West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Jun 1927, p. 4

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Resampled001B6D3B THE 1VEST VAN NEWS June 10. 1927 , 10, IP i~~un 8 p8. ppbbi Hollybum Theatre Friday and Saturday June 10th and 11th Johnny Hines in The Brown Derby The show will also be open Niext hionday iNew classes now being farmed J. IXI. Morgan WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones 1Veat, 1 i 3 Seymour 8068o TRUCKING and TEAM WORK Excavating (Day or Contract) SAND 8E GRAVEL P. A. ANDREWS 1166 Folios. Pboao 1Vcai 66aR Play a Game of BILLIARDS CHET SHIELDS 14TH STREET right at Railway Crossing TOBACCO, CO.&FECrioi&ERY EMPIRE SHOE STORE (Marino Drive next door to Seed'a Grocery) Oar business connections enable ua to offer STYLE AND QUALITY at absolutely the Lowest Pcicca. Useful Recipes Strawberry I'udding One box of strawberries, half cupful of sugar, two tablespoon- fuls of baking powder, two table- spoonfuls of shortening, one tea- spoonful of salt. three-quarters cupful of milk. Nake soft dough of the flour, baking powder, shortening, salt and milk. Drop so as to cover berries. Cover tight and cook for 20 minutes. Rhubarb may be used instead of strawberries. Serve with hard sauce. To make sauce. cream sugar and butter together, add ivhite of beaten egg. Flavor ivith vanilla. Rhubarb and Sago I'udding Cover one cup of sago ivith three cups of cold water and let stand tivo hours. Add two cups of stewed rhubarb, three table- spoonfuls each of chopped dates and figs or raisins and currants, one-quarter of teaspoon of salt, one tablespoon of butter and a teaspoon of lemon extract. Let simmer for half an hour and turn into a buttered baking dish and bake in a moderate over three- quarters of an hour. Serve cold with cream. Baked Custard Three eggs, three tablespoons of sugar, salt, three cupfuls milk, one teaspoonful vanilla, nutmeg. Beat the eggs enough to mix the yolks and whites and add the other ingredients Pour into custard cups and set in a pan of hot water. Bake in a moder- ate oven until the custard is set. This may be tested by trying with a knife, and if the mixture is jellied it is ready to remove from the oven. Set the cups where they will cool quickly . Bacon and Liver Cut the liver into slices about half or three-quarters inch thick, and cover with boiling water. Let stand about 10 or 12 min- utes to draw out the blood. Drain wipe and remove the outer veins and membrane. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Dip into flour and fry in shallow bacon fat. Serve with crisp broiled bacon. Rhubarb Pickle Four cups diced rhubarb, four cups chopped onions, four cups vinegar, four and one-half cups brown sugar, one small teaspoon salt, one teaspoon each of ginger, allspice, cinnamon and cloves, and a pinch of red pepper. Mix and boil slowly for three or four hours. Stale bread is excellent for cleaning light-colored suede gloves. LUMBER SPECIALS OF HIGH QUALITY These Specials are all of good grade and we guarantee satisfaction. Come in and look them over. SASH, DOORS AND FRAMES Amble8i(Ie LumberIICo. Phone West 199 16th and hfarine 6" Cedar Beveled Siding, clear.............................. $12.00 2x6, 8, 10, 12 Com. sized ............................................ 16.00 6" Cedar Shiplap ......................... 12.00 4x4 and 5x5 Cedar Posts ...................................... 24.00 Ix4 Short Flooring and V Joint ........................ 20.00 %IS ]iP La R S 0 N HealthThe ihiarine Motors, 22nd andhiarine Drive. nre now sole a-gents on the iVorth Shore for the Essex Automobiles. The agency having been obtained by the firm just recently. ~ ~ ~ ihIr. and Mrs. A. B. Greenwood attended the golden wedding cel- ebration of two of their friends in Vancouver last Tuesdav even- ing. T Carlan&l is buikling an ad dition to his house on 17th St. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. North has taken the Nightingale bouse at 25th and Heywood. ~ ~ ~ hir. Holt of the city, who has been spending the summers in West Vancouver for a number of years, has rented Mrs. Millard'6 cottage on King Street between 23r&l nnd 24th Streets. ~ v ~ In the A. O. T. S. League, Am- bleside defeated Dundarave 12 to 6. The next games will be on Friday night and Saturday nft- ernoon. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Nrs. Banks of Van- couver, are guests at the Fort- une Cup Inn. v v ~ Nrs. Perrie has taken a cot- tage at 26th and Bellevue. ~ ~ ~ The fine weather on Sunday attracted a large number of vis- itors to West Vancouver. The municipal ferries carried 8484 passengers during the day,which constitutes a record for this year. Cheap foo&ta&affa are dear ai any price Quality ohoalu b the nvci coaaideraiina. Yoa cao always rely upon iba quality of oar gooda aau- oar pvicoa are low aad vaaaon ~ bi ~ bat--wo never cai quality fot pries. Bay here aod goi the moat raai value for your money. t Phone %Vest 16 Green woo(I' GROCERY We deliver NE1V I)IIY GOOD&8 STORE NOIV Ol'EiVED HERE ~ o ~ C. R. NcBride of Vnncouver. is building a house at 17th and Esquimalt. ~ o ~ The pupils of hire. C. 1Vilson, Dundarave, will be heard in Re- cital on June 23rd. Nore par- ticulars will be given in a later issue. ~ v ~ hfrs. Urquhart, wife of Cap- tain Wm. Uiquhart, 15th and Fulton, has returned to Holly- burn. having spent the past four months at Los Angeles, Cal. hire. Urquhart went south on ac- count of her health and returns feeling much benefited from her trip. F( Yo hirs. J. A. Grigor who hns pur- chased the dry goals business of Mrs. Salter on Marine Drive, directly opposite the )Vest Vnn Gnrage, has had considerable ex- perience in the business. lier Inst business was in Nanaimo. B. C. This she sol&l to David Spencer Ltd. Mrs. Grigor an- nounces in this issue that she is putting on a special clearance sale to make room for new stock. It is her intention to carry a stock of up-to-date goods at prices that will 'appeal to the ladies of the district. ~ v o George Guinan, with two class mates, Frank Rictor and Hallie Tweedle, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Nrs. Guinan, 25th Street and hIarine Drive. v ~ Mrs. Salter who for some years operated a dry goods business on Marine Drive, Amblesjde, 'has sold out to Nrs. J. A. Grigor who will in future operate the busi- ness. Mrs. Salter is staying in Vancouver for a few weeks but will return to IVest Vancouver to take up permanent residence. I The West Vancouver Liberals are giving a Flannel Dance next Friday in the Ambleside Hall. 1 Normand (P. N.) Jorgenson, 14th and Fulton, is leaving to- day for Bridge River, where he has obtained employment. ~ v Nick Williamson announces that special rates are now ob- tainable at the Hollyburn Pavil- ion for societies or private part- ies and he is offering special facilities for Dinner Dances. The Saturday night dances will be run as usual. v ~ A vote of congratulation was passed by the Council to the Horticultural Society for win- ning the cup in the recent Spring Flower and Tulip Show of Great- er Vancouver. The Council also passed another vote of congrat- ulation to the Musical Society for their success in the B. C. Musical Festival. v v ~ The channel around Eagle Is- land is being dredged, so that boats coming into Fisherman' Cove can go round the Island. ~ v v Mrs. E. A. Willsher, "the Li- lacs," Dundarave, celebrated the King's Birthday last Friday by a garden party to her friends. Guests from the city and West Vancouver being present. Bad- minton was enjoyed, also piano and saxaphone music. After- wards a merry little pa&ty sat down to tea on the lawn. The city guests commented upon the wonderful musical talent found in West Vancouver. NEW STORES NOW READY The new stores built by J. Yates on Marine Drive between 14th and 15th Streets, are now about completed and one is al- ready occupied that of George Leshure who is specialising on Battery work. The stores will be occupied by Harry Farr the West Van Garage. Le Shure Battery Service, a millinery store, a music store and the other will be occupied jointly by tractor. J. Pender Moss, archi- G. W. Kebster, Builder and Con- tect and R. V. Pringle and Son, landscape architects. WEST VANCOUVER L. O. I,. No. 2990 The West Vancouver L.O.L., No. 2990, held its regular meet- ing last Tuesday evening in Dun- ~'araveHall. An address was de- livered by one of the brothers on the work of the Juvenile lodg- es, also an address by one of the )Vest Vancouver brothers on the children's orphanage at New Westminster. The members of Clark Wallace L. O. L. No. 1715 and West Vancouver L. O. L. will attend the farewell sermon in St. Stephen's Church next Sunday evening by Rev. Brother A. E. Sykes. Members will meet at Dundarave Hall next Sunday evening at 6.45 and will parade to the church headed by the new Union Jack presented to the lodge. HOLLYBURN RAINFAI.I. hfay, 1927. May 1............,..46 inches 2 ............. I . 17 3.............. .22 4.............. .02 10........ .... .02 11.............. 1.13 16.............. 1 .40 17............. .20 18.............. .23 19.............. .01 23..............22 24.............. .13 26...............05 Total ................ 6.26 inches Corresponding figures for May 1926:--22 days with rain; total 5.16 inches. But there was only one day with an inch or more of rain. Beet and Onion Salad Boil four medium sized beets Cool and slice; select onions of similar size (two or three). Ar- range on lettuce leaves, two slic- es beets alternating with one slice of onion, arid pour over a preferred salad dressing. 7th Annual Recital by the FRANCES GUINAN DANCERS FOR POI.LOUGH I'OGUE TO BE APIvOINTED SI'ECIAL CONSTABI.E Considerably damage has been done to trees on public and priv- ate property this spring, the dogwood trees having particular- ly suffered. The council have requested the Police Commis- sioners to appoint Pollough Pogue a special constable to pro- tect trees on public property from wilful and unnecessary de- struction. Phone RIDLEY West 456 presenting "THE HAPPY PRINCE, AND 15 DIVERTISEAIENTS" to be held in the Hollyburn Theatre, Tuesday, June 21st ai 8.15 Admission 50c. Children 25c. 0 E,EII fain)If Inju, day an &)lari pfinca of II hc attempt which had 'aa in low ihe crank wanl, lwa him The in lhc froni feet before Ngh bank of 6 paaaini up )Ir. Eih t&i tha iKart }Iaapital, h'ourlater canaciousne The dace hia wife, I daughter, ccr on the f The A young & dcntly takin the train. 'hroughthe cta, please,v barraaamenl ticket. Soon aft& into hcr ca gum.v The lo her c vGaadneaa, that, toaiv LADIES ~ou sHI, SOLLYS( 21 1 da ai Ing oi a hay are, vary b Ith ti 1 ance thai nilraiy I iih their 6& Df &caid'6 mi I an Eafw, I'16 ano dyed main Uaualu ming awim bast Ia~ dffic of i&a hi nt towan but plank ;„g on « Tmha body fica nbau lian( iva „„,had pr for 16 fear of whom w accident. 0. 8, ELII, 'IVII II