Resampled001B6D29 THE WEST VAN ixIEWS EX-REEVE blORGAN bVINS SUIT The suit for slander brought, by Engineer Duncan against Ex- Reeve David blorgan ivas tried last wek in Supreme Court be- fore blr. Justice Gregory, who, following the jury's verdict in favor of the defendant. dismiss- ed the case. The statements by Fx-Reeve iblorgan, made at the annual municipal public meeting in Hol- lyburn Theatre on 6th January. on ivhich the action was based. &vere ns folloivs: "The District of North Vancouver has npeat- edly refused assistance in the maintenance nml construction of a blarine Drive bridge because of our engineer an&i ive will get no assistance from the d(strict as long as ibir. Duncan is engineer. The municipality of West Van- couver has lost thousands of dol- lars as n result of Mr. Dnncan being engineer. In the spring of 1925 one member of the council asked that the engineer be dis- missed, but received no support from the rest of the council.a The finding of the court in favor of ibIr. Morgan establishes the right of n reeve to criticise a municipal official at a ratepay- ers'eeting dealing ivith muni- cipal matters, providing his statements are true, or he believ- es it to be in the public interest for him so to speak, and his statements are not malicious. He has no right, however, to repeat them at any other time or place. No similar case has ever been heard before in a Canadian court and the result establishes sever- al very important precedents. Dugald Donaghy conducted the case for Mr. Morgan, and IV. E. Burns was counsel for Engin- eer Duncan. BUY HERE AND SAVE A penny saved is a penny earned. Yoo csn save hem on almost au pour grocsrioa This %Veek's Specials: DEL MONTE PEACHES, per can .......... 20c DEL MONTE APRICOTS, per can ........... SOc TOMATO C'ATSUP, per boa&is.................. &xc ROYAL CIT1 STRAWBERRY JA$1, 4 Iix can......... 69c MALKIN'S BEST FANCY CORA .......... 3 tins 50c NEW ZEALAND BUTTER................... 3 lbs. $ I.4$ SUGAR ...................................... 10 lbs. 75c 51111/iI S 6/Of,'I!1 g )VEST VAN. C. C. vs. COLTS C. C. I'layed at Boulevard I'ark. 2isa Slay, 1927. WEST VANCOUVER INNINGS F IV. Baker, c Dean, b Hoiish ... 43 H. R. Cridgc. run out .....„,.... 26 F. Harrop. b Toft ............ 14 E. IV. Parker, b Huiiah..................... 6 P. C. Chapman, c V. Loser, b Toft 6 G. Emsrtoa-Court, bDcao................ 46 C. Chapman, bToft ....................... 3 A. A. Rcrris, b V. Los&or.. 7 A. Silva-IVhi&e, b Dean................. 0 H. Clark, se Laster, b V. Laster.. 3 E. Grout, noa au&................. I Extras ........... IS Total... 166 Bowling Overs Runs Ivickc&s Huilah............ 10 47 2 Toft ....., ... 8 28 3 Los&sr ......,. 8 38 2Deacon..... S 12 0 Smith ............ I 11 0 Dean ... S 17 2 COLTS INNINGS G. Dean. sa Harrop, b Baker.......... 14 A. M. Laster, b Chapman ............ 3 D. Deacon, b G. E. Court................ 32 V. Laster, c Silva Ivhitc, b Parker 9 V. $1crcer, b Rsrric ....................... 19 W. Toft, c Silva IVhitc, b Rcrrioa.. 0 S. Smith, no& ou&................ 17 R. Gcc. b Baker,.................... I $1.Taylor,c C.Chapman, b Chapman 3 H. Thomas, roo oot.................... 0 H.Ho&&ah, c C.Chapman, b Chapman 6Extras................... 9 Total ... .... I I 3 Bowling Overs Runs IVickcts R IV. Baker... 7.6 34 2 P. C. Chapman...... 7 19 3 G. Emerson-Court 3 27 I E. IV. Parker..... 5 17 I A. A. Rerris .. 2 6 2 Next Game--West Vancouver C. C. vs. B. C. Electric C. C. at hfahon Park, Saturday, biay 28. Roberts'etter Meats 14th and Marine West 19Q bvhere Service and Quality Count IVE DELIVER MOR(s(ING 9i30--East 25th Only 11130--from Capilano to Caulfeild AFTERNOON 3:30--East 25th Only A SPECIAL FOR EVERY DAY Dudley Roberts while riding on the roller coaster on Tuesday, saved a 12-year old boy from ivhat might have been a serious accident if not death. The boy, who was apparently stealing a ride on the side of the car, lost his footing and was hanging on by his hands when Dudley Rob- erts noticed him, and pulled him into the car by main force just before it took the big dip. SATURDAY FRESH GRASS BUTTER EASTERN TOWNSHIP BUTTER ... 3 Ibs $ 1.50 Fore Quarters, Ncw Zealand Lamb, pcr lb.... 2$c Ribs asd Breast, N, Z. Lamb pcr Ib ..... 25c Legs, New Zealand Lamb, pcr Ib ....... 3$c Loins, New Zealand Lamb pcr Ib . 38c Rolled Rib Oven Roast, No. I Steer Beef, pcr Ib...... 28c Boneless Corned Beef pcr lb.. 15c. 20c sod 25c Fresh Liver, per lb......... Ioc Cambridge Sausage...., 2 Ibs 25c Legs Pork, fores, pcr lb........ 20c Local Killed Rabbits, skinned pcr Ib........ 2$c Oranges, Sweet...... 3 dox. 90« Local Hot House Tomatoes 37c aad 40c Asparagus............... 2 Ibs 2$c Boiiiog, Roasting aod Frying Chicken )ION DA Y Pork Steak, pcr Ib ... 2$c Veal Loaf, sliced, pcr lb.. 25c TUESDAY Fresh Liver, per lb. Ioc Bacon, sliced, pcr lb.. 40c WEDNESDAY Sweet Oranges . 3 dox. 8$c Cambridge Sausage 2 Ibs 25c THURSDAY BoBsd Ham, sliced, pcr Ib 50c Fresh Beef Dripping, 2 Ibs 25c FRIDAY Fresh Cod, sliced, 2 lbs. 25c Finnan Haddie. pcr Ib isc I Useful Recipes I aaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaamaammoaamaalaaaaa Oatmeal Cookies, Date Filled One cup brown sugar, one cup of shortening, one half cup sour milk, one half teaspoon salt, one half teaspoon nutmeg, two cups flour, four cups oatmeal, one tea- spoon soda. Prepare filling first and while it is cooking prepare dough. For dough, cream short- ening and sugar, add sour milk and oatmeal. Sift salt, soda, and flour, add and mix well. Roll out on a floured board. Cut in rounds put a teaspoon of filling on top, place another round over filling, press edges together. Bake in a moderate oven. Filling: One package dates, one cup water, one tablespoon lemon juice, one teaspoon sugar. For filling, stone dates and cook with water and sugar until like jam. Cool and add lemon juice. ChiiierChatIer First Foreigner (airing his English): "How are you, I hope?" Second Foreigner: "Thank you, no doubt!" Officer, I left my car here a few minutes ago, and now it' gone." It must have been stolen, sir." "No, it couldn't be that. It was insured against theft. The paper says Tunney crack- ed a smile yesterday. IVhose face was it on? & is Most of the family were at the window waiting to see the King and Queen pass. Suddenly the mother asked her eldest daught- er, "Where's Joan?" "Upstairs," came the reply, "waiving Nancy's hair." "Why?" asked the mother. "Can't we afford any flags?" BRITISH ISRAEL SOCIETY TO SIEET WEDAESDAY Baked FishThe British Israel Society is holding its next meeting on bved- nesday evening at 8 o'lock( in Hollyburn Theatre. The speak- er, bfr. Percy King, will take as his subject, 'The Pyramid." bfeetings of the Society are now being held on the 1st and 3rd bvednesdays of each month. bvash the fish in cold water. Cut into pieces of the proper size for individual service. Dip in salted milk, one half teaspoonful salt to one cup of milk, and then into dry finely-sifted bread crumbs. Place the pieces in 6 quick oven for ten or fifteen minutes, depending on the thick- ness of the pieces. When the fish is baked to 6 deep golden brown serve on a hot platter. Did you see anyone at the dance? Oh yes, I ran into all of my friends. When we consider that there are well over one hundred com- petitors in the Pianoforte classes for the B. C. bfusical Festival, May 30 to June 4, it gives some idea of the popularity of these contests among aspiring young musicians. There are more en- trants than there were last year. To freshen a stale loaf, wrap it in 6 damp cloth for a minute. Remove the cloth, snd put the loaf in a hot oven for half an hour. M. Giants& hfy, what a charming baby. Aod how hs does resemble yooc husband Mrs. Sprao&x: Gracious, I hope soe. Ivc adopted him. CA. HARVEY S$IITH, I'roP.) GROCERIES, HARDWARE. DRY GOODS 8: SUNDRIES Phone roar waxes aad ws will aire yoa quick driiccay 24&h AND hIARINE. Opp. Doodaravs Ball I'hone WEST 469 bfay 27, 1927 Buy Your Meats at Jefferies NEXT TO IIOLLYBURN TIIEATRE Quality is not sacrificml for price. You get what you want without waste of tim~nd you can depend upon it being the best. Your first order will bring you back again. JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET I'HONE WEST 3 WII DEI.IVFR ALL hIEATS KFPT IN RFFRIGFRATOR I rosh and Corod $1oais, Butter. Eggs, Bacon aod Imrd. ber is Cheapest;„„ I-ath, Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE J'hoto '" '-""""ond is always apprecfated The King Siudio I'hotos Abvays Please Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO Phone Scy. 1046 for appointment Floors Scraped SANDED and POI.ISHED OI.D FLOORS RE-SURFACED, MADE LIKE NEW PHONE FOR ESTISIATE North 265R FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone bvest 55 ....arine ....otors 22nd and Marine Drive I'HONE WEST 1(7 Night Phones: bvest 195L and bVest 442R Automotive Experts Battery aml Ignition Specialists West Vancouver representatives for CHEVROI,ETS Official Garage of B. C. Automobile Club. Free Towing to Members bVe are now equipped to handle all kinds of Fender and Body Work BLACKS.'IIITIIING AND WE I.I)IN(i ALL WORK DONE IN OUR OWN SHOP West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMITED 16th nnd b(urine I'hone bvest 115 RESIDENCII I'HONF& &VEST ISK ab C Bb b)l DOia&TS BBI'S ( i;ser &AN& Fest Van& sod woo in ib lcsgoe Sstonl divlslos, Fauv 4, over the I the mixed d cosver eveoe& ing Fairmont Mess'sirmoni Simmons I Vancouver) b(& Kiilop 6-3, sad Bland 6-I and Cain 4-6 Davenport Vancouver) iblcKillop 64 and Bland 7 and Cain 6-2 Gray asd Vancouver, I McKillop 64 Eaton sod I lost to Asia blix( 'lVest Vai I lias Flemi (Fsirmool) I and bliss?ri 10 b(rs Flan( hsn 1.6. 2-6. b(lss Grsb ioy (Fslrm« m&iads aod 6, 64 .Ios and bliss St& Crow(on('Fairmont) Grise&lsio 6 Flanagan $$ Dowarasd ost to Ds„ 2-6 64 '6.? sod Tnstn,o Ti(lpp B SUCCI J D,A, gave 6 ve tbo Vasnco&sv', Tripp r ovatioa bis „ si Ist b tlo a„d I'is sod e wsa di eotbus(s b bso o ning " clog (II Tbe sPP I ground (oo& 9 very b~'be (era bsee mades ss'ioo iow orlby 0 I wbo sa increase ;„ ibeir 6 '„, month'5 sod ib& be swelled I ly 6125, 'I worthy ol not only Ihelp ssd I children, b splendid ce manifested Isle the ( not so mur for the 5pi& Iy prompio,