West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Jun 1927, p. 5

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Resampled001B6D32 )REN 9, fms ~»»»a»a» 927 I » one 'Np Ihth half flrst Uee. mtii the )nly lng ter, tter ]Unt nnd 5 to nnd 'nth. with ime ulg Ol'n ~ive 6 II tel 555il g» on 5550 ery, 5325 ore eet, LC. e , 1350 lES jl » 00L 456 June 3, 1927. Cricket WEST VAN. C. C. vs. B. C. ELECTRIC C. C. Played at hlshon Perk, hlsy 23. WEST VAN IN N I »N GS E. IV. Baker, b CsrlneIL................ 2 H. R. Cridge, b Brand................ 35 F. Berrop, b Brand ........................ 6 R. B. Anthony, b Banks ............... 3 I'. C. Chapman, Ibw, b Peymen.... 15 A. A. Rerrie, b Brand.................... 0 G. Emerson-Courl, b Brand............ 60 C. Chapman, b Brand...................... 6 R. Snvo-white, b CsrtneIL.............. 6 H. Clark, b Peymsn ..................... 7 A. D. Frost, nol out........................ 9 Extras .............................. 6 Total ..............„......149 Bowling Overs Runs Wakes Brand ............... „11.4 44 6 Csrtnell ........... 10 61 2 Banks .......,.............. 3 17 I Peymsn ................ 4 32 2 B. C. ELECTRIC INNINGS New, b Baker .................................. 0 Pocbin, c Baker, b Chapman...... 0 Mertins, b Baker ............................ 0 Banks, b Chapman .......................,. 6 Brand, c G. E. Court, b Chapman 0 Glencross, not oul .....,......,............. 3 Brown, c Anthony, b Chapman ... 0 Uoderhnf, b Chapman ...................... 0 Csrlneu, c G. E. Court, b Chapman 0 Marshall, b Chapman ........................ 0 Peymsn, b Baker ............................ I Extras ........................................ 2 TotaL....................... I I Bowling Overs Runs Wakes E. IV. Baker a.......... 3.1 7 3 P. C. Chapman............ 3 2 7 Next game--West Vsn. C. C. vs. Lynn Valley C. C. at Boulevard Park, North Vancouver, Saturday, June 4, at 2.30 p. m. RABBITRY STILL UNDER CONSIDERATION The question of the rabbitry proposed by C. N. Barton on Marine Drive between 16th and 16th Streets, is still under the consideration of the council. They have asked the Minister of--f Ifealth at Victoria to send a rep- t resentative here with a view to determining whether such a pro- ject would be a menace to the health of the community. L. O. B. A. The ladies of the L. O. B. A. » held their regular meeting in Ambleside Hall, on May 26th. There was a record attendance, and three new members were initiated into the orange degree. Visitors present were Right Worshipful Grand Mistress Sis. Allen, R. W. Deputy Grand Mis- tress, Sis. Darracott, Sister Stu- art, hon. member Grand Lodge, also Sis. McLeish of Mispah Lodge. After the meeting re- freshments were served and a pleasant hour was spent. The next meeting will be on June 9th at 8 p.m. » hose calling us mayT do so with the feel- ing of confidenc that they are employing the very best available, and with the further assur- ance that the cost will be entirely i n accordance lvilh ilail'lvu lvlshes. THE WEST VAN NEWS When Did YOu Paint LaSt? Cei:~Ox Protect Your Eyes PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Kerr have taken Mrs. Harris'ouse at 26th and Mathers. Ambleside defeated Hollyburn by 11-5 on Saturday in the A. O. T. S. baseball league. This makes a three-cornered tie, in the league. ~ ~ a Mrs. G. E. Pineo, 13th and Esplanade, who is seriously ill at her home, is slightly improv- ed. Mrs. Waddingham, who was appointed secretary of the new- ly organized Red Cross Society is unable to accept the position. a The Season's latest styles in Houses in this district painted with Ayres Paints usually deceive strangers who find it difficult to be- lieve a three year old job was not done last year. This store recommends Ayres Paint because it is made right here in Vancou- ver to suit our climate. R. SEEDS General iDIerchants Hardware Paint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 28 SUN VISORS from 20 cents, up West Vancouver had an inter- esting visitor last week eml, when Miss B. F. Stewart was the guest of her neice, Mrs. M. Romans, 16th and Marine. Miss Stewart has been a school teacher for 34 years, most of which time she was identified with the school life of Winnipeg. For many years all pupils of the Winnipeg Collegiate School have passed through her hands, and the re- sult is that in every part of Can- ada her pupils are to be found. In Vancouver several doctors, lawyers, and members of other professions remember well the teachings of Miss Stewart. Mrs. Harry Hodgson of West Vancou- ver is also one of those who re- ceived early training under this experienced teacher. Three years ago Miss Stewart retired from pedagogical activities and went to live in Victoria,but, her health having become inpaired, she is taking a trip back to the prairies in the hope that a return to the climate she is so used to will restore her health. »'HE STORE OF SERVICE We deliver. We sell stamps. West Van Pharmacy Phone: West 37 a C. L. Hilburn is building a house at 26th and Marine Drive. a Mrs. Hastings, 21st and Esqui- malt, who has been seriously ill in the North Vancouver General Hospital, is much improved. The little grand daughter of Mrs. Gleam, 26th and Water- front, has been brought home from the Vancouver General Hospital to her grandmother'3 house, where she is .making steady progress towards recov- ery. Store closed every Thursday at 7 P. 51. Bobette Beauty Parlor MARCELLING -- hIANICURING -- HAIRCUTI'ING FACIAL hIASSAGE, Etc. AMBLESIDE BLOCK -- UPSTAIRS MARINE»f» 14th Phone West 353 for appointment. Over Drug Store A. C. SEAR" VERNON FEED STORE Phone event 9 J. H. Dawson has moved from Moore and Wilson's block to a store in the Barrow block, 2442 Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. L. Campbell of Vancouver, have taken the Knox cottage at 27th and Lawson. The winning number for the bedspread in connection with the Ladies'uxiliary of the North Vancouver L. O. L. was drawn for last Saturday evening, Mrs. Lefeaux, 22nd and Bellevue, hav- ing the winning number--1414. G. B. Baker is building a house at 29th and Bellevue. Bobbie, the little son of Mr. Glover, 24th and Waterfront, is slowly recovering from a ser- ious attack of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. B. Northey and family of Vancouver, are staying with Sid Dean, 18th and Duch- ess. „„,„„„„, MaWILLIAMS „„.„„...Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cramer of Seattle, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Chet Shields. Mrs. Cramer is a sister of Chet Shields. CUSTOM TAILOR SPRING AND SUMMER SUITIiVGS Now complete. Large selection--for Sport or Business. Before Ordering Your Next Suit Come and see our patterns. CITY Dyeing, Repairs PRICES and Alterations PHONE WEST 20 Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Lycett, 25th and Haylvood, left last night for Victoria, to attend the U. C. T. convention. They will return on Sunday. Dry Cleaning and Pressing For West Vancouver Properties see The Board of Trade recently wrote the council calling their attention to the unsatisfactory condition of the road between the paved portion and the ce- ment sidewalk in the business areas on Marine Drive lying be- tween 14th and 15th, 17th and 18th, and 24th and 25th Streets. They also suggested that better lighting facilities be provided in these three areas, and that the culvert on the north side of Marine Drive between 14th and 15th Streets be boxed. The council have informed the Board of Trade that they are cognisant of the conditions referred to, and the matters referred to will receive their attention. Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing SAVORY DUVAL The West Van Watchmaker & Jeweller Marine Drive Between 14th and 15th. The dancing class conducted by Helen Ritchie was concluded for the season by a party given in Dundarave Hall on Thursday afternoon when the novelties, races and games afforded the youngsters much pleasure. The prize winners in the games were Dorothy McKenzie, Marjorie Rivers, May Cripps and Margar- et Hardman. Those present were Mary Currie, Peg gie Barker, Julieanne O'ourke, Betty Moul- ton, G. McTavish; Elsie Part- ridge, Grace McKenzie, Mary and Marjorie O'Donnell, Elaine Patterson, Helen Booth and Dor- is Lefeaux. The council has authorized a grant of $50.00 to the Town Planning Convention which rec- ently met in Vancouver. Dona- tions of a similar amount lvere made by the city and district of North Vancouver. Phone West 8'I for 1429 Igovino Drive Phone West 340 Specializing in West Vancouver Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe Phone pour orders -- % esl Ia»X MRS. DRAPER & SON 2435 hIARINE DRIVE Next D ada»ave Hall. l 640 Haywood Ave. West Vancouver 7 years'esidence in West Van- couver. AH oor goods made on the preoiises sod of best ingred- ients. IVHOLE WHF'IT HEALTH ssd IVBITE BREAD Pearce's Drygoods 14lh asd Nsrine Phone West 144 Window Blinds and Awnings EsTIllsvxs Faas PlrisIAN BoslNESS COLLEOE F. Newman & D. RobbinsDAY sod NIGHT SCHOOL Yoo will receive intensive indi- vidual training. 4 2 2 Richards Sl. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hsstioxs CARPEiNTERS House Painters. Pspecbssgers Kslsomlnlng, Re-Shingling, etc. Reasonable Terros Burrard Funeral Chapel LADIES HAIRCUTTINGWas it luck that was with Lind-berg When he, midst cheers and smiles, Hopped off to Paris gaily, Those three thousand six hundred miles 7 How swift and sure was his aim As he winged his way o'r that mighty space; While those miles flashed by his hopes heki high, In the heart of the flying ace. Then lve'll call him "Lucky I.ind- berg." Long may live his name, But back of all the glory, 'Twas his courage lvon him fame. --A. E. J. Send for our sample book of Wallpapers. Latest in Designs I'eep o'sy Bouse Phone hlsthers »I 29th West 437R3 sod SBINGLLNG. any Sl&le HOLLYBURN BARBER SHOP 25 years experience WhI. NEIVBV Prop. CENTER 3» HANNA LTD. Estabnshed 1393 I,INDEER 320 Third Street E. North Vancouver Phone North 1110 HARRON BROS. S'ILLIAillSOiN Edward Swan LANDSCAPE ssd GENERAL GARDENER 1534 Dempsey Rd., Upper Lynn Phone--North lzloR2 - 1210R3 Lawns, Shrubberies, Rock Gard- ens, IValks, Drives, Fences, Hedges, Gv»wohouses» Sooiaicv- hooses, Pools, I'lensed ssd I'onslrucled Lawns A Gardens kept in order. jfllnrral QirrrtlIrg North Vancouver Parlors 122 IVest Sixth Street Phone North 1S4 Vancouver Parlors 56 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 1S4 n. D. WHITE ~ hsANAC»ER FEED Good assortment of Bedding Plants CEMENT . FUEL Geraniums, Seed Potatoes, etc., for sale ETC.