Resampled001B6D03 April 29 1927. Royal Bank Building Ivest Vancouver Phone Seymour 5713. CORBIN'S JANITOR SERVICE ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDING Shellacing, Waxing and Polishing Old Floors made New. New Floors made Perfect 422 Richards Street, Vancouver, B. C. Seregny 'btou Keeping in repatr the trolley wires on the 346 miles of railway lines in the B. C. Electric system. Srrrrrss Orrrarrrrrr Erscrrsclbmwrrrfcr EYE GLASS ADJUSTING Are your glasses loose, do they need adjusting? Almost al- ways they require a little bending and straightening from time to time. Permit us to do this for you. IVe won't charge you any- thing, and your glasses will feel better, and look better as well. Never mind if you did not get them from us, you are just as welcome as if you did. Make use of us, we are here to serve you. H. PERRIN, g.o. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN THE WEST VAN. NEWS NEW TECNNIC CLUB FORc11ED The nervly formerl Hollyburn Tennis Club has secured very good quarters on the bowling green formerly occupied by the West Vancouver Bowling Club at 17th and Waterfront. One double court has been put in shape and is already in use, and it is expect- ed that another double court and one single court will be ready for play by the end of the week. High wire fences have been er- ected round the groumls. COUNCILLOR AVATT iaIUCH IMPROVED The people of 1Vest Vancouver will be glad to learn that Coun- cillor Watt is making very satis- factory progress. The operation rvhich he underwent last week was quite successful and already Mr. Watt is feeling beneficial re- sults from it. It is expected that the patient will be able to be home about the end of next week. PRIZES PRESENTED FOR SKI-ING Ski-ing was indulged in by a multitude of youngsters a few days ago on Hollyburn Ridge rvhere the prize-winning local boys from the Easter Ski Com- petitions were demonstrating their skill. Prizes were presented to the winners by Mrs. Leyland and awarded as follows: 1st prize, H. Knight, gold medal; 2nd prize George Hansen, silver medal; 3rd prize, C. Lauritzen, bronze medal. An extra prize was a- warded to Rex Moore for credit- able showing in the jumping competition. In the ladies ski- contest Miss Olive McColl was awarded first prize while Miss Florence Ivilkinson received second. IV. B. A. The regular meeting of )Vest Vancouver Women's Benefit As- sociation took place on Wednes- day evening, April 27th, at 8 o'lock, with a splendid attend- ance of officers and members, Comm. Mrs. Laura Edwards in the chair. This review (No. 24) is look- ing fomvard to having a large at- tendance of members and friends at their card party and dance, which takes place on Wednesday evening May 11th; cards 8 to 9; dancing 9 to 12; in the new Am- bleside Hall. Refreshments. The proceeds of this event will be giv- en towards the playground scheme at present of great int- erest to all resi&lents of West Vancouver. Mrs. Burling, assisted by a committee is in charge of ar- rangements. Ban y's orchestra will supply the music, and an enjoyable evening is assured to all who come. Plans and preparations are be- ing proceeded with by this Re- view to attend the large W.B.A. convention, on Tuesday May 17, in the Hotel Vancouver, where they will have the Patriotic cere- mony service to perform. This W. B. A. convention will be both large and important, and West Vancouver members anticipate attending in full force of num- bers. A morning session, and a noon hour luncheon with after- noon and evening ceremonies are included in this auspicious oc- casion. Mrs. Laura Edwards, Comm., is a delegate, Mrs. Ada Johnson, Past Comm., an alternate. MUCH SNOW ON NORTH SHORE -- NO LIKELIHOOD OF FLOOD Officials of the Greater Van- couver Water District are not greatly disturbed over the pos- sibilities of floods in the creeks of the North Shore. While snow- fall during the winter has been unusually heavy, it has packed hard and there is not much dang- er from sudden thews, it is said. At Loch Lomond the snowfall during the winter reached the 18-foot mark. This has packed down to 14 feet and in some places is almost like ice. Average run-off on Seymour and Capilano creeks is about 450 second feet. With an abnormal spell of hot weather or heavy precipitation of warm rain, this may rise to about 3000 second feet, but that would not create a dangerous flood condition, it is said. I.ove is what makes a young'an forget how many times two will go into twenty-two dollars a week. SCOTTISH SOCIETY Over srxty members and friends attended the lecture giv- en by Coh Foster in the 'Clach- an" last Friday evening on "Na- tional Parks in Canada." This was indeed a treat for those who were privileged to at- tend. The views thrown on the screen were wonderful and once again brought home to us the great truth that here in Canada we have indeed a "priceless treas- ure" and a magnificence that is unsurpassed in our national play- grounds. The society is indebted to Col. Foster for his splendid evening' entertainment. The next regular meeting will be held on Friday, iafay 20th in the "Clachan." This will be the last Meeting of the season and will take the form of an "at home" by the members. Members of the socrety are invited to attend the dance in North Vancouver Friday night, April 29th in the K. P. hall und- er the auspices of the North Vancouver St. Andrews and Cal- edonian Society. NEW BUSINESS AREAS Three new business areas have been established by the council on the recommendation of the town planning commission. The yare on Mathers between Third and Eleventh streets, on Mathers between Fifteenth and Nineteenth Streets, in D.L. 237 and between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, and extending from Marine drive to Esquimalt. WEST VANCOUVER ASKS FOR $ 13,000 IN SEWERS A $ 13,000 sewer system for the area in IVest Vancouver be- tween Fourteenth and Fifteen- th streets and Clyde street and the waterfront was requested of the West Vancouver municipal council by a delegation of rate- payers Monday night. The council will determine ex- actly what the'cost will be and if the petitioners agree, will take action to secure the new system. In the area to be affected under the local improvement plan, con- struction of the sewers will add 16 mills to the tax rate if the plan is adopted. zixcxncncncm mncinxncclclzcm KcscRLKJzlxczczrzcxcsp&tcnzlxcxmcxmcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcKMKc i MzmcxiciM xncczcicczlccl x ic rccscKSSrcczzszrazrz AzmcxcmaczcxmcKVK zcxcxcxcscxcmz~ cxcxl cxmmcxmcxccncncrLxczmJÃLZCKMKIKMxcxnmcmmmxmmmmm~ MKco'~inc xmmcmxmczmmmmmmmmmmmnnxnnmxcmxcxncmmnnxmncmcrcrzzrrrc Sazrrnrr~c' I I ~ Residence WEST 316 ,L... 4,i 1 ~ oy Main Office West Vancouver Office NORTH 305 WEST 102 Cor. 18th and. Marine I( . I:„I."S cIIll: I.I 'I'.'ctl:.I:I..'S ATTENTION! ivs rrs We carry a large stock of Fir, Hemlock R Cedar Lumber of all dimensions. Lengths from 6 to 40 feet. Rough and Finished Lumber, Sash & Doors, Lath Ltt Shingles Grade, Quality and Service Guaranteed. Only White Help Employed GET OUR PRICES rrMIlrrrfrrMrlrrrrrrrrrrrrMrrrrrcrrc IMlrcRIrcrrrrc acccc crrrrrcrcclrrrrrcrcncMxc mmmcxmMxm cccrsxrc mnmccrccxmrcrrBcxMrccRIRcrccxMrcmcrcnIrccrcxmmmMxcxMxMllcrrrrrrKrrcrKsrrKsrcrsKsc mMXMZMxmMZMmxcmxrrrrKrc|crsrsrrcsrsrrrrrnxixMxmMxcxMxncMXMXMxcccMZM