Resampled001B6D03 Be Reasonable We are reasonable at au times. Our prices are the lowest at which reliable "quality" merchandise can be sold. FOR 1iNSTAiVCE: Maikiu'a Baking powder... 2sc De Luce VvaB Finish (tho best Sunlight Soap, .. 2 Cartoon exc Kalsomine) white in bulk. 1(x 12c Smith'n Toa (iu the Silver pack- ('br(etio'n Bincuits, good assort- agc) The Best Tca Vaiue .. 59c ment ....--................ Ssc 511I1df S G10Cd'1 P (A. HARVEY Sid(TH, Prop.) GROCERIES. HARDWARE, DRY GOODS a SUNDRIES Phone your wants aad wa will wire you quick delivery 24th AND SIARINE, Opp. Duudararc Ball 1'bouc (VEST 469 Roberts'etter Meats 14th and Slarine West 190 Where Service and Quality Count IVE DELIVER MORNING 9130--East 25th Only 11:30--from Capilano to Caulfeild AFTERNOOiq 3130-- East 25th Only A SPECIAL FOR EVERY DAY SATURDAY Shoulders Local Lamb . 29c Ribs, breast on ........... 26&fic Rolled Rib Oven Roast, perib... 2oc Pot Roasts, pcr lb........ 14c Legs Pork (I'orcn), pcr lb.... 21c Cambridge Sausage...., 2 ibn 25c PULLETTS EGGS Extras 2 dozen for ...... 50c Sliced Ayrnhiro Bacon, pcs ib ............. 35c Finest Old Ontario Cheese pnr ib .. 30c Rhubarb (iocai) .. 3 ibn 25c Ripe Tomatoes, pcr lb.... 20c Sweet Oranges... 3 doz. 95c Netted Gcm Potatoes, 100ib......... 51.60 SAL510N TROUT. each 50c 5(ONDAY Stcwiug Steak, pcr ib... 15c Large Lemons. 2 doz. 55c TUESDAY 3 dozen Oranges...... 95c Pork Steak, pnr 1b . 23c WEDNESDAY Sliced Bacon. pcc lb. 40c Fresh Liver, pcr 1b.. 10c THURSDAY Cooked Ham, pcr ib ..... 50c Cambridge Sausage, 2 iba. 25c FRIDAY Loggia'n Haddie, pcr lb....... 16c Salt Cod. 2 lb. Boxes........ 36« Heinz Sweet hiixcd aud Siuetard Pickles. 16 Varieties of Delicatessen for you to choose from. $500 Grant for Jubilee Celebration The Council have set aside the sum of $500 for the Dominion Diamond Jubilee celebration. 31eamvhile they are forwarding $ 150 of this amount to the Fin- ance Committee of the iVorth Shore Diamond Jubilee Commit- tee for general expenses. It is understood steady progress is be- ing made in connection with the arrangements for the rcelebra- tion. Robert O'ara of the North and IVest Van Stages, has just returned from a fishing trip on Vancouver Island. He brought back with him a large catch of very fine trout. DEVELOP EAGLE LAKE WATER Engineer Hanes has been in- structed by the council to com- plete the application for storage of water on Eagle Lake, filing the necessary copies of bylaws Nos. 345 and 346 at Victoria, so that a license will be issued to divert water from the lake. The Lord freezes the water, but you'e got to cut your own ice. Salesman: "If you are looking for something nice for the bed- room, we have some really fine twin beds." Young Wife: "Oh, no, thanks. We want just a small cradle." A hypocrite is a man who eats cloves to make his friends think he has had a drink. A display of knowledge is not always a display of wisdom. It is better to build a fence at the top of the cliff than to have an ambulance waiting at the bot- tom. The average woman has a small vocabulary of words--but look at the turnover. Dear Old Lady: 'Weu, little boy, did you get some good marks at school today?" Little Boy: oYes, mam, but I can't show them to you." A fast night, a slow day. Brackenhurst SUBDIVISION AT WEST BAY Sole I.ocal Agents 1429 Marine Drive I'hone West 114 Every lot a view lot, and of au sizes up to 1&/2 acre block. Prices from $600 up, with special rebates for buyers who commence building within 60 days of purchasing. For inform- ation, prices, and terms, apply SAVORY 8 DUVAL THE WEST VAN NEWS TAX RETI RNS SIUST BE liV TOSIORROW Tomorrow evening at 6 p, the latest that Dominion in- come tax returns can be received by the Vancouver taxation of- fice--unless delinquents care to pay the penalty of a 6 per cent impost after that date. C. II. Clendenning, inspectorof taxation, states that returns mailed on April 30 will be ac- cepted. He reports that approx-imately 76 per cent of all returnshave been received. The localoffice at the corner of Ilomerand Pender streets will be kept &ipen until 6 o'lock each eveningand 5 o'lock Saturdny. Attention is called by the of- ficial to the fact that married taxpayers are allowed exemptionfor children up to the nge of 21,instead of 18 as formerly. A re-duction of 10 per cent was madefor 1926 taxes over 1925. Those making returns by mailare svarned to place sufficient postage upon the letters, else themail &viu go to the &lead letteroffice and the penalty tax of 6per cent &viu be imposed. Mounted police officers are onduty day and night at the tax- ation office to assist taxpayersand protect papers and receipts. BASEBALl. SCHEDLiLE ANNOUNCED The following schedule of games for the first three weeks of the season was decided uponat the meeting of the North Shore Baseball League executive Wednesday evening:-- Thursday games will be play- ed at Ambleside Park, West Van- couver, all other games being played at Mahon Park. Friday, May 6--Squamish vs. Native Sons. Monday, May 9--Elks vs. )Vest Van. Wednesday, Slay 11--Native Sons vs. Squamish. 'hursday,May 12--West Van , vs. Squamish Frida) May 18--Native Sons vs. Elks. Monday, May 16--Squamssh vs. West Van. Wednesday, May 18--Native Sons vs. Elks. Thursday, May 19--West Van vs. Native Sons. Friday, May 20 -- Elks vs Squamish. Monday, May 23--Native Sons vs. West Van. Wednesday, May 26 -- hVest Van vs. Elks. Friday, May 27--Squamish vs. Native Sons. April 29, 1927. IT'S I&V TII E TASTE KVest 3 Deliver Our meats have a superior tenderness--flavor-- thnt's what countm Buy and try our deliciously cured meats just once anil you'l be convinced. Everything eve sell Is wholesome and henlthful. JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET 1'HONE )VEST 3 WE DEL(VER ALL h(EATS KEPT IN REFRIGERATOR Fresh and Cured Sinatn, Butter, Eggs, Bacon aod (.ard. Sigh ilneiity Lnuher is Cheapest in the end. Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE P/~0's a Lasting Giftan&i is always appreciated The King Studio Photos Ahvays Please Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO 311 Hastings Street hVest, Vancouver ESTABLISHED 1902 V. V. VINSON, Prop Phone . 1046 for a ment LONDON II( BRITISH NORTH AMERICA COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER SPECIALISTS We have beau nucccnefui in selling many nomon aod properties iu this district aod maiutaiu a Separate department for this work. List Your Property With Us. Our wide advertising covers the field of live prospects and gotn results. Consult our 5(r. Kinnick, Wont 160 R. LONDON fk BRITISH NORTH AMERICA CO. Lt(I. 626 Ponder Street Went Seymour 6255 FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSUIIANCE, ETC. see TO PRESERVE HOLLYBURN RIDGE The destrabtbty of Houyburn Ridge being reserved for a public park has been the subject recent- ly of a number of articles in the press. IVith this object in view the council on Monday night passed a resolution that the member for the district be re- quested by the reeve to takesteps to have the Government declare all the lands lying on Hollyburn Ridge, whether within or with- out the municipal limits, a public park reserve. A teacher was trying to teach a class of boys arithmetic, and thought to give an illustration along a line that they could easi- ly grasp. "A boy buys a ball for $5.00 which we shall call X; a bat costs twice as much, or $10.00, which we shall call Y, and a glove costs twice as much as the bat, plus the price of the balL which we shall call Z, the unknown quantity. Who can tell me what Z would cost?" Ikey Ginsberg raised his hand. oAB right, Isaac, you tell the class." Ikey replied: oZ costs too much. Come over to my fad- der's store and you can hev the whole woiks for a V.o JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone West 55 YOUR LAST CHANCE TO OBTAIN ONE OF THESE GOOD USED CARS AT SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE. Many fine cars remain for your choice The wise buyer will take advant- age of the values offered, and will be well repaid by a visit to our showrooms. Our guarantee goes with each car. Here are three specials -- there are many others. 1926 Chevrolet Touring in perfect condition $650 1925 Chevrolet Touring a good buy................ $550 1925 For&1 Ton Truck in first class condition Ruxtal, axel, for ... $ 125 NORTH SHORE MOTORS LtM(yg D CHEVROLET CARS ON DISPLAY 135 First Street West, North Vancouver Phone North 1184 Phone North 1354 West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMITED 15th and Marine I'hone West 115 ItESII)ENCE 1'BONE: '&VEST ysx 4 0 0 flext'ilr yntuet the wnr r cpudltnr psssed 0 wstchipg ;„,hildh'p large 'p us ms we went tpo, it hi lpug as'. pur gyes A mn most un jpy pf gi the worl member'owever sll that I Moth flood, P& mitted & snye th& ss fsr b sud the, passed 1 80 pl s&lstsille msiu pu tp the g we step Dpn'lower, i Council The cpu gsiipu irp lic Lihrsr) iug next; important with the Sl Quentin establishu Marine D have been cil to the his npiuip The cpt mission 1& the Depsi teria, tp d tips Bann near the proach dt season, Petitiol A petit tp the cnt owners m nxteudiut 1Vhyteclii Beach, 8,. bpur, SI Glenesgle nips pl ii tern thn per cent'nd renid, (,I V 8&( R, p, with the duns(in„ &Ives being h m