Resampled001B6D1F peal WAMPOLE'5 EXTRACT OF COD LIVER +btgyg~l hmo Scoou -Extract ~0 IjVVe Lesage Drug Store North Side Marine, near 14th We iehyet agytfkete QfeSt 3/3 Ns order too small FEED Good assortment of Bedding Plants CESIENT FUEL Geraniums, Seed Potatoes, etc., for sale ETC. We are czcluaive agents for a LIAIITED NUMBER OF CHOICE LOTS in this District. Every lut bas been cleared aud Commands a Good Vietv of the Sea PRICES ARE LOIV aad Eaoy Terms cau be arranged. %Vhitaker 8'Vhitaker 810 Hastings Street Ivcat, Vancouver I'hone& Seymour 79.I9 HE» home Is no place for valuTable papers--neither Is your office. For a small sum you can have the protection of a a etyf t Deposit Box. We shall be glad to rent you one. To oofofoard IPiil&. Boarb, S&oaaa Dmdo. Poiioba Family Poyoro Smail Jo«al(ary, ala., oia THE WEST VAN NEIVS islay 20. 1927. (7iildhyfh'esfty S~ Ferry No 5 &vent up for in- &Sfr. aml Mrs. Gowan 21st nml the stmlents of islrs.spection today, XIarine Drive, have moved to Na- upc'nt by naimo. X. I[mlgson aml their friemls at Slips Jones and her mother o ~ ~ the l.onsdale Pnvllion on Friday,have movtvdt back from the city Invitations have been extencl-V&muduoa -- that myotottuua to Cy &ress I arl,. ed to the cotlnnl bv tht i a»roti. The Pri<rnnlme i&Pencil &&ith aoaluuothlflg «hichmahoatha 0 &'prt'os at'uuuggm«--vrlu ho &ouud In ver School Hoard tu nttend the c ue &y rs. Sm i sWampulo&& Eairact of Cud Trctot It tlhnms of P&lnce Rup- opc.ning toclay of the first,»»t hn Nctin s O tlmt we t ov n's "O tlmt we two(door, aa «ou aa uthat oloments uocaooa&y for tao devel- opmout of hoalth aud strength. The iNorth Vancouver ( eneral Children «ho seem tu at a this number.bea(vitality -- aud cuuvalmcouto mild tvcather of the past few mission by the council tn tng on is r. Anton i &ps nns nex~rhu do uot Impv&va readily,got last the needed tonic aum- days, tvater in the North Shore the ferry boats on Wc&Ines&lay.utaut oncet Crom a chait treat- eam- hns gone dotvn again, Jilne I 1jhment «hh Wampulo'a Eatmct nnd is about ttvo feet loivet thanof Cud Liver. it ttau Iaut &leek r(Porta from The Vs&leo»ver Spring Flat&er "s l 'h lng ntl(l goo(lmunicipalities show. and Tulip Show will be hekl to- utlslity, goocl p ms ng nt» goo( 'ce . per e o ~ dav nnd tomorrow in the Realty lt ' l oasitde to enumerate diction.iirs Ivatqon King% and 26th Street Almorieu Vnncou&cr ll th miser'~they nil showall the nnm &era-- ey n s ow 1th I f f I i iher husband. Nr. and Nrs. IvyHie hnve rcni- aml hi&r&sl w&&rk. Other songse(lasuiteatAPpleto»CO»rt,nnd were Itn(kre&l hy Miss Rien»orwill take up their residence thereE . umlarave'hortly. are home for a few days from Sechelt. A cement sidewalk hns been laical on Marine Drive between Thc programme concluded19th Street and the bridge over ilh I I b 5'irsthe creek immediately west of L hll, Ni Kitty L u hlin We give Trade Discount Receipts. Save the Coupons. take Place on the grounds of the 19th. This portion of the si&le- n 1 Nrs. S. Gnr&linur in a veryPauline Johnson school on Mon- ivalk tvas left unpaved last sum- I ', 1 of voicesLesagehasit &lay, 23r&l Nay at P. m. mer to allow for the settling of Itefreshments were serve<he new embankmant. &lot& nota&ra aml 51& s I lo&lgsonJ. J. Dutton, 22nd and Belle- & o ~ woul&l like to thank the ladies,vue, is leaving here next week Nr. and Nrs. Long, 14th and Mrs. Laughlin, Nrs. Gardiner,for a trip to a tern Canada. Clyde, are moving into their new Kitty Laughlin, Mrs. Fager andhome on Fulton Avenue, near others who worked so har&l to".C. SE"RLE VERNON FEED STORE Phone West 9 Mr. Green of Prince Rupert, y4th Street. make this end of the proceedingsis visiting his aunt Nrs. G. 1V. ~ o ~ suc n success.h uccess.Mr. Leshure has rented one of Each stu(lent was the reclpi )York on the Unite hurchI d Ch h J. S. Yates'ew stores on the ent of a hand-painted card as atennis court has been steadil Marine Drive at Ambleside and souvenir of the evening. ThePen a b~tt~ry so&vice uta rtlst tas Miss Na&ige Farms&in progress,and it is now almost Iready for play. The Young merriment was caused by herBuy in People's Association of the church are doing aH the work. 1VEST VANCOUVER HEATS original musical paintings. JERICHO AT TENNIS The evemng was concluded The chief of police wishes to with -- Ni s. Knight-ESTON notify the Public that tearing tvest Vancouver was one of Hodgc, viohn, an& rsoff branches of dogwood without the winners in the initial games Hoclgson at e piano provi nthe owner's consent is a punis - of the Mainland Tennis League '" ' &vere ish- the music. able offence, and anyone caught ~~a~on on Saturday afternoon,doing so will be proceeded again- taking a 6-4 verdict from Jericho . FI h 's NrSt. One Offender was up before in the closest kind Of a contest c'ay """ IISLH» I""'Nrr'amithe magistrate today on this in which five of the matchescharge. went three sets. Mrs. S. Gard-The following is the score: Laughlin, Mr. and rs.. ar-Niss McLeish has rented Nrs. Simmonds a n d McArthur I PBarbour's house on the Water- (tvest Vancouver) beat Foggfront between 26th and 27th and Smith 1 6, 7-5, 6-6; lost to Mr. Joiles and «an&i i rsStreets. ' 'o lost to George and Nicholson 6-3 Mrs. Dorchester, Miss innieRepairs are being made to the I 6, 0 6 er, Nrs. FIam ton, Mr. L. LemuniciPal float at Dundarave Gray and Morrison (yvest Eager, Nrs. Hampton, r.. ePier, which was damaged dur- Vancouver, beat Fogg and Smith Ftoy, Mr. ainiMr. ainl Nrs. F. Le eaux,ing the winter storms. CI k Mi E. Chil- Nr. and Nrs. Murray, Nrs. Bur- ~ o o McLindon 7-9, 4-6; lost to George ling, Mrs. Clarke, iss . i- I Farmer, Nr. Mc- aren Nrs. Durbin and Miss . R h f Edmonton who nd Nicholson 3-6, 6-4, 4-6. ton, 1(fiss ISIadge \& Davenport and Jaffai y (Ivest aren ts I iting her mother, Vancouver)beat Fogg and SmithNrs P. A. NCBain 29th and 6-3,6-2;beat Porter an(i MCLin- F X 140&lgson 0'.'s. h "ll'"IIVaterfront. (ion 5-7, 6-3, 6-2( beat George ver, Mr. and Nls»»«e o aml Nicholson 6-8, 6-0. Vancouver. L. O. L. No. 2990 held their regular meeting last Tuesday when one new candidate was ad- ~~1» mitted to the order. also ione member advanced to the R. A. P. degree. There was a good r.turn out of members. t~" y/o (Nrs P Ivebb 1352 Clyde St who hss been at home sick for b r,, progress toward recovery. o o o -RAKR VALLEY v a class in l&all-room dancing for boys and girls of the 'teen age This will be hei&i in Ambleside Hall every Saturday eveningA Cyeamo "tVagon on from 7 to 9.30. An advertise-eveyy street-every moITIing ment relative to this appears in another column, from which itPhone the Plant will be seen that the fees areor call the milhman very moderate. Parents of 'teen n P~ya| Bankage children will be interested9ruserVaQeg JCLh. in this, as dancing nowadays is part of one's education. Of C QABcaOa o o octaNine Quarts $1.00 Sfrs. A. A. Smith, Vancouver, has rented Mrs. Powell's house Weac Vancouver Blanc" A. Chiltou, Manager &1& Pnone JVortn J.aa at 22nd and Marine, girds» tiou 'f lou ,iou, Su 'iua~, tiolh tioui (outi'ootio,, tsi( o.tflm suu «, tsi PIP adiug I's &etsato, I No&v p is soft'b«, mactistiug; tl wofkiog it I adroit k'a ghat type s loo wil lesP al these runny You a&ill t lo telly li 9 will cai lugale, bu thought You wtitteo dog is s long wo wbo stu og oi the souudg bk& tcp(eseat Itb b I you wdl Bocbsteia u ' bate spout be could Pi wonderful I Now if th in whistle the that it woul tempt to ™ iugale as bo country lao& a&you wish t& &oductiou i ogale, you 'or record,'f the mos ever ptoduc'owever. long ou the hardly be c "Birds of o will be waul White Crol this is the I bursts out unexpected This Is 0 Corp( Not Notii ptotectli etcv ba! stop wa Hollybu iMay ] abaci ~ 'll &Iota I(gtRR& WPPRL TRAIXS at ti PA(