West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Jun 1927, p. 2

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Resampled001B6D3B THE )VEST VAN NEWS June 10, 1927, AIake Be;»Itif»l tlat(: I»tCriur a»fl Exterior of YOfir IIO»TC by»Si»fy St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass. 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a.m. Benediction, 7.30 p.m. Week Days--&ilass 8 a. m, The ladies of St. Anthony' Church paid 0 surprise visit on Father Kelly and his sister, hiiss Kelly last Tuesday evening to Ivelcome them to West Vancou- ver. Father Kellv has come to West Vancouver from Omaha, Nebraska, to be the resident priest of St. Anthony's Church, Father hiacdonald, the former pastor, having been moved to St. Helen's Church, Vancouver Heights. St. Stephen's Church WEST VA&VCOU VER Christian Science Society Cif 1'IICH EIII Flf'E 20th aad Eaquimaif, Iiouybura Sunday Service at 11.30 a. m. Subject June 12th "God the I'reaerver of Mnn" Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony hicetiug every Wo&I- uoxday ai 0.15 p. m. Trinity Sunday (June 12th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.~%mday School. 11.15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7.16 p. m.--Evensong. The preacher on Sunday even- ing will be the Rev. J. Newton Sykes, who is leaving soon to live in England. Mr. Sykes is well known in this parish having officiated here at various times for the past ten years and his many friends will have this op- portunity of saying good-bye to him and wishing him well in his new work. It is expected that the LoyalOrange Lodge of which Mr. Sykes is a member will be present at this service. Highest marks in the recent Sunday School examination were secured by Albert Kendrick with 82 y, and he thus Ivins the prize offered of one week at the Ang- lican Summer Camp at Long Bay. The A. Y. P. A. closed their regular season vcith a very en- joyable banquet held Tuesday I&ight in the Parish Hall. Fol- lowing an excellent meal pre- pared by the young ladies of the society and the toast to the King hIiss Peggy Cornish proposed the toast to the A. Y. P. A. which was responded to by ihfr. Bain, representing the Vancouver council of the association. The toast to the Church was in the hands of hfiss Isabel Wilson and Mr. IVRfred Hawkes and that to Canada was proposed by 5Iiss Connie Thomas and responded to by hiiss hIay Garland. The speaker of the evening was Mr. Justice hfurphy, who in a most entertaining way outlined the history of British Columbia from its earliest mention in the an- nals of the nations down to the first quarter of the nineteenth century. The A. Y. P. A. tennis team broke even with St. Mark's in the first league game played on hfr. Chapman's court last Satur- day evening, hfiss Chapman and hiiss Lloyd losing to hfiss Harton and &hfiss Goddard 8-6, 6-8, 2-6; and Messrs Crickmay and Earley defeating Messrs. Harris and Lang 6-3, 8-7. At a meeting of the teachers of the Sunday School held Tues- day night it was decided to hold SoldMade in Canada on Merit h Paint for every surface. A Paint for every purpose. United Church Services next Sundny--hforn- ing 11.15, Rev. IV. H. Colclough; Evening, 7.15, Rev. E. A. Davies. On Sunday, June 18th, Pro- fessor Odium will speak at both morning and evening services. A friend has loaned his re- ceiving set with loud spenker to the United Church during the period of the lectures being given by Rev. )V. Pascoe Goard on British-Israel teaching, next week. starting Monday evening. On each of the five evenings the church will be open to those who care to hear the broadcasting in comfort and under ideal condi- tions. We carry a full stock. Let's talk it over. Groceries - Hardware Paints aiid Painting Supplies Hollyburn General Store GROCERIES HARDWARE PAliVTS, ETC. (Hooper and Son) 17th and Marine WE DELIVER I'hone West 46 W. IL A. The regular meeting of Re- view No. 24, IVoman'0 Benefit Association, was held on Wed- nesday evening in the Ambleside Hall. The commander, Mrs. Ed- wards. in the chair. Owing to the whist drive be- ing held later in the evening, it was decided to dispense with much of the regular business. District Deputy, hire. Emma J. Kidd, who was a most wel- come visitor, outlined the plans now under consideration, regard- ing the part which the W. B. A. Trill take in the Jubilee parade. As the IVoman'0 Benefit As- sociation has become such a vital factor in the lives and homes of thousands of women through- out the Dominion, it is felt that no pageant, depicting the coun- try's progress, would be com- plete without adequate represen- tation from this body. It has been suggested that the captains, color-bearers and guard teams, represent their respective reviews. The military whist drive which followed the meeting was most enjoyable. The prize winners were, Mrs. Stephens and Mrs. McTavish, gentleman's prize, Mr. Strong and Mrs. Gass. The con- solation prizes went to Mr. and Mrs. Garland and Mr. and Mrs. Morris. The hidden prizes went to hIrs. Romans and Mr. Strong. CHOICE CAKES WEST VAN RESTAURANT 1421 hfariuo Drive at 14ih Si. Phone Weat 011-0 Are baked fresh daHy iu ouc oa- tabnxhmont. IVhy bother with home baking thia weather, when you can got such ncncioua cakes here fresh every nay. Drop iu Ihix afternoon aud xcc our dlx- play. A trial of auyihing we mako will convince you of iia quality, OUR BREAD Ix baked fresh dally an&l may be had at ouc shop or doHvcrcd at your home. Phone Ivcai 27 and our delivery mao will calL Tea Musicale Next Thursday by Women's Auxilinry A Sale of Home Cooking com- bined with a tea and musicale will be held at the Clachan next Thursday, June 16th, from 2.30 to 5.30 p. m., under the auspices of the W. A. of the United Church. All members of the church are expected to contrib- ute for the sale which it is hoped to make a big success. Established over 6&/1 Years C. J. OVERINGTON 14th and Marine BARBER For the couvouiouca of tbo ladies of the District 1 have had the telephone installed PHONE WEST 136 and make au appointment. STRATTON'S BAKERYBaptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Ambleslde Tea Rooms Forcy Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp aud Picuic Supplies, Tobaccoa, oic. Sunday School, 10 a. m. c Try theChurch Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each wednesday at 7.30 p. m. Burrard Laundry If ) ou ve ever had trouble with your laundry work or feel sick and tired of washing at home, try the "Burrard." They'l do up everything beautifully and the very modest charges will act- ually surprise you. Ring up and enquire about our "Services." Beautiful Cypress Park H. PERRIN, R o OPTONXTRIXT AND OPTICIAN Ivodncxdayx from 2 p.m. Evenings from 7 p. m. Royal Soak Bldg. phoo& Woo& Cueu the Children's Flower Service on Sunday, June 19th at 11.15 a. m. The date set for the annual pic- nic is IVednesday, July 6th and the place Stanley Park. Call at "THE INN" for Tca Oppoxnc the creek. Stages pass the door. Night Auto Service The BBTDfd Laundry Lim lian For the couvcnicnca of the public this Garage will be OPEN EVERY NIGHT uuui 9 o'clock TOIVING -- AUTO REPAIRS BATTERIES RECHARGED West Vafi Auto Service (Kcu Robiuxoa) Mariao Drive at 25ih Phone Wcai 414 Fa& Poopla Who A&a Par&loala& TDIDD STDKZT aa4 57. DATID5 North Vqncouver Phone North 1310. H. H. Ballard In order to make room for newer and more up to date merchandise we are putting on a CLEARANCE SALE of the present stock at exceptionally low prices. Having bought the Stock at a liberal discount from Mrs. Salter, we have decided to pass the saving on to the public. In many cases this will mean that you can buy at ex- actl) HALF PRICE. FUELBelow are a few of our Bargains: Grigor's .)ry Goot s Store 1460 Marine Drive, (Directly opposite West Van Garage) no«bxbo 114 xfc g bf ~ ~4 suPP 1 a Ioc OISIN I nixfx o ix 'lai It&)lsbs psncinir 9.12. Reffeshlnentf FerguS0 Tfnchs lesv0 Iye! IYuchs lenve Vsn phot xxoooaxu&ccxuaalpXInh Nl Men's Khaki Pants, reduced to....... $ 1.45 Dieu'x Extra Heavy Drill Overalls, reduced to $150 Dieu'x Heavy Hule Skin Worl& Gloves ....... 39c Dieu'x Dress Shirts, assorted pattcrua . $ 150 Mco'a Summer Ui&dccwcac, Shirt and Pants, ca. 59c Mcu'a Siikoiinc Hose, pcr pair..., 39c aud 59c Ladies Beach Dccxxoa, Gingham aud Crepe, rag. $2.95 for . . 7&1.45 Ladies Beach Dresses and Aprons, regular $150 for .. 75c Ladies Summer Weight Cotton Vcxix, each 25c a 45&c Ladies Summer Weight Drawers, assortedcolors...--.. 45c, 95c up Ladies Fine Cotton Hose, assorted colors, pair 25c Ladlcx Silk Hose, assorted colors.... 45c, 95c aud up Boys Tweed Pouts, strongly made, pair 15c & SLOO Boyb Golf Hose, fancy tops, broken sizes, pair Sec Boys Black Wool Hose, ail aixca to clear, pair 45c Boys Khaki Long Pants, pa.c ...... 95c Boya Khaki Knickers, heavy drill, pair 75c Children's Khaki Covacasa, Rod trim Sixes 4, 0, 0 years .............. 15c Tiny Tots Overalls, navy stripe.......... 39c Girls Hiking Suits, Middy au&l Pants, Sixes 8, 10, 12, 14 years, pcr suit............ $ 1.55 Girls Summer Combiuatioux, pcc suit ............ 59c Girls Cotton Knit Vcxtx ........... 25c up Girls Cotton Knit Bloomers, Crom....... 25c pair Babyx Pique Coats Io clear, only............... 51.00 Garden Hats, each........... 15c Childron'x Straw Hats, to clear.. „.......... 25&c up All Toys and Novelties at Greatly Reduced Prices Tomorrow's Bargains in USED CARS 1925 Chevrolet Roadster in Al Condition.... 6550 1925 Chevrolet Touring, in first class condition 6550 1925 Ford Light Delivery, in very good order 6325 The North Shore Motors Ltd. 136 )Vest First Street, North Vancouver, B. C. Phone Phone North 1186 North 1350 CHEVROLET SAI.ES AND SERVICE DryBark, Coal 8 Wood of ail kinds, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Currle, Prop) 26th and Marine Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed TII E West Van News I'ubnahcd Every Friday H HODGSOV aud F 5'OVI I ROVE )Vest 19L West 412L Pubnahcca Buciacaa aad Pxliforlal Offico: 1301 hiariaa Drive hiaii Add&coal P. O. Box IOI, HOHybura, IL C. $ 1 00 a year by mall oc caccior News ~Ianna fic par copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON Ai'PLICATION