Resampled001B6D29 PRONE 4SS I. J. H. REID FULTON Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork Manure For Sale A.&sEARL'VERNON FEED STORE Ph n "-I'EED Good assortment of Bedding Plants CEMENT FUEL Geraniums, Seed Potatoes, etc., for sale ETC. =W E S T 0 N We are exclusive agents for a LL3))TED NUig)BER OF CHOICE LOTS in this District. Every iot hss been cleared and Commands n Good View of the Sea PRICES ARE LOW and Easy Terms caa be arrangc&L %Vhitaker 0'9aitaker Sig Hastings Street &Vast, Vancouver Phone: Seymour 7949 One Quart 'y j/ 7 c Ic cyrj ge~@ Kiddies drink. PRAsERVALKY Mt LK-for Safety Ct)II theFraserValley M376 to-m)7ok) morning A Cream Vagon on, eoettr street- every morning Nine Quarts $1.00 Phone North 122 Lesagehasit Friday and Saturday Specials 60c GIN PILLS..........................,............... 4)c 25c ZliNC OINT3IENT. tubes ........................... 19c 26c CARBOLIC OINT3)ENiT, tubes ....,............ )9c 25c BOOTS 61ELOIDS ........................................ 19c 25c PEROXIDE ........................................................ 19c 25c FACE CLOTHES .......................................... 19c 16c LINEN ENVELOPES ............................... 7krc 50c BABY PANTS ............................... 2 pairs 83c loc MUCILAGE ................................................ Sc 61.00 BOX JE)VEL CHOCOLATES .................... 69c 50c KLENZO TOOTH BRUSHES .................... 3. c 35c HOUSEHOLD Ah)igIONIA, reputed quart.... 25c ENOS FRUIT SALTS ................... =................... 98c Lesage Drug Store Worth Side Marine, near 14th I We deliver ggptghere +est 3/3 Ng grdgr )gs small We give Trade Discount Receipts. Save the Coupons. Lesagehasit PERSONA.LS TAB).E TAI.R 'pie Cr t hree cu'ip or cre«» 9 of b'utter pan over the fire an&I stir until it reaches the bnillng point. Then place over simmering burner nr on back of range where it will boil gently until a soft ball can be fnrmed with the lingers when some nf the syrup has been drop- ped Into coM wnter. When this can lie done, remnve from the Are. cool nncl then beat ccntgi thick an&i crenmy. Stir ln ond cup nf nuts, preferably pecans, nml one-half teaspoon of vnnilln ap&l pour into a butters&I or oiled pnn. Cut when col&) Into squares. f'nutinn: Do nnt beat too long a time, or the cnn&ly will be hard insteacl of creamy. giapie Fronting Boil together one cup mnple sugat nml one cup water until it forms n soft bnll. Add a pinch of crenm of tnrtar. Pour in one cupful of nut ments after It is removed from the Are and bent this into the stiffly beatenwhites of three eggs. When sufficientl- yy thick to sprend, n&l&l to the cake. This cnn be made without the nuts but it ls better with them. ) 937 gciic . d Iii!9 Ilsi tissdsy 10 6 yiplil Clggg tries GYI[6 yiinll Oggg 6~ catt'e 'ion Class 5 'Ce)h Woigl ,Class 6 AV ~G)tlc Osgg 4 Arl VESLEI )0 gls c Class a 8 engr8 (~a)ggg sle, 8 eiFe+ ~&el Class 3 3[gle, 6 catt 'og)EN" CI gg 39-Bnys iyESI E Ad&lregs « ship gigyor « troduced hy F chair&ass oftl', Inittee. O~ )~un& 3 entries Class 56-'Cel Class 10-Iigl Boys, (Fins Class 3-Lsrg 2 entries. Tutgdg 1)( IVESLE'lass 41-Girl! . 15 entries, 36-Due 17, 9 entrie, Class 37--Yog ptsno, 17 eg GYgii'lggg 78-Elec! )0, 16 entn'g! Class)7 E)mI )0~ 6 entries, ~ - Clam 78-Coal Clam 8 E)m 16, 1 I en)tie Clam 8--Elxt 16 3 entrieg Clues 8~09 )VOIIEN cl 'lgggdg pI 'ntrieg Ari IVESLE Class I Dgy 6 egtneg. '" Is--g)gm Clggg 43 p , g Class M Pano. GYhi" ~E)o trieg IVDIIEN ~ . Class 43 Co Ei IVESLECl„,, Choir, =0 Clggg7g]0r ec m g~t . Clgg, u n Bass. Clgg, 2'VF RES 7 ~ Ji B( IVESI, 'tri Chcgg ) 4 '"04,20",„" GYhi",'" 80 14 VAN NEWS girs. George Jnckson, Ha)- wood anil 14th. accompanied by her daughter. igiiss Dorothy. is leaving for Englnncl tnmnrroiv on a six months visit. ~ ~ ~ G. W. Webster is putting In a broken pavement in cnlnrs mnde nf concrete on ihirs. B. igf. Grady's property at 24th an&I Waterfront. The pavement nina in a circle from the sidewalk to the front door nnd extends round to the new tennis cnurt nnd bnck door. This is the first time this kind of pavement has been put clown in )Vest Vancouver. ~ ~ ~ Mr. C. Iyaddingham's orches- tra played four programmes at the Greater Vancouver Spring Flower an&I Tulip Show held in the Drill Hall, Beatty Street, 20th and 21st inst. ihir. and Mrs. IV. A. Anderson and fami)y of the Elgin Apart- ments, Vancouver, have moved into their summer home at Caul- feild. Perry Bros. are starting a transfer business at Iyest Bay. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Ogilvie, Ra&lcliffe Ave., has moved into her new home nt Marine Drive and Radcliffe. s ~ ~ Jnmes Sutherland of Vancou- ver. has purchased n lot on Geo. liny's new sub-division on Ingle- &rond nnd )9th. nhere he intends to buikl n resiilence. ~ s ~ Dr. G lA. Bnyfleld, of Bells Coo)a, has taken igir. IyeDs'ouse at 18th nnd (lordon. ~ ~ ~ t Mrs. Odium nf Vancouver, moved on Friday to her summer home at Horseshoe Bay. o o ~ The )Vest Vnn Phnrmacy hns put in a frigidaire machine in connection with their ice crenm business. igiay 27 )927 ~ ~ ~ The )Vest Van Garnge nre hav- ing their garage stuccoed to con- form with their new gas and oil station, which will be situat- ed in the most westerly store of the new Vates'lock. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Wa)kas of the city has moved into a house at 19th an&I Bellevue. i o ~ Snme additions have been made to the upper level bus service on cveek days only. The bus leaves the feiry wharf at 10 a. m. and I p. m. and returns to bring passengers to the 10.30 a. m. and 1.30 p.m. ferries, and on Wednesdays and Saturdays the bus will leave the ferry wharf at 1.30 p. m. and 2 p. m. to bring passengers to the 2 p. m. and 2.30 p.m. boats. Mr. and Mrs. H. IV. PenT, 13th and Esquimalt, have had an addition to their family, a son having been born to them on Saturday morning at the North Vancouver Hospital. Both mother and son are doing welL Snl Cod Scallops Remove nil bones from cooked cod, flake it Anely and mix it with a pint of white sauce. Grease a pie dish, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and grated cheese, fill with the fish mixture, cover with more breadcrumbs, put a few bits of butter here and there over the top,and bake in a mod- erate oven for 15 minutes. Soda Crnckers To four cups of flour ad&i heine teaspoon salt, aml thre and a half heaping teaspoons baking powd- er. Sift the baking powder with the flour, then add other ingredi- ents. Roll out, cut in squares and bake in quick oven, about five minutes. s ~ ~ In spite of the bad weather on Empire Day, quite a number of fishermen were out around Hollyburn wharf. Ling cod were running very freely, and most of the fishermen secured goo&i catches. ~ s Mrs. Cuthbert and her &laugh- ter, 22ml and Jefferson, spent the week end in Victoria. ~ s ~ Councillor J. T. Watt has pur- chased John Hart's house at 17th and Esquimalt. s ~ ~ Miss Hammill of the Holly- burn School staff, is confined to the house with a badly sprained ankle. Board of Trade Meeting Stuffed Mutton Breast of mutton can be made wonderfully tasty if it is boned stuffed with veal stuffing aml braised. Crane-Phioips A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Rev. A. M. 0'- Donne)I on May 14, when Gwen- delon Elsie Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Phillips, West Vancouver, became the bride of Mr. Thomas Richard Crane. The attendants were Mr. Thomas R. Crane, brother of the groom, and Miss Alice G. Ashe. The wed- ding supper was served at the home of the bride, after which the young couple left for a brief honeymoon. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Crane will reside at 2277 Inglewood avenue, West Vancouver. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trade was held in the Legion's Rooms, ferry building, at 8 p. m. on Tuesday. Colonel Savory was appointed representative to the organiza- tion meeting of the District of Greater Vancouver Boards of Trade, which took place yester- day in the Board of Trade rooms, Vancouver. A request was received from the Merchants Bureau asking, the board to take up with the Municipal Council the question of an improvement in the road- way and better lighting in the business sections of Marine Drive. A resolution was passed that the Secretary write the Coun- cil asking that the condition of the unpaved portion of the road- way between 14th and 15th, 17th and 18th, aml 24th and 25th, re- ceive attention, also that the drain on the north side of Mar- ine Drive between 14th and 15th be boxed in. It was moved that the B. C. Telephone be requested to ex- tend their line from Caulfeild to Whytec)iff in view of the large increase in the population at the western end of the municipality. The board went on recorcl as supporting the Senior Baseball Club aml authorized a donation to the club not to exceed 626, also a prize to the Horticultural Association. The Secretary was instructed to write the B. C. Mountaineer- ing Club, thanking them for giv- ing recently a lecture on Holly- burn Ridge. The following applied for membership and were accepted: G. E. Reid, Eugene Tite, W. Sugar, C. R. Shields, H. McGow- an, J. F. Nnrmand. Summer Clennsers Grass aml similar stains yiel&l readily to an application of am- monia or peroxide of hydrogen. When white canvas shoes are to be cleaned a goo&I plan ls to stuff with paper to hold the shape of the shoe and go over thoroughly with soap and water applied with a hard nail brush. Remove all the soap, dry in the sun an&i then put on the white mixture. This will save money, as the amount of the mixture necessary to use will be less. Battery Service A'gnIglesigIe REBUILDING Distilled Water nnd Battery Service FREE We call for an&i delivery your car or radio battery. No extra charge. Just phone us-- WEQT ]30 Igsg 84 EI 6 entriesm Art& Egi, We handle the famous EXIDE BATfERIES OPEN EVENINGS Next to the West Van Garage nnd Service Station at Ambleslde The only exclusive battery service in West Vancouver. Ckgg I D gnd 6 Day Clggg I ' entr gnd g Dgy, i 10 eg! C)ggg 80 GYI)h C)gsg g „sect~oat! s 1 GEORGE E. LESHURE announces ihe opening of ihe West Van