Resampled001B6D0E 127 May 6, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS L o. lr ), (s the IUIod CPIL Ider IICy. to 1 )Ust leat ling giih enls owol read nigb one 0'so I tea. r sm. ovcs hal- IS hl aal I Ia- I io. add, paa ma. ke IOOSS pooa hrco. aries ieats iadd ofi a I'tga bake Isia pans, .Pat Spar. [the I SIS floas, esE neat- slices fisoly IOP8 raago 8sd. slih akea rpaad issiog & e I am', Yldsy dense inly 'ased '„pil IfIOS cosib't Ihc , hloP ,'si oi- toloiyy hy hg %Vhat do you ~ imsgpect a Paint to do What do you want in a paint--beauty-- protection -- economy. You'l find them all in Ayres Paints- we have one to fill your par- ticular paint need. R. SEEDS General Merchants Hardware Paint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone IVest 28 WEST VANCOUVER HIGH SCHOOL Class Leaders for April Exam- inations Division 1--Grade XI. 1. Kenneth Garland........ 75% 2. Jean Hood ............,...... 74vo 3. J. Earley ............, ..... 69vc Division 2--Grade X 1. Phyllis Leckie .............. 78% 2. Bruce Hamilton ............ 71% 3. Lois Partington .......... 71% Division 3--Grade IX 1. Ruth Hill ............,....... 77% 2. Hilda TVilson ............ 69% 3. Doris Rehberger ....... 68% Division 4--Commercial Dept. 1st year 1. Grace Cuthbert ........... 72%a 2. Margaret O'rady ........ 71%v 3. Dorothy Payne ........... 69% 2nd year 1. Marion McMillan ........ 78% 2. Helen Nightingale ........ 67% 3. Irene Gracey............ 64% $5 Reward A reward of S5.00 will be paid by the Board of School Trustees for information leading to the conviction of person or persons who re- moved the rope from the flagpole at 22nd Street School. A similar amount will also be paid for inform- ation resulting in the con- viction of any person wilful- ly damaging school proper- ty. H. B. GARLAND, Secy. Board of School Trustees MEETING TO ARRANGE PLANS FOR JUBILEE CELEBRATION The Council on Wednesday night met the representatives of the various clubs and organiza- tions of the district in the muni- cipal hall, when plans were form- ulated for the celebration of Do- minion Day. Two floats from the High School and Public Schools of West Vancouver rep- resenting the Provinces of Brit- ish Columbia and Saskatchewan respectively will take part in the pageant in Vancouver on Friday, 1st July, and in the North Shore 17ageant next day. On Friday afternoon there will be a pro- gramme in West Vancouver of sports. A sports committee of five with power to act was ap- pointed consisting of the follow- ing: P. C. Chapman, G. E. Breal- ey, F. G. Patterson, J. E. Con- don, J. Allsbury. GORDON .GRAY Fice and Casualty Insurance Mortgages, Rents Coliected 1002 Credit Foncier Bldg. 850 Hastings St. W. Oitice: Sey. 4991 Res: West 92R2 Burrard Funeral Chapel hose calling us mayT do so with the feel. ing of confidence that they are euiploying the very best available, and with the further assur- ance that the cost will be entirely i n accordance with tlieir own wishes. CENTER at HANNA LTD. Esiabllshed 1893 320 Third Street E. North Vancouver Phone North 1110 8. D. WHITE - MANAGER BEDDING PLANTS GARDEN SEEDS and NURSERY STOCK CITY PRICES SEE OUR DISPLAY B, ds B. FLOWER SHOP Marine Drive (Opp. West Veo Garage) 1st West Vancouver Girls'uides The first West Vancouver I.O. D. E. Girl Guides held their third annual Mother and Daughter banquet in the Masonic Hall on April 26th, 1927. The Rev. A. Harding Priest asked the bless- ing while the position of chair- man was in the capable hands of Miss G. Davies, Sec. of the Local Girl Guide Association. After the chairman'8 remarks and words of welcome the toast to "The King," was responded to by the National Anthem. Ruth Jackson of the White Rose Pat- rol proposed the toast to "Our Mothers," and was responded to by Mrs. Bloxham. "The I.O.D. E." was proposed by Jean Wat- son of the Daffodil Patrol and was replied to by Mrs. Dallas Perry, I.O.D.E. representative to the Girl Guides. Marjory Crick- may of the Poppy Patrol gave i,he toast to "West Vancouver" and was responded to by the chairman. "The Girl Guides," was proposed by Phyllis Leckie of the Thistle Patrol and was re- plied to by Mrs. Fyfe Smith, Deputy Provincial Commission- er of Vancouver. At the close of the toast list a hearty vote of thanks was ac- corded to the ladies of the Local Association whose work in the kitchen had helped so material- ly in making the affair a success. While the tables were being cleared by the Guides the moth- ers enjoyed community singing. After the company was form- ed in patrols the guides were critically inspected by Mrs. Fyfe Smith and they will certainly remember any little vagrancies pointed out to them. Mrs. Dallas Perry compliment- ed the White Rose Patrol, Patrol Leader Ruth Jackson, on win- ning permanent possession of the pennant for the best decorated tables. This patrol also won the print of Princess Mary presented by Mrs. Small, Commissioner for West Vancouver, for the patrol with the best record since the last banquet. The important event of the evening was the enrolment by Mrs. Fyfe Smith of two recruits Jill Lloyd into the Daffodil Pat- rol and Muriel Howdle into the Thistle Patrol. The company has been work- ing very hard for various badg- es and the following were suc- cessful:-- Second Class--Frances Bry- don-Jack, Mal~ Yates, Maud Lambert, Betty Beard, Ada, Al- bin and Eunice Davips. Toy Makers--Ruth Jackson, Frances Brydon - Jack, Mary Yates, Maud Lambert, Betty Beard, Phyllis Leckie, Ada Albin Eunice Davies, and the Lieuten- ant, Alma Par tington. Astronomers -- the Captain, Edina Archer and Alma Parting- ton. Service Stars--Ruth Jackson, Frances Brydon - Jack, Mary Yates, Maud Lambert, Betty Beard, Phyllis Leckie, Ada Albin, Eunice Davies, Marjory Crick- may, Margaret Baker, Evelyn Dickinson, Winnie Logan, Phyllis Bloxham, Kathie Hampson, Jean Watson, Lois Partington, Edina Archer and Alma Partington. The Service stars signified a seventy-five per cent or over at- tendance of one year and were the gift of the Local Association. They were much appreciated by the girls . This was a particularly lucky day for the company for an un- expected gift in the shape of the Trefoil and Cord for the King' Colors was presented by Mrs. P. C. Chapman on behalf of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E. This will certainly serve as a bright and shining reminder of the Threefold Promise, which each girl makes when she be- comes a Tenderfoot, as the Tre- foil is borne aloft in the centre of the Company. GREENWOOD'S GROCERY West 16 Phone hve Deliver FRAMAR Montessori School FOR SMALL CHILDREN 18th 5 Tsoaimau Nra W. D. Framr Phase West SSL Terms Raaaaaabl R. B. ANTHONY BUILDER Summer Coctsges s Speclsfiy Phones West 481L3 gt Doug. 551 „,„„,„,„„,„, M.WILLIAMS „„,„„„, CUSTOM TAILOR SPRING AND SUMMER SUITINGS Now complete. Large selection--for Sport or Business. Before Ordering Your Easter Suit Come and see our patterns. CITY Dyeing, Repairs PRICES and Alterations Dry Cleaning and Pressing PHONE WEST 20 SAVORY 84 DUVAL REAI ESTATE AND INSURANCE ]429 Marine Drive Phone West 114 North A West Vancouver Stages OIIIce end Waiting Room: 5 Lossdeie Aresoe WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vancouver for SHERDIAN sod CYPRESS PARK on the hoor from eod including 7 e.m. Co 6.40 p.m.; also 20 minutes past the hour from sod including 6.20 e.m. So 9.20 s.m. and 1.20 p.m. Io 11.20 p.m. RETURNING from SHERDIAN 30 minutes after above times. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Leaves North Vancouver on the hour from 8 a.m. Co 8 p.m.; also sc 1.40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.50, 9.20 end 10.20 p.m., returning from Cypress Park 30 minutes after above times. NOTICE The stage will leave North Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe l 640 Heywood Ave. West Vancouver NOIV OPEN THE TEA ROOM Light Lunches and Afternoon Tees A big variety of home cook- ed Pastries, Pies, Cakes,etc. Come and see our display. Phone your orders -- West 157K NRS. DRAPER K SON 2435 SIARIME DRIVE Next neaearave Hall. 468 L J. H. Sand, Gravel and Manure REfD General Teamwork For Sale Pearce's Drygoods 14ih sod Marine Phone West 144 Window Blinds aad Awaiags ESTIMATES FREE PIT)IIAN BUSINESS COL1EOE DAY end NIGHT SCHOOL Yoo will receive intensive indi- vidual training. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings llollyburn Barber Shop Wm. Newby, Proprietor For HAIR CUTTING ssd SHIViGLIIVG 25 years ecpemeoce CHAS. H. HARPER PIANIST ANO TEACHER Latest success, Singing Pupil gained first honors Alberta Fes- tivei 1926 season; Piano Pupil, A.T.C.hI. with high honors aod also highest scholarship io Bosch Temple Conservatory of hiusic, Chicago, season 1926. 15th eod Esqoimsn WEST VANCOUVEIC Phone )vest 64811 TAXI Phaaest WEST 118 Ress WEST ISOL F. Newman 8 D. Robbins CARPENTERS House Painters, Peperhsngers Ksisomioiog, Re-Shiognog, etc. Reasonable Terms Send for our sample book of IVallpapers. Latest in Designs Peep o'ey House Phoae hlethers Cb 29th brest 437R3 I HARRON BROS. Lqc hVILLIAMSON gunehal 6irecriirs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 GROCERIES PLENTY HERE at RIGHT PRICES Our selections of Food Stuffs are complete in every detail. The Best at the Lowest Prices. Our reliability will give you satisfaction.