West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Jun 1927, p. 4

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Resampled001B6D45 HollybIIrn Theatre June )7 sad 18 -- Friday and Saturday: "I'ad)ooked" June 20--Monday& 'The Amateur Gentleman" Jane 22--Wednesday: "The New Klondyke" New classes now beiag formed J. I~I. Morgan WEST VANCO()TER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones West 173 Seymour 3058o Mrs. Clara Wilson wishes to announce that The Annual PIANO RECITAL given by hcr pupils mill be held in the DUNDARAVE HALL Thursday, June 23rd, 1927 at 8.15 p.m. ASS)ST)EG ARTIST hir. Aubrey A. Clarke Adults 50c Children 25« Play a Game of BILLIARDS ~t CHET SHIELDS 1(TB STREEr right at Rsi)wsy Crossing TOBACCO, CONF ECr)DEER Y EMPIRE SHOE STORE (5)arias Drive next door to Seed's Grocery ) Oar business connections enable os &o offer STYLE AND QUALITY at absolutely the Lowest Prices. TAG DAY The Duncan Lawson Chapter. I.O.D.E., has been granted per- mission to hold a Tag Day on Saturday, June 25th, proceeds to be used for beautifying of grounds around the Memorial Arch under supervision of Mr. John Pinder-Moss, landscape architect, according to plans ap- proved by Municipal Council. SCOTTISH SOCIETY hiembers and friends please remember the &vhist drive and social evening at the home of ihirs. ihicVean, 24th and Haywood on Thursday, 23rd June. hIusic- al numbers and good prizes. A co)lection will be taken, all of &vhich will go to purchase gold medals for the Dundarave Re- gatta. I.IBERAL DANCE TONIGHT A Flannel Dance will be held at the Ambleside Hall tonight under the auspices of the West Vancouver Liberal Association. As this is expected to be the last dance of the season it is antici- pated that 0 large crowd will be in attendance. Good music &vill be provided and refreshments will be supplied. Tickets may be obtained at the door. Danc- ing 9 to 12. BRITISH ISRAEL ASSOCIATION OF WEST VANCOUVER The anniversary meeting of the association, which was to have been held on Thursday, 23rd June, has been deferred un- til IVednesday, 6th July,at 8 p. m. in the United Church. This change of date has been render- ed necessary on account of the series of B.-I. evangel meetings, ivhich are to be held at 8 p.m. on 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th of June in the IVes)ey Church, Van- couver. Both Professor Odium and Rev. W. Pascoe Goard, F.R. C.I., will give an address at each meeting giving a general re- statement of the B.-I. position. Tonight and Saturday evening the lectures of Rev. W. Pascoe Goard in Vancouver will be broadcasted. CYPRESS CREEK FALLS AREA TO BE RESERVED A letter has been received by the council from Nr. Caulfeild, who is in England, asking wheth- er they had ever considered the possibilities of that portion of D. L. 886 adjoining Cypress Creek Falls for public park pur- poses. The council have com- municated with Mr. Caulfeild ad- vising him that this property will be by by-law 'declared a public park. THE IVEST VAN &NEWS 1 J.'re s o &~ A f. s I Groceries June )7, )907 hire ihiacdonald E)ya)um Iio. tel, Vancouver, has moved into the Rob)in house at 28th and Marine Drive for the summer. ~ ~ ~ Nr. and hirs. Albert Downey and family of Wh)te Rock visit- ed hir. Downey's brothers, Hnr- vey, 23rd and Fulton, an&I Percy of the Marine hiiotors, over Sun- day. ~ ~ ~ The Silver Cup won by the IVest Vancouver Agricultural and Horticultural Association at the .recent Tulip Show heir) in Vancouver is now on ilisplay in the ivindow of the Little Shop, after hnving been sho&vn in the windoivs of the IVest Vancouver Jewellers and the Ambleside Tea Rooms. ~ ~ Mrs. IV)))iam F. Cochrane of Vancouver, has been at Caulfeild for several days the guest of ihfrs. Henshaw. s ~ ~ ihIiss Louise Scott has anived from Los Angeles and is the guest of Nrs. Anderson at her summer home at Caulfeikl. s ihIrs. A. B. Fleming of the city &vho has been spending the past six &veeks at her former home in Brandon, and visiting friends in IVinnipeg, returned Saturday and will be the guest of hlr. and Nrs. Laurence hi. Hnnbury, in Vancouver, prior to going to her summer cottage at Dundarave. ~ ~ s Harry Blake of Prince Rupert was visiting West Vancouver friends over the &veek end. Mr. Blake was on his &vay home from Penticton, where he has been at- tending 0 convention of the Knights of Pythias. He thought West Vancouver the best and prettiest of the many places he had seen during his trip. s ~ ~ Colonel Tristram is having a house built, for himself at Gar- row Bay. a ~ Mrs. H. Symons of Kelowna, is visiting Mr. and Nrs. J. hI. Strat- ton, Marine Drive. ~ s Dr. Bayfield has purchased a new Chevrolet coach from H. C. Osborne. e The Lloyd block on the Marine Drive at Dundarave has been painted. W. Thompson is building a new house at 20th and Esqui- malt. J. H. I'atterson of the IVest Van. Electric, has hail a plat- form built in front of his store on hiarine Drive at Ambleside. ~ ~ ~ J. J. Dutton, Belevue and 22nd, has returned home after a three weeks'rip to Toronto and east- ern points. ~ ~ ~ Charles Milne of Swift Cur- rent,who was visiting Free) Tits over Christmas, Is expected back in West Vnncouver shortly to tnke up permanent residence. s ~ ~ George Shepherd is. building a house nt 16th aml Esquimalt. ~ ~ ~ The ditch in front of J. S.Yates'ew stores has been cleaned out and 0 drain put in to carry off the surplus water. The road has been graded up to thc sidewalk, and the side- walk extended to the the front of the oi'fice of the West Van- couver Lumber Co. ~ ~ s John Pinder-Moss and Pringle & Son have moved into their new office situated in the most easterly store of the new Yates Block on hIarine Drive at Am- bleside. o ~ ~ Nr. an&I ihfiss Macdonald have tnken a house at 14th an&I Wat- erfront. ~ s ~ L.O.L. No. 2990 will hold their next regular meeting on Tues- day at 8 p. m. in Dundarave Hall. Nr. and Nrs. Matthews and family of New Westminster, moved on Thursday to a flat above Hall's Grocery at 26th and Bellevue. ~ s hIrs. H. G. Foran, 28th and Waterfront, has returned home with her new baby girl from the Vancouver General Hospital. Mr. Foran is also just out of hospital following his serious accident. s ~ Nr. and Mrs. Dean, 17th and Duchess, are away on a vacation. e ~ s A. C. Freeman of Barons, Al- berta, was a visitor in West Van- houver on Sunday. The Council at their meeting on Saturday passed a by-law de- claring mile 1 of Marine Drive a secondary highway. ~ s hfrs. T. Cutler and family, 23rd and Marine Drive, are staying at Buccaneer Bay for a couple of weeks. I'I.EiNTY IIERE nt R[(".I)T I'RI('ES Our selections n( F&xxl Stufh are complete in every &letnil. The Best nt the I ow- est i'riess. Our rolialiility will give you sat is(notion, Phone %Vest 16 Creenwood's GROCERY IVe deliver Bobette Beauty Parlor Amhicsids Bioch, 1 &eh & ala&iso i&)arcs) aod Curl .......... ?zc Shampoo ........................... 50c Shampoo (flot Oii) .. 51.00 5)as)coco........................ nsc Faciais .................... 51.00 flaircut saic Haircut (Children un&ice 12) 2.&c 1'1108E &TEST 552 FOR Al')'&!(ST!BERT floo&'s 10 a. m. &o 0 p. m. unless by special appoin&mc»&. West Vancouver Board of Trade The Regular Meeting will be hel&l in the GAV.V.A. Rooms Ferry Building On MONDAY Next June 20th, at 8 p, m. "So this baby is a girl?" beamed the rector, as he walked round the baby show. The proud father assented. "And this other one--it is of the contrary sex?" His wife's eye was on him, but with no thought of the wrath to come, he replied blithely, "Yes, she's a g!rl, too." FRANCES G-UINA N DA NCERS 8 ),)(Fnh'int!on 0 pmsen d on )d waa, For)un )F, ht at tl'ona)inlg h j))acFather " hnthon. ed o(85 mn(le t I Button 8 cohen pc h Father; ma&le by( the pr~a)~toro'yrst , r,also,puce Father ar y Mncdonn the 1 an )d)n " A'hanke purse t mgyeta .i hia sion of ed by the XG) EBS', 8. ('X')',0 Co'70Ml)0 (T 6 8 C Ang)e )c)d 0 „day at tipn on tition» 'Ihe cpm& &yvb unde" 1 Jphnson the suP prcskic".' Ji&n vice P0 residen . 50 mcmbo lowing . )phatmo being pnze, E.' l on&) P F lbs.i,third Prize, i ppwe)), 12) kd)cs'pec&a) Prh «loll 3!," Ibs, The fish ca g r bass and one fa 0&'ntil further ni the )pest Vancouv& discontinuing t) monthly meetings ~ ~ An auto colliaioi )Yednesday momin Crisford, whp w& 'cstonEsquima)ti kt, and J. )pallor, in his Ford truck oi ed together at t&e section Both cars &tatcd mto the Chtch side oi Esquimalt, ately neither drivi The Che&TO)et had &ler, front and apri a (cont and rear wl Both rear wheels were smashed and running board ba The Manne Motor of the wreck and to to their garage, w being repaired. LADIES HAI1 esd SHLYG),igi 50)hynt&22 8, 11 yes&& euss h LUMBER SPECIALS OF HIGH QUALITY These Specials are all of good grade and we guarantee satisfaction. Come in and look them over. SASH, DOORS AND FRAMES Ambleside Lumber Co. Phone West 199 16th and Marine 6" Cedar Beveled Siding, clear........................................ $ 12.00 2x6, 8, 10, 12 Com. sized .................................. 16.00 6" Cedar Shiplap ...................... 12.00 4x4 and 5x5 Cedar Posts .................................... 24.00 Ix4 Short Flooring and V Joint ....;........................... 20.00 Presenting the The Happy Prince and 1G Divertisements at HOLLYBURP( THEATRE on Tuesday, June 21st at 8.15 p.m. Admission 50c Children 25c 5 oie ca)llI'h ap wi! coogd they a&e tbe loni co thai &b "nti&i i with &h . ir own