West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Jun 1927, p. 8

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Resampled001B6D3B THE WEST VAN iVEWS June 10, 1927. Living Necessities Cost Enough The Christian Science new church--20th and Esquimalt- was opened last Sunday. There being two services, evening and morning. The building vcas fill- ed to capacity on each occasion. In the evening, particularlv, many of the congregation had to stand. every available seat be- ing taken. This new edifice is generally recognized as being the most beautiful structure in West Vancouver and many expres- sions of delight were heard a- mongst those present last Sun- day. Much comment wnn ma&le upon the tasteful decorations in the building and upon the bright- ness and convenience of the aud- itorium, as well as upon the mag- nificent view location of the building. IVe congratulate the directors of the church upon the completion of this handsome building. "A thing of beauty is a joy for ao." Without paying extras. Our prirca are almost invariably lower, which same you hunting for savings. Tey ua on your next order. QUALITY GOODS--LOWEST PRICES. The following are some of ouv REGULAR PRICES: CANNED VEGETABLES-- Peas, Corn, Tomatoes. Green Beano, par can . 15c Tomato Camup, pac bottle........-....---.----..-- 15c CAN NE(s FR('(TS- Pinaappia, Paava. Gveongagaa. pce can (Sc CA'N .'&ED FISH- K. O. Savdinca, Best Pink Salmon ............... 15c Kippered Snacks........ --. -............ 2 fos 15c Demand the Best Meats No use taking 8 chance on inferior qualities of 51eats on hot days. It's poor economy to tx gin with. The &hieat we sell is pure and wholesome, thoroughly inspected, AB hleats Kept in Refrigerator JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET SIIIldI S CION'I P Next &o Boiiyburn Theatre 1'BONE &VEST 3 &VE DELIVER Fresh and Cured h(ca&a, Butter, Eggs, Bacon nnd Lard. (A. HAR'VEY Sh(ITH, Pray.) GROCERIES, HARD)YARE. DRY GOODS dh SUNDRIES Phone voue wan&a anu wc w01 give you uuick deiivcey 24&h AND h(AR(NE, Opp. Dundavavc Ball Phone WEST 469 West Vancouver Lumber Co.Tenders Asked For Grading Roberts'etter Meats LIM(TE D 16th and Marine I'hone Went 116 RES(DENCE PHONE: WEST 7$ X J. Pinder-Moss as asvhitect, is eaoing for tenders for the grad- ing and construction of a motor drive&vay in connection with the landscape garden development of O. A. Lundberg's property at 29th and Marine Drive. Specifi- cations and plans can be obtain- ed today at the architect's office &vhere sealed tenders will be re- ceived not later than next Wed- nesday. gith Quality Lasher is%he&pen( in the end. Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed, SERVICE Movie Company Purchase Land 14th and hiarine West 190 It is expected that tomorrowmorning the deal will be com-pleted for the purchase from the municipality of the greater parts of D. L. 761 and 762 and the northerly portions of 763 and 805 by the National Cinema Studios at a cost of 318,500. The tentative plans of the syndicate call for 80 acres being used for film studios and the remainder for development and residential purposes, which will be earned out under the town planning reg- ulations. A golf course is also permitted. According to the agreement the lands must be used exclusively as an art col- ony and the production of mov- ing pictures. Improvements in hard-surfac- ed roads, installation of water and light systems, and the pro- viding of fire protection are to be undertaken at the cost of the purchasers. No subdivision or resale of the property will be ap- proved unless such improve- ments are completed and the covenanting agreement will be collateral to any title for 8 peri- od of 40 years. The organizers of the movie company who propose making West Vancouver their headquar- ters sent representatives to 8 meeting of the local board of trade last Friday, June 3rd, to give information of their propos- als and explanations of "the ways and means." The three in attendance were Messrs. Lear, Drummond Hay and hfundy, each of whom spoke on different aspects, but all emphasizing "the British" phase of the pictures such a company would produce. They spoke of the value of such an industry to the district of West Vancouver, and extolled Mr. Chrysander as a man of out- standing ability as 8 producer of motion pictures. Some few de- tails as to the financial end of the promotion were given, but unfortunately this information was not more specific than that given by the salesman who had previously visited us. It was felt by the officers of the board of trade that information of a more specific nature should be obtained before the board could officially endorse the company and to this end 8 committee of four members of the council of the board was appointed at the invitation of the movie comp- any's representatives to visit their headquarters and to make such investigations as they might desire to satisfy them- selves of the bona fides of the promotion. Up to the time of writing--Friday morning -- no arrangements have been made for this committee to function. hVhere Service and Quality Count hVE DELIVER 31ORNING 9&30--East 25th Only 11:30--from Capilano to Caulfeild AFTERNOON 3130-- East 25th Only PhOt0 is o Lansing Gi/an&I isThe work of grading hfemorial Park &vio shortly be started. J. Finder-hioss, the architect, is calling for sealed tenders to be delivered to his office at 16th and Marine Drive not later than 12 noon on Monday, June 13th, where specifications may be ob- tained on application. Adver- tisements relative to these ap- pear m this issue. alu)ass appreciated The King Studio Photos Always Please Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO A SPECIAL FOR EVERY DAY 311 Hastings Street West, Vancouver ESTABLISHED 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop. Phone Scy. 1046 For appointment SATURDAY NEW ZEALAND BUTTER 3 1ba $ (.35 Aymhira Bacon, sliced, lb. 35c Cottage Ham, sliced, lb.. 33c Cottage Ham. by piece, lb. Soc Picnic Bam, about Sib. each pcs ib .... 22c Fore Quarters, New Zealand Lamb, pcr ib .. 25& Ribs and Breast, N. Z. Lamb pcr ib .. 25c Legs, Ncw Zealand Lamb, 1 or lb...., 3oc Loins, Ncw Zealand Lamb, pcr ib ----...--.. 37c Legs Pork, (force&, pcr ib 19&so Cambridge Sausage. 2 ibm 25c Fresh Bead Dripping 3 iba. 25c Tomatoes, local ho& house, ib 30c Oranges, Sweet.... 3 doz. Ssc Can&cioupca and Bing Chore(ca~a( Lc«ucc. Cucumbcea, As- paragua and Spring Cabbage. Boiling, Roasting and Frying Chicken COUNCIL TO SHOOT FOR CUP ON 16th JULY FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETC. The trap shooting competition between the three North Shore Councils for the Council Cup takes place on July 16th at the gun club. The North Vancouver District council, who are the present owners, seem confident of their ability to hold it, but our genial reeve thinks he knows which team will be the winners in the match this year. see JOHN LAWSON Phone West 5517th Street BROADCASTED FROS( STATION C F C D (411) Programme of Lectures CUP WON BY AGRICULT- URAL ASSOCIATION ON DISPLAY HERE The silver cup won by the West Vancouver Agricultural and Horticultural Association at the recent Tulip Show held in Vancouver is now on display in the window of the West Van- couver jewelers, after having been shown by Mr. McGowan at the Ambleside Tea Rooms. The engraving on the cup was at- tended to by RIr. Sagar. Any who see this will at once realize that it is not necessary to take such work out of the communit)!. Mr. Sagar is recognised as one of the most efficient in his busi- ness in British Columbia; his forbears, by the way, having been watchmakers for genera- tions. by Rev. %V. Pascoe Goard, F.R.c.I. h(ONDAY Boiled Ham, pcr ib.... 50c Pare Lard, 1 lb. carton 20c JUNE 13, 14, 15, and 17, 18, 1927. h(ONDAY, JUNE 12, 8.30 to 9.30 p. m, "From the Heart of the Empire" TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 8.30 &o 9.30 p. m. "Britain Among the Nations" WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 8.30 to 9.30 p. m. "The Book--The People--The Land" FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 8.30 &o 9.30 p. m. "The Divine Chronology of History" SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 8.30 &o 10.30 p. m. "Coming to Armageddon--What? When? Where?" SATURDAY LECTURE will be delivered In three acpara&a ansi com- plete porta in&crapcvccd by vocal and instrumental no(ac&iona by noted Wca& Vancouver ac&in&a. THESE LECTURES will cona&i&u&c a most worth while prance&ation of (ac&a an&( truth. information at 908 Dominion Bank Bldg., Haa&inga Street, Vancouver, B. C. Telephones, Seymour 0961 and 6340. TUESDAY Pork Steat, ib .... 22c Fecnb Liver, pcr lb. &oc WEDNESDAY Fresh Cod.. 2 iba. 25c Oranges, Sweat, 3 doz. Ssc THURSDAY Cambridge Sauaage .2 iba 25c Rhubarb .... 6 iba 25c FRIDAY Fresh Co&L ..... „„2 iba 25c Finnan Haddie. pcr lb. 18c Mrs. Borland and her daught- er, of Vancouver, who have been summer visitors in LVest Van- couver for a number of years, are occupying their summer home at East Beach. v v ~ Mr. Ramen, 20th and Esplan- ade, has moved to West Bay. hir. George S. Hence, consult- ing engineer for the District and LVest Vancouver councils, report- ed that repairs to the western approach of Keith road bridge over the Capilano River had been completed at 8 cost of 33081. Fifty per cent of this amount will be paid by each council. The Fares have been Reduced For ao points to HORSESHOE BAY This picturesque spot is located on the North Shore Line of the PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY H. E. Innes-KerP. E. Downey There ia every convenience yor pc(vase or public picnic par&(ca, unaxcv(lcJ fact(i&(an Cor yiahing, boating and bathing, amidst ideal aurroundinga. Return Fare frosn Nor(h Vancouver--Adults 50c; Children 25c (Good uay of iaaua oniyi Hourly Scrvicc on Sundays and Holidays, (caving North Vancouver ai 46 minn&ca past each hour Weekly and monthly paaaea, good yor uniimi&ad number of ridva, asc issued a& low ra&ca. Commu&a&ion Tickc&a are now &rona(crab(a. 10 Rh(a Tickets, goad for 30 daya, an&( 50 Ride Tickets, 60 days from da&e of issue. Fov Cur&her inyoemaiion, appiy &o passenger Dapar&mon&, 633 Gran ville Street, Vancouver, Telephone, Seymour 9331, or P. G. E. [)cpo&, North Vancouver, Telephone North 300. ....arine ....otors Telephone: West 177 Dealers HUDSON ESSEX 2153 hlarine Drive D. McTavish is building a house for W. 31. Thompson at 20th and Esquimalt. West Vancouver NELV SCIENCE CHURCII These Summer Days 8 9 Vol II I' CRR I KST Vshl Fl: &I(coom' 1,(d«( ment ~h d to (h~ ic(iey on th'ei snd on 'encrnlb t'heyhove ll'cot Vsn(& «Coming „ould like wwcre ou((c cni Lmuc Municipal I lpn. The nnd tho public st P'peshsweU 1(unicipslii one of (h& province. bridge or pons(hilifie lf oooo lss avoid reel lures, (he)'ey." Coming i o(onding, t shows cion nncinl posi municipnlii pcrily whi for us, WORK PR Cond pr in the nrr for the Ju West Yoni renponoihl nontntive & denoted 5 hope nexi details rei PUBLIC DC I The (en couver p& ihe lnnlr& nnd n'ewio hehno oi ground Fi ol $?n.00 Council(os ground 4( Fl T tom& aura nloi & in ro Ing ( tireli of th nnd 1 T ph&ee nt? judg quen Card nisei 930 dny Bali once o(B ning& ful 6 «en (0 y(