Resampled001B6D0E Roberts'etter Meats 14th and Slarine West 190 SVhere Service and Quality Count WE DELIVER )II0RiVING 9:30--East 25th Only 11 I30--from Capilano to Caulfeild AFTERiVOON 3:30--East 25th Only A SPECIAL FOR EVERY DAY SATURDAY Lcg New Zealand Lamb pcr Ib .... ......................... 35c Fore Quartern, Ncw Zealand Lamb, pcr lb..... 25c Loins, N. Z. Lamb, lb.. 40c Legs Pork IForcz), pcr lb. 21c Puncts Eggs . 2 dozen 58c Ayruhirc Bacon, sliced, Ib 35c Cambridge Sauxagc, 2 Ibx 25c Rhubarb .. 4 Ibx. 25c Netted Ccm Potatoes, 100 Ibm...................... 31.75 Ripe Tomatoes, pcr Ib.. 20c Sweet Oranges 3 doz. 9ic Grape Fruit 4 for 23c 31ONDAY Large Lemons... 2 doz. 55c Pork Steak, por lb... 23c TUESDAY Fresh Beef Dripping.. 2 Iba 25« Cambridge Sausage, 2 lbs. 25c WEDNESDAY Sweet Oranges .... 3 doz. 9ic Cooked Ham, pcr Ib ...50c TBURSD 'IY Fresh Liver, pcr lb.... Iac Sliced Bacon. ycr Ib 40« FRIDAY Fresh Cod, sliced .... 2 lbs. 25c Loggia'n Haddie, pcr lb.. 16c Heinz Sweet hfized and Mustard Pick)ca 15 Varieties of Delicatessen for you so choose from. Members of Choir Entertained at Mock Festival The committee of the )Vest Vancouver Bfusical Society en- tertained the members of the choir last Friday night in the Ambleside Hall. The members of the council and the school trustees ivere also present. The nature of the entertainment was announced as a "surprise" an&i that it was a successful surprise is putting it quite mildly. The very evident pleasure shoivn by all those fortunate enough to be present, must have well repaid those responsible for the enter- tainment. R. )V. Davies was chairman of the committee. Mrs. )V. iBfcQuaker the convenor, was assisted by i31rs. Hampson and Miss Jack, members of the com- mittee and by Mrs. Slasterman. The "bill of fare" turned out to be a "mock musica) festival." Aubrey Clarke being the adjudi- cator and Reeve Vinson ultimate- ly adjudicating the adjudicator. A tin shield being aivarded the "best" effort. The work of the adjudicators was remarkably ef- ficient in convulsing the audi- ence. The soloists parts were somewhat difficult as will be imagined when a tenor has, as a test piece, "Asleep in the Deep." The remarks of Adjudi- cator Clarke ivere at all times pungent and frequently quite "mellow." (readers kindly ask Reeve Vinson or Professor Mor- gan for the correct meaning of "mellow.") Dainty refreshments were served in a particularly attract- ive manner which helped very materially in making the even- ing the pronounced success it Was. Coffee Butter Icing Half a pound of fresh butter. Half a pound of sieved icing sug- ar. Strong coffee or coffee es- sence to taste. Beat the butter'ntil it is like whipped cream. Rub the sugar through a hair sieve. Stir it gradually and smoothly into the butter, adding enough coffee to give the desir- ed color and flavor. It is then ready for use. %VEST VANCOUVER "AX SIII.,PLI )S APPLY TO R.P. Clark & Co. (van.) Lsd. District Representative C. J. ARCIIER VVest 65)L SCIENTISTS TELL US COFFEE must be Freshly Roasted and Freshly Ground We have now installed an EI.ECTRIC COFFEE SHLL and can supply you with Fresh Roasted Coffee as desired. 59c per lb. S111ld1 s G/0crI'ii (A. HARVEY S511TH, Prop.) GROCERIES, HARD)YARE. DRY GOO))$ xru SUNDRIES Phone your wants and wo will give you quick delivery 24th AND 51 ARISE, Opp. Dundaeavc Ball Phone WEST 469 THE )VEST VAN. NEWS Bridge Tenders Opened Mon'day There ivere no very impnrtant differences in the terms of fran- chise contained in the two tend- ers for construction of the pro- posed Lions'ate bridge. which were submitted to the intermuni- cipal committee on Slonday at Vancouver City hall. Both the Lions'ate Bridge Co. (Armstrong Morrison ds Co.) aml the First Narrows Bridge Co. (Divight P. Robinson Co.) agreed to construct a bridge in accordance ivith the terms laid down by the Boarcl of Inquiry. and agreed to aet tolls not to exceed those stipulnted in its pro. vincial bill. The Lions'ate Bridge Co. proposes to isaac commutntion tickets to residents at rates not to exceed three-fourths regular toll rates. The toll rate is to be adjusted from time to time to produce not more than 10% of the total cost, or to share with the municipalities all net returns over 7 per cent on an equitable basis. A fifty-vear franchise is asked for, the municipalities or govern- ment to have the privilege of purchasing at any time after 15 years, terms to be total cost plus interest during construction less actual depreciation, or as an al- ternative of acquiring the bridge at any time that the sinking or amortization fund has reached the total cost plus an amount to be agreed upon to compensate for risk and development. They would put up a bond of $ 100,000 if granted the tender, will start construction within six months of such grant and com- plete the work within one year. The First Narrows Bridge Co. would issue commutation tickets for $ 10 ivorth of bridge trans- portation for $5, good for sixty days..Other forms of commuta- tion would also be provided to meet local needs. They ask for a fifteen-year limited franchise, the municipal- ities or Provincial Government to have the right of purchase at any time after construction. If such purchase takes place before fifteen years the price would be fixed at a valuation as a going concern. After that peri- od the price would be cost of con- struction, less depreciation, cost of acquiring such interests in real property, financing and pro- motion cost not to exceed 10 per cent- of construction cost, and real property interest and actual expenditure for necessary im- provements. They also agree to operate the bridge on a profit sharing basis with the municipalities on one of four different bases. They offer to build another bridge when traffic requires it as close as possible to the first bridge, and, should the channel be dredged to a maximum width of 1800 feet, to construct an ap- proach span at the north end at their own charges. Both companies signified will- ingness to meet the wishes of the Parks Board in regard to the road through Stanley Park, in order to protect its beauty and utility. Canadian engineers, workmen, construction compani- es and materials would be used by both companies. SCHOOL TRUSTEES OFFER REWARD An award of $ 5 will be paid by the Board of School Trustees for information leading to the con- viction of person or persons who removed the rope from the flag- pole at 22ml Street School. A similar amount will be pai&l for information resulting in the con- viction of any person wilfully damaging school property. To keep a bowl from sliding and turning when mixing with one hand and adding ingredients with the other. put a folded towel under it. ialay 0, 1927. IT'S liV THE T«STF Phone )IUest 3 MEATS D.!„„ Our meats hnve a superior tenderness--flavor--that'6 what counts. Buy and try nur deliciously cured meats just once anil you'l be convinced. Everything ive sell is wholesome nnd healthful. JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET Next eo Hoiiyburn Thea&so rnoxr WEST 3 iVE 1)RI.IVER ALL 51EATS KEI'T IV REFRIHFRATOR 5'eouh and Cueoii hfvaiu, Butter, Fgge, Bacon and I.ard. West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMIT E 0 15th nnd Marine Phone )vest 116 RESIDENCE I'H&INE: )VEST ysx Sigh Quality Lumher is Cheepest in the end. Lumber, Lath, Shingles ~ Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE A I'horo '"'"""an&f is always appreciated The King Studio Photos Ahvays I'lease Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO 311 Hastings Street West, Vancouver ESTABLISHED 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop. Phone Scy. 1046 for appoin&mcns Floors Scraped SANDED and I'OI,)SHED OI.D FLOORS RE-SURFACED, MADE I.IKE NEW I'HONE FOR ESTISIATE North 2,6SR FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property IIOUSKS TO RF&VT, FIIIK INSURANCE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone )Vest 55 The Most Beautiful Chevrolet r of Chevrolet History Now on Display in Our Show Rooms. Your Distributor for the whole of the North Shore Our West Vancouver representative, H. C. Osborne, will gladly demonstrate any car if you would phone him at )vest 17 135 First Street West, Pkoueo Nos'lh I ISS North Vancouver Phono North 1350 NORTH SHORE MOTORS. LIM I TE D Chevrolet Sales and Service y"r 4 6 'est« ] IOSaw)4 MOI Ia Iafonuw, )li iunndsy b)' io Just ! contomP6' ,„bSol samiwllst tude oueu t B id e. )ya I Ihiokius i™d the p«p s ",5 Iha pfavisce'5 lyei Editor:-- s ynucauvey ysucauve Bir: I mnd your leader 'ance'u you! Slay 7th I trust the the "pfaviuce to me ta cami As yau stn Liaun'ate B sue that the port became I Before the before the p finent port is I Scarcely 3 I out Ike aduuu being blnuaum good self nud temporaries. It wns uuc) safe port thsi ernmeut even sory pilotage )lareaver, spent s large dredging oper Narrows whic f)aw snd Olt& the Cnpilnuo silting, nud safer still, Now eir, w mouths hnu it covered that " narrow, tko a«ush nu&! tk I quate tho w& )yhat iu tk 'Provmcu" Ii statemeutn wlsi to the part he unthippius -"" '"')Ost tlltwo nanunl eu Wack)y Editi iuco tab,iu 3&. mau io Ensko eats af~e b y ™shI race dil teRI Biliolla circa(at~-' knawieds ta ',NAustraliaSe nu auth Ai™ In linentkunanm datrime b + eauver ta natal merel Lin '4 el ureawonbl y to tw'4'Bi paar)I "ry h nen ing, msutn PaPO, uka he '"" )Iit af 6 J oUIQI quarrel'ailaUvo 'he umas Wil whats"Pire w luce ko ottii tko oiaoero thi Sioy pIIS I,