Resampled001B6D1F THE WFST VA(V NEWS hfay 20, 1927. W. B. A.Quality Groceries at City Prices Buy Your Meats at Jefferies NEXT TO IIOLLYBURN TIIEATRE YVest Vancouver Review No. 24 attended the Quadrennial ('onvocation of the Woman' Benefit Association, which (vas held on Alay 17th in the Hotel Vancouver. Reviews from all over the province being repre- sented. The proces,lings openc&l in the sllorst(ng hh an addi'ess of wei come from Alderman Pauli. act- ing on behalf of Alayor L. D. Taylor, who tvas unable to he present. Airs. (Aiinnie Aydelotte, Supreme Lieutenant t. ommand- er, replied on behalf of the W. B. A. Airs. Lors Baker, Deputy Supreme Commnrnler at large. presided. During the morning sessions matters relative to the welfare of the association (vere discussed and important business enacted. Luncheon (vas served in the Hu&lson's Bay dining room,tvhich tvas specially decorated for the occasion. A splendid orchestra (vas in attendance. Afternoon session opened with the election of officers of the Great Review. District Deputv Mrs. Emma J. Kidd of West Van- couver was chosen B. C. repre- sentative for the four year term. She will attend the Supreme Re- view at Port Huron, Mich., in the summer. Airs. Laura Ed- wards, Commander of IVest Van- couver Review No. 24, was elect- ed Past Commander of the Great Review. In memory of departed offic- ers, the altar was decorated with flowers. AIrs. Holden of IVest Vancouver Review taking pa(C in this ceremony. Representa- tives from West Vancouver on the various committees were:-- Decorations, AIrs. Pearson, Mil- age, Airs. L. Ed((ards; Courtesy, Mrs. Strong; Register, Mrs. Mc- Millan; Banquet, AIrs. Hay. Pag- es, were Mrs. Condon and Jhirs. Holden; Ushers', Mrs. Stephens und Alias B. Edwards. ftnd PERSONAL SERVICE. You DON'T gvt personal service wham yuu buy in the city, au(t ynu cannot gvt the same grade of suade cheaper anywhere than at Si(iiT11'S. This Week's Specials: SEAL OF QUALITY FLOUR--49 lb. Sack ... 32.05i 24 ib. Sack ..... 7.35 10 lb. Sack . . 55v VERNON a BUCK ERFiELD'S (THOLE WHFAT FLOUR--0 Itn Sack ..... 504 SOCKEYE SALMON . -.-- "-----....., 2pc hiALKIN'S BEST RASPBERRY JAM ....., fiyv LUX TOILET SOAP .................--....-- .... 3 for 23& Quality is not sacrificed for price. You get what you want without waste of time--and you can depend upon it being the best. Your first order will bring you hack again. JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET iNent (a ifuiiybura Theat&a PIIONE '(VEST 3 %E l)EI,(VER ALL hiEATS KF1'T IN REFR1GERATOR Frveh auu Cured htvatn, Butter, Fggn, Bacon aud tmv(t. S111ld1 S G10CC1'Jy West Vancouver Lumber Co. Roberts'etter Meats 14th and Alarine West 19Q FACTS KVorth Knohvincy LIMIT E D 15th and lilarine I'hone West 115 1(ESIDENCE 1'11ONE( 1VFST 73X giih Ileelity Lnmher is Cheapest in the en(l. Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE Old Bailey was for many years the central criminal court of London, England. It has been replaced by a new court built on the site of the fansous New- gate Prison, and is often referred to as "New Old Bailey." The Recorder of London or the judge of the Sheriff's Court usually presides. Byzantine art means the style of art and architecture that arose in the ancient city of Byzantium, the name of which tvas changed to Constantinople when it be- came the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. This style of architecture was used extensive- ly by the Eastern or Greek Church. The extensive treeless plains covered (vith coarse grass in Par- aguay, Uruguay and Argentina, of South America, are called pampas. These plains are being turned into cattle ranches, es- pecially in Argentina, from which country large exports of meat take place each year. Marshal Grouchy was the com- mander assigned by Napoleon Bonaparte to hold in check the German army under Blucher after the latter's defeat at Ligny. This, Napoleon hoped, would leave Wellington without support at tvaterloo, but Bluch- er reached IVaterloo late in the afternoon of the battle, when it was practically won. Sir Hiram Afaxim was born in the State of A?aine, in 1840, but the greater part of his life was spent in England, where he became a famous engineer and inventor. Among his many in- ventions the machine gun, called after him. the Maxim, is the best known. A Pl oto ""-""""ond (0 al((pays appreciated The King Studio Photos Always I'lease Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO 311 Hastings Street West, Vancouver ESTABLISHED 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop. Phuue Sey. 1040 for nppoiatmeut Where Service and Quality Count WE DELIVER MORNING 9:30--East 25th Only 11130--from Capilano to Caulfeild AFTERNOON 3130--East 25th Only A SPECIAL FOR EVERY DAY SATURDAY WE HAVE IT- F1RST GRASS BUTl'ER OF THE SEASON. EASTERN TO(VNSHIPS 3 ibn for ...31.50 Fore Quarters, New Zeataud Lamb, par lb... 25v Ribs Breast on New Zealand Lamb pnr 1b .... 25e Legs, New Zealand Lamb, par 1 b ... ...... ... 35e Loins, New Zealand Lamb par 1b . .. ............. 38c Rolled Rib Oven Roast tb 27e Stewing Steak, per lb........ 20e Fresh Liver, per lb........... lpn Cambridge Sausage...., 2 ibn 25c Local Lamb and Veal Lanai Hot House Tomatoes ssv to 40c Asparagus ........ 15v, 2 iba 25c New Carrots, Turnips aud Beets Green Peas and Cautiftuwer. Floors Scraped 'I'he ritualistic work of the Order was pe(Termed hy the of- ficers aml guards of the various reviews, clad in their respective uniforms. This was the most in- teresting part of the proceed- ings, keen interest being taken hy the onlookers in the manner in which each review performed the part assigned to it. The reg- ular opening was done by Van- couver Heights No. 16; prepara- tion of the Altar, IVestminster (Vo. 3; flag seiwice, IVest Van- couver No. 24; short form initia- tion, Ala(pole No. 22; degree of fraternity, Hollister No. 9; &le- Iive(9 of charter, Cumberland No. 17; delivery of certificate, Margaret Cameron No. 15; flow- er fund march, Queen Alexandra No. 11 of Victoria; dedication of the altar by North Vancouver No. 4. In the evening, Mrs. Aydelotte was escorted to the platform aml formally welcomed. The com- bined guards of all reviews tak- ing part in this ceremony. Twen- ty members carrying garlanded hoops formed an arch through which Mrs. Aydelotte was escort- ed. The remainder carrying dec- orated spears and wearing color- ed caps, made a brilliant display, and presenting a rainbow effect which was most beautiful. AIrs. Aydelotte was then presented with a handsome gift in token of the love and esteem in which she is hei&i by every member of the order. Her speech in reply was a masterpiece, a perfect blend of wit, wisdom, humor and tact. The color-bearers from West Vancouver Review were Afrs. Burkhart and Airs. Holden. SANDED and I'OI,ISHED OLD FI,OURS RE-SURFACED. MADE LIKE NEW I'HONE FOR ESTIAIATE North X65R FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIIIE INSUICANCE, ETC.MONDAY see Picnic Supplies in Great Variety BAKED aud BOILED HAlt JELLIED CORNED BEEF JELLED VEAL VEAL LOAF 1'.GAST PORK WEINERS L'OLOGNA JELLED TONGUE CHICKEN LOAF HAhf TONGUE LOAF WEDN ESDAY Fresh Beef Dripping 2 lbs. 25c Pork Steak, per 1b .. 23v THURSDAY Fresh Liver, per lb........... 10« Banuu, sliced, pvr lb.... 40e FRIDAY Fresh Co(t, ntined... 2 lbs. 25e Finnan Haddie. pvr 1b 1st JOHN LAWSON Phone Ivest 5517th Street The monument of London was erected to commemorate the Great Fire of 1666. It was de- signed hy Sir. Christopher tvren the famous architect, whose masterpiece is St. Paurs Cathed- ral and whose other beautiful but smaller churches are to be found in many parts of older London. The monument stands near the north end of London Bridge. A great horde of northwestern people was led into Western Europe in the fifth century by Attila, King of the Huns. For a time these semi-barbarians swept all before them, but final- ly they were met at Chalone,in Eastern France, in the year 451 A. D., by the combined forces of the Romans and the Goths under Aetius and Theodoric. Attila sustained 3 crushing defeat, and Central Europe wss saved from the invaders. ....arine ....otors 22nd and Manne Dnve PHONE WEST 177 Night Phones: West 195L and West 412R Automotive Experts Battery and Ignition Specialists West Vancouver representatives for CIIEVROLETS Official Garage of B. C. Automobile Club. Free Towing to Members "Is your fiance popular with your people?' "Rather! Dad comes down especially every night about twelve to see him off!" Afaid: Afiss Afarie, I'e opened your suitcase and I find you haven't a thing to wear. Marie: I thought there was a slip somewhere. We are now equipped to hamlle all kinds of Fender and Body Work III.ACKSMIT)lliVG AND WEI DING ALL WORK DONE IN OUR OWN SHOP 'That's one thing I like about my girl." "What's that?" "The guy she goes with." The North Vancouver District Council has appointed J. G. Far- mer, 23rd and Bellevue, as arbi- trator in connection with the Deep Cove Roe&1 through the property of the Franco-Cans&lian Corporation Ltd. Steel that is rusty should he cleaned with a cut onion and left for a day. Afterwards it can he polished, either with emery pow- der and paraffin amy wife has run away wit.h a man in my car." "Good heavens! Not your new car." (A. HARVEl S311TH. Prop,) GRO('ERIES, HARDWARE. DRY GOODS a SUNDRIES Phone your wants aud wa will give yuu puiek dativvry 24th AND htARINE, Opp. Ieuadarava Hall 1'huua (VF9T 469 I \ Ci W tV"," Hprtic» 'lpuef «9 F« the tb ibeSIPO ;„ ZCPf( lion sgs'." 0, eliefts iu ""I bhd Spf("g Show be FridsY 9 its'blg stteml p izeistbezt . I~i Exhibit, Cup Off'fci Y C".9' the "'Y. Tb nett(og 09 to 0 few bouf pcfnpfnpusllY nlm their best bioo er part of their sud to the &1 Vsueouvef An tbe Only one Annpcistiooz exhibits. IV left were ztsg tiou's exhibit section theY 3 ~One of the 0 puree in Cpuuet pf exhibiting zbpwu by fez Cspilsop to Ct Directors by t cezn tp their liberty tp tsh they fe(tuife. pf 0 real cpm tbe Directors their bnsfty donors m this Prize lists I Fall shows 3 su&i will be zi tributiou. 'I been sffaug flowers sod t ufdny, June 'rrangedfor Rentou nud on their ofi steed pfpce awards bsvi received, su& the Proviucl The cup i window OI Rooms, few On beb( I desire I cere ibas unnel(inb donated i» 10 slz exhibits t er nud T The fe requests tap coun 1 Our 3( uudwei again cpi censors i juni suet Yp l A lvbint Amblenide urdsy, uu'4 West 'V stion, nba'Vent y,wss slit& 'tuf(lsy Y5 to 4'I sud by ) Club in tb,'