West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Jun 1927, p. 6

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Resampled001B6D45 60c pepeoden& Tooth paste.. 59e 60c Squibb'a Dental Cream .. esc 6ec Pond'a Cold aod 'Vanishing Cream .......... dsc Sec Bayoe'a Aapcrin .. &Sc 60e Gin Pills......,..... &1c 60c Baby's Strong Rubber Pants 9 pairs for..=..... 65c 65c Peroxide ................ 19c Ssc Mecca Ointment... SSc dec Cao&oria .. „.„... Ssc sec Cbaoe'a Ointment . Sec Gec Caiifornia S&~p of Figs.. 55c Batting Caps.......2ie &o 51.99 Sun Viooco ...15e &o 6ec FREE--Buy a tube of Palmolive Shaving Cream, 36c, and get a 25c tin of Palmolive Aftershave Talcum FREE Lesage Drug Store hforfh Side Marine, near 24th We deliver anywhere. No Order is too small West 32,3 We give trade discount receipts. They save you 5c on the $ 1.00 SPECIAL SUMMER OFFER Assg „- MQFFAT L~~) 'SS 7%-- rsaBE During this opec&a& o&fee ~o are giving ~way a &ao - piece cooker aod eoaaicr ooe oe a &boca-peace oaao cooker oae. Melee yoor decision ooo ~lid tahe roof choke of prem&orna OVERING cost of installation,C this small payment puts a ~oSa& in your home ready &o use. The balance is spread over a period of 18 months. Ranges vary in price from $89.75 up. Tate this opportunity now of en- joying the constant, regular heat of the electric range. It is coo~can ~nvcnient -- and saves many steps for you at a cost of less &han $1.00 a month pcr person. SOLD AT ALL OUR STORES lbsriss Cof mmrg E&scfs&cBd&ua&rCa pHONmk aaxaaiac aao e&e waaoa&aaeat'loe ckuuv ace loe Neo&a oaacaaaaeac West Vaaaoaaae lee Abbe&a&are&a I 1 i i. +i +( 1 i «-4g'l, 1 I I i I ( I I I I I 1 I ( 1 I 1 1 IN THIS C;I IMATE YVhere nature does her best, only FRASER VALLEY MILK is necessary to complete the task of comfortable health-- that is why there is a Cresmo wagon on every street every morning. 9 Quarts for $1.00 Phone North 122 Lesagehasit When you have a prescription filled here you can rest as- sured that the ingredients and compounding are just as they should be. Your doctor knows that we fill prescriptions with absolute accuracy. You will find that our prices are right. Friday and Saturday Specials THE bb EST 1 AN ioEWS June 17. 1927. G U I Vi A &V DA iV C E its (I I V E RECITAI NEXT TUESDAY Next Tuesday in the Holly. burn Theatre the Frances Guin- an dancers will stage their sev- enth annual recital. The enter- tainment will begin at 8.16 p. m. "The Happy Prince" sml several other divert isements will provide a very attractive programme fur the evening. Miss Guinan's ability both as s teacher ami an artist is gener- ally recognised throughout this province. Just n few weeks ago she filled a special engagement at the Strand Theatre, Vancou- ver, an&i it is but recently that she returned from an extended trip to New York, where she was connected with the Greenwich I'olliem From New York she brought many new ideas an&I these new feature dances will be given as part of the evening's entertain- ment. Her pupils have ma&le splendid advancement in their studies, and this part of the recital- childrcn's dancing--can be re- lied upon to prove very interest- ing to the au&lienee. Special scenery and dresses are being provided for the occasion. PERSONALS Grigor's Dry Goods Store is continuing the Clearance Sale of the stock taken over from Mrs. Salter. Good bargains sre of- fered. When this stock is sol&l it is the intention of ihlrs. Grigor to put in a supply of new and up-to-date merchandise. ~ ~ ~ The nttracove window dis- plays put in by the Hollyburn General Store has caused much favorable comment. This week a new base for the window wns built by J. Eddington, which makes the show window stis more adaptable for display pur- poses. ~ ~ ' The hIisses and ihir. Ilalliday of Sausalito, Cal., were guests of Mr. and AIrs. Stronge, 14th and Marine, over the week end. The visitors are en route to Belfast, Ireland, and will not return home until September. ~ ~ a hire. hf. Cunningham, hlarine and 29th, left yesterday morning for Oakland, California, to visit her parents. ~ ~ ~ Three or four grilse were caught off Dundarave Pier on Sunday. The grilse are usually the forerunners of the summer salmon run. Although no sal- mon have so far been caught, they have been seen jumping out of the waters off the shores of bVest Vancouver. a ~ Mrs. J. G. Roberts of Edmon- ton, with her son Jack, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. P. A. Mc- Bain, 29th and Waterfront, for the summer. Nrs. A. M. O'Donnell is leav- ing at the beginning of the week for Sherbrooke, Quebec, where she will visit her sister. a ~ The new front of the West Van Garage on Marine Drive at Am- bleside, has now been finished and presents a very natty ap- pearance. ~ o A memorial and decoration day service will be held next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'lock at the Soldiers'lot in the North Van- couver cemetery, Captain Oates Chapter, .IO.D.E., and the Army and Navy Veterans being re- sponsible for the arrangements. M&nisterg eot the various church- es will conduct the service. hir. and ihirs. Krim and Mrs. Fisher of Ladner, were guests this week of hir. aml Nrs. J. N. Leggatt, 2feth and Gladstone. ~ ~ ~ ihirs. R. E. Floy nnd small daughter Grace hiary of Seattle, are visiting ihir. and Nrs. J. N. Leggatt, 26th an&i Gladstone. ~ ~ Mrs. McDoacell, 23rd and Belle- vue, gave a travelling she&ver on Wednesday afternoon to ihlrs. A. N. O'Donnell, who is leaving shortly for a visit to her sister in Sherbrooke. ~ ~ ~ The Misses London of Van- couver, are occupying one of the cabins at "the Clachan." ~ o ~ Nrs. Gerrie of the Gresham Rooms, Vancouver, is moving shortly into her new house at 19th and Marine Drive. o o ~ Nrs. St. John nnd family have moved into her new home on the Esplanade between 11th and 12th Streets. ~ ' Mr. and iNrs. A. S. IVyllie, former residents of Vancouver, have taken one of the upper suites at Appleton Court. ~ a o The lectures given by Rev. Pascoe Goard to night and to- morrow will be broadcasted from station C.F.C.D. tonight from 8.30 to 9.30 p.m., the subject will be "The Divine Chronology of History," and tomorrow from 8.30 to 10.30 p.m., "Coming of Armageddon -- What? IVhen? Where? A receiving set with a loud speaker has been installed in the United Church which will be open to those wishing to hear the lectures. With the advent of summer weather, bathing has become quite popular in IVest Vancouver and s number of bathers have been using the piers at Holly- burn and Dundarave. The tank at Dundarave pier has proved it- self to be quite an attraction. It was crowded on Sunday after- 'oon with those who came to watch the bathers, and 25th St. from Marine Drive to Dundar- ave Pier was lined with their autos. MUSIC EXAM. AT WEST VANCOUVER The Associated Board of the Royal Academy aml Royal Col- lege of Music, Lomlon, England, will hold the examination for West Vancouver students at Pauline Johnson School at 9 o'lock on Saturday next, 18th inst. IV. H. Harris, hI.A„Mus. Doc. (Oxon.), F. R. C. O., will be the examiner. HEAVY TRAFFIC LAST SUNDAY 19,818 persons, 6,416 automo- biles, and 199 vehicles of other types crossed the Second Nar- rows bridge last Sunday. IVhilst this was not a record day, it shows the remarkable attraction theNorthShoreholds for theclty people. It is surmised that 70 per cent of the autos with their loads of passengers came right through West Vancouver, the Horseshoe Bay district, the ter- minus of the road, being particu- larly well patronised. In addi- tion to this traffic, heavy loads were carried by the Pacific Stag- es, North and bVest Vsn. Stages, P. G. E. Railway and the munici- pal ferries. All told it is esti- mated that approximately 10,000 people visited bVest Vancouver last Sunday. KITCHEN SHOWER TO hIISS hIAY GARLAND Miss Eddie Archer and Miss Alma Partington were hostesses at a charmingly arranged kitch- en shower in honor of hIiss May Garland on,Tuesday, June 14th, at the latter's home. The room was beautifully dec- orated with a profusion of mass- ed pink and white blossoms and streamers in the same colors rad- iating from a huge white wed- ding bell. Little Miss Betty Blair pre- sented the daintily wrapped gifts to the guest of honor who was seated under a shower of'ink and white streamers falling from an inverte ~sunshade. The tea table was centred with a French vase of pink roses and was presided over by Mrs. Wal- ter Partington and hire. C. J. Archer, while Miss L. Parting- ton, Misshf. Partington and Miss Ruth Blair acted as serviteurs. Those invited were hirs. Gar- land, Mrs. Bill Grout, Miss May Garland, Misses Betty and Ruth Blair, Misses Lois and Margaret Partington, ihIiss Dorothy Part- ington, Miss Edith Yates, Miss Ida Speck, Miss Edna Thomas, Miss Evelyn Johnson, Miss Ethel Millard, Mise Kathleen bVen- moth, Miss Phyllis Device, hfiss hfargaret Nyland, Miss Florence Achurch, Miss Berths Robinson, From Vancouver were hfiss Mar- garet Wightman, Miss Irene Tuf- fy, Miss Jean hiiller and Miss Evelyn Blaine. OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO Al.1"I.I 0!I!t I 'S The new pump we have just installed is specially to meet the demands of users of Northern Light Gasoline The Quality of Northern Light is recognised by all who use it. THIS IS A NORTH SHORE PRODUCT The manufacturers guarantee and can prove that no better Gasoline is offered for sale in British Columbia. SUI'I'ORT HOME INDUSTRY "Northern Light" is made in North Vancouver. Buy Northern Light Gasoline and Norlite Motor Oil from West Van Garage Phone West 130Ambleside NORLITE MOTOR OIL will reduce your lubrication cost. Manufactured by a protected patented process. ? 192'~ Jose gpll g, G. " p PI&as& MA MC M" the Chi &beaus &o re&el No are abo Said oi oeB. 1 A& ace&eel &he Ea Perceai ceca&ed eda oi Yh &be eai so&ice ee&abih co&id I Ya Pire Ab ~ty on cade& 1 8&a«la &he eo A&sea 8 ib foe 'yea&&i boo4, FILL yiB GENY ~Y Ne~ Addio