Resampled001B6D03 Useful Recipes ) Salmon Salad Tvro cups of canned salmon, one cup disced celery. two sweet pickles, one tablespoon minced onion. half teaspoon salt, speck pepper. boiled salad dressing. Shred the salmon and combine with the celery, chopped sweet pickle, onion and salt and pepper. hioisten with generous amount of boiled salad dressing and gar- nish with sliced hard-boiled egg and rings of green pepper. Snow Taffy Put in a saucepan tivo cups granulated sugar. one cup golden syrup. one teaspoonful vinegar. half teaspoonful water and tivo tablespoons fresh butter. Let all melt slowly, then boil till it sets on a little being dropped into cold water. Pour into a but- tered tin--a biscuit box lid will do splendidly--and mark off into squares when it is growing cold. That is a fine sweet for a sore throat. Chocolate Tapioca Wash half 8 breakfast cupful of tapioca, put on to cook in a double boiler, ivith four cupfuls of boiling vvater. Add half a cupful of sugar and boil till clear, then add half 8 teacupful of melt- ed chocolate. Boil for ten min- utes and pour into mould. Ivhen cold serve with custard or cream. Date Bread Beat one egg well and add three-quarter cup brown sugar and one and three-quarters cups of sour milk in ivhich has been dissolved half teaspoon soda. Add two cups bran, one cup each of whole wheat flour and graham flour, and one teaspoon each of salt and baking powder mixed with the flour, aix ounces of dates cut in bits, and quarter cup coarse+ chopped nuts. Beat weil. Let stand for half an hour and bake for one hour (in a mod- erate oven) in one large loaf or two small loaves. Sweet milk and three teaspoons of baking powder may be substituted for the sour milk and soda. Yorkshire Tea Cakes Cream half a cake of yeast and a teaspoonful of pulverized sug- ar. Melt two tablespoons of but- ter in a saucepan, add a quarter of 8 cup of milk and make it just lukevvarm. Add this to the yeast and sugar and strain into three cups of flour. Add also a vrell- beaten egg and beat the mix- ture with the hand for a few minutes. Grease and flour one or two shallow caketins, put the mixture into them and set in a warm place to rise for about 40 minutes. Then bake in rather a sharp oven for about half an hour. If stove polish is moistened with vinegar instead of water the stove will take on a brighter polish. Fingermarks on paints can be removed with a soft flannel wrung out of water to which a few drops of ammonia have been added. "Provincial Elections Act." ELECTORAL DISTRICT OP NORTH VANCOUVEI& COURT OF REVISION NOTICE is hereby g veu that I win hold a Court oC Revision of the Vot-ers'brt for the Eiec&ovai District of North Vancouver s& my office, 92 Lousdaie Avenue, North Vancouver, on Idouday the 18&b day of Stay, 1927, at 11 o'lock, a. m., &o revise the Pro- viaciai Voters'ist for 1927; lo re- ceive applications for enrolment. aud for such other purposes as are re- &(s&red by Lw. GIVEN Ruder my hand st North Vaucouver on the 6th day of April, 1927. ALER PHILIP Registrar of Voters. THE WEST VAN iVEWS Aprtl 29, 1927. St. Stephen's Church St. Philip and St. James'ay and Second Sunday after Easter (ihiay 1st). 8 a. m.--Holy Commuion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.16 a. m.--Hol) Communion 7.16 p. m.--Evensong. hlessrs. C. T. Kendrick, W. J. Wenmoth and J. J. Rutledge as parochial lay delegates, as well as the rector. attended the forty- first session of the Synod of the Diocese of Neiv Westminster. held Thursday and Friday in St. Paul'8 Parish Hall. A class of eighteen ives con- firmed last Sunday night by His Grace Archbishop de Pencier. A communicants class for those neivly confirmed &vill be held on Sunday at 3 p.m., for ivomen and girls and ihionday at 8 p.m. for boys. The work of finishing the in- terior of the church will be un- dertaken by the contractor next week. The juvenile baseball team made a good start in the sea- son's schedule by defeating St. hiark's boys )ast Saturday at Irwin Park. The batteries for St. Stephen's )vere Faulkner, Ward, and Timbrell, and for St. Mark's, Ivinkler, Green, Ivood. and Reid. The score in Ivednes- day night's junior A game was St. Stephen's 4, St. Patrick's 21. The local battery was Cornish, Walker, Kendrick and Clement. IVRST VANCOUVER "$gve the surface and v)7OL1 SG~ There is a MARTIN-SENOUR 1 00 io Pure Paint and Varnish For Every Surhcu uud Every Purpose. Christian Science Society Dundarave Hall hiarine Dr Duadavave Sunday Service at 11.30 a. m. Subject ihiay 1st "E& erlasiing I'unishment" Sunday Schooi at 10.00 ~ . m. Tssiivuouy bleating every Wed- nesday st 8.16 p. m. FIX)OR I'AINT I'OR& N I'AINT VARViSH STAIN 1)F. I,UXR RNA)IKI I'1(KI'ARRI) il'AX AUTO KNA)dRI. LAVOE KNA)II'I ',ll xf&INR I'AINT Ino.'u PAINT ( I(kz) I 1( for Shiasies Woo&) STAINS I'AINT I(El((lVEN r&( RbF'( I Ai'(T Rl o'1 R I II R k'( I)IRI full stock. Let's talk it over. United Church iVext Sunday morning Rev. )V. J. Scott will be the preacher. The services in the evening will be conducted by Rev. David Al- len. On Sunday, hiay 8th, I'rofes- sor Odium will prench at the morning and evening services. 1VOisIEN'S ASSOCIATION The regular meeting of the IVomen'8 Association will be hei&I in the United Church hall next Tuesday at '2.15 p.m., when the president &Mrs. Ritchie, will give an address on "Friendship." All members are urgently requested to be present. Ive carry a Groceries - Hardware Paints aud Painting Supplies Hollyburn General Store (I looper arnl Son) 17th and I)farina WE DELIVEII I'hone West 46 BUILDER'S SUPPLIES We can supply your every requirement in SAND -- GRAVEI, -- 1.15IE -- CE5IENT -- I'LASTER BRICK, Etc. Quick Reliable Service THE WEST VAN SUPPI Y (F N. SIINIONS) 1458 lilarine Drive, Ambleside I'hone IVest 105 ALL KINDS OF I'UEI. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. IVeekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. CHORAL NOTES Champion Choir Hard at Work The West Vancouver Choral Society is now getting down to the real work of preparation for the festival. Some of the test pieces are particularly difficult and much conscientious practice will have to be given if our choir is going to bring home the shield this year. Musical Society Entertained To- Night The committee of the )vest Vancouver Musical Society is en- tertaining the members of the choir at the Ambleside Hall to- night. The form of entertain- ment will be in the nature of a surprise. Members of the Council and School Board and honorary mem- bers of the society, with their wives have been invited. West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 hfarine Drive at 14th TastyBridge Tenders to be Opened Monday Baked Goods& So A ppe&iuiug--so tasty--aud so popular are our Pasiies aud Cakes becoming that we feel justined in saying--"there are none better." Our Bread is baked Crash daily, and may be had at our shop or delivered at your home. Phone Ivesi 27 and our delivery mau will ealL Tenders for construction of the proposed Lions'ate bridge will be opened by the inter-muni- cipal Lions'ate bridge commit- tee at the Vancouver City hall Monday morning at 10 a. m. Two bids are sure to be filed, that of Harrington, Howard 4& Ashe and that of Dwight Robin- son &k Company. The plans have been revised to comply with the terms con-. tained in the report of the Lions'ate bridge commission appoint- ed by the Dominion government, which sat at Vancouver and heard evidence for and against the bridge several weeks ago. Established over 6 &/I Years C. J. OVERINGTON 14th and Marine BARBER For the convenience of the ladies of the District I have had the telephone installed PHONE WEST 135 and make su appointment. STRATTON'S BAKERY Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry S(rhstf WEST VANCOUVER Camp aud Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, ete. Troughtou & Barrow Buy a LOT Ior s Nome; s Nome means ~ LOT. Real Estate & Insurance HERE s&ECE lulu Duudarave I'bouc )yes& 83 The committee of the Musical Society are giving 8 social to- night (Friday) in Ambleside hall to the members. Invitations have been sent to the Council to be present. Ladies Choir to Give Musical The Ladies'hoir are giving a musical tea at "the Clachan" on Wednesday afternoon, May 4th, from 2.30 to 5.30. An ex- cellent programme by local art- ists has been arranged. In con- nection with the tea there will be a sale of home-cooking. The proceeds will go to the funds of the choir, who are entering the B. C. hIusical Festival in an endeavor to win the shield for Ladies'hoirs, at present held in Seattle. It is hoped that there will be 8 large attendance of those interested in music. Office I'hone 1&sex&ence Phono West 78 IVes& i)SKI DIL E. R. RoiVAN DENTIST 17&h aud DIamne Drive Gas Evening ex(roc&ious aopoiotmen& ~ FUEL A. W. LUNN S FATHER DEAD Nr. W. Lunn, father of A. W. Lunn of the Ivest Van. Restaur- ant, died at the Vancouver Gen- eral Hospital last night follow- ing the amputation of one of his legs. The deceased who was in his 79th year, came from Bir- mingham, England, sixteen years ago. Dry Bark, Coal & Wood of all kinds, Marine Woodyard Night Auto ServiceF'r the convcnicnce of iho public this Garage will be OI'EN EVEIIY NIGHT us&it 9 o'lock TOIVING -- AUTO RI PAIRS BATTERIES RECHARGED West Vau Auto Service (Kcu I&obiasou) Dismae Drive at 2r&h Phone ives( ( I l (G. E. Currie, Prop) 26th and Marine Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed "I Like the Burrard Laundry" Staton to Lecture After Festival Dr. J. Frederick Staton, one of the adjudicators at the forth- coming B. C. Musical Festival, will give 8 series of class lectur- es, on "the art of conducting" during the week immediately after the Festival is held. Reeve Vinson will represent West Vancouver at the annual convention of the Town Planning Institute, which will be hei&i at the Hotel Vancouver, hiay 26-28. THRIt's just tine io hear people speak well of you. They wouidn'& do it iC they didn't mean ii. A customer said &o hcr neighbor &odayr "I like the Buvrard Laundry people, they iake such care of everything& &hey've prompt aud &heir charges ore very modeuh" West Van NeesFor Chipped EnamelChipped enamel vessels can be repaired in the following man- ner: Put into an old tin equal parts of salt, fine coal dust an&I putty. Knead well together. then pack into the affected parts. Level off with an old knife, then fill the vessel with cold water, place close to the fire and allow to simmer gently for about an hour. Empty, wipe carefully and leave for 8 day before using. Published Every Friday H. HODGSON aad F. F. LOVEGROVE I'hose Wcs& 191. I'hose ')yes& &121. Publishers New Conductor for N. V. Choral )Vilbur Grant who has been conductor of the North Vancou- ver Choral Society for the past three years, has resigned. Dr. Frederic Rogers, Choirmaster and Organist of St. hiary's Church, Kerrisdale, becoming the new leader. Try us aud see If It's true Bus&uses aad Ednorl ~ I Off!cei 1301 Sfarias Drive The Burrard Laundry Dfsli Address: P 0 Box 101 Hoiiyhsru IL C,Limited For People )Vso A ~ Pour&cetus 78&80 SISZSI usd SI. DSVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. H. H. Ballard 81 00 ~ year by mali or carrier News- stand'c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION Medicine stains can often be The P. G. E. will start their removed from linen with strongsummer time table on 8th May. ammonia. EYE I glm &(fe ffi e) fe&i ivsfs io t™mit 0'hing '";Dd i iielcomo )[skc Ds oH fio) si @"Dkfi phone Scy 'ORB Keep the I on th of rail the B s)istcn ! ! u firn)fs sl