Resampled001B6D1F New classes now being formed J. ithi. BIOrgan WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones hvest 173 Seymour 3058o HollybIim Theatre Friday and Saturday slay 20th and 21st JOHNNY HAYES in The Early Bird The show &vill also be open Next ihl&mday. ihlay 23rd. TRUCKING ond TEAM WORK Eacaca&iog (Day or Contract) SAND & GRAVEL P. A. ANDREWS I)66 Ful&on. Phone )Vca& 66OR West Vancouver Board of Trade The Adjourned Regular sleeting will be held in the G.W V.A. Rooms Ferry Building On MONDAY Next May 23rd, at 8 p. m. Report of the newly otganiacd Retail Merchants Bureau will be tcccivod. BILLIARDS Two Tables Now installed for your uae CHET SHIELDS )&TH STREET right at Railway Crossing TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY sod PERIODICALS FRANCES GUINAN announces the opening of o class for BALL Roohl DANCING for Boys aod Girls of teen ogo in the et)IBLESIDE HALL Every Saturday Evening from 7 &o 9.30 Fees: gt pcr month in advance. FOR Ferry BARBER SHOP (J. Miles) LADIES'ND CHILDREeV'S HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY Shampooing and Face )Iaaaag- iog in aB branches Only First Class Work GIVE US A TRIAL Phone RIDLEY West 456 EMPIRE SHOE STORE hfa'rine Drive next door to Seed's Grocery) Our business connections enable us to offer STYLE AND QUALITY at absolutelv the Lowest Prices LUMBER SPECIALS OF HIGH QUALITY These Specials are all of good grade and we guarantee satisfaction. Come in and look them over. SASH, DOORS AND FRAMES Amblesifle Lumber Co. Phone West 199 16th and hlarine 6" Cedar Beveled Siding, clear...................................... $12.00 2x6, 8, 10, 12 Com. sized ......................................... 16.00 6" Cedar Shiplap........................... 12.00 4x4 and 6x5 Cedar Posts.......................................... 24.00 Ix4 Short Flooring and V Joint ................................. 20.00 THE WEST VAiN iNEWS P14 1&S Oi&AI S hfr. and hlrs. Ball aml family have moved into the James'ouseat 17th and Fsquimalt. ~ ~ ~ hlr. and ihlnh ihlariacher have taken n camp on Bellevue be- tween 19th and 20th Streets. o ~ ~ ihlr. and ihfrs. Gerry Gorges of the Stadacona Apartments. Van- couver, have taken a houso in Caulfeild for the summc r months. o ~ a Dr. IV. McClure and Dr. and hire. L. G. Kilburn and family, who recently arrived in Vancou- ver from China, are guests at "the Clachan.w Dr. ihlcClure is Professor of ihfe&licine at the University of Shantung, in Tsin- an. Shnntung Province, and his son-in-law, Dr. Kilburn is profes- sor of Physiology at the West China Union University in Chengtu. Szech&van province. o ~ Mrs. Peppard of Vancouver, has taken the Dean cottage on the IVaterfront near 24th for the summer. e o ~ J. H. Dawson is building a Spanish stucco bungalow on tho Marine Drive at Cypress Park. o a o Mr. and hIrs. Clare Downing and daughter have left for Vic- toria where they will reside for some time. o Reynolds Brothers are boil&l- ing a house at 19th and Esqui- malt. Mrs. Frank kIirst, 29th aml Bellevue, gave a bridge to her friends on Saturday evening. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Perrin, hIr. aml Mrs. P. C. Chapman, Mr. and AIrs. J. S. Flanagan, Miss Mabel hicBain, Miss Ann Ritchie, hIr. Andrew Ritchie, Mr. and hire. Gordon Robson, Councillor and hire. J. B. Leyland, hIr. and Nrs. T. Dauph- inee, Miss Grace Dauphinee, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hirst. o o o Mr. and Nrs. Brown and fam- ily, who returned from New Zea- land and Australia early in April, are staying at Nrs. Bell's house at 12th an&i Duchess. ~ s The cottage and property be- longing to Frank Belhan at 24th and Mathers has been sold. Major and Mrs. Lester, Alta- mont, have taken the Watson cottage at 25th and Kings. o 1V. Rawkins of the Hollyburn Boat Station, has cleared the beach in front of his boathouse, and is making a runway for boats down the beach to low tide level ADJUDICATORS AT hlUSICAL FESTIVAL HAVE BIG REPUTATIONS Of the four adjudicators for the B. C. Musical Festival Nay 30 to June 4, the three who will devote their time to the musical competitions come from England and have each ma&le a lasting reputation in the fiel&l of adju&li- cation. Edgar L. Bainton is a musici- an whose career commenced at the Royal College of Music, Lon- don. He now holds a musical professorship at idewcastle-on- Tyne, and has had much experi- ence in conductorship in Great Britain an&I on the continent. In addition to this he has written largely for chorus and orchestra, aml has adjudicated at many of the largest Musical Festivals in Great Britain. Thomas F. Dunhill is a Lon- doner, born in 1877, and, appoint- ed professor at the Royal Col- lege, he visited Canada in 1912 as examiner for the Associated Boards. He also has done much composing, including a sym- phony, works for orchestra, and an opera recently published by the Carnegie Trust. Dr. Frederick Staton, F.R.C. O., L.R.A.hi., is a Do&'byshire man, an&i in addition to having won fame as an adjudicator both in England and on the Continent. He is widely known for his ex- cellent work with the celebrated Choral Society, Sheffield, Fng- laml, to which he succeeded Sib Henry IVood. Iie has also been instrumental in producing a number of the greater operas of IVagner, Verdi, Gounod and Bi- zet. The elocution classes will be judged by Miss Alice Leone hlitchell, B.I..I., an elocutionist and concert artiste whose stu&li- es and work in Paris, France, Boston, Mass., «nd Halifax, Can- ada, have brought her a lasting reputation. a It is reported that steelheads are plentiful in the waters of the Capilano River and Seymour Creek. Fishing in these streams is better than has been the case for several years. ~ a a John Sinclair is putting an addition to his house at 19th and Marine Drive. o a o Councillor Watt who is rapidly recovering from his recent ill- ness wishes to thank the many friends for their kindness during his indisposition. ~ o Mrs. Harroway and family of Vancouver, have taken a house at 19th and Bellevue. a ~ a Nrs. Summers, 13th and Wat- erfront, has moved to the city. MONTHLY MEETING CAiVADIAN LEGION The West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion will hold their regular monthly meeting tonight (Friday) at 8 p. m. in the G. IV. V. A. rooms, ferry building. ihlr. an&I ihlrs. B. Vegan. 16th and hlsthers, have moved to a house at 18th anti Waterfront. ~ ~ ~ Hooper and Son, proprietors of the Hollyburn General Store. have been notified that they nre one of the prize winners in a windo&v dressing competition in- stituted bv the Occidental Fruit Co. of 1(clowns, to a&lvcrtise their products. Over C&0 st&&res in Vancouver and Grenter Vnn- couver took part in this com- petition. ~ ~ ~ Hollyburn Wharf has during the past year been slowly falling to pieces due to the action of the waves, and it had become danger- ous to the public. D. ihIcTavish has the contract for the repairs, and has a gang of men on the jol& buil&ling two new sections. in place of those thnt hn&l broken away and drifted on the bench nearby. ~ a o Dr. Pcrrin. the optometrist an&i optician, who has opened of- fices in the Royal Bank building, is in attendance every evening from 7 p. m. nnd on IVednes&lays from 2 p. m. s ~ The Empire Shoe Store, new- ly opened on Manne Dnve, &s proving a boon to the people of ,the district. It is not necessary to go to Vancouver now to buy shoes. s The B. and B. Flower Shop on Marine Drive, which is operated by L. kl. Beamish and J. Black, is showing a fine range of be&l- ding plants. s o ~ A Valentine of the Canadian Window Bakeries, is back at his business again, feeling more like his old self. He suffered from an acute relapse of his rheuma- tism, from which he has now happily recovered. May 20. 1927. May Day Celebration Although the s&lu&ols of West Vancouver are not officially tak- ing part in the ihlay Day festiv- ities, Lo&tge No. 43, B.P,O.E., have complete&i arrangements to convey all children to Mahon Park &vho irish to go to the crowning of the islay Queen there on 2 tth islay. Trucks an&I cars will leave points mentioned below as fol- lows: Cypress I'nrk nnd ihlarlne Drive -- 12 noon, 26th Street aml Marine Drive-- 12.20 p. m. 22nd, 17th an&I 11th Streets an&i Marine Drive-- 12.30 p. m. As in former years E&l Black will be on hami nt the conclusion of the ceremonies to bring back to )Vest Vancouver any children who wish to return with him. For information phone Ed. Black, )Vest 68, or I.ance Gn&- thorne, West 426R. h SU&his)IEII V ISITOII Oh beautious flnsh of ruby light, Now here, now there, a darting sprite; Then "zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom" Seems sunbeams &inncing round a bloom; Then stilly poised it nectnr alps, Or, "tse-tse-tsew and off it trips; Another flash, then wzeedzew And lo &t s gone. IVho rules its flight, guide us aright To light ineffable. --A.II. Use Northern Light Gasoline hlade on the North Shore By North Shore Workmen. NORTHERN LIGHT is the Best Gasoline on the market, re- gardless of price- Don't take our word for it--Try it. Distributed on the North Shore at the Orange an&1 Blue Signs by C. F. FOREhIAN, Esplanade East NORTII SHORE GARAGE I'irst Street West RELIABLE SERVICE STATION, Third & Forbes ED. BLACK, Bund&&rave IIURRARD SERVICE STATION Second Nm rows Bridge Manufactured by Vancouver OIl Co., Ltd. First and Bewlcke NOIITH VANCOUVIilt Encourage Local Enterprise. p0 HEI macy 'o" 3&a&a Dmgta&ai ga ca gad pa&as 0+ fsdla& m&iaacsy 7 y &iaaa ah c m'o I gaggchoof~! gaby 6 Ta y&shiaa h geom I D&s+ I Ia )Ias«'&ccsm & gggc"'est~I 6 gIOI hoa dag«s'gsts lAIoII tye don' looking h& lrlct gcr Ayrca Pai painted w are good l This store mend Ayr R. I Gener Bardgare Marine 9 Pho FI Mojitesj FOR SM& Its 5 &&@lail thew Wast ahl B.I lbh aad B Orders load at aacl Waddle do isg ol they 6, very be th ance th& entirely "Itb th&