West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Jun 1927, p. 8

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Resampled001B6D4D THE WEST VAiN NEIVS Class B--1st, Beatrice Hodg- son: ('ass C Special: 1st, Ber- nice Patnn; Class C Special: 1st, John Gourlay bloc. Oil ul 8'l V IS IOiV ('ass A. 12 Years and Under Hand-sewn apron-- 1st, Josie Ley land; 2nd. ibhibel Phillips; 3rd, blay ( ripps. Hand~sewn article-- 1st. ibiabel I'hiflips; 2nd, Barbara )larrison, 3rd, Josie Leyland. Knitted article-- 1st, llelen Clemente; 2nd, Erminie Logan; 3rd, Grace Creelman. Class B. l.'I Io 16 Years Best hami-made article-- 1st, blargaret Roid; 2nd, Maud Lam- bert: 3rd, Dorothy Armstrong. Article in ivcaving--1st. Sad- ie Lectinen: 2nd, Marjorie Mur- ray; 3rd Grace Thompson. White embroider -- 1st, Hel- en Clements; 2nd. bIary Yates; 3rd, Annie Ri&lley. Set hand-made lingerie--1st, ibfargaret Reid; 2nd, Beatrice Short; 3rd, Grace Thompson. Iligh School, 15 to 17 Yenrs Best machine-made article- 1st, ibiargaret Armstrong; Zn&l. Helen Colpitts; 3rd, Olive Chil- ton. BOYS'IVISION I'ublic School Class A Under 15 Years Best piece of woodwork--1st, Billy Bowes: 2nd, Jim Chapman, 3rd, Allan Dickinson. Class B, 15 Years or Over Best piece of woodwork--1st, Fred Brokovski; 2nd, Stan Stronge; Sr&1, Cyril llowarth. High School, 2nd Year Best piece of woodwork--1st, Art Burns; 2nd, Reg Bayne; 3rd Bruce Hamilton. High School, 1st Year Best piece of woodwork--1st, Gordon ibIcVean; 2nd, Robert Ridley; 3rd. Geo. Gray. Best Garden 1st--ibIr. Claude Barrow: neat- ness, 31; arrangement, 31; ori- ginality, 29. Total points, 91. 2nd--Nr. Geo. McDonald: neatness, 30; arrangement, 29; originality, 30. Total points, 89. 3rd--Nr. Alex Smith: neat- ness, 27; arrangement, 27; ori- ginality, 33. Total points, 87. Honorary Mention ibIr. Chilton: neatness, 26; ori- ginality 21; arrangement, 23. Total points, 70. Nr. Frank Ellis: neatness, 27; arrangement, 28; originality, 86. Total points, 86. bIr. Paton: neatness, 26; ar- rangement, 23; originality, 21. Total points, 70. Miss Bolton: neatness, 23; arrangement, 25; originality, 21. Total points, 69. Nr. T. Killin: neatness, 18; arrangement, 21; originality, 20. Total points, 59. bIr. A. E. ibforris: neatness, 21; arrangement, 20; originality 17. Total points, 58. Mr, Burley: neatness 21; ar- rangement, 19; originality, 17. Total points, 57. Mrs. Bacon: neatness, 17; ar- rangement, 19; originality, 17. Total points, 53. Mr. Robert Pyne: neatness 27, arrangement, 28; originality, 21. Total points, 76. Best Utility Garden 1st--Mrs. Babcock: utility, 25; arrangement 27; neatness, 27. Total points, 79. 2nd--Mrs. D. bIcDonald: util- ity, 27; arrangement, 27; neat- ness, 23. Total points, 77. 3rd--Mrs. Robert Pyne: util- ity, 21; arrangement, 28; neat- ness, 27. Total points, 76. Honorary Mention bfrs. G. F. Hodgson: utility, 19; arrangement, 23; neatness, 19. Total points 73. Mr. Paton: utility 20; arrange- ment, 23; neatness, 26. Total points, 69. ATTENTIONt Thrifty Buyers Smith 's Grocery A. HARVEY ShlITH. Prop. DRY GOODS dh SU&iNDRIES GROCERIES. HARDIVARE, Phone you wanes aud we will give quick service 24th AND h(ARINS'v Opp. Duadaeavv Hali. Phoae WEST 469 FLORA L SHOW IS BIG SUCCESS (Continued from Page I) buds-- 1st, iblrs. B. Babcock: 2nd ibIrs. S. Gisby. Class 22--Coflection ramblers, climbers: 1st, Nrs. C. Donohoe; 2nd, ibIiss Laivson. Class 23--Floral emblem, gold en emblem rose: 1st, bIrs. J. Hutchinson. Class 24--Best rose in sho&v: bIrs. C. Donohoe. Sweet I'eas Class 38--Vase white sweet peas: 1st, bIajor Barwis. 1st, Major Bro&vn. Collections Class 40--Collection annuals: 1st, bIrs. IV. A. Adair; 2nd. Class 41--Collection Perenni- als: 1st, ibfiss ibI. B. Almas; 2nd, Mrs. E. Rhodes. Class 42--Collection Rock Plants: 1st, Mr. Alex Smith; 2nd ibfra. Barker. Class 43--Collection native ivild flowers: 1st, Mrs. P. Naster- man; 2nd, AIrs. D. bfcDonald. Class 44a--Collection any other variety: 1st, ibIrs. Hender- son; 2nd, Mrs. G. F. Hodgson. Class 45--Collection Artini- siums: 1st, hfr. J. Hutchinson; AIrs. S. Gisby. Class 46--Collection Campan- ulasi 1st, Mrs. P. Masterman. Class 49--Border Carnations: 1st, Nrs. G. Elgar. Class 50--Collection Iris: 1st, Miss M. B. Almas; 2nd, Nrs. A. H. Albin. Class 51--Collection Lilies: 1st ibfrs. W. A. Adair; 2nd. Class 53--Coflection Paeonies: 1st, Mrs. E. Rhodes; 2nd, Mrs. A. H. Albin. Class 54--Collection Pansies and Violas: 1st, Nrs. G. F. Hodg- son; 2nd, Mrs. Bacon. Class 57--Collection Pinks: 1st bfrs. H. E. Nesbitt; 2nd, Nrs. R. Reid. Class 58--Collection Poppies: 1st, AIrs. hV. A. Adair; 2nd, Mrs. A. H. Albin. Class 59--Collection Pyaeth- ums: 1st, Mrs. H. Selwood; 2nd, Mrs. A. H. Albin. Class 60--Collection,Stocks: 1st, Mr. Ed. Black. Class 61--Collection Delphi- niums: 1st, Nrs. A. H. Albin; 2nd, AIrs. H. Selwood. Decorative Section Class 62--Best bowl of roses: 1st, bfrs. C. Donohoe; 2nd, Mr. Ed. Black. Class 63--Best bouquet sweet peas: 1st, bIrs. C. Grisdale. Class 64--Bouquet of flowers: 1st, Miss M. B. Almas; 2nd, Mrs. S. Gisby. Class 64--Best house plant: 1st, bfrs. H. Selwood. Class 67--Best novelty plant: 1st, bIrs. G. Elgar; 2nd, Mrs. H. Selwood. Children's Section Class CA--Best bouquet flow- ers: 1st, Kathleen Hodgson; 2nd Flora Carnage. Collection wild flowers--1st, Kathleen Hodgson; 2nd, Peggy Barker. Best Bird House 1st, Charley Baldwin, 2nd, Sam Turner; 3rd, IVingate Irish. Best Three Tulips Done in Colors Class A--1st, Robt. Reid; 2nd, Olive Child; 3rd, bfarguerite Ed- wards. Roberts'etter Meats 14th and Marine West 190 Where Service and Quality Count WE DELIVER bIORNING 9:30--East 25th Only 11:30--from Capilano to Caulfeild AFTERNOON 3:30--East 25th Only A SPECIAL FOR EVERY DAY SATURDAY Butter, Glendale Special 3 ibs ............. $ 1.30 Ahvshire Bacon Sliced. Ib 35c Cottage Roll, by the piece, ib 32c Cottage Roll, suesd, lb..... 35c Picnic: Ham, Ib .... 23c Cambridge Sausage.... 2 lbs. 25c Legs Pork, (forssi, psr Ib 19!'zc New Zealand Lamb (foess) psr ib. ~ ............25c Ribs aud Breast, N. Z. Lamb ps e Ib .. .. ............. 25c Loins, New Zealand Lamb, psr ib ....................... 37c Legs, New Zealand Lamb, psr ib ...... ........ 35c Fresh Beef Dripping 3 lbs. 25c LOCAL STRAWBERRIES Lowest hiarket Price Canteioupss, each isc. 20c R 25c Apricots, Ib ........ 20c Wa&ovmoious, Grapes, Dessert Cherries, Hot House Tomatoes Lousy Green Peas, ib ioc Local Nsw Potatoes .... 5 Ibs 25c 31OVDAY Boiisd Ham, Ib .. 49u Fresh Beef Dripping 3 Ibs 25u TUESDAY Pork Steak, ib .... 23c Oranges, sweet 2 dozen 50e WEDNESDAY Cambridge Sausage 2 Ibs 25c Fresh Liver, pur ib . Iuc THURSDAY Fresh Fruiis aad Cooked hfes&s in great vsrie&y for your holi- day. BAKED HA51. BOILED HAhi ROAST PORK. JELLIED TO V&G U E Jellied Corned Beef, Jellied Veal, Veal Loaf, Bologna, Wsiuers, Heinz Sweet aad Mustard Pickles, pe 40e Mrs. IV. L. Berry, 21st and bfarine Drive, entertained some of the members of St. bfark's (Vancouver) choir on Tuesdpy evening. The early part of the evening was spent in games on the lawn. Later the guests en- joyed a musical programme. Ferries Are IVefl I'atronized During the first five months of the year West Vancouver'6 mu- nicipal ferries have earned 35,- 205 more than their operating expenses have amounted to, it was announced at the municipal council Monday. This ia indica- tive of the heavy increased traf- ,'fic on the system this year. Approximately 3,300 passen- gers travelled on the municipal ferries last Sunday. blarriage of slay Garland The marriage of Edith bfay, daughter of Mr. and bfrs. T. Gar- land, Duchess street, to Kenneth Robinson, will take place on Monday, at 8 p.m. in St. Steph- en'a Church. Rev. A. Harding Priest will officiate and the choir will provide the music. '&VEEN YOU BUY GROCERIES AT SMITH'S YOU GET THE MOST FOR YO('R hIONKV IN RFAL qUAI.ITV AND VALUF WK ARF HKt&K FOR PFRSOVAI. sFR. VICE, AND WE STAND BEHIND EVERY TEHNG O'E SELL JL'ST A FEW &&F OL'R I RI('Eq- qUAKER CORN FI.AKRON . Ioe Fmriy June I'vsm 2 caus foe Lie POSTS BRAN FLAKES 2 for 25c Fauey &'oeu. Mslhiu's Bus&, Too Shiv GRAPE Ni t&VS ............. 17v Pium Jsm. 4-lb. &&u ...... Ixc CANiNED I'EAS. large caus. 25v Rsspberr! Jam, 4.ih. &&u .. 59e Canned I'caches, large caus... 25e S&rswlwrry Jam. 4-Ik &ia 69e June 24. 1927 Fit for a King: "BUTTERY" STEAKS'. You'e often heard it said "that steak is as tend&'r as butter." It is a compliment to uro You'l fln&l it so at all times--for ive know meats. Phone Your Order lVest 3 Al I. blEATS Kl"I'T IN REFRIGiERAT(IR JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET PHONE IVEST 3 '&VE 1)EI.IVER Fresh aud Cured Meats, Butter, Fggs, Bacon aud I.sech West Vancouver Lumber Ce. LIMIT E D 15th and bfarine I'hone West 115 RESIDENCE PHONE& WEST 732 Sigh puelity Lumber in Chenpent in the end. Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE Ph0p0 in a Lasting Giftand is arfdjays appreciated The King S(udio Photos Alwnys I'lease Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO 311 Hastings Street West, Vancouver ESTABLISHED 1902 V. V. VINSOiv, I'eop, Phone Ssy. 1016 for nppoin&meu& FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone bvest 55 1472, Marine Drive HOBB COAL & TRANSFER CO. Phone %Vest 17 FOR COAL -- iVOOD -- SAND -- GRAVEI. -- BUILDERS'UPPI,IES MOVING AiVD GEivERAI, TRANSFER P. E. Downey Ii. E. Innes-Ker ....arine ....otors Telephone: West 177 Dealers HUDSON ESSEX 2153 bfarine Drive West Vancouver The Fares have been Reduced For all points to HORSESHOE BAY This picturesque spot ls located on the North Shore l,ine of the PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY There is every convenience foz privs&s or publiu pieuie parties, uusxeslisu faciiiiiss for fishing, boating auu bsthiug, ammse Ideal surroundings. Return Fare from North Vancouver--Adults 50c; Children 25c (Good day of issue ouiyi Hourly Sszvieo on Sundays aud Iiolldsys, leaving North Vancouver si 25 minuess past each hour. Weekly aud monthly passos, good for unumltsd number of rides, are issued at low rains. Communa&ion Tickvis are uow irsosforubis. 10 Ride Tiekses, good for $0 days, anu 60 Bi&is Tickets, UU says from data of issus. For further Iufoemaiiou, apply io Passsugsv Dspseimsui, 634 Gran. ville Street, Vancouver. Telephone, Seymour &1331, or IL G. E. Dspoi, North Vancouver, Telsphous Vor&h 300. 6 I ptf The l™ 0 next 'fuc sear Ih" "Th;„ byk I, mihc Gii I r esiitely The Ptul II IPP 9 )ei sucleus uf i Lime in ihc 'foUound, b« piensure 0 'fhctc 3 the umns™ Beach ccunum The I« pul'chs hf«d ucciius the wl uuch a The de cfcnsc the lis hfhichc'iou, as an phce for P ii &&OUld uce one cuflflcd The Buu un oiher &g pufllsg Ihh Tuesday wi for it, gcl 0 The plcl Stanley Par Gate bridg& The vote w pericuce on ally lax is t people tu I most ever, think, be p Province," this influc It is a pit! be the pui through li harmuuioi the gcud i as we can of our big bridge. are most i couutructi due whull sud curpu aud the oi represent the vote ri have bcu& Vaucuuve belief lha rather th accrue to will come uufc to m people wii welfare 0 «PUBI,IC lpi FAVOBb Ceuncilhii t ici triP to V' Urued yc I"6 tool up PUbiic Nt nurfuciug 6 Drive. Thn'd the&saul cumpletii 'thur m„ umuuut,u„'uvIUctul ( xteuuiuu 1$2$ withch IheRue fur 'uuicip