West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Jun 1927, p. 7

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Resampled001B6D45 June 17, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS Correspondence CLASSIFIED ADS. You Can Save One Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month +t B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY FOR Phone RIDLEY West 456 MAKE CANADIAN MOVIES earn money for you OTION PICTURES are the greatest educational factorM in modern life with the exception of the Home and the Church. Canadian-made motion pictures in Canadian theatres have become a necessity if our boys and girls are to retain their ideals. Now the uiversal language of the world, motion pictures are about to step into the widened market of the educational field while retaining their favoured place in the theatres as welL It means for the industry a world-wide BOOM. At the same time Great Britain has awakened to the necessity of legislating on behalf of film product withui the Empire, requiring British theatres to show an increasing Percentage of British-made films. This "forced market" has created the opportunity for making motion pictures in Can- ada with SUCCESS GUARANTEED. Those who had faith in motion-picture development in the early days have made millions. Inventions have made motion-picture production an exact science. Experience hss established the industry as one of the most profitable in the world and on all sides is the evidence of its SUCCESS. Vancouver has been chosen as a centre for British Em- pire iilm production. We have been entrusted with prelimin- ary organisation on behalf of a ten-million dollars company under Dominion charter, to be known as "Lions'ate Cinema Studios," and we have chosen a site on the North Shore for the erection of a fully.equipped four unit, modern studio. Active work is about to begin. It is an enterprise that represents a wonderful opportun- ity for investment return and this card is YOUR personal opportunity to obtain "ground-floor" position before the books close for further advance subscriptions. FILL OUT THE COUPON. IT PLACES YOU UNDER No OBLIGATION. FIRST NATIONAL CINEbIA STUDIO, SYNDICATE Top Floor, Vancouver Block, Vancouver, B. C. GENTLEMEN:-- You may present your investment proposal to me on the understanding that this request does not obligate me in any way. Name Address ..........„,.„...,... uIVest Van. News" THE GOLF CLUB The Editor 'estVan. News, Dear Sir:--As a member of the Gleneagles Golf and Country Club, I would like to draw the attention of the residents of our Municipality to the splendid pro- gress which has been made to date. The course is almost ready for play and opening games will take place 1st July. This enter- prise is a credit to the Municipal- ity and is resultant from the efforts of a few interested citi- zens who appreciate the attrac- tions and beautiful setting and possibilities of the chosen loca- tion. In writing this letter I am de- sirous of suggesting that for community reasons, the mem- bership representation from West Vancouver should form the dominating influence, which will ensure its permanent establish- ment as a West Vancouver Golf Club for West Vancouver resi- dents. A very attractive feature of the membership condition, is that the family of a member are entitled to all playing and gener- al privileges of the Club. This has been specially provided for in keeping with the policy adopt- ed to encourage a pleasant fam- ily recreational atmosphere. The Directorate will eventual- ly consist principally of West ,Vancouver members, which pol- icy has already been launched by the election of Reeve Vinson Dr. Stainsby and Dr. Rowan as Directors. The entire manage- ment,--by-laws, etc., will be or- ganized and controlled in the us- ual manner by the members. The first meeting at Gleneagles has been called for 4 p. m., Sat- urday, June 25th, at the tempor- ary club house on the property, for general purposes and organ- zing suggestions, to which mem- bers and friends and those inter- ested are cordially invited to be present. Thanking you for the courtesy of inserting this letter. Yours very truly, CHAS. J. ARCHER. TENDERS CALLED FOR NEW WATER MAIN In connection with the propos- ed additions to the water system Engineer Duncan has been in- structed to call for tenders for laying a new water main along Queen's Avenue as an addition to the present Brother's Creek Water System. F. Caulfeild recently wrote to the council drawing their atten- tion to the desirability of re- serving the land adjacent to Cy- press Creek falls for park pur- poses. A by-laiv to this effect passed the council on Monday evening. COMPLAINS OF CHILDREN ON ROADWAYS Editor West Van. News. Dear Sire: Will you kindly publish the following: On two occasions last week while driving my car past the school on 24th Street I noted a state of affairs which surely calls for attention. Children upon leaving the school are per- mitted to crowd and play on the highway, in one instance join- ing hands across the right-of- way trying to stop the car, and though I was travelling at but five miles an hour with the car under control one child narrow- ly escaped injury. As a lately retired Stipendiary Magistrate, I am informed upon details of, the Motor Vehicles Act, its rules, regulations, fines and penalties, and the serious difficulty which drivers of cars always find in such as the above circumstances, in producing in court the necessary facts and evidence, which, if an accident occurs, are required by the court so as to avoid serious punish- ment to the car owner. I would suggest that trustees of all schools be informed as to the responsibility involved and the legal side of this matter be laid before all school teachers; for there is no excuse for permit- ting school children to crowd or play upon the vehicular right of way when an excellent sidewalk has been provided. I need only add that car own- er acquaintances of mine assure me that what I noted on these two occasions is a common oc- curance. It needs but a slight blow to kill a chil'd. On the other hand action for heavy damages can be brought by car owners if, through no fault of theirs, they have to take to the ditch wrecking their car or receiving personal injury. This is written in defence of the majority of car owners, (he careful drivers, as well as to pro- tect our school children. I hope to see action taken at once, publicity being the surest way to obtain it. Yours truly, G. E. BAYFIELD, M.D. TENDERS FOR MEMORIAL PARK GRADING OPENED Four tenders were opened by the council for the grading of Memorial Park. The tenders were: P. A. Andrews, $2,500; J. D. Allen and J. H. Reid, $2,785; E. E. Leat~, $2,160; V. Pringle and Son, $2,475. Action was de- ferred until a steam shovel is a- vailable in West Vancouver. The offer of the Royal Finan- cial Corporation to buy a West Vancouver $500 5ticz bond due 1955 at 105.93 to yield 5.10 has been accepted by the council. Prohibition Convention and Rally AMBLESIDE HALL, MONDAY, JUNE 20th at 8p.m. Chairman - - W. R. HAMILTON Devotional Exercises - REV. A. HARDING PRIEST Special Speaker - DR. HUGH DOBSON an expert on this subject Music GUTTA PERCHA TIRES .... $8.95 .... 10.00 1.85 o 'WINSEVEN CORDS,...................................PARAGON CORDS ............................................. TWIN SEVEN TUBES ..............-..---------- SUPERIOR TUBES ....,.„, ....,............................................... - JS These Tires and Tubes all carry the usual 90 day Guarantee. WEST VAN GARAGE West 130 DRESSbIAKLIG--Mrs. Robbins, 29th and Mothers. Phone West 437R3. NEW AND SECOND HAND Furni- ture bought, sold, snd exchanged. Fred Tite, Kevill's Old Stand, Am- bleside. FOR SAL~urney Oxford Range six hole, in good condition. Also open heater. Phone West 123Y. 1-17-6 FOUND--Gold Evershsrp Pencil in Ambleside District. Phone West 642I 1-17-6 FOR SALE--Perfection Coal Oil Stove with oven; almost new. Apply Camp 43, East of Ambleside. 1-17-6 GARDENING,Landscape and General Lawns and Rockeries my specialty. Gardens kept in shape. H. A. biillan West 311RI. 1-17-6 NEW FIVE ROObi BUNGALOW, For Sale; fully modern, hardwood floors and built in features. Special price for quick sale Phone Ivest 143 1-17-6 FOR SALE--Good Range; also Vic tor Gramaphone. Reasonable. Phone West 12-1. 1-17-6 FRObf JULY 1st, permanent tenants only, bungalow at 19th and biarine Drive, full particulars. Apply Sey. 4430. FOR SAL~ix hole kitchen range; good condition. Bargain. Phone West 1971 1-17-6 FOR SALE--Cabinet Sonora Grama- phone in first class condition; 90 double records. Phone West 110. 1-17-6 bIOTOR CYCLE (Harley Davidson) for sale cheap; good condition; Terms to suitable party. Apply Stratton's Bakery. 1-17-6 LANDSCAPE GARDENLVG--Gard- ens planned and kept; new work a specialty. Distance no object. Bur- rill, North 995Y2. 4-IL7 FOR SALE--Nanny Goat; 6 months old. Phone West 134L. 1-17-6 '-ROObi BUNGALOIV -- Plastereik Large living room, 3275 cash; will give possession; close to Marine. Snap. Enquire for particulars. West Van. Investment Co., Phone West 102. LANDSCAPE GARDENING, Clearing Cement work and rocl'alls built. T. Barnott, phone West 672R. ALTAbIONT SPECIAL--102 feet on Marine Drive by 147 ft. depth, Rear- ed and in beautiful garden; 5-room cottage and. garage. Unusual buy at 32650.00. 4.75 ACRES all deared on hard sur- faced road; cheapest cleared Acre- age in this district at 55000.00, on very easy terms. 3300.00 CASH, balance terms, 4-room Cottage, 2 blocks from ferry, full price only 31600.00. Listings Wanted GEO. HAY Phone West 21. 14th Ik 31arine Drive 315 Cordova St., W. Sey. 1260. W. Hay, Evenings, West 137X. EXTRA GOOD 60 foot lot on blarine Drive (iVorth Side). Business or residentiaL Very goad value at 5750 on terms. SAVOltY It DUVAL 1429 Marine Drive. West 340 BUILDING LOTS--Hollyburu Gard- ens, one block west of ferry, only four left. Attractive prices, good terms. Rich garden soil CObIFORTABLE HObIE--Large Lot, neat garden, laum, flowers, fruit trees. Sun room, verandah, sewing room with oak and tile fireplace, kitchen, pantry, two bedrooms, full plumbing, stairway to attic, 33000, or nearest offer, on terms to suit purchaser. SPECULATIVE INVESTblEVT Ten acres of good land close to Cine- ma Studio property. Price for ten days, 31650. Third cash. WATERFRONT LOTS--Attractively situated at prices from 51650. R. P. CLARK a CO., LTD. 323 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7433, 7434 Local Repreeentauve C. J. ARCHER. West 651L SEE US FOR SNAPS in lteal Estate for quick action on loans or dis- counting Agreements for Sale. Long experience gives us a knowledge of the Insurance busiiIess equal to that of any City Office. At your service for anything in the brokerage line. BYRE ELL a Jl A Y at the Ferry Landing Phone West 113