Resampled001B6D45 THE tVEST VAN NEWS June 17, 1927 Legion Annual Tender Roasts 8 ~6'MuffSaid! There svas a goal attemlanceat the annual meeting and smok- er of the )Vest Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion. &vhich tonk place in Dumlarave Hall last night. A duly audited statement ivas presented by the secretary- treasurer, shoiving the branch to be in a sound Ilnancial condi- tion. ~r At the election of officers Comrade H. G. IVare was elected President for the ensuing year. ( omrade Colin Turner, the Pres- ident, Ivishing to retire, although urged to act for another year. Comrade H. B. Gray was elect- ed vice-president aml Comrade F. F. Lovegrove re-electe&l sec- retary-treasurer. Comrade F. F. Lovegrove ivas appointed marshall for the Dia- mond Jubilee Confederation par- ade, ivhich is in charge of the branch. Comrade C. J. Archer asking that his name be with- dI'aivn. Comrades Lawson, Gray an&1 Priest &vere named a committee for the annual memorial service, Ivhich will take place at a date to be arranged later. It was decided to hold no fur- ther meetings until September. Applications from the follow- ing were received and accepted: F. W. Morris, Magnus Ross, W. W. Hay, Dr. G. E. Bayfield, H. G. Mason, J. Waus, Col. K. IV. Savory, J. J. Rutledge, and H. F. Botterill. At the smoker which followed the comrades were entertained by numbers from H. E. Innes- Ker, T. Barnott, H. I. Vince, G. Castree and others. George Childs presiding at„the piano in his usual acceptable manner. Two pipers also gave selections to the delight of the meeting, heading the comrades during the evening in a march in column of fours round the block between 24th and 25th Streets. P. C. Masterman was present to sug- gest to the branch they put on a tag day for the benefit of the Children's Playground Fund. For Quality and Cheapness in Gixweries and Specials every day go to Smith's Grocery npp. Dundarave Hau Prompt Delivery 24th and Marine, Phone West 469. New Block to be Built at Ambleside Roberts'etter Plans have noiv been prepared for the new building to be con- structed at the north west cor- ner of biiarine Drive and Four- teenth Street, for Geo. Hay. It is expected that tenders iviu be called for immediately and that the vrork will be started as soon as possible. The new building wio be of tivo stories, and &vill consist of one large corner store &vith a double window facing on the Drive and a smaller store dir- ectly ivest of it. The upper por- tion Ivio be divided into three excellently lai&1 out suites to be used for business or residential purposes. The building which &vill be of stucco finisn ivill be thoroughly modern, and will be a splendid additjon to the Ambleside sec- tion ivhich is rapidly becoming an important business centre. IVe understand that J. Nor- mand has purchased the lot dir- ectly west of his present store and that it is his intention to erect a new building on the site. Meats 14th and siarine West 190 Where Service and Quality Count 1VE DELIVER 51ORNLiG 9:30--East 25th Only 11130--from Capilano to Caulfeild AFTERNOON 3&30-- East 25th Only A SPECIAL FOR EVERY DAY SATURDAY Hos House Tomato, local pcr Ib ........... 25c dh 30c Sweet Oranges.... 2 dox soc Local S&eawbcrrica, Sing Cherries Cau&cioupca. Local Lettuce Asparagus Spring Cabbage. NEW ZEALAND BUTTER .... 3 Ibn $ 1mm Legs, New Zealand Lamb, i cr ib .. ...... ................ 35c Shoulder Ncw Zealand Lamb pnr lb. 25c Loins, Naw Zealand Lamb, par Ib . ... . ... ...... 37c Ribs aud Breast, N. Z. Lamb pc r Ib . . . .. 25c Cambridge Sausage ... 2 Iba. 25c Picnic Ham, Ib ...... 23c Cottage Rolled Ham, lb...... 30c Co&saga Rolled Ham. slicedIb................ 32c Legs Pork, (force), pnr Ib 19&ec Fresh Beef Dripping 3 lbs. 25c Fresh Liver, pcr lb........ Ioc bIONDAY Pure Lard, regular 25c pcrlb........... Zoc Cambridge Sausage... 2 Ibx 25c TUESDAY Boiled Ham, pcr lb...... 50c Pork Steak, Ib........... 23c ENTERTAINED IN VICTORIA Following his Victoria recital J. D. A. Tripp, well-known pian- ist of West Vancouver, was en- tertained at an informal recep- tion given in his honor by the executive of the Ladies'usical Club at the home of isir. and ibIrs. J. O. Cameron, "Roseboro," Moss Street, Victoria. The sup- per table was centred with a beautiful bowl of Caroline Test- out roses. Beach By-Law to be Submitted The Council have taken the second step as regards the Am- bleside Park project. A by-law has been ordered prepared for the assent of the electors for the purchase of the Gintzburger es- tate already under option for 530,500. A parking by-law is under consideration by the council. The Chief of Police has put in his recommendations in connection with this matter. HOLLYBURN PAVILION Dancing Every Saturday 8.30 WEDNESDAY Fresh Cod .......... 2 Ibn. 25c Oranges, nwcc&„2 donna 50c TH L'RSDA Y Rhubarb .......... 6 Ibn 2ic New Zealand Butter 3 Ibx $ 1.29 FRIDAY Fresh Cod ....... 2 iba 25c Finnan Haddie. pcr lb..... Isc Boiling, Roasting aud Fryiug &'hickcu NOTICE Special reduced rates for Societies an&i Private Parties,with or without orchestra. For terms Phone West 171. I'uoy equipped for Supper Dances. Landlady: I think you had better board elsewhere. Boarder: Yes, I often had. Landlady: Often had what? Boarder: Better board else- where. Hez "1Vhat'? Women over- worked! Nonsense; think of the meniw She: "Ah! but you know the old saying, 'Woman's work is never done.' He: "That's the very reason she oughtn't to complain. Now, a man has to do his work or lose his job." Muriel: I jiist come from the beauty speciahsts. SIarvis: They were shut, I suppose. BRING YOUR FRIENDS ON SATURDAY NIGHT Office of D. 5IORGAN, Riarine at 2ith Street IVEST VAN IiVVEST5IEVT CO'Y, Riarine ai 16th Street. SAVORY I?& DUVAL, 1129 biarine Drive. Those having votes in the City will save time on polling day by getting their numbers from these lists. Bridge Vote Copies of the City of Vancouver Voters'ists have been placed, for the convenience of voters at the following places:-- We carry only the highest grade of fresh meats and all orders are filled with accuracy and promptness. Choice meats --tender and appetizing. IVhether n chop nr a roast, we give you goal service an&I fair treat ment. RLIY AND SA VE AT JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET Next so Hollybueu Theatre PHONE 'IVEST 3 WE DELIh ER Fresh and Cured b(cain, Butter, Eggs, Bacon and Iaed. Iiith ilnsiity Lnmher is Cheepes& in the end. Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Fiaish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE A Phot """'"'"'nd is always appreciated The King'tudio Photos Always Please Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO 311 Hastings Street West, Vancouver ESTABLISHED 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop Phone Say. 1086 for appoiuimcut FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone bVest 55 GORDON GRAY Insurance Fire ~ Marine - Casualty 1002 Credit Foncier Bldg. Sey. 4991 P. E. Downey H. E. Innes-Ker ....arine ....otors Telephone: West 177 Dealers HUDSON ESSE% 2153 Marine Drive West Vancouver The Fares have been Reduced For all points to HORSESHOE BAY This picturesque spot ls located on the North Shore Line of the PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY There in every couvnnicucn for private or public picuic pari(en, uncxccllcd facilities for tinning, bossing and bathing, amidst Ideal nurroundsugx, Return Fare from North Vancouver--Adults 50c; Children 25c (Good day nf ixnuc onlyi Hourly Service on Sundays aud Hoiidayn, leaving North Vancouver at 26 minutes past each hour Weekly aud monthly panncn, good for unlimited number ot rides, aec issued at low ra&ca Commutation Tickasn aec uow ieanntarabia. 10 Ride Ticknsa, good for 30 days, and 60 Ride Tickets, 60 days from dnsa o! Ineua, For further inturmatiou, apply Io Passenger Department, 633 Geau villa Street, Vancouver, Telephone, Snymour 9331, or P. G. E. Dcpos, North Vancouver, Tnicpboua North 300. West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMIT E D 15th and Marine I'hone West 116 IIESIDENCE PHONE: '&VEST 73X Ci ri g, FIOI'i iS BIg b Auui The fnuft tl nisgnd byties 8 Agncultuy &ouver A ncisti& culiuys Hsg I I Duuds " ll), op& bing ahern w fnfms Vinson. d muc ien&k ufe 'vi( rise wsS 8SuH st the mnivins«rn fs sud ;I, „ I ilo work of the boy' Wnn Orgum Went Vsncouve ;«mtursl besut) work thin 888 will soon develop for the district I Garden of B.. ( praise cannot I the bsrdworking officers for the tri , crest they are cfn coursgiug others besutifymg their soundings, Tbe Children'8 this year incrennen vent of Mnuunl Tz High sud Public, secoguinad sud nunc wnndwofk dnpzftu some specially inte commendable woyh girls sect(os ptpu cesent specimens 0 The President 8 ty Best Garden went I row whilst Mr. B, the Reeve's trophy Utility Garden. T nie Cup wsn zwzi Hodgnou for the of Flowers, During the even of piano selection by Miss Trinimm much enjoyed by The music in the si uPPBnd by an which wzs kindly csnion b) switze Tbe following w& made by the judg Fourth Flozni I'rizn I, smns Ff Class 7 Go „I 8I,Mr, Gco Li, Class 3 18L birn. G, F bir, B. R~ Hart!nor R A "R,"Mtrsi y'2nd, M Ronm C! one vznetlen: 18t Mr ien; 18 iz r& hl: st, b~l» C. IJ. CliII 'ig'" 18t, birn Bui'fey 'oid; Clans lgI't biz C +fee, Clnnn 17'nhn 8. D 1st, bir W Three A, ii Aib; Cli!Ic Clzsn lg 'r C Tb zen GI'by Don,k &ith C!888 lg W 8" color hren ,d'2nd 118I M Clans 20 Tk I no Ch„, Mrn. C'l (contin "ree"'m! on