Resampled001B6D03 1 THE WEST VAN iNEWS April 29. 1927, )ryriApf'ew classes now being formed J. IXI. Aiorgan W EST VAN COUV ER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones West 173 Seymour 30580 TRUCKING sud TEAM WORK Excavating (Dsy or Coscrsec) SAND & GRAVEL P. A. ANDREWS 1 f66 Fuiios. Phone iyosi 660R BILLIARDS Two Tables Now installed for your use at CHET SHIELDS 11TH STREET right at Railway Crossing TOBACCO. CONFECI'fONERY sud PERIODICALS Ferry BARBER SHOP (J. )files) LADIES'V'D CHILDREN' HAIRCUTI'LNG A SPECIALTY Shampooing sud Face ilssssg- iug in sii branches Only First Cbsss 'cvork GIVE US A TRIAL Hollybum Theatre Friday and saturday April 29th and 30th WAI.I.A('E BEERY. hlARY BRIAN and RAYMOND HATTON in Behind the Front siss Harrv lwngdon in -THERE HE GOES" REGt t.AR AninssinN& Evening tdsiiuos Children ..... i ho 10c aduhs " .'26c 20o J. GAWTHORN in connection with the Paint Shop, north side of Marine at 14th Phone West 322 Agent for SINGER SEWING MACHINES and C. C. 51. BICYCLES Cash or terms Gramnphone and Bicycle Repairs BABY BUGGIES Re-TYRED Now Open FOR BUSINESS Hollyburn Music Shoppe Corner 22sd sud hfsriuo Everything iu hfusic &II&1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS We appreciate your busiussa GEO. BLYTH Plastering Cof)tractor Estimates Free Phone West 29Y LUMBER SPECIALS OF HIGH QUALITY 6" Cedar Beveled Siding, clear................ 2x6, 8, 10. 12 Com. sized . 6" Cedar Shiplap 4x4 and 5x5 Cedar Posts 1x4 Short Flooring and V Joint S12.00 16.00 12.00 24.00 20.00 These Specials are au of good grade and we guarantee satisfaction. Come in and look them over. SASH, DOORS AND FR Ambleside Lumber Co. Phone West 199 16th and hfsrine A BEAIJTIFUL CARDEN is a good investment and a constant joy and increases the value of your property Gardens and Landscape efFects designed at moderate prices. John Pinder-Mossy A.E.I.C. Res. Landscape Architect ARCHITECTURAL ENGR&ERR Phoae West 199 Oflice: Ambieside Lumber Coy., HoRyburu, B. C. PE1&SOi&AL STRINGS The Fun&I for Crippled Child- ren has been grante:I permission by the council to hold a tag day on the boats and streets tomor- ro'iv (S&itilrda) ) ~ ~ ~ ~ hlr. And hirs. G. IAShare. who formerly resided at Sivift Cur- rent, Sask., are noir living at 14th and Bellevue. hlr. LeShare, ivho is 0 battery nnd ignition ex- pert, has tnken one of the new stores on hlarine Drive. ~ ~ ~ The Duncan Lnwson Chnpter, I.O.D.E., will hold 0 Military N'hist Drive on Saturday even- ing. hlay 7th, at 'The Clachan," Dundarave. ~ o ~ hhs. A. E. Morris of "Haze)- mere," 24th and Bellevue, gave a children's pnrty on Tuesday, April 26th, to celebrate the 5th birthday of her little daughter, Sylvia. The little guests who were: Joyce Burbridge. Peggie Clarke, Gertrucle Nash, Joan an&1 Betty Gourlny, Freddie aml Dor- othy Harvey Smith, aml Anna, Joan and Barbara Sparrow, spent a pleasant time with games, etc., and finished up by listening in to Aunt Emma on the C.N.R.V. Radio Train from "r.30 to 8.30. "Aunt Emma" referred to Syl- via's party and wished her and au the )ittle guests, whom she mentioned by name, over the radio, a very happy time. Mrs. Morris was assisted in entertain- ing by hIrs. A. kIarvey Smith and hIrs. )V. R. Clarke. o o ~ L. H. Beamish, the Ambleside real estate dealer, is moving his office at the end of this month to Mrs. Conant's store, on hiarine Drive, next to Stratton's Bakery. ' o West Vancouver L.O.L. No. 2990, will hold their next regu- lar meeting on Tuesday 3rd May at 8 p. m., in Dun&larave Hall. One new member will be initiat- ed at this meeting. s ~ Mrs. Alhvork, chief operator of the B. C. Telephone Co., here, who has been sick, is back at her duties. r Miss M. Donnemvorth, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ridley, Caulfeild, has re- turned to her home in Poweu River. The Hollyburn Ridge The Amblxsrcle Lumber ('0 nre building a large a&hlition at the back of their wnrehouse. ~ ~ ~ hlr. F. Yates of the Vancouver office of the B. C. Electric Co.. is relieving Councillor Walt in the B. C. Electric Co.'s office here. ~ ~ ~ hiiss Ednn Thomas, 27th nn&l Marine l)rive, gave n party to her friends Inst Friday. The even- ing was spent in cards. dnncing nnd music. ~ ~ o hir. nnd hlrs. Oscar Lynn and little girl, 26th nml Bellevue. hnve left for a month's vncation in Calgary. ~ ~ ~ A surprise party was given Mrs. Joule, Sherman's, Monday night, on the occasion of her birthday. A happy evening was spent in games. music, ancl &innc- ing. after which dainty refresh- ments &vere served. Among those present were: Mr. an&I Mrs. Joule, Miss Jill Joule, Mr. Dick, Lloyd, Miss Stella Lloyd, Mr. An&i Mrs. Frank Culbarcl, hfrs. J. Clark, Mr. Searle, Mr. Davis, Mr. Lee, Captain an&1 Mrs. C. J. Archer, Miss Edina Archer. hIr. Gould, Mrs. Cullin. ~ o o Dr. E. R. Rowan an&i hire. Row- an have returned from their honeymoon. ~ o o Mrs. F. C. Harris has sold her property interest at Eagle Har- bor, but will manAge the estab- lishment there. o Grading is being done on the grounds of Appleton Court. o hIajor Harrison, who is stay- mg with Mr. aml Mrs. IV. C. McDaniel, Duchess Street, is confined to the house through sickness. o r I Mr. Mace, who has been on the prairies, has joined Mrs. Mace and family at their home at 17th and Marine Drive. ~ o 1 Mrs. Romans, 16th and Marine Drive, has returned home after an extended trip to California. Mr. Fitzpatrick has rented Charles Hay's house at 14th and Duchess. for your hfssdoiis, Ciuiisr, fisnjo. tikuiois or Vioiiu css sow be obis&sod hera \Vs un- ooor&ii&onslly guarantee 1 h ~ nusliiy ssrl tho puca Soo ihs Hswsiiss Oso-sirisg- sd Guiisr--The Jsxsiihs si Si,sh Ukuioios .. SS.16 in ihs window s& Ti&R S 1'l)RR &)F SR&&V&&'R iro do&iver. irs sell sismps. West Van Pharmacy )Vest 77 Night Nest 321 Score slosod usury 1hurxdsy si 1 1'. Si. hIr. nnd Mrs. Dean of Vnncou- ver. moved on Tuesrlay into the Butler cottnge nt 17th nnd Duch- ess. ~ o ~ II. L. Hunt, J. H, )looper, A. I'. Rlrlley aml M. Edmondson &vere elected members of the Board of Trade at the adjourned meeting of the board on Mom)ay evening. o o o hire. W. )ii, Thompson, 20th an&I hfarine Drive, has left for a visit to Victoria. ~ ~ ~ A Valentine of the Canadian )Vindow Bakeries, is confined to his room through sickness. ~ ~ ~ Mr. And Mrs. Swanson have rented the McBrirle cottage on the Waterfront between 11th encl 12th Streets. 1 ~ ~ W. Dickinson, 14th and Esqui- malt, who has been away for a few days on 6 fishing trip return- ed at the beginning of this week. ~ ~ ~ Colin Turner, 13th an&I Hay- wood, who has been under the weather recently, has about re- covered from his indisposition. ~ o o Mr. And hIrs. Donald Grady and family, who have been liv- ing at 19th and Bellevue, have moverl into their new home on Bellevue, between 21st anil 22nd Streets. A full attendance of boys is requested at the regular prac-'ice of the Boys'Choir at the kIouyburn School tomorrow (Sat- urday) at 10 a. m. An Appeal to Amateur Photographers It has become desirable in view of probable developments to obtain forthwith about 30 lantern s)ides to illustrate the features of the Ridge. Mr. IVa)- ter hIcDonald has been kind enough to offer his negatives for this purpose. But his pictures and my own are not enough for the object in view. I should be very glad if the other amateur photographers who have obtain- ed pictures of features of the Ridge would give me a chance to avail myself of their skill and good fortune for the public bene- fit. Snow scenes, general views obtained in clear weather, bo)d crags, torrent-tracks, shapely groups of trees, and those glades which are so marked a feature of the plateau, would au be accept- able.Ii'ny fellow-amateur who wishes to help, aml who possess- es fairly sharp films 'of such features, will send them to me at 1471 Duchess Road, with a note of the location of each, I shau be glad to be responsible for their safe return. It is desirable that negatives should reach me at latest on or before Saturday, May 7th, so that I can have the lantern slides ready In time for the lecturer to study them before public exhi- bition is undertaken. --J. PORTER, SPECIAL GARDE N LOA IV&I For Potting sud Window Boxes 62.00 per sack. hfsnuro sud bise)& soll S&.00 per load. Bedding Plsnis of sli kinds, early sod late Csbbsgs plants. B ds B FLOWER SHOP Ma&los Drive (Opp West Vao Osrspe) MAPLE LEAF PAINT STORE (E. F. TITE, Prop.)Marine Drive near 14th IVe are showing various designs in CONGOLEUM RUGS At Special Prices Size 6 x 9 at ................... $7.00 Size 7&rsi x 9 at ......... 69.00 " 9 x 9 at ........... 10.00 " 9 x 10&rrs at ........ 11.50 " 9 x 12 at ............. 12.60 " 9 x 13 at ............. 13.60 Congoleum Floor Coverings 80c per sq. yd.. Come and see the patterns in stock. l&A)NTS BRUSHES and PAINTING SUI'I'I.IES Iyssde i ES pAI .tan& B,C te ~ Cus«ms Se r&Ssrssf b cvjt do 0 j,lit css fonf sd )ye sell " '7 g,S 6,sess) )lsfd""0 hiss)ss Phss& ) patch) Je)yeler) The 1 gatehma" ))sri Beteees ate Th ~ Next BUSINESS: All resident isti EL'ADIOS iye ape&isa fort, Beaut, BUH. W PHONE )I des lug „ they 0, ""y )erst with th suc«)rst entirely "iih th,l,