet, eic., as worshipped by the Chinese. All Welcome YOUR OPPORTUNITY to secure a new six-cylinder Nash Sedan At Specially Reduced Price. Has been used to give demonstrations only. For particulars Phone H. C. OSBORNE, representing North Shore Motors Limited In West Vancouver Phones: West 17 West 628Y Nor&i) IISG FUEL Dry Bark, Coal K Wood of all kinds, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Currls, Prop) 25th and Marine Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed West Uan News I'obiiebed Every Fridcy H. HOB&)SON cnd F.P.LOV HGAUVB )Vest 19L West 412L Pobsebcrc Aoclnecc cod Edl&orlci Occlce) 1361 liicrioo Drive Sicii Address: IL &). Aoz 101, Hoiiyhoro, IL C. $ 1 00 a ycor by moil or ccrrlec Newc stands 5c per copy. AuvenvisING HAT Ss oN A PPI.ICATION