Resampled001B6D1F 92) Ihu nf. In im. d. 'Wun .p i nf ln» hn rh. nyp )py 'icy of cxf of Iiss cun lng bud ale )(v. ing 'lgn nur lin, 'old ind dcd Irs, ulin cry vcd son I)nh, ner, and I tu ngs !ipi- Ih n The mer uch f !dcd Iht- X. ling vere Bnr , II, nnd tty nrd- Mrs. leiB, An- )vcr. nnie (roid ..Ic gux, Bur- Chil- , )Ic- )Iihh )kh. icon II of May 20, 1927. Birds in Our Gardens THE WEST VAN NEWS C LASS IF IED ADS. RELIABLE GIRL will mind children evenings; West 463K. ELECTROLYSIS--Sapcrguoas hairs aad moics permanently remove(L Phone West 4091 Tiou, tiou, tiou, tiou,--SPe, tiou, squa--tiou, tiou, tiou, tiou, tiou, tiou, tiou, tiou, tix-coutio, coutio, coutio-squo, squo, squo, squo-tzio, tzio, tzio, tzio, tzio tzio, tzio, tzio, tzi-corror, tiou, aqua, pipiqui, zozozozozozozo zozozozo, zirrhading- tsissisi, tsissisisisisisi dzorre, dzorre dzorre, dzorre, hi- ~ tzato, tzato, tzato, tzato, tzato. Now please do not think that there is anything wrong with the printing machine, or the printer working it this week, for I must admit that the first part of my notes look as if the printer had put the type into the machine in spoonfuls, but tve must not blame this gentleman this time and I wil lexplain the meaning of all these funny words. You will remember that I was to tell you about the bird that we will call the Canadian Night- ingale, but before doing so I thought you would like to see a written description in words of what a great ornithologist (that is a long word, but it means one who studies birds) thought the song of the English nightingale sounded like, but this does not represent the whole of the song. but you will agree with me that Bechstein the naturalist must have spent many hours before he could put the song of this wonderful singer into words. Now if the very best whistler in West Vancouver tried to whistle the above I am afraid that it would be a very poor at- tempt to imitate the real night- ingale as heard in the woods and country lanes of Old England. If you wish to hear the exact re- roduction of an English night- mgale, you can hear it on a Vic- tor record, which I consider one of the most wonderful records ever produced. However I must not dwell too long on the above bird as it can hardly be classed as one of the "Birds of our Gardens," as you will be wanting to hear about the White Crowned Sparrow, for this is the name of the bird that, bursts out into song at the most unexpected hours of the night. This is one of those migratory WANTED To RENT by Cavcfai Ten- ant on or before June 15, Five room modern house, furnace. P. O. Box 81, Hoiiyburn or Phone West 648L. DRESS)IAKING--hirs. Robbins, 29th aad Mothers. Phone West 437R3. FOR SALE -- Ford light delivery. Mrs. Joule, Sherman P. O. FOR SALE OR TRADE--1918 biax- well Touring Car in good mechanical shape, Sce this car aad make of- fer. Wast 130--8 a. m. to 6 p.m. FOR SALE -- )IcC)ary Camp Stove: Child's Cot aad hfattrcss; Dresser; hIcdicinc Cabinet; Kitchen Utensils. Phone Wast 318LI. FOR SALE--hiiik Goat, cheap, or wiB trade for chickens. Phone West 652R. WANTED -- Small La»a bfoacr in good condition. Phone West 428Y. 650 CASH--315 pcr month, buys level iot 57x150. Paved street near Ferry. Price 6400, West 331L. London & British North America Co., Ltd., 626 Pander Street West. Scy. 6285. FOR RENT -- 3 room house, modern furnished; 635 pcr month. Apply 2063 Esquimait Avenue. Phone West 175 L. 4 Roo)IS, 3 minutes from Ferry; 61600, terms. 5 RoobIS, iNcw; Fully biodcra; stuc- co Bungalow Garage 6200 cash; baL easy. LARGE LOTS $50 CASH; bai 616LQQ pcr month. Listings Wanted GEO. HAY Phone West 21. 14th & Marine Drive 315 Cordova St., W. Scy. 1260. W. Hay, Evenings, West 137X. SEE US FOR SNAPS in Real Estate for quick action on loans or dis- counting Agreements for Sale. Long experience gives us a knowledge of the Insurance business equal to that of any City Office. At your service for anything in the brokerage line. BYRNEI L gi )IAY at the Ferry Landing. Phone West 113 FOR RENT--Three smail stores to rent at Ambicsidc. Rental from 612 to 620 pcr month each. SAVORY & DUVAL 1429 Marine Drive. West 340 SPECIAL SALE OF FURNITURE AND EFFECTS at 1331 Clyde Road Between 13th aad 14th Streets. West Vancouver --2 Blocks from Ferry Beds several carpets Range Singer owing Machine with electric motor, Chiffonier, Dominion Organ, Chairs ad Rockcrs, Camp Cots„12 yards Wilton Runner, large quantity of Household Utcasds. Call between io a. m. aad 12 p.m. On Empire Day Tomorrow's Bargains in USED CARS 1925 Chevrolet Roadster in Al Condition.... $550 1925 Chevrolet Touring, in first class condition $550 1925 Ford Light Delivery, in very good order $325 'orseshoe Bay AN OPEN OBSERVATION CAR ON EVERY TRAIN The North Shore Motors Ltd. Rcduccd I'arcs from North Vancouver (o aii Points. RETUI(N FARE Fiiohi NORTH VANCOUVER To IIORSESHOE BAY ADULTS 50 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS (Good day of issue only) WEEKLY aad MONTHLY Season Tickets good for an unlimited number of rides, are issued between North vancouver and ail stations. 135 West First Street, North Vancouver B C Phone Phone North 1186 iVO)&h 1350 CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE TRAINS LEAVE North Vaacouvor Terminal on Sundays and Holidays at twenty-five minutes past each hour. For information I'hose North 300. PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY COMIsANY. birds that make West Vancouver BASEBALL a stopping place on their travels, B. R. Harrison for he does not stay with us for Intermediate Win Third Straight No. 3 many weeks, but we are pleased GARDENING, Etc--Gardening to hear him when he does come Last Friday the Intermediate as he is continually singing when Boys Basebail team of West ockeries made and kePt. Ex- perched up on the telegraph pole Vancouver defeated Chown Ad- Pert work. There is still time or wire along the Marine Drive, anacs of Vancouver by a very for new lawns. Estimates free. he throws his head right back decisive score at King Edward Day or contract. H. A. MIL- and sings his loudest just to let High School grounds. LAN, Phone West 311RI. us know that spring has really The Vancouver team was no come, although this year he no match for the local boys. West doubt thinks that he has made Vancouver has now met and de- s mistake in his calculations. feated every team in the league wANWANTED -- Listings of Summer These birds feed quite a lot and start on the second round camps aad cottages. ciicats wait- whilst on the ground and you Thursday night when they meet frequently find them in company Grandyiew United at Templeton sAVORY & DUYAL with others of their family along Park. The Grandview boys have 1429 Marine Drive. West 340 ivith the Golden Crowned Spar- strengthened their team since row. Now you must not con- the last game and have also de- fuse these two birds for they feated the other two teams in are practically alike in size and the league and are out to take colour, but you will be able to the West Van boys into camP. 2 LOTS, 3-ROOM COTTAGE, gtacco easily identify both of them by A good game is expected. garage, Light, water aad phone, the lines on the top of the head. The battery for Friday night 61325, t rms. 'West Vancouver,in-'estment Co., 18th and Marine, The White Crowned Sparrow was Bill Davie and Stan Stronge. Phone West 102. has black and white sti.ipes on Orrin Downey will likely be call- the crown of the head and the ed upon to hold the Grandview Golden Crowned feaow has, as boys in check Thursday night. AMONT--A fcw rema(sing acre you will guess, a crown of yellow The next two league games will P„„', from 65vQQ ~ 675Q tdocks m thm v«y dcsirabqciocah and black, they are bofh grey be played in West Vancouver. WHITAKER & WHITAKER in colour and as they can be ap- Exciusive Agents PrOaChed WithOut diffiCulty, yOu WEST VANCOUVER C.C. vs. 810 Hastings Street Wast. Scy. 7949 should become quite familiar LYNN VALLEY C.C. with these birds. Played at Lynn Valley, hiay 14, 1927. I was watching a Golden R. P. CLARK & Co., LTD. Crowned Sparrow bathing in one Wast Vancouver Innings: of ht e pools In the garden the 'C,d ' M L „-"-""""- I Now is the time to secure a choice E. W. Baker, b hicLagan ...........,... 86 other day and although I had an F H' gb' L " """""- " 2 iot for your future home. idea that he thought the water A. D. Frost, c Nurse. b Mcl gan 0 We have comp)et I(st!ngs of the pretty cold for May he seemed p. C. Chapman, I.b.w., b hicLagan I cst at lowest Prevail ag market i to thoroughly enjoy ft and was G. Emcrtoa-Court, b Nurse."""-"'u 'nanciag thc building. not at all bashful in doing all A' Rcrrie fan out .................. 6 the pluming of his feathers right C. Chapman, b Hampton..........- 6 "GLENEAGLES" This magnificent within a few feet of where I was S. White, not out...................------ 7 seaside property is now available standing. H. Clark, b Hampton ..............--..---- 6 for inspection. The song of the Golden Crown- Extras ...............------------, Book to "G)cncag)cs" by the P. G. ed Sparrow is very delightful, Total................ 138 short trip by auto. E. or Pacific Stages, also delightful consisting of just three rather Bowling O. M. russ wkts sad and plaintive notes, buf, de- cidedly musical and although he dOeS nOt Claim tO be a Singer, hia Nurse ....,, .„.„...5 2 IQ I'23 Hastings SL W. Say. 7483, 7484 few notes lend harmony to the Ramsay --.....---.....2 0 16 0 Local Rapxasaatatira more advanced garden singers. Kcav b chapman 0 c J ARGHER wast 661L I rented one of the nesting Eggintoa, c Rcrric, b O. Baker.... 10 boxes in the garden about three C«so» b Chapm» ------------ 10 weeks ago to some Bewick Wrens Nurse, b Chanmari ..........„„,..... I THIRD ANNUAL CONCERT and now there is a nest full of Tata c Parker b Chapman....:...... AND KINDERSPEIL young birds, I would like some MacLagan, c Chapman, b Rcrric 8 of my little girl friends to come Hampton, c Frost, b G. E. Court 36 The third Annual Concert and along and see these, but am Haydim b Herr'a -----"-------. 2 Kinderspeil under the capable afraid that they will have venf +am hrcy not oat 11 direction of Mrs. H. Hoskins and ured out of the nest before you ~Extrgg .„,.„... 6 Miss H. C. Ritchie was held in can read these notes, however, I Hollyburn Theatre, West Van- will tell you all about this bird Tots)-------- 94 couver, Tuesday, May 17th, be- next week. E w B gk 7 1 23 2 fore a large and aPPreciative P. c. chapman ...,....7 0 28 4 audience. A, D. Frost ................J 0 14 I The programme opened with A. A. Rcrric ............2 0 10 2 a feW apprOpriate remarkS by Corporation of the District of West Vancouver G. Emcrtoa court-- I I Reeve Vinson followed by a Mus-H. Clark ..................2 0 13 0 Next game West Vam C, C. vs. Colts ical Play enfrit/ed "The Roses NptjCe re ~ater QpnneCtjpnS C. C. Boulevard park, North Vancou- Dream," the partS being takenvcr, Saturday, May 21, at 2.30 p.m. by the following school children: The Lost Child--Kathleen Met- SENIOR LEAGUE BASEBALL calf . Mfsfress Mary FIXTURES Young; Fairy--Joan Ecclestone; hfay20, Fri-gquamish vs Native gona HOP-0-my-thumb -- Helen Ed- May23, Mon--Nativegonsvs)vcstvan wards; Fairy Queen--Pat Dav- S May 25, Wcd=E)ks vs Squamish idson; Rosebud -- Julianna 0'- May 26, Th«-Wast Van vs Squamish; Roses--Mary Munay, May 27, Fri-Native Sons vs Elks. May30,'on Elks vs West Van Muriel Mc eod, Muriel awson,L, ' I June I, Wcd--Native goasvsgquamish Marjory Rivers, Marion SPar- June 2, Th«--tvcst Van vs Native Sons rowe. Flowers--Forget-me-not, June 3, Fri-- Squamish vs Elks. Madeline Ecclestone; Violet, June 6, Mon-Sqaamish vs Wast Va". Doris Lefeaux; Sweet pea pat June 8, Wcd--Eiks vs Native Sons. I June 9, Thur- \Vast Van vs Elks McKenzie; Blue Bell, Florence June 10, Fri-Squamishvs Native Sons Gracey. Fairies -- hIargaret TUESDAY, MAY 24th June 13, Mon-Native Sons vs Wcstvan White, Marjorie Ray, Jean Shef-June 16, Wed-- Elks vs Squamish fiekh Jean Waddfngham, Mar- Visit One of the Beauty Spots on the June 16, Thur-IVcst Vaa vs SquamishJune 17, Fri- Native sons vs Elks garet Cuny. Elves --Helen Wad- June 20, Mon-Elks vs West Van dingham, Hattie Young, LauraPaC'C -reat EaStern Paiba) Junc 22vhVcd-Native SonsvsSquamish Barnett, DOrOthy MCKenZie,Jean June 23,Th«- Wcstvan vs NativcSons McTavish, Elsie partridge. Giant June 24, Fri--Squamish vs Elks June27,hion Squamishvswestvan Folgol Edward Nevllle, Tvins An Ideal Picnic Resort is Junc 29,Wcd-E)ksmvs Native Sons Can and Cant--May Cripps and June 30, Thur-)vast Van vs Elks Wilhelmina O'Grad)'. Annouiic- July I, Fri-Squamish vs Native Sons ei Ida Afien. July 6', Wcd- Eik's"v's'Squaml's'h"'" All those taking part shoived July 7, Thar-tvcst Van vs Squamish pleasing abihty and a splend)d FISHING -- BATHING -- BOATING July 8, Fri-Native Sons vs Elks conception of their parts. Open Air Dsacing Pavilion -- Every Holiday Faciii(y J I I 3 )V 6 N t 8 8 h The beau t ifu I cos tumes de-July 11, Mon- Elks vs West Vaa July it Thur tvcstvaavs Natiycg signed and made by Mis H O Jaiy)6, F»-S(iuamish vs Elks ECCleatOne, KingS AVenue, Dun- July 18 Moa Squamish vs Wast Van de)ave greatly added to the ma Jaiy 2o, Wcd-Eius vs Native Sons ferial success of the kinderspeil. Jaiy21,Th«-wast v» vs Elks During a short intermission, July 22, Fri- Native sons vs Squamish Juiy25',hioa-Nativcsoasvs Wvstvaa Reeve Vinson on behalf Of the July 27, tvcd-- Elks vs Squamish COmmittee in Charge made a July 28, Thur--tvcst van vs Squamish presentation to Mrs. Ecclestone July 29, Fri--Nativo Sons vs Elks sho)ving their appreciation for her untiring effoits Anyinformationregarding the plmeeds are in aid of Com- B. C. Musical Festival to be held munity )York and School Sportib May 30 to June 4, can readily be obtained by phoning the of- fice of the secretary, Mr. S. A. J. Hutchinson is building a Lawrence, Seymour 5617. house at 24th and Ottawa.