Resampled001B6D1F A Weekly Newspaper ""!&t« \ Vol. II Ci rculati hagi fJ $1:00 per year. EIGHT PAGES the District of West Vancouver-- Ambleside, Hollyburn, Weston, Duedarave CaulfeI1d, WhyteCliff, CyPreSS Park, EtC. Newsstands 6c per Copy HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 20th, 1927 ~ No. 7 Ce, est 111 &6 d. ?ted !t 55 )let Shore w&U (cst 17 k 1181 lb IS& Bridge Firms Give Details of Proposals VINSON PITCHES FIRST STRIKE Two Games Here Next Week. West Vancouver Senior Ball team will play tivo games at IVest Vancouver next week. The game for next 51onday at North Vancouver has been transferred to the Ambleside ground owing to it being necessary to make arrangements at Mahon Park for the 51ay Day festivities. Next Thursday West Van. will play Squamish at Ambleside. The game with the Elks last night ended in a draw, 3-3, West Van. coming from behind in the seventh to tie the score. The game was called in the seventh on account of darkness. This was the first home fixture of the local club, and a good crowd was on hand to cheer the players. Reeve Vinson took off his coat and made all the move- ments of a real baII player. Not- withstanding the fact that he is a little handicapped by extra flesh, he was able to put the first ball he pitched, directly over the p?at. INSURANCE PLACED ON FERRIES Ferry boat insurance, for which tenders &vere asked, has been placed by the council "s follows: Sonrisa, $9,000, R. C. Proctor. Ferry No. 5, $7,500, Pemberton & Son. Ferry No. 5, $7,500, P. C. Chap- man. Horticultural Ass'n. to Hold Show in June The West Vancouver Horticul- tural Association has sent a large display of tulips and spring flowers to the Greater Vancou- ver. Tulip and Spring Flower Show, which is being held today and tomorrow at the Beatty St. Armories, Vancouver. The fourth summer show of the association will be held on Saturday, June 18th, at Dundar- ave Hall, when a very large list of entries is expected. The Association has set Sep- tember 10th as the date of their annual fall show, which will be the eleventh in the history of the association. SKI CLUB HOLDS COMPETITION TUESDAY The Hollyburn-Pacific Ski Club is holding a winter sports com- petition on the ridge next Tues- day, when the members for the Vancouver team which is to take part in the Mount Rainier meet- ing on Dominion Day ivill be chosen. Some special events are being put on at the compe- tition for the benefit of a lady representative of an eastern pub- lication who will be present. It has been decided to hold a dance early in June for the purpose of assisting the fuml to send the team to Mount Rainier. A number of novelties have been arranged for the dance including some moving pictures of winter spol'ts on the ridge. Sidewalk for 14th St. The west side of 14th Street from the ferry landing to Mar- ine Drive is to have a concrete sidewalk. This is the decision reached by the council at their meeting last Monday. Miss G. Davies has been ap- pointed assistant commissioner for West Vancouver of the Girl Guides. Methods of financing construc- tion of the Lions'ate bridge were outlined in letters from competing firms--the Lions'Gate Bridge Company, and the First Narrows Bridge Company,-- which ivas read at the meeting of the intermuicipal bridge com- mittee at the City Hall at 10 a.m. The Lions'ate Bridge Com- pany, consisting of Armstrong, Morrison & Co. of Vancouver, as- sociated with Harrington, How- ard & Ashe of Kansas City, will have the financial backing of Peabody, Houg&hterling & Co., Inc., of New York, associated with W. R. Compton & Co. of St. Louis. If this company can obtain the franchise under terms ac- ceptable to Mr. J. L. Harrington and if estimated revenues as fin- ally analyzed by bankers are sat- isfactory, Peabody, Houghterling & Co. will sustain securities, it was stated. Proposals of the First Nar- rows Bridge Company, of which the Dwight P. Robinson Co. of New York is the principal, were outlined in a communication from Mr. J. A. Campbell, of the legal firm of Congdon, Campbell & Meredith of Vancouver. Stock issue for the funds to construct a bridge will be underwritten by the Dwight P. Robinson Co. Lim- ited, of Montreal and New York. Bankers are the National City Bank, Chase National Bank and the Chase Securities Company all of New York. Stocks and bonds will be is- sued, the proportion depending on the condition of the money market at the time of issue, the firm declared. "We may say that both stocks and bonds for the First Narrows Bridge Company will be avail- able for purchase locally. It is desired to emphasize the fact that the company has the nec- essary funds available now, but the opportunity will be given to the local market to pariicipate in the securities if local finance houses are interested," the letter stated. Both proposals were submitted to City Comptroller A. J. Pilk- ington for report. The comptrol- ler was instructed to prepare a report on what he deemed the most preferable plan of setting up a sinking fund for possible acquisition of the structure. A report of the respective pro- posals for profit-sharing by. municipalities was submitted by Mr. Pilkington. Mr. Pilkington and Corpora- & tion Counsel G. E. McCrossan re- ported on the question of acqui- sition of the bridge by municipal- ities. I'roposals of both comp- anies for acquisition after fif- teen years were similar, involv- ing the cost of the structure less actual depreciation and the cost of financing. Copies of both reports will be given to each member of the committee, which will meet a- gain next IVednesday morning. Board of Trade Meeting Monday The regular meeting of the Board of Trade, which should have been held last Monday, but which was adjourned owing to the lecture on Hollyburn Ridge, will be held next Monday, May 23rd, in the G. W. V. A. rooms, ferry building, at 8 p. m. LIBERALS TO HOLD WHIST DRIVE A Whist Drive will be held in Ambleside Hall on Saturday, May 28th, under the auspices of the West Vancouver Liberal As- sociation. Cards will start at 8.30 sharp. CONSERVATIVE MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver Conser- vative Association took place last night at "the Clachan," when Captain Black, member for the Yukon, gave a most interesting address. He ascribed the defeat of the Conservatives at the last general election to the following causes: 1. At the time of the election the customs probe had not got farther than Quebec, and the French-Canadians oi that prov- ince considered it an attack on them primarily. Had the elec- tion taken place later, when the investigation had been held in the other provinces, this feeling would not have existed. 2. The Ontario bootleggers, fearful that the investigation would be extended to their prov- ince had lined up solidly behind the Liberals. 3. In the West, the workmg arrangement between the Liber- als and Progressives in a non- interference policy as regards putting up candidates. After giving an outline of the history of the Conservative par- ty he discussed the question of the very slow growth of popu- lation in Canada due in his opin- ion to the lack of a sufficiently high tariff. He went at considerable length into Premier I&lug's first'nd subsequent inte»retations of the results attained by the Domin- ions at the Imperial Conference, quoting freely from Hansard in support of his statements. "If,"he said, "Canada was noiv independent, she would have to appoint consuls all over the world at a cost running into mil- lions, not to mention the estab- lishment of a navy to protect her merchant shipping." He reviewed the small pro- gress made as regards amending pensions legislation, and in con- clusion spoke of the very favor- able impression Gen. McRae had made in Ottawa, &chere his opin- ion on large questions had been sought on a number of occasions by the leaders of the Conserva- tive party. A hearty vote of thanks, mov- ed by IV. R. Hamilton, seconded by J. J. Rutledge, and carried unanimously, ivas accorded Cap- tain Black for his able address. Reeve Vinson, president of the association, announced that the date of the next meeting to be hekl in Amblesi&le Hall would be announced in the press at a later date, when it was hoped General McRae would be the speaker. LET US HELP THE CHILDREN An appeal is being made to the different societies and or- ganizations in West Vancouver for their active support of the Children's Playground project; with the suggestion that they canvass their own members, or make a combined donation to- wards completion of this work. Much good work has already been accomplished by the committee, and especially by Coun- cillor Ray, in accumulating almost a thousand dollars toivardz the cost. Most of the money now in hand has been canvassed for by Mr. Ray personally. His latest effort resulting in $ 100 from the B. C. Electric Company. Below we give a detailed list of subscriptions received to date. A total of $953.25. A- bout a thousand dollars more is needed for equipment. The ground is cleared and is now in course of preparation by the landscape architect ready for installing the equipment. This will be placed as quickly as money for its purchase is available. The members of the committee are as follows:-- Chairman--Councillor K. A. Ray Treasurer--J. M. Larnie Secretary--P. T. Masterman Members--Ex-Reeve D. Morgan, Ex-Reeve Geo. Hay, Councillor J. B. Leyland, W. McQuaker, Geo. Payne. Subscriptions may be handed to any of these gentlemen or may be left at the Royal Bank (West Vancouver Branch). This project which has been enthusiastically worked for by the members of the committee is one of the most worthy efforts that has yet been made in West Vancouver; and de- serves the sympathetic assistance of every one of our rsidents. The joy and pleasure of children appeals to us all. Ive get pleasure from their happiness, and they get health and strength from their outdoor activities. We think little of giving twenty-five cents for the pleasure of our own children, let us make a contribution for the combined pleasure of our own and for those of our neighbors. The playground will be for all children. Itwfil be properly maintained and wc grm&n- ups will get many a dollar's worth of fun in going there and watching the youthful antics. It will be a decided asset to the community. Let's get behind the Playgrounds Committee and push so that the Children's Park will be an assured fact this summer. It is an ambitious undertaking and it takes money to bring it to fruition. If everyone would give a little, it would be easy to"put over" and it would be easy on us all. WHY NOT ORGANISE A CHILDREN'S WEEK; say MAY 30th to JUNE 5th, and invoke the aid of all school child- ren in getting subscriptions from their parents, from Auntie, or Uncle. List of Subscriptions to Date: W. Dick Ltd................ $ 100.00 Coun. K. A. Ray........ 100.00 Cotton & Co....... 100.00 London & B. N. A..... 10.00 C. S. Downing........... 50.00 Royal Bank ............ 10.00 Trocadero Cafe ....... 5.00 Hudson's Bay Co...... 50.00 A. D. Gunn & Co....... 7.60 West Van Scottish So. 50.00 R. C. Procter ............. 10.00 B.C. Elec. Ry. Co. 100.00 IV. Blair .................... 25.00 Martin Senour Paint 10.00 Coun. J. B. Leyland.. 25.00 Mr. Currie, Dundarave 25.00 IVoohvorths Ltd......... 25.00 Geo. Hay .......... 25.00 T. A. Spencer ........ 100.00 i%Inn. Hall Staff........ 21.75 IVoodwards Ltd.......... 50.00 Geo. Clarke ................ 5.00 Ex-Reeve D. Morgan 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Saker.... 25.00 Total ................. $953.25 Deal With Local People There are some folks who use the district merchant to fill their petty needs, but when he has a chance to make a reason- able profit they forget him. It's scarcely fair, is it? And if it is, it isn't very sensible. We are all working together to make IVest Vancouver brighter and better, and to make the property of everyone more valuable. IVe may have our differences of opinion in the matter of politics. We may not agree on the subject of religion; some of us have notions that other folks think are crazy. and other folks have ideas we think lack sound reasoning; but on one point we are all agreed; ive all want to see IVest Vancouver grow and prosper. Sustain our merchants by buying at home. Our success is dependent upon their success. By supporting the local merchants you will help in the development of West Vancou- ver. Our local merchants give you personal service. You take no chances on the goods you buy from them. They are here all the time to adjust any differences there may be. They stand behind the goods they sell. You do not get this service and satisfaction from most city stores, where frequently cheap goods are sold and there is nothing attractive about them but the price. Too often the poorness of "the bargains" is not realised until we open up the packages at home. Buy in West Vancouver where you get personal service and guaranteed satisfaction. Help the merchant and help yourself at the same time. Keep the dollars circulating here. Once they get away it's hard to bring them back.