West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Jun 1927, p. 2

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Resampled001B6D32 Celery -- raw, stewed or in soup--should be eaten freely by sufferers from rheumatism. To clean suede gloves and shoes, rub with oatmeal, when most of the dirt will disapper. Scorch marks on white silk can be removed with bicarbon- ate of soda mixed with cold &Tat- er. Gilt frames should be cleaned while dusty Ivith Ivarm water to Ivhich has been added a little am- monia. A teaspoonful of vinegar add- ed to lard used for frying pre- vents the food to be fried from absorbing too much fat. When washing chamois leath- er glove~, add a teaspoonful of olive oil to the water. This Ivi)) keep the leather soft and pliable and the gloves will be less likely to split. After removing marks froni a fabric Ivith ammonia, you may find that the color has suffered. Apply a &Teak solution of vine- gar and water; this often serves to bring back the original color. To keep potatoes a good color, add a few drops of lemon juice to the water in which they stand after being peeled. Cakes will not burn at the top if covered Ivith a piece of grease proof paper, which should be re- moved about half an hour be- fore the cake is taken from the oven. To prevent moths from getting into carpets, go over the latter once a week with a broom dip- ped in hot water to which a little turpentine has been added. Paraffin is excellent for add- ing to the water when very dirty greasy clothes have been wash- ed. Wash them in the ordinary way first, then boil in water to which soap and paraffin have been added in the proportion of two tablespoonfuls to the gallon. If vinegar is boiled in a kettle that has become badly furred, the deposit will soften and break away from the sides and bottom. Fruit stains can easily be re- moved from fast-colored silks by sponging them with co)d soapy water. New curtains should be steep- ed over night in &Tater in Ivhich a packet of salt has been dissolved. The salt removes all lime from the curtains and makes it easy to get them clean. When washing a white silk jumper to which you want to give a little stiffness, add a few lumps of sugar to the rinsing water, roll lightly in a clean tow- el and iron Ivhile still damp. A new carpet should not be cleaned with a carpet siveeper or vacuum cleaner for about a month after it has been laid. The proper treatment is careful but stiff brushing with a clean carpet broom. Brush with the pile not against it. Brooms and brushes should be washed at least once a month. Hair brooms should be washed in soft suds and rinsed in cold water. Soak bristle brooms in soapy water, but rinse in cold water vrith a strong salt solution. Don't forget to scrub the handles. Eucalyptus oil is very useful in the house. For a stuffy cold in the head it is invaluable if a few drops are sprinkled on a handkerchief and inhaled; per- sistent cough can be stopped if a lump of sugar moistened with four or five drops of the oil is taken. It is also excellent for removing grease and tar stains froin the most delicate fabric by rubbing the marks with a piece of clean rag until they disapper. As potatoes get old, add a little sugar to the water in which they are boiled. Unrest Vancoui er Christian Science SC)CIEfy Services Ivif) be held at 11.30 A.M. and 7.30 I'. 5L Next Sunday June 5th in the Nebv Edifice 20th and Esquimali Hollyburn Beautiful Cypress Park Call.ai "THE INN-!Or Teo Oppooiio the creek. Stages pass the door. Bridge Road Through Park Opinion of the Vancouver Board of Park Commissioners regarding the proposal to con- struct an approach road through Stanley Park to the projected Lions'ate bridge will be asked by the city, it &v'as decided by the civic bridge and raihvays com- mittee Monday afternoon. The committee thought the Parks Board should be notified that the City Council intend to submit a plebiscite on this ques- tion and the board should be asked to declare its attitude in the event of the plebiscite being approved. A letter from Congdon, Camp- bell & Meredith, solicitors for the First Na!To&vs Bridge Comp- any--Dwight P. Robinson Com- pany of New York--complain- ing of the award of the bridge franchise to the Lions'ate Bridge Company--Armstrong, fiforrison &. Co. of Vancouver and Harrington, Howard & Ashe of Kansas City--was ordered to be incorporated in the minutes in order that aldermen may peruse the communications. Depends on Voters In the course of discussion of the communication, Aid. H. E. Almond remarked that only one side of the question was present- ed, but that the whole question depended on the attitude of the voters in the forthcoming plebi- scite. Several of the aldermen declar-. ed that the question of the a- ward would have to be ratified by the city and North Shore councils. Alderman Almond ad- ded that the best method of deal- ing with the question was to re- fer the whole matter back to the intermunicipal committee until after the plebiscite had been tak- en. There was also some discus- sion whether the city members of the intermunicipal committee were bound by the result of the vote, which was a secret ballot. For Respective Councils Ald. John Bennett commented that the city members, by agree- ing to a secret vote, had practic- ally accepted the decision of the committee and that any attempt to "crawl out" would be undig- nified. This view was supported by Aid. Angus MacInnis, chairman of the intermunicipal body. He explained, however, that the draft agreement between the municipalities and the company would be submitted to the re- spective councils. In the Eelementary Violin con- test at the B. C. Musical Festival yesterday, Rex Rhodes, son of k. Rhodes, 18th and IVaterfront, wau third with 86 marks. The contest was very close, only I mark separating the three win- ners. Rex Rhodes is a pupil of Miss 5fargaret Mcintyre. THE WEST VAiN NEWS VVEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society &'III'R&'H RIIIFI&'E 20&h aud Eouuimaii, Huu)bura Sunday Sorviooo at 11.30 a. m. aud 7.30 p.m. Subject June 5th "('od Ihe Only Cause and ('rester" Suuiiay School at 10.00 a. m, Testimony Dieoiiug every Ivod- uoaday ai I(15 p.m. The Paint That Costs ! The Least Juile 3, 1027. O St. Stephen'8 Church Whitsunday (June 6ih). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.15 a. m.--Holy Communion 7,15 p. m.--Evensong. There will be special )Vhitsun- tide music on Sunday, including Simper's anthem "The Comfort- er." The closing meeting of the A. Y. P. A. Ior the season will take the form of a banquet to be held at 7 o'lock in the I'arish Ilail, next Tuesday evening. The speech of the evening will be given by Mr. Justice Murphy on "Early Days in British Colum- bia." The prospectus for the fourth annual Anglican summer camps at Long Bay, Gambier Island, has been issued and may be o'b- tained from the Rector. The first camp for senior boys opens June 27th and closes July 11th. Although the juveniles lost to Chalmers United at Cecil Rhodes school Monday night the game was featured by a double play, unassisted, by Borden Dawson. 17th and fifarine WEST VAN RESTAURANT O Here You Are Mrs...............,......, ! It hau Iakou years of experi- ence aud practica to goi our bread baking down io a aciouco, but we have II uow aud we are anxious Io a&id your approval Io that of our growing list of cuu- tomoru. Established over 6&/I Years C. J. OVERINGTON lith and Marina BARBER For the convenience of the ladies of the District I have had the tolephoro Iuotallod PHONE WEST 136 aud make an appointment. Phbuo Vyoai 27 aud our delivery mau will call Baptist Church STRATTON'S BAKERYRev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer se!s ice each Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. Ambleslds Tea Rooms Ferry Tyharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp aad Picuio Suppiiaa, Tobacooa, oto. 14. PER RINO R O OPTONETalav A.'ID DPT&c&AN Wee!uoodayu from 2 p.m. Evenings from 7 p. m. ROVOI Seek Did&. Parce Wee& ioaa JUBILEE CELEBRATION ARCH FOR MARINE DRIVE The Jubilee Confederation Central Committee for the North Shore has asked the council to erect an arch on Marine Drive at the entrance to the municipal- ity in connection with the forth- coming celebration. The coun- cil has the matter under con- sideration and will obtain infor- mation as to cost of erecting such an arch. Office Phone Residence Phone IVOII 73 Ivoat 9HXI DR. E. R. RO'IVAN DENTIST 17th aud Iiiariuo Drive Gaa Evening extraotiouu aoooiuimouio Try the Burrard Laundry If you'e ever had trouble with your laundry work or feel sick and tired of washing at home, try the "Burrard." They'l do up everything beautifully and the very modest charges will act- ually surprise you. Ring up and enquire about our "Services." Night Auto Service For the convenience of the public this Garage will be OPEN EVEII Y NIGHT until 9 o'rIoch TOWING -- AUTO REPAIRS BATTERIES RECHARGED West Var( Auto Service (Keu Robiuoou) liiariuo Drive at 25&h I'houe 1Veut 44 I The Ambleside Park project, which has been a much discussed subject recently in West Van- couver and the North Shore gen- erally, came up before the coun- cil at their meeting this week. The municipal clerk was instruc- ted to write the owners in blocks 27 and 28, D. L. 237, for prices at which they would sell their lots, all communications to be sealed and in by Monday noon. The Burrard Laundry Limited For People Wlio Are Purer're%% THIRD STREET oai ST. DATIDS North Vancouver F UEL Dry Bark, Coal 8 Wood Phone North 1310. H. H. Ballard "Have any luck hunting lions in Africa?" "Yep; didn't meet one." Damp a tablet of soap and rub well into fabric marked by mil- dew. Then cover with French chalk and place in the sun for an hour. This method will not hurt the mast delicate fabric. of ail kimis, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Currie, Prop) 26th and Marine Phone West 112 Satisfaction Gun!anteed Fingerman My girl said this poem of mine caused her heart to miss a beat. Editor: Rejected. We don' want anything that will inter- fere with our circulation. I'e lost my dog. Do you think I shoul&l advertise in the news- papers? Mebhe so, but my &log can' I'cad. Sele& I potatoes of umform size wash them with a brush and plunge them into boiling salted water (I teaspoon of salt to I quart of water). Cook them with the cover of kettle ajar, until tender, from twenty to thirty minutes. Drain the po- tatoes, remove the skins, dress the potatoes with butter if de- sired, and serve them immediate- ly. If it is necessary for the potatoes to stand a few minutes before being served, cover them with 0 cloth, not a lid, in order that the steam as it condenses may be absorbed by thc cloth an&I not returned to the potatoes to make them soggy. This is the reason for serving potatoes in an uncovered dish. Ti i E West Van News -', I'ubliehed Every Fr!say H. HODOSON urn! F.F. IA)VE&IROVI.'est ISL West 412LAlgernon: I say, my good msn, will you drive me all a- round town? Sion bon Homme: Yeh, if I can get a harness to fit you. Dick: If I asked you to marry me, dear, what would you say? Joan: Guess. Dick: )Veff -- er--what would it rhyme with? Joan: Guess. I'ubnoheru Business aud Ediiuelai Oflice: 1351 Diariao Drive I!Oii Addreuu". O. Box IOI, Hoiiybura, IL C. 51.00 a year by mail ur carrier, Nowa- 'I ~Ion&!a 5o pev copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON A I'I'LICATION ls Ih I aint that covers the greatest sui f0&~ shortest time ta apply-- that wears the longest. ifilartin-Senour "100'I Pure" I'aint does all three. )fere's the proof. ")00'5 Pure" Paint covers 000 square feet of surface per gallon. lland-mixed-leail-an&I-oil, aml cheap prepared paints, cover only about 600 square feet. The greatest cost of painting is for labor. It takes less time to apply Martin-Senour "100",O'ure" Paint because its fine, even texture spreads much easier. IVhy use cheap paint--that is expensive to put on--when iglartin-Senour "100rif Pure" I'aint wears nearly twice as long? Distributors for )Vest Vancouver Hollyburn General Store GROCERIES HARD)YARE I'AINTS, ETC. (Hooper and Son) rf' WE DELIVER I'hone West 46 AHA OIO H&ood 'uppi Ogele )fe&I " Apt&' pplic ted fofl Aveggc Envelope! Fer! Trucks i! Trucks l& spj ( Diet!i oihi ~v ~ I eoeiii eoi I ovoa Ieef ~ Od I 0! Dtl