Resampled001B6D03 927 ir, so ll js COU. the och. ,A, Ison the ncd dny l0th for iian dto tave .'on [1111 qni- or 3 Uiil- 'eek, Iay- the t re- tion. rndy I liv- have .e on 22nd ys is prac- ; the '(snt- jsll igr joel p.) ,00 .50 ,.60 ES April 29, 1927. Male in B.C. for B.C. Weather AYRES PAINT is made in B.C. to stand B. C. weather. Customers tell us that it svears so well that once they do a job with AYRES they can forget it for a long time IVe sell and serve AYRES PAINT. R. SEEDS General Merchants Hardware Paint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone &Vest 28 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The IVest Van Watchmaker & Jeweller Marine Drive Between 14th und 15th. BASEBALL The intermediate boys'aseball team of the United Church, have been practising faithfully in pre- paration for their first game with Grandview United from Vancouver tonight at the Holly- burn School grounds. The game will start sharp at six o'lock and it is expected a good crowd will be on hand to give the boys their support. Art Burns and Bill Davie will do the hurling for West Van. with Stan Stronge and Orrin Douiney (captain) be- hind the bat. The West Vancouver Cricket team are playing the North Van- couver club at Boulevard Park tomorrow. x The Empire Shoe Store is a new business to locate in West IVest Vancouver. The store now cccupied by L. H. Beamish, hav- ing been rented for this puiToose. 'I'he 'new store expects to be open for business about the end of next week. H. A. Downey, former resident of White Rock, 'was in West Van this week visiting his uncle, P. A. Downey of hfarine Motors. t Mr. Davis, 24th and Mathers, has gone to Chilliwack for a short holiday. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT of all kinds RADIOS and BATTERIES LAMPS -- FIXTURES We specialise in everything Electrical which makes for Com- fort, Beauty and Labor-Saving. BUILDING CONTRACTS or PRIVATE WORK WEST VAN ELECTRIC; (J. H. Paterson) PHONE WEST 108 1473 Marine Drive Burrard Funeral Chapel hose culling us muyT ilo so with the feel- ing of confidence that they ure enjoying the very best available, und with the further assur. ance that the cost will be entirely I n accordance with their oivn wishes. CENTER gi HANNA LTD. Established 1893 320 Third Street E. North Vancouver Phone North I I IO 8. D. WHITE ~ ijIANACER The Regular Monthly 51eeting of THE WEST VANCOUVER Ratepayer8'ssociation will be held at The New Ambleside Hall Next TUESDAY, May 3rd at 8 p.m. BUSINESS:--Discussion on the Proposal of the Council to Purchase Certain Waterfront Property East of Ambleside Wharf, and Discussion on Systems of Municipal Voting. All resident ratepayers are cordially invited to join this assoc- iation. THE WEST VAN NEWS B. Of T. MEETING +Q~gl/ ~$There was u good attendanceon Monday evening at the ad- journed monthly meeting of the Board of trade in Amblesido Hall. IV. R. Hamilton gave a most interesting address on the pro- posed new park at Amblebide. Mr. Hamilton and the Ratepay- ers'ssociation are the origina- tors of the scheme, and the scale map of the park with which he illustrated his address enab)ed his hearers to obtain a clear in- sight into the nature of the pro- ject. Generally speaking the area which it is proposed to acquire stretches from 14th Street to the Indian Reseiwe and is bounded on the north by thc Marine Drive, from which it ex- tends to the beach. That por- tion north of the P.G.E. track between 18th Street and the In- dian Reserve is set aside for an athletic park, and a stadium may possibly be built at the easterly encl. Using the slough as a starter it is proposed to dredge a yacht harbor in a westerly direction for some distance, west again of which swimming pools would be dredged for children, while a pic- nic ground would be situated be- tween the P. G. E. tract and the yacht harbor. The children' playground would extend west- ward from the swimming pool to the junction of Argyle and 13th Streets. Mr. Hamilton figured that the dredging would cost 10 cents a yard, his figures for acquiring the property and putting it in shape being as follows; allow- ing for the fact that the muni- cipality already own 31 acres of the property: 1'utting athletic park in shape and erecting a stadium .....................$ 5,000 Dredging .......................... 25,000 Putting ground in shape 5,000 Purchase price of Water- front property owned by Gintzburger estate as per option given by them ............................ 30,000 Purchase price of other waterfront property.... 12,000 The housewife who does her marketing with us knows that our goods are of "best quality," that our service is prompt and reliable. Buy at Iv t 16 GREENWOOD'S GROCERY 'D:i -. FRAMAR Montessori School R. B. ANTHONY FOR SMALL CHILOREN I stb & Eroxlmsn iirr. W. 9. Frrrrr Phono West 83L V rmx Rvxxoxxbl BUILDER Summer Cottages 8 Spooalty Phones West 481L3 Ik Doug. 551 „„.„,„,„„,„, M.WILLIAMS „„„„„... CUSTOM TAILOR SPRING AND SUMMER SUITINGS Now complete. Large selection--for Sport or Business. Before Ordering Your Easter Suit Come and see our patterns. CITY Dyeing, Repairs PRICES and Alterations PHONE WEST 20 Dry Cleaning slid Pressing SAVORY c%. DUVAL REAI ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1429 hfurine Drive Phone West 114 North &, West Vancouver Stages NOTICE The stage will leave North Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. Phone West 84 for Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe 1640 Huywood Ave. SPECIAL THIS WEEK SAUSAGE ROLLS anl MEAT PIES$77,000 In conclusion he stated that in his opinion the revenue derived from concessions would take care of the necessary sinking fund and interest charges. Following a hearty vote of thanks accorded to Mr. Hamil- ton for his address the meeting went on record as approving of the scheme. The secretary was instructed to write to the Council and the Ratepayers'ssociation stating that they would give every assistance in furtherance of the project. Mr. Clark of the Westinghouse Co. addressed the meeting on the installation of ornamental street lights on Marine Drive between 14th and 18th Streets and be- tween 24th and 25th Streets. His plans called for 22 lights in the Ambleside area allowing for those on 14th Street between the ferry landing and Marine Drive. the Dundaruve section having 6 lights. A space of 110 feet is allowed between each standard, each of which would cost $208 to install. If 15 year bonds were issued to meet this cost, it would figure out at about $9 per year for every 50 feet to the frontage owner, it being his op- inion that the work should be undertaken as a local improve- ment. The matter was referred to the Public Improvements com- mittee t'or examination and re- port. During the evening a resolu- tion was passecl asking the Dom- inion Government to build fire of their proposed new ships in Canadian yards on the Atlcnitic and Pacific coasts. A resolution was also passed congratulating Mute George hiacdonald on his bravery in recently rescuing u ferry passenger from droivning. We close ou Sundays; but open ail day Thursdays. Pijojje your orders -- West 15iX MRS. DRAPER 8 SON 2435 iiIARliiE DRIVE Next Dxxdxrxvv HalLWest Vancouver REID488 L J. H. Sand, Gravel and Manure General Teamwork For Sale Pearce's Drygoods 14th St. and Marine TAXI Phonos: WEST 118 Rax.: WEST 180LSPUN SILK DRESSES $5.95 each F. Newman 8 D. Robbins CARPENTERS House Painters, Paperhangijrs holsomjmng, Ro-Shiughng, etc. Reasonable Terms Phone IVest 144 'ollyburnBarber Shop Send for our sample book of Wallpapers. Latest in Designs Peep 8'ay House Phone nlathers A 29th West 437R3 Ivm Newby Proprietor For HAIR CUTTING and SHINGLING 25 years'xperience CHAS. H. HARPER HARRON BROS. 8; iVILLIAMSON gIIneral 6Irertnrs PIANIST AND TEACHER Latest success Singing Pupil gained first honors Aiberta Fes- tivai 1926 season'iano Pupil A.T.C.5L with high honors and also highest scholarship in Busch Temple Conservatory of Ijlusic, Chicago, season 1926. 15th aijd Esnuiuinit WEST VANCOUVEIC Phone Tvrst 61611 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Office aud Waiting Rooms 5 Lousdaie Avenue WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Veucouver for SHERMAN and CYPRESS PARK ou the hour from and including 7 a.m. to 6.40 p.m.; also 20 minutes past the hour from and including 6.20 a.m. to 9.20 a.m. aud 1.20 p.m. Co 11.20 p.m. RETURNING from SHERhIAN 30 minutes after ebove times. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Leaves North Vancouver ou the hour from 8 a.m. to 8 also at 1.40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.50, 9.20 aud 10.20 p.m., returning from Cypress Park 30 minutes after above times.