Resampled001B6D03 12? ical an. day, and (cry gar. atty rn a liat l oi and and iin " Oi'd (ork ivia 'Oiv- the H, kad i(Si- 'eur 'aed iio and (ag- nes and ief- .,it IOf iry uit- (ere ker, 'den '.C. Sel- der- 'SO! itin Ines- ieni. were were .Gw( bh. local J.J. lion, Sci- rain- Mra. ibles, were iiable held .Mc. Sar- ,11th urday (11be nyone Kran secre 3??(e ,Othe ,bavcel 'onna- (6the ,!I(est (I!incr- ;oluin. iiiflbc record a!!bout inceb~ aoaaya ou'rein ',na«I M1 vp i ( (1 '( ( April 29, 1927. ChiiierChatler Color Oh boy! To avoid a colorless existence, keep in the pink, treat people white, get out on the green, never get blue, and be well read. She: "And what do you know about love?" He: "I drove a taxi for three years." He: "You'd better lengthen your skirt some." She: "Why?" He: "Because some big man may mistake you for a little girl and want to take you on his knee." A boy's idea of foolishness: Cutting the grass, and then wat- ering the lawn so that the grass wil igrow again. Good times are coming back- to those who hustle out and bring them back. A polished man is not, neces- sarily a bright one. The funniest people in the world are those without a sense of humor; but they don't know it. Patrolman: "Yes, Sergeant, two of the wounds are fatal, the other isn't so bad." The mathematics of marriage: A wife multiplies a man's joys, divides his sorrows, and sub- tracts his income. First Boy: "Why is it that a black cow gives white milk that makes yellow butter?" Second Boy: "For the same reason that blackberries are green when they are red." 'That man is wanted in Chi- cago." "What for?" "He's a crook." "Gracious, haven't they got enough there now?" He: "Do you like horseback riding ?" She: "Indeed yes; I love it." He: "But, ah--doesn't it make your ah--head ache?" She: "On the contrary--" If we show, by our lives, the better way to live, we have ac- complished much more than if we used speech. Riches are the tormenters of desire; the thirst after wealth is more vehement than the thirst for water. To reply to an evil word by another is like trying to clean off mud with dirt. Education may be obtained from books, but not wisdom. Wisdom is gained from the ap- plication of education. Happiness and an empty stom- ach are rare companions. If the wheel of fortune does not revolve fast enough to suit you, try putting your shoulder to it. It is a cinch that the man who has not confidence in himself or his ideas will never be able to win the confidence of others. It is not so much what you say As the manner in which you say it. It is not so much the language you use As the tone you use to convey it. THE WEST VAN NEWS Correspondence To The Editor West Van News. Dear Sir:-- Now that the summer sched- ule of the ferries has been put into operation I am sure there will be disappointment among many that the 1.15 p.m. ferry on Saturdays has not been re- sumed. All the year round, and especially in the summer, most of us are anxious to get home as quickly as possible on Saturdays and have as much time as we can out of the half holiday to go in for our respective recrea- tions. As far as I can remem- ber when the 1.15 ferry was running there were quite a num- ber who took advantage of it, everyone I am sure making an effort to catch it and so get home fifteen minutes earlier, which does not seem much, but makes a lot of difference when your one ambition on Saturdays is to leave the city as soon as possible and spend as much time as can be in the sun and clear air of our own municipality. Nat- urally it can't be expected that the Ferry Service will suit every- one, but it seems to me that a 1.15 feITy on Saturdays would be a great asset to the already good service. Yours truly, "FRESH AIR" s(IBlxsnn(nutuugnnguoi(ll((l((x(((~(4 HINTS FOR 6 THE HOMEn 15th April, 1927. Editor West Van. News: Would be pleased if the man- agement of the West Vancouver Ferries could enlighten me as to why there is no 7 o'lock boat from the City in the evening when they advertise to the pub- lic a half hour service. Perhaps our management consider it more essential to run a 7 o'lock boat on Sundays and holidays, when the working resident of West Vancouver does not need it. One who is not able to make the 6.30 boat but has to wait nearly an hour. A RESIDENT. Leadership Baseball, football, hockey, la- crosse--whatever the game, we all like to play for a winning team. In business, as in sport, we seek the prestige that comes through connection with a con- cern that is recognized as the leader in its line of industry. A leader in industry can main- tain supremacy only so long as it maintains and lives up to the highest business ideals. One slip downward in quality or one step backward in progress and the leadership has vanished. Leadership demands a never- ceasing vigilance and an inflex- ible adherence to standards, and in so doing the organization is dependent upon every unit that goes to compose it. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. Let one depart- Trouble-Saving Ideas Two ounces of fuller's earth boiled in half a pint of vinegar and the juice of three onions is splendid for removing scorch marks from linen. When you are cleaning win- dows be careful not to put soda into the water. Soda ruins chamois leather. Turpentine is sometimes used to relieve rheumatism. A little sprinkled on a warm flannel helps to ease the pain A plate placed at the bottom of a saucepan in which a pudding in a cloth is boiled will prevent it sticking to the pan.'rass that is rubbed once a week with a piece of flannel moistened with sewing machine oil is unlikely to tarnish. Mildew may be removed from linen by soaping the marks when wet and covering them with pow- dered chalk, which should be rubbed well in. ment, a certain number of em- ployees, or one single employee let down in quality, and the whole organization is weakened in proportion. When you started to work for your company you were pleased that you had been able to con-, nect with a firm that is making the best products of its kind on the market. Leadership in industry is due in large measure to good team work. Team work has been a big factor in the success of any business. So, when you feel like letting down a bit, as sometimes you do, BUCK UP, PICK UP YOUR STROKE AND PULL WITH THE LEADERS AGAIN. It isn't the individual Nor the army as a whole But the everlasting teamwork Of every blooming soul. You will never hear opportun- ity knocking, if you are at it yourself. Reopening Annoaancegnent OF THE DUNDARAVE DRUG STORE Having porchese(1 this business I wish to drew the nttention of the residents to the foci that they can st all times be secured of competent service. Stock is betsg rapidly iqcresses to meet sR requirements. Your sup- port win ensure e complete stock being kept st ei! times for your con- venience. J. FINLAYSON, Prop. ST. STEPHEN'S GAMES IN S. S. BASEBALL LEAGUE Junior "A" -- Division 3. Date Home Team Visitors Grounds May 2 West Van. United St. Stephens Irwin Park May 9 First Church United St. Stephens Seymour School May 16 St. Stephens Zion United Invin Park May 24 Beaconsfield United St. Stephens Beaconsfield June 1 St. Patricks St. Stephens Robson Park June 6 St. Stephens West Van. United Irwin Park June 18 St. Stephens First Church Utd Invin Park June 21 Zion United St. Stephens Alexander Juvenile May 7 St. Patricks St. Stephens Robson Park May 18 First Church United St. Stephens Seymour School May 17 St. Stephens First Baptist Irwin Park May 27 St. Marks St Stephens Henry Hudson May 80 Chalmers United St. Stephens Cecil Rhodes June 11 St. Stephens St. Patricks Irwin Park June 15 St. Stephens First Church Utd Irwin Park June 24 First Baptist St. Stephens Fairview Schl. All games commence at 6 p.m. except May 7th and June 11th These will commence at 3 p. m. CLASSIFIED ADS. ENROL NOIV at the Pitman Bssiness College for the Spring Term. Con- sult Pitmsn's shout your training in sny of the following subjects: Short- hand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Advanced Accounting, Commercial Arithmetic, Business English, Add- ing snd Calculating 1(fschines earl s general Seccetsrisi Course. Stud- ents are received at any time. Dsy snd Night School. Phone Seymour 9135. Pitman Business College, 422 Richard Si., Cor. Hastings Street. $500.00 Cash, Balance as rent. Sacri- fic for quirk sale; 4 rooms snd bath built in festeres. Lots 60x138, sll cleared sed in garden; 6 minutes from ferry; pries $2100.00, sscrifice. RARE OPPORTUNITY for small fruits or chickens. Eight large lots, 0 cleared sod in fruit; good chicken houses. Price $ 1500.00, easy terms. Ask qs to show you oqr large view lots GEO. HAY Phone West 21. 14th 3( iaiscine Drive 315 Cordovs Si., IV. Sey. 1260. W. Hsy, Evenings West 137X. LOST--Pair long white silk gloves on 7 o'lock ferry Tuesday evening, April 26th. Phone West 418L. AIREDALE PUPPIES FOR SALE-- Apply Mrs. Thomas, 20th ssd Esqqi- malt. GOOD BUYING at $650.00--Lots 7 end 26, Black 5, D. I 554. 57'x264'ash or terms. Phone West 83. FURNISHED BOUSE - KEEPLNG Room suitable for two girls, for rent; close to Beech sqd Ferry. Phone West 620Y. NEW FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW- Two large cultivated lots, snd gsr- sge, at sacrifice for quick sale. West 148. GENTLEMAN iVANTS ROO51 AND Bosrib hir. Bordesss, Bsyview 4133Y. DRESSIIAKING--51cs. Robbins, 29th aed Msthers. Phone West 437R3. GARDENS, ROCKPITS snd DRAINS . made snd kept in order. Phone West 121L. R. P. CLARK 4'i CO., LTD. (6lent,agles Golf Course and Homesites Delightful Environment Take a run out over the week- end and inspect this magnificent location R. P CLARK & CO., LTD. 823 Hastings Si. W. Sey. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 661L V. PRINGLE & SON Invite Inspection of their work at St. Stephen's Church and the Amblesbfe Lumber Co. Gardens designed, made, snd maintained. Phone West 470X. RABBITS.. (Flemish Giants). Am cleaning out stock snd will sell cheap. Apply 1256 Lswson Avenue. Phone West 74L2. SAND GRAVEL, snd Black Soil de livered on Short notice. Weston Transfer. Phones West 17; Resi- dence West 91R. 1926 FORD TOURING CAR prsctic- ally new perfect condition spot- light, rear view mirror, 1927 license. H. C. Osborne, Phone West 628Y or West 17. 2 LOTS, 3-ROOM COTTAGE, Stucco garage, Light, water snd phone, $1325, terms. West Vancouver In- vestment Co., 18th snd Marine, Phone West 102. MORTGAGE LOANS arranged on shortest notice and on eB up-to- dste plans. We have hsd years of experience in large insurance ogices snd are capable of giving ihe very best of service in any kind of in- surence. Consult us on ail real estate insurance or finsncisl mst ters. BYRNELL & MAY At the Ferry Landing. Phone West 113 ELECTROLYSIS--Supecfiuous hairs snd mores permanently removed Phone West 409L. 1VANTED--Real Esisie Salesman with csc. Liberal contract for pro- ducer. L. H. Besmish, Ambleside, Phone West 17. WEST VAN TRANSFER Daily Service to and from Vancouver We are in a position to supply you with the FINEST INSIDE FIR ever put on the market. Phone KQ. QLAQK ~vest 68 BRICK Prompt Delivery LIifiIE CEMENT. ETC. The'Real Canadian Car Used Car Sales and Service and Authorized Ford Parts kvest Vancouver representatives for CHEVROLETS Official Garage of B. C. Automobile Club. Free Towing to Members Some of Our Used Cars We have in stock a few reconditioned cars that are ex- ceptionally good buying. All cars are in first-class condition and carry the usual service guarantee. Come and let us give you a demonstration. Very Easy Terms 1925 Chevrolet Touring .................................... 3550.00 1925 Ford Roadster with light delivery box 3825.00 1921 Ford Coupe ............................................... 3195.00 22nd and Marine Drive PHONE WEST 177 Night Phones: West 195L nnd West 442R Automotive Experts Battery and Ignition Specialists