West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 May 1927, p. 7

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Resampled001B6D29 wwIP27, May 27, 1927. Musical Festival Programme&4y I 0, muPIe and a I @uce a ut Thtil u eu b'i will ali tau 73 "heu eu dro heu this oru thett uutg'u ouh pecans, vanilla or oiled squares. tooloug be hard 'uPle er until I a pinch r in one tel it is Iud beat 9 whites fficieut- I to the without al'ith 5 cooked I mix it . sauce. kle with I cheese, 'e, cover l,put 6 ud there I 3 mod- es. add f~ nd 6 half lg Powd- der with iugredi- squares 6, about be made is boned fiug aud .iux yield 6 of am- ydrogeu. ;hoes are lau is to holdthe goover udwater iilbrush. ryiuthe hewhite emoney, mixture less. lhe ce Monday, May 30 51orning WESLEY CHURCH .I Class 42--Piano, Primary, under 10 years, 19 entries. Class 49--Violin, Primary, 9 en- tries. GYIIINASIUM Class 50--Violin, Elementary, 9 entries. Class 48--Pianoforte Duet. Class 55--'Cello, Intermediate. WOMAN'S BUILDING Class 40--Girls Solo, 28 entries. Afternoon WESLEY CHURCH Class 10--Male Voice Choir, Boys, 8 entries. Finals--Class 40, Girls Solo; Piano, Primary, under 10 yrs.; Class 39--Boys solo. GYMNASIUM'lass 35--Scottish Folk Song, Female, 8 entries. Class 3G--Scottish Folk Song,': ~ Male, 5 entries. WOMEN'S BUILDING Class 39--Boys Solo, 16 entries. Evening WESLEY CHURCH Address of Welcome, His Wor- ship Mayor Louis D. Taylor, in- '«& troduced by F. S. H. Winn, K.C., chairman of the Executive Com- mittee. Class 16--Sunday School Choirs, 3 entries. Class 56--'Cello, open. Class 10--Male Voice Choir, Boys, (Final). Class 3--Large Church Choirs, 2 entries. Tuesday May 31 Morning WESLEY CHURCH Class 41--Girls Solo, Low Voice, 15 entries. Class 26--Duet, Juniors under 17, 9 entries. 37--Young Vocalists, so- prano, 17 entries. GYMNASIUM Class 7S--Elocution, girls under 10, 15 entries. Class 77--Elocution, Boys under 10, G entries. Class 7S--Continued. Class 82--Elocution, girls under 16, 11 entries. ~ Class 8--Elocution, boys under 16, 2 entries. Class S2--Continued. WOMEN'S BUILDING Class 43--Piano, Elementary, 5S'ntries. Afternoon WESLEY CHURCH Class 1--Day Schools, primary, 6 entries. Finals--Class 41, Girls solo. Class 43--Piano, Elementary. Class 37--Young Vocalists, So- 'lI prano. GYMNASIUM Class 83--Elocution, Men, 6 en- 'e' tries. WOMEN'S BUILDING Class 43--Continued. 1 Evening WESLEY CHURCH Class 15--High School Girls Choir. Class 78--Elocution, girls under 10, final. Class 60--String Quartette. Class 23--Duet, Contralto and Bass. Class 2--Small Choral Societies. II. ~ ..- WENESDAY "Children's Day" June 1 Morning WESLEY CHURCH Class 12--Day Schools, grades 3 and 4, 20 entries. GYMNASIUM Class 80--Elocution, girls under I 14. Class 84--Elocution, Ladies open I i . 16 entries. WOMEN'S BUILDING ~ Class 27--Soprano Solo, 43 en- tries. Afternoon WESLEY CHURCH Class 1S--Day Schools, grades 5t aml G, 9 entries. Class 14--Day Schools, grades 7 and 8, 10 entries. GYMNASIUM Class SO--Continued. Class 84--Continued. THE WEST VAN NEWS Baseball CLASSIFIED ADS.WOMEN'S BUILDINGClass 44--Piano, Junior, 32 en- tries. Evening WESLEY CHURCH Class 14--Day Schools, grades 7 and 8, Finals. Class 52--Violin, Intermediate, 6 entries. Class 20--Quintette. Class 4--Intermediate Church Choirs, 3 entries. Thursday, June 2 Morning WESLEY CHURCH Class 51--Violin, Elementary, 20 entries. Class 3S--Young Contralto, 14 entries. WOMEN'S BUILDING Class 47--Piano Duet, Junior. Class 28--Mezzo Soprano, 33 en- tries. Afternoon WESLEY CHURCH Class 31--Baritone Solo, 31 en- tries. Class 30--Tenor Solo, 12 entries. Finals--Mezzo Soprano Solo. Class 61--Violin, Elementary. Class 31--Baritone Solo. GYMNASIUM Class 58--Cornet Solo, 5 entries. WOMEN'S BUILDING Class 45--Piano, Intermediate, 9 entries. Evening WESLE YCHURCH . Class 5--Small Church Choirs, 2 entries. Class 58--Violin, Open, 5 entries. Class 24--Duet, Soprano and Contralto, 2 entries. Class 8--Male Voice, S m a I I Choirs, 3 entries. LOI ELY V EW Five Room Bunga low, best situation in West Vancou- ver. Reasonable terms. West 148. WE HAVE an immediate buyer for a 3 or 4 roomed cottage, must be modern and on large lot or 2 small ones and cultivated. If the price is right we guarantee a sale. IVhat have you? OUR LARGE LOT Subdivieione are going fast. Listings Wanted GEO. HAY Phone West 21. 14th 6«Marine Drive 315 Cordova St., W. Sey. 1260. W. Hay, Eveninge, West 137X. ning'. O. T. S. baseball league on Friday last the Dundarave team defeated the Ambleside boys to the tune of 8-0. The westerners played a great game but from their play the Ambleside boys deserved at least a few runs. They declare that they are going to come back and show their real form in the next game. On Wednesday evening Holly- burn defeated Dundarave 7-3. Both teams played good ball and the game was in doubt until the last man was out. The next game will be played at Ambleside Park on Saturday, 28th, at 8 o'lock, between Hol- lyburn and Ambleside. If the easterners can slip a win over the central district the teams will be tied. West Van Intermediate Ball Team Lose First Game Last Thursday night the inter- mediate boys of West Vancouver were forced to take the short end of a 16 to 11 score against Grandview United. For the first four innings Grandview's pitch- ing ace, Walt Tyson, had the local boys swinging wildly, squeezing in only 1 run while his own team collected 12 runs. In the fifth and sixth the West Van boys found their batting eyes and added 10 runs while their opponents could only get4.'ad the game not been called on account of darkness before the seventh, a different story might have been told. Grandview and West Van are now tied for first place with 3 wins and I loss each. Tonight the boys meet St. Margarets Un- ited at Ambleside Park at 6 o'lock and will be out to win to stay in the running with Grand- view. The boys are playing a good brand of ball as was shown on Saturday afternoon when they took the local senior team into camp by 8 runs to 4. FOR RENT--Room with board, adults. All conveniences. Phone West 170X LANDSCAPE GARDEiiiNG, Clearing Cement work and rock walla built. T. Barnott, phone 1Veet 672R. LOST--Dog. Scotch Skye Terrier. male. Last seen on city bound ferry Tuesday, 24th, 9 p. m. Large white blotch on throat. Phone West 629R. SAXAPHONES, Cotneta, Clarinets, Flutes, Brand new, by best Ameri- can and French makers, at city prices. Cash or terms. C. kvadding- ham, West 121L. WANTED -- Listings of Summer camps and cottages. Clients wait- ing. SAVORY 45 DUVAL 1429 Marine Drive. West 340 FOR SALE --Camp Cooking Stove in good condition. Phone West 621 BRUNSWICK Cabinet Gramaphone, for sale. No reasonable cash offer refused. Apply Guinan, 25th and hiathera. 2 LOTS, 3-Roosl COTTAGE, Stucco garage, Light, water and phone, 81325, terms. West Vancouver In- vestment Co., 18th and hiarine, Phone West 102. GOOD BUILDIVG SITE gust off paved street, 322K Phone West 148. ALTAMONT--A few remaining acre blocks in this very desirable locality. Prices from 3500 to 3750, on terms. WHITAKER Jk WHITAKER Exclusive Agents 810 Hastings Street West. Sey. 7949 TWO ROOIIED COTTAGE on bue route with sink and water inside, also large chicken house. Rent moderate. Apply Sewell, Top of 20th Street. WANTED TO RENT by Careful Ten- ant on or before June 15, Five room modern house, furnace. P. O. Box 81, Hollyburn or Phone Went 6481 IL P. CLARK a Co., LTD. Sleneagles Golf and Country Club DRESS5IAKING--Mra. Robbins, 29th and Mathera. Phone West 437R3. SEE US FOR SNAPS in Real Estate for quick action on loans or dis- counting Agreements for Sale. Long experience gives ua a knowledge of the Insurance business equal to that of any City Office. At your service for anything in the brokerage line. BYRiVELL 3«51 AY at the Ferry Landing. Phone West 113 FAIRWAYS AND GREENS ARE LOOKING FINE Application for Membership should not be delayed. List is limited.Friday, June 3 Morning WESLEY CHURCH Class 29--Contralto Solo, 22 en- tries. GYMNASIUM Class G5--Sight Singing. Class 66--Ear Test. Class 67--Piano, Sight Playing, under 19. Class 68--Piano, Sight Playing, Open. Classes 71-2-3-4-5-6 -- Composi- tion. Afternoon WESLEY CHURCH Class 32--Bass Solo, 11 entries. WOMEN'S BUILDING Class 31--Ladies Trio, 3 entries. Class 19--Ladies Quartette. Evening WESLEY CHURCH Class 9--Service Club Choirs. Class 46--Piano, Advanced, 3 entries. Class 34--Gold Medalists, Cham- pionship, Male. Class 6--Ladies Choirs, 8 en- tries. Saturday, June 4 Evening AT THE ARENA Knights of Pythias Orchestra.'assed Day School Choirs, grad- es 7 and 8. Class 33--Gold Medalist, Female, (3 entries). Class 7--Male Voice Choirs, (2 entries) . Class 64--Orchestras, Open, (3 entries). Class 1--Large Choral Societies, (4 entries). R. P CLARK 45 Co., LTD. 823 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7483, 7464 Local Repreeentative C. J. ARCHBR. Went 651L FOR RENT--Three small stores to rent at Ambleaide. Rental from 312 to 320 per month each. SAVORY a DUVAL 1429 Marine Drive. IVest 340SPECIAL SALE OF FURNITURE AND EFFECTS at 1331 Clyde Road Between 13th and 14th Streets. West Vancouver--2 Blocks from Ferry 2 Beds, several carpets, Singer Sew- ing Machine with electric motor, Chif- fonier, Chairs and Rockets, large quantity of Kitchen Utensils. Call between 10 a. m. and 12 p.m. A tugboat with three scows in tow carried away the electric light and fog bell beacon on Burnaby Shoal, near Brockton Point, Burrard Inlet. A tempor- ary signal is now given with a red lantern on a scow GARDENING, Etc--Gardening in all branches, Lawns and Rockeries made and kept Ex- pert work. There is still time for new lawns. Estimates free. Day or contract. H. A. iaIIL- LAN, Phone West 311R1. Maple Leaf Paint Store „","'orth Side Marine,'ear 14th SPECIALS on PAINTS Congoleum Oilcloths reg. 80c per sq. yd. for...... 70C Congoleum Art Rugs 60c up to S15.00, ail sizes Flo-Glaze Floor Paint' "-1 gallOn................. reg. $5.25 for $4.25 !2 gallOn ..............reg. $2.65 for $2.30 I '!4 gallon ................. reg, $1.45 for $ 1 15 .'lnta.....................................,...reg. 85c for 60C 6 Colors Only Flo-Glaze Paint for Exterior and Interior I One Gallon Regular $5.00 for ................................ $3.65 W AQQ for every room in the house. Reg. 40c for 20'eg 30c for 15c PAPER Extra Special, a few odd lines at 5c per roll. Japanese Rugs, all sizes from 35c to $2.40 Flo-Glaze Enamels, ail colors, at very special prices. May Day Celebration Muresco Kalsomine reg 75c 65c Imperial Kalsomine reg 60c 55c Boded Od--LInseed, a gal. $ 1.30 l Pure Turpentine, special $1.65 I The May Day celebration in North Vancouver staged every 24th May by the Elks, was some- what marred by inclement weather on Empire Day. Never- theless, the celebration took place and the May Queen was duly crowned. The sports sched- uled to take place, however, had to be cancelled. A large number of West Van- couver children attended, trans- portation for them arranged by the Elks, being provided by one of the municipal buses and a fleet of local trucks as well as some private cars. The May Queen accompanied by her entourage made a tour of the North Shore, depositing a wreath at the cenotaph in North Vancouver City and at the Mem- orial Arch on Marine Drive. VVE" DELIVERE. F. TITE, PRoP. Look for Specials in lVindow ~luiuuouunu ioximnoaoounnmxniooiiixunnmioxooxixiioxon a onxooioaiximmm a orna ioniin«emnoo am aomoamixooietnu Wnnemnmexooxocxoimixwoo~