West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Jun 1927, p. 7

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Resampled001B6D32 92) i i, iiii. THE WEST VAN NEWS &&at. iac)I & pf ll&. of kola pfM &al 0 into &cry l &tea. lish iiak ara. &nut asd rith &en, nnk tcd. ncc. dot old the fish iak. 'gg, mb. I in Balf the d&a- the kdd &cat &iag iakc rith &tiff &s 110W j old mba 'gga and &per &age fies. iade nng, nnd. p in also cp a nock kind iften &cat, Public School Sports ALTAbIONT--A few remeining acreblocks in this very desirable locality.Prices from $500 to $760, on terms. '&VIIITAKER & WHITAKER Exclusive Agents 810 Hastings Street West. Sey. 7949 2nd, Jean Hill; 3rd, Phyllis Brown. Boys Wheelbarrow, 25 yards, 10, 11, 12 years--IstyDannie and Bobbie Hill; 2nd, IValter Tearoe and Norman Willington; 3rd, Charlie Partington and Teddie Reid. Girls Three Legged, 25 yards, 10, 11, 12 years--1st, Lulu Ray and Muriel Dawson; 2nd, May Cripps and Grace Creelman; 3rd, June IVright and i&lay Arm- strong. Boys Three Legged, 50 yards, over 12 years--1st, Albert Cripps and Arthur Edwards; 2nd, Har- ry Reid and Robert Watt; 3rd, Ivan Murray and Fred Jats&is. Girls Egg and Spoon, 25 yards over 12 years--1st, Lucile John- son; 2nd, I&athleen Clements; 3rd, Barbara Hadwin. Boys Creeping Race, 25 yards, G, 7, 8 years--1st, Verne Taylor; 2nd, Stanley Gleam; 3rd, Billy James aml Bernard Bradford. Girls Tandem Race, 25 yards, G, 7, 8 years--1st, Betty Moore, Sophia Zeilski, Agnes Gray; 2nd, Jean McTavish, Elsie Partridge, Lila Ray; 3rd, Agnes Corbett, Nore Jarvis, Gertrude Nash. Boys Backward Race, 25 yards 9, 10, 11 years--1st, Bobbie Hill; 2nd, Norman IVitlington r,'3rd, Willie Albin. Girls Side Race, 25 yards, 9, 10, 11 years--1st Jean Barret; 2nd Muriel McLeod; 3rd, Edith White. Boys Hopping Race, 25 yards, 12 years and over--IstWalter Tearoe; 2nd, Tom Timbrell; 3rd, Alan Vaughan. Girls Shingle Race, 25 yards, 12 years and over--1st, Pauline Edmunds; 2nd, Grace Creelman. Boys High Jump, open--1st, Bob Watt and Basil Clement, tied; 2nd Billie Nesbitt. Girls High Jump, open--1st, Lucile Johnson and Phyllis John- son, tied; 2nd Evelyn Colpitts. Boys Relay Race, Grade 1 to 4 --1st, Pauline Johnson School, with Billie James, Geo. Faulkner, Chas. Forrester, Sidney Kers- lake. Girls Relay Race, Grade 1 to 4 --1st, Hollyb urn, with Grace Russell, Agnes Gray, Nore Jar- vis, and Jean Simpson. Boys Relay Race, Grade 5 and 6--1st, Pauline Johnson School with Eddie Downey, Gordon Masterman, Bobbie Hill, Jack Barnott, Ralph Patterson and Wilfred Lefeaux. Girls Relay Race, Grade 5 and 6--1st, Pauline Johnson School, with Muriel Dawson, May Grippe, Wylma Donaldson, Margaret Harlin, Evelyn Dickinson, Muri- el Stoneman. The Public School Sports, scheduled for May 23rd were, owing to weather conditions, postponed to Friday, May 27th. The weather proved delightful and the Pauline Johnson School grounds presented a very ani- mated appearance with some six hundred pupils and a large gath- ering of parents and friends. Everything passed off in a most satisfactory manner and the day 1 proved one of the most enjoy- «ble in the history of West Van- couver School Sports. The sports commenced at 2 p. m. and continued till 5.30, there being no less than 36 com- petitive events including flat, re- lay and novelty races, together with jumping. The open high jump for both girls and boys ended in a tie, and proved one of the most exciting items on the lengthy programme. The proceedings were in the hands of Principal Brealey and a very capable staff, assisted by the Reverend A. Harding Priest. School Trustee Mrs. Robinson was present and presented the prizes to the winners. The younger contestants being re- warded with bats, balls, mouth organs, skipping ropes, etc.; the advanced pupils recdiving silk ribbons bearing the following in- scription: West Vancouver School Sports May 23rd, 1927 FIRST PRIZE The following is a list of the various sports and the winners of each event: Boys Flat Race, 50 yards, 6 years--1st, Billie Dickinson; 2nd Douglas Watt; 3rd, Billie Bark- er. Girls Flat Race, 50 yards, 6 years--1st, Toshiko Okadas; 2nd Gladys Rock; 3rd, Dorothy Shar- man. Boys Flat Race, 50 yards, 7 years--1st, Ross Gleam and An- gus Young; 2nd Bobbie Camp and Gordon Mills; 3rd, Wilfred Lennox and Oliver Burbridge. Girls Flat Race, 50 yards, 7 years--1st, Jean McTavish; 2nd, Grace Wright; 3rd, Maty Sang- ster. Boys Flat Race, 50 yards, 8 years--1st Verne Taylor; 2nd, Sidney Kerslake; 3rd, Stewart Lefeaux. Girls Flat Race, 50 yards, S years--1st, Elsie Partridge. Boys Flat Race, 75 yards, 9 and 10 years--1st, Frank Tearoe 2nd, Bobbie Hill; 3rd, Edward Elstrom. Girls Flat Race, 75 yards, 9 and 10 years--1st, Marjorie Hill; 2nd, Aileen Warr; 3rd, Lenore Beattie. Boys Flat Race, 75 yards, 11 and 12Years--1st,WalterTearoe 2nd, Milton Ward; 3rd, Geoffrey Cornish. Girls Flat Race, 75 yards, 11 and 12 years--1st, May Cripps; 2nd, Wilma Donaldson; 3rd, Joan Curtis. Boys Flat Race, 75 yards, 13 and 14 years--1st, Wirigett Ir- ish; 2nd, Teddy Beard; 3rd, Fred Jarvis. Girls Flat Race, 75 yards, 13 and 14 years--1st, Phyllis John- son; 2nd, Lucile Johnson; 3rd, Annie Ridley. Boys Flat Race, 100 yards, dp«er 14 years--1st, Harry Reid; 2nd, Eddie Downey; 3rd, Basil Clement. Girls Flat Race, 75 yards, over 14 years--1st, Marjorie Murray. Boys Flat Race, 25 yards, un- der 6 years--2nd, Desmond El- gar; 3r&1 Clifford Hill. Girls Flat Race, 25 yards, un- der G years--1st, Phyllis Taylor; 2nd, Daisy Bull; 3rd, Joan Saw- man. Boys Three Legged, 25 yards, G, 7, 8, 9 years--1st, John Fiddes and I'red Corbett; 2nd, James MacDonald aml Pat Douet; 3rd, Donald O'rady an&1 Stanley Gleam. Girls Skipping, 25 yards, G, 7, 8, 9 years--1st, Dulcie Partridge EXTRA GOOD 60 foot lot on blsrine Drive (iVorth Side). Business or residential. Very good value at $750 on terms. SAVOI&Y & DUVAL 1429 Marine Drive. )Vest 340 W. B. A. The members of West Van- couver Review No. 24, are con- gratulating their Lieutenant Commander on the possession of that most priceless treasure, a perfect baby. At the W. B. A. "well baby" clinic, held on June 1st in Birks Building, Baby McTavish scored one hundred per cent. on all points. Height, weight, bone, muscle, eyes, skin, teeth, ears, nose, ton- sils, adenoids, glands, heart, lungs and general nutrition, all were perfect. As the primary objects of the Woman's Benefit Association are the protection of the home and the welfare of the family, it is felt that Baby McTavish's suc- cess, reflects credit on the teach- ings of the Order and the effi- ciency of its health'services. Mrs. McTavish has been an active and valued member for several years. The military whist drive to be held in the Ambleside Hall, next Wednesday evening, under the auspices of the Woman's Benefit Association, promises to be a most delightful affair. The arrangements are in the hands of a capable and energetic committee under the convenor- ship of Mrs. Strong and Mrs. Romans. As both of these ladies're noted for their proficiency in matters of this kind, the affair is already an assured success. Teacher: What did Horstius do at the bridge? Bright Boy: Probably trumped his psrtner's ace. Boys Relay Race, over 15--1st Mr. Kirk, Mr. Lane, Mr. South- am, and Mr. Condon. Girls Relay Race, 7a and 8a vs. 7b and Sb--1st, Phyllis John- son, Marjorie Murray, Evelyn Colpitts, Annie Ridley. Programme of Musical Concert WEST VANCOUVER INTERMEDIATE BASEBALL CLUB in the HOI.LYBURN THEATRE TUESDAY, JUNE 7th, at 8.15 P. M. 0 Canada! PIANO SOLO...............„...........................................C. H. Ha&per XYLOPHONE SOLO ........................................ Ernest Anderson VOCAL SOLO-- (a) "Still as the Night"........................Bohm (b) "The Kerry Dance" .................... Malloy Anne Ritchie VIOLIN SOLO .......................................................... Len Holland PIANO ACCORDIAN.......................................... T. Tucker DUET ................................,......................... Holland and Tucker VOCAL SOLO-- (a) "The Mighty Deep"............................Jude (b) "Lassie o'ine"...............................AValt Aubrey A. Clarke XYLOI'HONE SOLO .......,...........„.„.................Ernest Anderson PIANO SOLO ..........................................................C. H. Ha&7&er VOCAL SOLO-- (a) "Lullaby of the Iroquois" Pauline Johnson (b) "A Pastoral" ............................ Veracini Anne Ritchie DUET (Musical) „..................................... Holland aml Tucker VOCAL SOI.O-- (a) "The Hills of Donegal" ............Samlerson (b) "Asleep in the Deep"........................I'etrie Aubrey A. Clarke God Save the King C LASS IF IED ADS. DRESSbIAK INC--airs. Robbins, 29th snd blethers. Phone West 437R3. $500.00 CASH buys fully modern 6- room house on large view lot full garden. 350.00 CASH, buys n lot on Duchess near 12th Street; good view. $225 full price. 3500.00 CASH buys modern 4 room house on 2 cleared view lots, full price $2850. l,istings Wen«si GEO. HAY Phone West 21. 14th & Marine Drive 315 Cordovn St., W. Sey. 1260. IV. Hsy, Evenings, West 13?X. SEE US FOR SiVAPS in Real Estate for quick ection on loans or dis- counting Agreements for Sale. Long experience gives us n knowledge of the Insurance business equal to that of any City Office. At your service for anything in the brokerage line. BYRNELL & blAY at the Ferry Landing. Phone West 113 R. P. CLARK & CO., LTD. SleneaglES Golf and Country Club FAIRWAYS AND GREENS ARE LOOKING FliVE Application for Membership should not be delayed. List is limited. R. P CLARK & CO., LTD. 823 Meetings St. W. Sey. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. West 651L FOR SALE--At e bargain practically new kitchen cabinet. Call at New Bungalow, corner 13th nnd Duchess. I.ADY Living Alone would like couple room nnd board. Pleasant situation near Dundsrnve Waterfront. Ap- ply West 431L. FOR SAI E--Very cheap cream wick- er buggy in good condition. Phone West 675R. FROibl JULY 1st, permanent tenants only, bungalow nt 19th nnd Marine Drive full particulars. Apply Sey. 4430. FOR SALE--Very cheap, cream wick- er buggy in good condition. Phone West 676R. CARPENTER WORK end Repsirs of nll kinds figured on, prices reason- able. Alsop, West Vancouver. Phone West 602-0. GARDENING, Landscape snd General Lawns snd Rockeries my specialty. Gardens kept in shape. H. A. blillnn West 311RI. FOR RENT--Small furnished bunga- low, one block from bfnrine Drive. Will lease. Phone 463X. FOUiVD--Gold Ring. Owner can get this by paying for advertisement. Phone West 491 WANTED TO RF'&T by Careful Ten- ant on or before June 15, Five room modern house, furnace. P. O. Box 81, Honyburn or Phone West 6481 2 LOTS, 3-ROOM COTTAGE, Stucco garage, Light, water nnd phone, $1325, terms. West Vancouver In- vestment Co., 18th nnd Marine, Phone West 102. ACTIVE YOUNG JIAV--Experience house painting, wants work of any kind. Apply, "K," West Vnn News or Shields'tore. 10 Times a Day Pacific Stages pass along the famous Highway of the North Shore bound for:-- Vancouver City and towards Point Atkinson Leave Vancouver A.bl.--7&30, 8:30, 10:30, 11:30 P.bl.--1:30, 3&30, 5&30, 6:30, 8&30; Saturday nnd Sunday, 10&00, 12&00. Leave Whytecliff Park A.bL--9 &55. P.bl.--12:55, 2:55, 4:55, 6&55, 7&55; Ssturdsy snd Sunday 11&25. Leave Caulfeild A.bL--7:30, 8&30, 10:30. P.bl.--12:30,1:30,3&30, 5&30, 7:30, 8&30, 10&30; Saturday nnd Sunday 11:o5 Along the smooth shore-skirted road from Second Narrows Bridge to Whytecliff Park--new splendid views of scenery all citizens love--sensations of color, spring-scented breeze and the shimmering Gulf, these are the experiences of a trip on DE LUXE Pacific Stages to any point on North Shore: Buy commutation tickets--save money and get luxurious, comfortable transportation. PHONE SEYMOUR 4000 .. acific Stages Sey. 4000 ~ ~ ~~~~ Sey. 4000 fgANS|PORTATlgg'EYblOUR AT DUNSblUII& And then there is no more direct route to Vancouver City than by Pacific Stages. You have no changes to make--you arrive in the heart of the shopping and theatre district--you enjoy the conveniences of our new splendid terminus.