West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Jun 1927, p. 2

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Resampled001B6D45 the Iborth vancouver Central Conser&«tive Association, «hich was held on Friday in the Lons- dale Pavilion at 8. p. m. The fol- lowing delegates were present from the )Vest Vancouver Cnn- servu&t(ve Association: V. V. Vin- son, IV. R. Hamilton, J. S. Flan- agan, Miss Almas, Mrs. A. E. Young. IV. TV. Hawtin, H. Eager, J. G. Farmer. F. F. Lovegrove. Following the reading and a- doption of the new constitution, the election of officers took place the secretaries of the associa- tions present acting as scrut- ineers. J. B. Paine was ~lect- ed chairman, the other officers elected being Jack Loutet, 1st Vice President; V, V. Vinson, 2nd Vice President; A. G. 51c- Feat, Secretary; Harold Lees, Treasurer, also the following representatives: City of North Vancouver, R. F. MciVaghten, R. Lawrence, D. Loughnan, ihirs. Hunter; )Vest Vancouver--W. R. Hamilton. J. S. Flanagan; Lynn Valley--T. C. Crawley. J. G. Farmer and E. N. Copping were appointed auditors. At the conclusion of the con- vention a telegram was sent to the new Conservative 5I.P.P. for the Okanagan, congratulating him on his success. AN ENGLISH HU51ORIST The death of Jerome K. Jer- ome is not likely to call for much notice in this country. He was here in the beginning of 1900, when he gave readings from his works; but neither in Vancouver nor in Victoria did he appear to make a hit. There was nothing striking about his appearance; and his voice had no unusual quality, such as might have help- ed him to success on the plat- form. The one book for which he will be remembered is his "Three Men in a Boat." It is beginning to be forgotten in the fiction de- partments of our big stores, for a recent inquiry for the book was referred by a salesgirl to the toy department upstairs. But the book deserves to live. No doubt the humour is 0 little thin at times: but it is genuine. The outlook too is broadly human. The scene of the story is the Thames; and the quiet charm of the country through which the river pursues its leisured course to the great city is reflected in Jerome's pages. Other «T(ters have made more of the descrip- tion of a river excursion than he; but the fact remains that the more thoroughly a reader knows that beautiful English river, the better he appreciates Jerome's book --P. ANiu IVERSAR Y lb I I.ET I iV G &Vin be held 'll ED. & ES D A Y. 6& h J 1'LI at 8 p. m. in &he United Church. Change ol date swing to r&wugsi meetings to be held in Vsncourrr by Professor Odium suit Rsv. Xv. P. Gosivt 22.'23 June I UPILS OF 51RS. CLARA WII qON TO GIVE I'I AVID RECITAl. The pupils of Mrs. Clara 1VII- son will give their annual piano recital in Dundarave Hall next Thursday. Mrs. IVilson, who studied under J. D. A. Tripp, is rated as one of the most efficient pianoforte teachers in this part nf the world, her pupils at all competitions and examinations being invariably placed high on the list. This year she will be assisted by Aubrey A. Clarke, baritone, and the following pup- ils will take part in the program: iSIargaret Gillett, Jean Hill, Mar- garet Saunders, Ralph Bur- bridge, Peggy Hardman, Alee Baxter, Madeleine Ecclestone, Barbara Alhvork, Alan Vaughan, James Baxter, Ruth Blair, Mar- jorie Hill, 51r. A. A. Clarke, Olive Chilton, Josie Leyland, Sue Proc- tor, Joyce Herrin, Hilda Wilson, Kitty IVilson. 5IUSICAL SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Vgest Vancouver Musical Society will take place at Hollyburn School on Monday, June 20th, at 8 p. m., for election of officers for the coming year. All mem- bers are particularly requested to be present and any wishing to join for the coming season will be welcomed. There will also be a practise for the Jubilee Celebration, 2nd and 3rd July, when the society is expected to be out in full to assist with the ser&qces. Mrs. Robins Cripps and Mrs. hiary Grisedale have been grant- ed permission by the Council to open a refreshment stand at Am- bleside Park on 1st and 2nd July. Beautiful Cypress Fork Call at "THE &NN- for Tcs Opposnc the creek Stages pass the door. Cut'R& H Enip&CE 20&h ssd Esquimsi&, Hoiiybugu Sunday Sorvics s& 11.80 s. m. Subject June 19th "ls the Universe. Including hlan, Evolved by Atomic Fnr& ey" Sunday School st 10.00 ~ . m. Testimony hicotiug every Wsi- ucs&isy at 8.16 p. m. United Church Professnr Odium will speak nt both services next Sunday. In the morning his subject will be: "The Specific Personal Call to all Penple of All Races and Na- tions." In the evening "The True Basis of the iVational Call to Ser- vice. St. Stephen's Church You Wish to Paint IVhether it be the inside of the house, nr the outside, the auto or the furniture, the floor or the walls, we have a special paint for the purpose. MARTIN-SENOUR'S 100~v PURE I'AINT and VARNISHES Trinity I (June 19th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 11.15 a. m.--Children's Flow- er Service. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. There will be no Sunday School this week and in place of it there w(II be held the sec- ond annual Children's Flower Service at 11.16 a.m., to which all children are asked to bring offerings of flowers, which after the service will be distributed to the sick and to the hospital and laid on the War hiemorial. A lawn social will be held at Mrs. W. L. Berry's home, 21st and Marine, on Saturday after- noon, June 25th, from 3 to 6 o'lock under the auspices of the Junior Auxiliary. The juvenile baseball team ended their season )Vednesday night with a victory over First Church United, the score being 31-10. The battery for St. Step- hen's was Faulkner and Ward. Miss Frances Nickawa, the talented Indian reader and elo- cutionist, whose work on the conce&0 stage has brought her Dominion-wide fame will be heard in 3 recital at Hollyburn Theatre Tuesday evening, June 28th. The choir have been en- deavoring to secure Miss Nick- awa for some months and this is the first date tTiat has been a- vailable from this gifted artist. Christ Church A. Y. P. A. ten- nis team defeated St. Stephen's team in a league match at the Chapman'8 court )Vednesday night. Mrs. )Valter Cliff, who is here on a visit from her home in ¹mpkish, has presented to the church 8 beautifully worked fair linen cloth with credence cloth to match. WEST VAN RESTAURANT Established over 6&/3 Years C. J. OVERINGTON lith amd Marine BARBER For the convenience of the ladies o! the District I hsvs hsd the telephone installed PHONE WEST 136 sud make an appointment. Try the Burrard Laundry If you'e ever had trouble with your laundry work or feel sick and tired of washing at home, try the "Burrard." They'l do up everything beautifully and the very modest charges will act- ually surprise you. Ring up and enquire about our "Services." The Burr3rd Laundry Li maud For Proplr RVIs Arr Pariirstw I8120 STREET md 57. DAV&DS North Vancouver Phone North 1810. H. H. Ballard CHOICE CAKES Are baked fresh dsny In our ss tsbiishmcut. Why bother with home baking &his woo&her, whou you can goi such dslicious cakes here fresh every usy. Drop In this afternoon snit scs our dis- play. A trial of snyihiug we make will convince you of its quality.'UR In&BAD Is baked fresh daily snd msy be hsd sg oup shop or delivered at your home. Phone 'ivcst 27 sud oup delivery msu will csiL STRATTON'S BAKERY Ambieslde Tea Rooms Furry Hhurt WEST VANCOUVER Camp sud Picuic Suppiiss, Tobsccos, stc, H. PERRiN, R o OPTomzTRIST AND DPT&c&AN Wcducsdsys from 2 p. m. Evenings from 7 p. m. Revel ea b Bldg. Pbrs~ Wrr& dSSR Night Auto Service For the couvcuicucs of the public this Garage will be OPEN EVERY NIGHT until 9 o'lock TOWING -- AUTO REPAIRS BATTERIES RECHARGED West Vau Auto Service (Kcu Robiusou) Marine Dgirs at 23&h Phouc West 444 Buy it from Hollyburn General Store (Hooper and Son) 17th and Marine WE DELIVER I'hone )Vest 46 Groceries - Hardware Paints aud Fainting Supplies Bird BPO 8 Bt )(0. iu tt lyslki"g g I h bout ut high ust 8 Dmfogt sitting h'her 1 if there, f&5) Cour «g uite sppf that the ch qu old ms t. iu the 0&m si The nest twigs sud H", fiucr fib+"ig I weil couce the cldcrhe& 'uilt tie& I wss psrt this Desi since crsl yesm uiu mi us hy hui The last uesti 5 fmgili A 8EVALS r Pguggz &st CANI CI'gtitI "'" Beni Bs(g Trim, pl r P8038 445L Sand Fergu Trucks leave Trucks leave Grigor'8 Dry Goods Store 1460 Marine Drive wes&/su Props'ge We have still quite a large amount of ihIrs. Salter'8 Stock to dispose of and we hope the Public will respond as heartily in the coming week as they did in the past one. "HERE'S A CHANf'E TO SAVE YOU 5IOVEY" Cotton Crepe, 30" wide, isrgs rsricty of colors....., only 17c yard Our Stock of Giughsms. 33" wide, to clear at.............. 26c yard UNBLEACHED COTTON, 83 WiDE, NICE EVEN WEAVE only 17c yd 64crccriscd Embroidery Threads,,,,......,„„,............ 3c skein Rope Silk iLsrgs assortment of colors)........... 3c skciu ALL STAkiPED GOODS FOR EhiBROIDERY AT A BIG DISCOUNT All broken lines of Tennis Shoes must be sold htcu's, Women's snd Boys'su or white, crepe soles, sizes 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, to clear, ................................ pcr psir 51.00 Children's &su or white. crepe soles, sizes 6, 6, 7, 716, 8, 10, 12, 1813W...........................,......................... ouiy 75c pair All Toys and Novelties at Greatly Reduced Prices Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each )Vednesday at 7.30 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction 7 30 p m Week Days--Mass 8 a. m. R. C. I'ROCTOR ILL R. C. Proctor, Altamont, is 8 patient in the Vancouver hospit- al, where he will undergo exam- ination by medical experts. ihfr. Proctor was taken ill last hion- day, and, though his condition is not considered serious, it is quite likely that he will have to remain under treatment for some time. p~~ sells'I&&I&su Tomorrow's Bargains in USED CARS 1925 Chevrolet Roadster in Al Condition.... 6550 1925 Chevrolet Touring in first class condition $550 1925 Ford Light Delivery, in very good order $325 The North Shore Motors Ltd. 135 West First Street, North Vancouver, B. C. Phone Phone North 1186 North 1360 H. C. OSBORNE Local Sales Agent Phone West 17 CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE F UEL DryBark, Coal gt Wood of all kinds, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Currie, Prop) 25th and Marine Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed West Van Nees Pubnshcd Every Fglusy H. HODGSON sud F.F,LOVEGROVE )Vest 19L West 412L 1'ubn~ begs Busiucss ssi Ednorlst Off&cog 1361 hlsrius Drirs his&i Address: P. O. Hoz 101, Honyburu, B. C. 81.00 s yssr by mall or csgrisc, Nsws- s&suds 6c psp copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON A Pi'LICATION