West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Jun 1927, p. 4

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Resampled001B6D32 THR WFST VAN NFIVS June 'l 192& ) 9o7 juuc 'ri) New classes now being formed J. ill. Alorgnn WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones West )78 Seymour SKiSO Hollyburn Theatre Friday and Snturdny June 3rd and 4th Behe Daniels in The Campus Flirt The show tviu also be open Next tsionday TRUCKING aud TEAM WORK Ex&are&tug (Day nc Caatcact) SAND & GRAVEL P. A. ANDREWS I f66 Futta&L Phone treat 6»OR Use Northern Light Gasoline )lade on the North Shore By North Shore )Vorkmen. Play a Game of BILLIARDS at CHET SHIELDS 1&TH STREET right at Railway Crthesiug TOHACCO, CONFECI'IONEI&Y Ferry BARBER SHOP (). )Igca) LADIES'ND CHILDREN' HAIRCUTTING A Sl'ECIALTY Sha&upuoiug aud Face )Iaaaag- iug in atl branches Only First Class Work GIVE US A TRIAL EMPIRE SHOE STORE ()Iariue Drive next door to Scud'1 Grocery) Our business connections enable ua to offer STYLE AND QUALITY at absolutely the Lowest Prices. iNORTHERt»N LIGHT is the Best Gasoline on the mnrket, re- gardless of price- Don't take our tvord for it--Try it. Distributed on the iNorth Shore at the Orange and Blue Signs by C. F. FOREMAN, Esplannde East NORTH SHORE GARAGE First Street IVest RELIABLE SERVICE STATION, Third 8: Forbes ED. BLACK, Dundarave BURRARD SERVICE STATION Second Narrows Bridge Manufactured by Vancouver Oil Co., Ltd. First and Bewicke NORTH VANCOUVER Encourage Local Enterprise. LUMBER SPECIALS OF HIGH QUALITY These Specials are all of good grade and we guarantee satisfaction. Come in and look them over. SASH, 'OORS AND FRAMES Amblesifle Lumber Co. 6" Cedar Beveled Siding, clear............................... 6.......................... 612.00 2x6, 8, 10, 12 Com. sized ............................................. 16.00 6" Cedar Shiplap 12.00 4x4 and Sx5 Cedar Posts ...........................-........ 24.00 1x4 Short Flooring and V Joint .............................. 20.00 TAIII.E TAI.K )lnple Toffee One hnlf cup brown sugar, one n&nl one-half cups maple s)rup one-third cup wnter one-eighth tenspoon sac)a, one and one-hnlf tablespoons butter. Put the first three ingreclients into a sauce- pa&1 ovet'he 6&'e. St&I'ntil sugnr is disso)veci. After the sugnr is dissolved stir only enough to keep from lutrnlng. Cook until it forms a rather hnrd bau when dropped in cold wnter. Remove from fire a&la the butter nnd the sodn nncl stir just enough to mix well. Turn into n gr«need pnn and let staml until cool enough to hand)e. Gather into n bnu and pull until light in color and rath- er firm. Strotch into n long rope nnd cut into small pieces with scissors. The Lesage Drug Store has donated a baseball mit, which is on display nt their store. for the batter in the North Shore Senior Rnseball Isrague who makes the most home runs dur- ing the season. ~ ~ ~ Mr. aml tblrs. James Gnnnan, 1852 3rd Avenue, IVest. Vancou- ver, visited Nrs. Gnnnan's par- ents. tgir. and 3)rs. Stewart Cur- rie. Dundarave, on Saturday. i51r. and tsirs. Carman have just returnee) from an extended trip to I'ortlan&l. Snnta Bntbnra aml other points south. They had goml tveather nml n fine trip while aivay. ~ ~ ~ isliss Agnes E. Harvey of Caulfeild, has been on a short visit ivith friends at Harrison 1)ot Springs. ~ ~ It is the intention of the coun- cil to proceed immecliately tvith the construction of thc Whyte- cliff )Vnterworks, tvhich were nuthorised by a recent by-law. 1 1 1 isfary, daughter of Rev. A. N. O'Donneu, tvon a third prize and certificate in Class 41, Girl' Solo, at the B. C. Musical Festi- val, on Tues&iay. ~ 1 ~ Dr. G. E. Bayfiekl who recent- ly came to live in IVest Vancou- ver is having a large house built on sfathers near 21st, where he intends taking up permanent residence. IVe understand that Dr. Bayfield, who is a NcGiu graduate in medicine, and who has been conducting hospitals in different parts of B. C. for some years, will follow his profession in IVest Vancouver. ~ 1 ~ Father Kelly and 51iss Kelly have left the Fortune Cup Inn and are occupying N. B. O'Deu's house at 24th aml Inglewood. ~ ~ E. G. Simpson of Winnipeg, who has been spending a holi- day at the Fortune Cup Inn, has left for Seattle. ' ' '1 Mr. and Mrs. Rimmer, Clyde Street, has moved to 3585 Mar- ine Drive West Bay A son was born to Mr. an&1 Mrs. A. Lester Taylor last Sun- day at the North Vancouver General Hospital. Both mother and babe are doing welL Nrs. Taylor, better known to most of us under her maiden name- Mamie Logan--has a host of ac- quaintances in )Vest Vancouver, having lived here for some years. Sir. 'IV. Hutchinsnn 15)orrow, principal of the Lord Byng School, Point Grey. and ihlrs. 3)orroiv, &vere guests of A. P. Naxtveu. Rt438 Marine Ih ive over the &reek end, ~ ~ ~ The West Vancouver Liberal Associntion hekl n very success- ful whist drive in the Ambleside Hall last Saturday night. is)any North Vancouver Liberals being pl'est&it. ~ ~ ~ Nr. aml ltirs. )V. R. Scott aml family, 13th aml Fulton, have moved to Strathcona ))eights, Vnncouver. Mr. Scott who is n well known printer, trading under the nnme of the Lumber- man Printing Compnny, found that the pressure of business mnde it necessary for him to be in closer proximity to his plant, which is locnted in Vancouver City. &X)rs. Scott an&i he who were both members of, the Bap- tist Church here. have in pnst &lays tnken active parts in the social and business circles of West Vancouver, and their mov- ing is a matter of regret to their many friends. 1 ~ 1 Nark Phillips has sold his house at Inglewoo&l and 23rd and will shortly move into a new house he is building close to St. Anthony's Church. Order Your Groceries by Phone You get exactly th'e same service whether you bring your market basket or whether you telephone us your orcler. Our rehabthty will give you great satisfaction. Phone lVest 16 Creenwoo)ls GROCERY IVe deliver Diamond Jubilee Committee Meets Considerable progress was made at the meeting of the Con- federation Diamoml Jubilee Com- mittee, which took place in the municipal hall on IVednesday evening. It is proposed that the Van- couver Boys'an&1 will come over from the city by ferry on Satur- day morning, 2nd July, and meet the parade at Capilano bridge, from which point they will play it through the municipality. The Canadian Legion will have charge of the parade and will appoint a parade marshall. They will also have charge of the grounds. )V)th the object of sycronis- ing the efforts of the various committees a programme com- mittee was formed, consisting of IV. R. Hamilton, P. C. Chapman, Davies, J. Lawson and K. A. Ray who are chairmen of the com- mittees in question. Councillor Leyland, who has charge of the Sunday services was a)so made a member. The A. O. T. S. are taking charge of the prizes and trans- fers. Anyone wishing for Con- federation IVindow transfers should communicate with H. Hoskin, West 476Y. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., will be in charge of the decorating of the platform in Ambleside Park. The Scot- tish Society have donated 625.00 towards the cost of decorations. Other of the comatittees re- ported good progress in their various departments. Tomorrow's Bargains in USED CARS 1925 Chevrolet Roadster in Al Condition.... 5550 1925 Chevrolet Touring, in first class comiition 3550 1925 Ford Light Delivery, in very good order 6325 The North Shore Motors Ltd. 136 West First Street, North Vancouver, B.C. Phone Phone North 1186 North 1350 CHEVROI.ET SALES AND SERVICE SCOTTISH SOCIETY A whist drive and social even- ing will take place at the home of AIrs. NcVean on Thursday, 23rd June. Good prizes and a splendid programme have been arranged. A coucction will be taken, au of which will go to- wards buying the gold medals for the Dundarave Regatta Sports. All members and friends please help by keping this date open. Phone for reservations West 136L. The last meeting of the 1926- 1927 season was held at "the Clachan," on May 22nd. Sever- al items of business were dis- pensed with and donations were made to the Diamoml Jubilee Celebration Committee and the Horticultural Society. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR SMALL CHILDREN tach 6 gate&melt &tta W. O. preset Passe West uah terms a esse»ale FOR A. O. T. SL The A. O. T. S. held a general meeting on Tuesday nt the Unit- ed Church Hau for the election of officers. The following were elected: President--J. Tait Vice-President-- I". Paterson & L' S 0 i&'V I S ,SC.C tt'sf I"" 8 ' t \tth& plhfu Tt" tvgS bC, v gab&& b6'&h)gc R. ',b P. Iic&tev'hcufi(lit IL IL Ci cpm gc&ct! a.t'ea&"~me&&e &I 'an, C ChaP tch&tc, b IL Sliced b Pcfv 6, Cia&a~& avt $ A. 1 Sou)lag Pcfman 8,C.«C b uahc& "'ett,b atter pechla, b gaht8't Cimptm 8&aud 'ct m Gl&tu~'A Se Ca'tcu / b Chal)lambhl peymhll, gxtrhh geuiihg g, W. Bah« "" p &'('hhplllaut Nett game Lfau Valley G vali&au&& t Zgu P.m. Rt)BBITRY l i T)te queatii proposed by ))arise Drive )gt)t Streets, &ousideratiou They have aal 7 liealth at Vit reseotative h1 'etermining v jttt would )u health of the I„i The la&lies & held their rei Ambletide H There waa a aud three u& iuitiatod into Visitors pre, lporahipiul C Allen, R. )V.) tress, Sia. Da art, hou. mer also Sis. &1)t Lodge. Afte ireahmeuta I pkaaaut hagi next meeting 9th at 8 p.m. Those do m log ol t c, "oy aro, e very w)th tkoei e uce that at)roly with th I Phone bVest 199 16th and liar)ne District Itepresentatives -- J W. Perry, W. C. Thompson. Phone RIDLEY West 456