Resampled001B6D1F May 20, 1927 THE WEST VAN NEWS E Si 'I'4 ge id i id S, S', P You can't go wrong when you go to GreenwoodsThe Dfunicipai Council has de- cided to spend $ 15,000 on main- tenance of Marine Drive for the remainder of this year. The greater amount of this will be used on the Caulfeild-TVhytecliff extension, which has not yet been paved, and is not in first- class condition. Official con- firmation that Mile One of Mar- ine Drive has been classified as a secondary highway, has been received by the council. How many different lines n Drug Store must stock to be complete 7 We carry- Peient hiedicines Toilet Goods and Perfumes St&ttionery Tobaccos Confectionery School Supplies Baby Foods Fishing Tackle Sick Room Supplies Dyes Musical Instruments nnd Accessories hisgszines snd PRESCRII'TION CHESIICALS The council have decided to in- crease the pay of the ferIY mast- ers and mates $5.00 per month. this to take effect from 1st in- stant. No distinction will be made between the boats. They will be granted leave of one day in every seven and two weeks'olidaysin the year. An ar- rangement has also been made by which, when a member of the crew works half an hour over midnight, he will work half an hour less the following week. Ferry engineers are to be pai&l $5.00 per month more retroact- ive from 1st instant, no distinc- tion to be made as between ser- vices on different boats. The pay of feivy and bus em- ployees has been increased $5.00 per month to take effect from 1st instant. Bus drivers of one year's service or longer will be granted two weeks'oliday per year. for Groceries Phone West X6 we Deliver M. Tv ILLIAMS CUSTOM TAILOR SPRING AND SUMDIER SUITliVGS Now complete. Large selection--for Sport or Business. Before Ordering Your Next Suit Come and see our patterns. CITY Dyeing, Repairs PRICES avid Alterations PHONE WEST 20 Lecture on Hollyburn RidgeWest Van PharmacyTHE STORE OF SERVICE Tve dciiver. We sell stamps. Store closed every Thursday at 7 P.M. Dry Cleaning and Pressing There was a large attendance at the illustrated lecture on Hol- lyburn Ridge given by the B. C. Mountaineering Club on Monday night in Ambleside Hall under the auspices of the Board of Trade. sir. Johnson, chairman of the B. C. Mountaineering Club, made a brief address, in which he urg- ed the necessity of preserving Hollyburn Ridge as a park for the present and future genera- tions of residents of Vancouver and Greater Vancouver, it being peculiar]y adapted for such a pui~ose by nature and its prox- imity to the city. A Taylor of West Vancouver, a member of the mountaineering club, then gave a most interest- ing address on the ridge illus- trated by a series of beautiful slides, which had been prepared by J. Porter, who was present with his lantern. Dlr. Taylor by means of the views, took his audience up the 25th Street trail and across the ridge, passing a number of the lakes, and on up to Hollyburn Peak and Black mountain. The views showed the ridge to be ono long vista of park scen- ery with trees scattered in clumps all over its surface and little lakes dotted here and there to give variety to the landscape, an ideal playground for city workers and their families. The ridge and especially the lakes were shown under both summer and winter conditions, with hik- ers enjoying themselves in var- ious sports. The magnificent scenery of the adjoining moun- tains and over the gulf to be obtained there were also thrown on the screen. The tivo most noticeable feat- ures as shown were the open nature of the plateau and the gem-like beauty of the lakes in the summer months. The lectur- er showed himself to be entirely au fait with his subject, point- ing out from time to time the various objects of interest from the standpoint both of the lover of outdoor sports and the nature student. L. C. Ford, vice president of the Mountaineering Club, who followed, stressed the necessity of the people of TVest Vancouver through their council taking immediately the necessary steps to have the Provincial Govern- ment reserve the ridge for park purposes, before it had been ac- quired by private interests. Colonel Savory, president of the Board of Trade, remimled those present that already 640 acres ha&i been purchased by a syndicate and Mr. Taylor kindly gave his lecture a second time for the benefit of those who ha&1 come in late. IV. McQuaker, vice-president of the Board of Trade, moved a vote of thanks to Messrs. Taylor aml Porter aml the officials of the mountaineering club. Especial mention should also be made of a scale model of the ridge in plaster of paris, the work of Mr. Sehvood, which was on exhibition during the evening, and from which an accurate iclea could be obtained of its general topography. Lasts Longer Looks Better North 4 West Vancouver Stages P. G. E. Directors Inspect System Orriee sad Waiting Room: 5 Loasdsis Avenue WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vancouver for SHERhIAN sad CYPRESS PARK on the hour from snd including 7 a.m. S&t 8.40 p.m.; also 20 minutes past the hour from snd including 8.20 a.m. So 9.20 a.m. and 1.20 p.m. So IL20 p.m. RETURNING from SHERMAN 80 minutes after above times. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Leaves North Vancouver on the hour from 8 s.m. So 8 p.m.; also at 1.40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.60, 9.20 and 10.20 p.m., reeuroing from Cypress Park 80 minutes after above times. 6:)OA We don't say all the good looking houses in this dis- trict were painted with Ayres Paint but all those painted with Ayres Paint are good looking. This store is glad to recom- mend Ayres Paint. While on his recent trip of in- spection over the Pacific Great Eastern Raihvay, Mr. Willard Kitchen, one of the directors, made arrangements for disposal of a considerable quantity of equipment which has been stor- ed at Prince George since con- struction stopped at that point. The material which will be of use to the company is being shipped to various points on the road. Mr. Kitchen stated that while the renewals will be an expensive item this year, there will be a considerable reduction in the ex- pense of operating the line. In- creased revenue is anticipated, he declared. Mr. Robert Wilson, executive assistant to the board of direc- tors, accompanied Mr. Kitchen on the trip, which took them over every part of the line. NOTICE The stage will leave North Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. R. SEEDS For West Vancouver Properties see General Merchants Hardware Paint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 28 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing SAVORY DUVAL The West Van Watchmaker 8 Jeweller FRAMAR Montessori School FOR SMALL CHILDREN 18th 8 rove&molt lln. W. 0. Proter Phono Wont SSL Tormo aoooonom Marine Drive Between 14th and 15th. Phone West 84 for Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe l 6%0 Haywood Ave. B. L B. FLOWER SHOP 1429 Neiise Drive Phoae West 348 Specializing in TVest Vancouver15th and hinrine Drive Phone West 17 Bedding and Pot Plants SPECI ALS for this week. large assortment to choose from. Orders filled for Window and Verandah boxes, any size. Top Soil by load or sack. Good Stable Manure. Wedding snd Funeral Wreaths on short notice. West Vancouver HODIE COOKED HADI Fresh Eggs Brookfield Sausage Phone your orders-- West ihiXPearce's Drygoods 14ih and Marine Phone West 144 Window Blinds Ssd Awnings MRS. DRAPER 8 SON 2435 SIARINE DRIVE Neat Dnodornoo N ILEST&SSATES FREE PITIIIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE F. Newman & D. RobbinsDAY snd NIGHT SCHOOL You will receive intensive indi- vidual training. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cnr. Hastings CARPENTERS I House Pniniers, I nperhsngevs Relearn&ning, Re-Shingiing, eie. Reasonable Terms Hollyburu Barber Shop Send for our sample book of IVallpapers. Latest in Designs Peep o's& House Phone histhevs &h 29th &pest 4STR3 Wm. Newby, Propmetoe For HAIR CUTTING snd SHINGLING 25 years'xperience Burrard Funeral Chapel HARRON BROS. iq& IVILLIAISI SoiV jf uutral 6Irtfturs Edward Swan CENTER st HANNA LTD. Esisbilshed 1893 LANDSCAPE nnd GENERAL GARDENER 1681 Dempsey Rd., Upper Lynn Phone--North 1240R2 - 1240RS I.novns, Shrubberies, Rack Gsrd- ens, iyniks, l)rives, Fences, Hedges. Grennhuuses, Summer. houses, I'nois. I'isnnod snd Constructed Lawns ih Gardens kept in order. bose calling us mayT do so with the feel- ing of confidence that they are employing the very best available, and with the further assur- ance that the cost will be entirely i n accordance with their own wishes. North Vancouver Parlors 122 TVest Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair 184 320 Third Street E. North Vancouver Phone North 1110 8. D. WHITE ~ MANACiER PHONE 408 L J H REID FULTON Sand, Gravel and General Teamivork Manure For Sale ~p ~pU Ferry Employees Council to Spend EVER THINK Receive Increase $ 15.000 on Road