West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Jun 1927, p. 5

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Resampled001B6D3B l7. June 10, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS r- )f e, Iii K 0, td 'l. Ie t'e 3 it is 99 .L. de- ers dg- the the lew l of .719 . L. mos next ther meet sdsy trade new the sects. Ds of , AT- 9 slic- one IVCK 3 DR. POLLARD DROWNED AT KITSILANO Dr. G. A. Pollard, a former resident of IVest Vancouver, who at one time lived at 15th and Ifaywood, was drowned at Kitsil- ano at 7.15 a. m., Tuesday. The deceased was taking his usual morning swim, and was swimming back to the shore from a boat anchored about fifty yards out, when he appeared to be in difficulties. Mrs. Gilman, who was also bathing nearby, went to his assistance with a plank, but he sank after hang- ing on to it for a few seconds. The body was recovered by the police about an hour later. Dr. Pollard was a native of Ontario, but had practiced in Vancouver for 15 years. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, both of whom were witnesses of the accident. O. B. ELLIS KILLED WHILE CRANKING CAR 0. B. Ellis of Vancouver, was fatally injured at noon on Sun- day on Marine Drive opposite the Prince of Wales Tea rooms, when he attempted to mank his car, which had stalled. The machine was in low gear and as he turned the crank the car jumped for- lvard, two wheels passing over him. The car, with Mrs. Ellis in the front seat, ran some sixty feet before being stopped by a high bank of earth. The driver of a passing Pacific Stage picked up Mr. Ellis, and he was rushed to the North Vancouver General Hospital, but died there half an hour later without recovering consciousness. The deceased is survived by his wife, three sons an'd one daughter. N. Massey, an engin- e„eer on the ferries, is a nephew. The Last Straw A young country girl was evi- dently taking her first ride on the train. The conductor came through the ear yelling, "Tick- ets, please," and after some em- barrassment she handed him her ticket. Soon after a train boy came into her car crying, "Chewing gum." The country maid turned to her companionand said, "Goodness, do I have to give up that, too?" LADIES HAIRCUTTING aad SHINGLING, any Style HOLLYBURN BARBER SHOP 26 years experience 1VM. NEWBY Prop. hose calling us msyT do so with the feel- ing of confidenc that they sre employing the very best available, snd lvith the further assur- ance that the cost will be entirely i n accordance with their own wishes. The regular practice of the Boys'hoir will be held next Saturday morning at 10 a. m. Captain Seely of Vancouver, has taken a cottage at 20th and Fulton. I Mrs. Jim Lance, an old time resident of West Vancouver, was married on 2nd of June to Arm- strong Motley, of Andover, Hants, England. The Sunnyside Cannery, West Bay, have bought a new Ford truck to deliver their products from the cannery to Vancouver. A chimney fire broke out at 1944 Bellevue Avenue on Satur- day morning. The ilre brigade turned out immediately but found the fire practically out. The roof of the house was slight- ly damaged. Messrs McKelvie and David- son of the city have rented a suite at the Fortune Cup Inn for two months or so. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Osborne, accompanied by R. McDaniels, motored to Chilliwack on Mon- day by way of Bellingham. Mr. Osborne reports the hop crop in the Sumas district as looking fine. The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. 0. D. E., will be held next Monday at the home of Mrs. T. Dauphinee, 29th and Water- front. Mrs. Auchinleck of Vancouver is a guest at the Fortune Cup Inn. H. H. Hall is remodelling his house at 29th and Bellevue. The council at their meeting this week passed a resolution that the agreement for the class- ification of mile 1 of Marine Drive be executed and the solici- tor be instructed to draw bylaw ratifying same to permit of copy being forwarded to Victoria. It was also resolved that applica- tion be made at once for the Secondary classification of the remainder of Marine Drive, namely Mile 11 and portion of Mile 12. Burrard Funeral Chapel CENTER st HANNA LTO. Estsbitshcd 1093 320 Third Street E. North Vancouver Phone North 1110 S. D. WHITE ~ MANACtER A. Taylor, assisted by J. Port- er with his lantern, gave an il- lustrated lecture on Hollyburn Ridge Tuesday afternoon to Grades 6 and 8 of Pauline John- son'chool. s s Miss Short of Clyde Avenue, who has been very ill at the General Hospital, and who is now staying with friends in the city, is recovering slowly. Engineer Hence recently wrote the council advising that it would be necessary for them to apply for rights of way on six- sevenths of an acre of Capilano Indian Reserve No. 5 and parts of lots 59, 67, and 68 of D. L. 1039 in connection with the new Capflano Bridge. The council have advised him they are pre- pared to do so on the under- standing that any expense in- curred will be subject to the passing of the money by-law. FLANNEL DANCE BY LIBERALS The West Vancouver Liberals are holding a Flannel Dance next Friday in the Ambleside HalL It is announced that special ef- forts are being made to make this the most successful of the series of dances put on by the Association and it is particular- ly requested that all members be present accompanied by at least one friend. FRANCES GUINAN'S RECITAL Frances Guinan announces that the date of the Recital to be given by herself and pupils has been changed from the 15th inst. to the 21st inst. The Hap- py Prince and fifteen other div- ertisements will provide a very attractive programme for the evening. Miss Guinan's Recitals have always proved a great at- traction and this year it would seem that the entertainment will be particularly so, as several new features, the result of Miss Guinan's recent stay in New York, will be shown for the first time in British Columbia. SCOTTISH SOCIETY Have Cruise Next Friday. A special invitation is given to the members of the Society to attend the evening cruise up the North Arm of the inlet to Deep Cove on Friday, 17th June. Starting from North Vancouver ferry wharf at 7.30 p. m. a stop- off will be made at Deep Cove for two hours, where an inform- al dance ivill be held as included in the programme. A new pavil- ion at Deep Cove has jleen rec- ently erected. All members who wish to at- tend must get in touch at once with the President, Robert Mc- Vean, at IVest 136L, the Secre- tary, Mrs. J. T. Watt at West 101, or Mitchell Worth, North 1071X, as the tickets are limited It is intended to charter one of the West Vancouver ferries, so that all those going from here can arrange to board the ferry here. Social Evening and Cards The social evening and whist drive on Thursday, June 23rd, at the home of Mrs. Robt. McVean promises to be very enjoyable. Splendid prizes are being donat- ed and several good vocal num- bers have been arranged. A col- lection will be taken, all of lvhich will go to buy the gold medals for the Dundarave regatta. TVill all members and friends intend- ing to be present please phone Mr. R. McVean at IVest 1SSL, so that suitable table arrange- ments can be made. PERSONALS Have a Drink! Yoo will when we tell yoo how we make milk shakes. First there is pure fresh milk, Palm Ico Cream aod Syrup (10 flav ors) mixed on an electric mix- er. Price 10 cents. You haven't tasted the best Ica Cream Cone until you have tested Palm Ica Cream in a But- tsrcrisp Cone. They cost us more hat the price is the same to you. THE STORE OF SERVICE We deliver. We sell stamps. West Van Pharmacy Phone: West 37 Store closed every Tharsday at 7 P. hf. When BBid QPIs Paint LaSt? CCA 3M~ Houses in this district painted with Ayres Paints usually deceive strangers who find it difficult to be- lieve a three year old job was not done last year. This store recommends Ayres Paint because it is made right here in Vancou- ver to suit our climate. R. SEEDS General Iblerchants Hardware Paint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 28 CARPENTER WORK Building in ail its branches, also Alterations and Repairs. AH classes of construction. Esti- mates free. HILL gs DOWNEY Phone West 177. 2127 Marino Dr. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR SMALL CHILDREN 13th 6 Escsiash hts. W. D. Ftssw Passe West $3L Terms R csex Sl ~ „„,„„„,„, MsWILLIAMS „„,„„„, CUSTOM TAILOR SPRING AND SUllIMER SUITINGS Now complete. Large selection--for Sport or Business. Before Ordering Your Next Suit Come and see our patterns. CITY Dyeing, Repairs PRICES and Alterations Dry Cleaning and Pressing PHONE WEST 20 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker & Jeweller For West Vancouver Properties see SAVORY DUVAL Marine Drive Between 14th snd 15th. " Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe l 640 Haywood Ave. West Vancouver Pearce's Drygoods 14th aad Marina Phone West 144 Window Blinds abd Awsisgs ESTlslaTES FREE l499 iifsiiss fhiss Phoae West $40 Specializing in IVest Vancouver liIRS. DRAPER & SON 2436 1IARINE DRIVE Next Deed e e N Ie West 167K 7 years'esidence in 1vsst Van- couver. Ail oor good- made on the premises and of best ingred- ients. 1vhoie 1Vheat, Health aad B hite Bread rITItIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE DAY aad NIGHT SCHOOL Yoo will receive intensive indi- vidual training. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Scy. 9136. Cor. Hastings I EDTVARD GEORGE Swan O'ook LANDSCAPE slid GEiVERAL GARDENERS 1694 Dempsey Rd., Upper Lynn Phone--North 1240R2 - 1230R3 Lawns, Shrubberies, Rock Gard- cas, Walks, Drives, Fences, Hedges, Greenhouses, Summer- houses, Pools, Plaaacd aad Constructed Lawns A Gardens kept in order. Apprenticed Gardeners with 30 years'xperience. 1Vsii laid out grounds are a thing of beauty. Lct Practical moa do your work. F. Newman & D. Robbins CARPENTERS House Painters, Papechaagers Kalsomiaiag, Rc-Shingling, cic. Reasonable Terms Send for our sample book of IVallpapers. Latest ia Designs I'oop o'ay Hooso Phone blethers R 29th 1Vesl 337its HARRON BROS. Llk WILLIAIIISOivi $IIIIEEal aircctars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 1S4 A c-sEARLEVERNON FEED STORE»" w-I'EED .. Good assortment of Bedding Plants CESIENT FUEL Geraniums, Seed Potatoes, etc., for sale ETC.