Resampled001B6CED 1827 pupil 9@„ 'upil 8ud iu I, P 01 loy IRG Ip April 14, 1927. The Corporation of the District of West Vancouver WHYTECLIFF WATER WORKS DE- BENTURE SY-LAW. No. 346, 1027. W HEREAS the provisional consent of the Prov&nels) Doard of Heanh hss been duly obtained. pursuant lo Seciloa 20 of ibe -Health Aet" belna Chaucer 102 o( the Re- vis 0 Stet«lee of Urnieh Columbic. 1944. AND WHEREAS hy UY-LAW cned as WHYTECLIFF WATER WORKS CON- STRUCTION AND OPEIIATION UY-LAW, No. 8 ~ 6, 1027, passed an the ~ ih dsy uf Apvn, A. D., 1027. the Counctl ol the Corp. orsuoa of the Dieiviet of weri Vaneouv v determined It was expedient to undevmke xhe work or «evvlce or supplying water for j any and an purposes to me Inaabltants o( tne lands set forth in Schedule -A" heretof as ~ Municipal «ndevtaklna I v the ~ peel«i 4 & benelit of and at ihc enure cori o( that portion o( the Corporation ~ t (ovth In Sched. «le "A" hereto. pursuant lo the pruvisions of Section 60 of the -Munich,al Aet". beltnt Cnaplee 179 of ihc Revised siatute o( Urn- lsh Co)ambi~, 10241 AND WHERAS It 'ts necessary and ex- pedient as dtrecled by tbc ~(oresald Uy-law shot the C uncn M the Ccrporaliun o( the Ui t lct of weel vancouver be authorised tondborrow cv raise the eum ( Sixty Tnousrrn Dunavs ($ 60,000.00) I AND WHL'REAS It ls necessary lust tbe ~aid mon y shall be raised upon ihe ercdn o( the raid Corporation; AND WHEREAS ihe sum of Sixty Thous- ~nd Donars (560,000.00) is the amount of the debt which ibis Uy-law is Intended to cvr'nlc; ANU WHEREAS It would be necessary tofreise snnrtany by special rute ine sum o One Thousand Fuuv Hundred and Fuvly-~ Ix Ucnars ($ 1. ~ 46.00) principal and the sum o( Tare Thousand tronars 1$ 8,000.0«) int- erest, making togcibev thc total amount «n- nuany o( Four Thousand Four Hundred nnd Forty-six Donate 164,440.00) for the ievm o( Twenty-Sve ($ 6) years for lhe payment o( the enid loan snd inter st iheveun ae hereinafter mentlonedl AND WHEREAS the value of the whole vateable land ol the said Cot povstion, ac- cording io the last revised Assessmcnt Rcn. amounts io Three btinlon Tnlriy Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Dollars I ~ $ ,080,- 6Z«.00) and the Improvements amount tu Two $(nnon Three Hundred and Three Thousand Three Hundred snd Twenty-seven Dunars (52.$ 0$,$27.00) making together n total of Five Mnnon Three Hundred and Thilry-four Thousand One Hundred and Forty-seven ($6.8$ 4.147.00) Dollars: AND WHEREAS the value uf the whole ratesble land of ihe said Corporation, rnu- ~ le, lying and being within the area describ- ed in Schedule "A" hereto. according to the last revised Assessment Roll, amounts to Three Hundvtd and Seventy-nine Tnousand Two Hundred Dollars ($ 579,200.00& and the hnpvovements amount to One Hundred snd Seventy-two Thousand Seven Huadred and Eighty ($ 1'1$ ,780.00) Dollars. making to- aether a total of Five Hundred and Fifty-one Thousand Nine Huadved and Eighty Dollars (6661,9$0.00) 1 AND WHEREAS to provide for the pay- ment of Interest snd thc creation ol a sink- fund for tbe payment of the said prln- I sum of Sixly Thousand Dollars t$ 60,- 0.00) it would be necessary to levy a special rate sulficlent to raise thc eum of Four Thousand Four Hundred and Forty-eix ($ 4,446.00) Donavs the amount iu be calcu- lated annuany on the whole of the vateable land or land and improvements, o( the Corp- ovatton. situate. )ying and being within the arcs described in Schedule "A" hereto; NOW THEREFORE the Reeve and Coun- cu of ihe Corporation of the District of Wert Vancuuvcv in open meeting assembled enact as fonowet-- (1& It chan bc lawful for the Reeve of the said Corporation and the Clerk of the Council. for thc purposes aforesaid to bor- row or valse by way of loan from any person or persoas, body or bodice corporate. who may be wlnlng to advance the same upon the credit of thc dcbentuvcs (hcveinaftcv mentioned) of the said Corporation, a sum of money. not exceeding io the whole the aum of Sixty Thousand Dollars (660.000.00) and to cause the same to be placed In thc Royal Bank of Canada at Wert Vancouver, British Columbia. to ihe evcdit of the said Corporation for ihc purposes above recited, and tbc debentures of the said Corporation to the umount o( Sixty Thousand Dollars (660.000.00)in thc whole msy be issued by the said Reeve and Clerk in accordance with the -MUNICIPAL ACT" in sums ae may be required of not less than Onc Hundred Dol- lars ($ 100.00) each. Each debenture shall be slaned by tbe Reeve and Clerk and the Clerk shen attach thereto the Corporate Se«l of the sold Corporation. The said debentures shall bc dated the 1st day of May 1927 and shan beer intcccst at tbe rate of Sve Pcc cent. (6ryc) Per annum. payable on ihe 1st day o( blay and tho 1st day of November In each and every year durlna the currency of the sold debent- ures, or sny of th m, oad the principal of tbe said debentures, oc any of them, shall be payable on the 1st day o( May, 1962. There shall be attached to each uf the de- bentures coupons signed by thc Reeve and Clerk for cack end every payment of Inter- est that may become due, snd such signa- ture« msy be &ther printed, wvillen ov niho- graphed. 12& The said debentures shall be ex- pressed to be payable in lawful money of Canada. (8) Tho said debcntuvcs as to prin- cipal and interest shan be payable at any branch of Tbc Ruyal Bank of Canada in Canada al, ihe holder' option by the Corp uveilon. (4) There shun bc raised end levied onnuany by special rate su(1lclent tb refor ulmn an raisable lend or lend and Improve- ments of th» Corporation within the limits I ihe «rea sct f vth In Schedule -A" hereto ih ~ sum uf One Thousand Pour Bun)red «nd Potty-six Dollars (51,440.00) f r the pur- pore of (ovmlng a ~In«in« (und f r the pay- ment of ihe rnid d bentures. end the eum of Three Thousand Dollars (45.000.00) fur lhe paymeni of ini rest at the rate afore. ~aid, io become due on such debentures dur- Ing tbe curveacy theveo( (being ihe equal ~ nnual special rote of eleven point seventy- ee (117$ & mnl~ on ths Dollar of the ereni land valuallon) or such fuvlher ur ther cate as shall be eufnclent for the said purpose. the came lo be In addition to en rates to be levlod and cv ated In the re)I Corporation during the w&role curvenry uf ~aid deb nturee or any uf them. 16) This by-law may bc elicd fcr en puv. poses as "WHYTECLIFF WATER WORKS DEUENTURE UY.LAW. No. 846. 1927." PASSED UY THE COUNC)I on the 4th day of Aprn. A. D.. 1027. RECEIVED the ars nt of the Electors of that purl&on o( the Curporatlun set out In Schedule "A" h veto at \he election I r that puruose on the day of Aprn. A. D., 1027. IIECON- SIDERED and anany ADOPTED by iho Cuunen, SIGNED by lhe Reeve and Clerk end SEALED wlih the Corporate Seal of the said C vporatl n. an on the day of Aprn, A. D.. Il&$7. Reove. cl m. SCHEDULE "V'F THE BY-LAW AI,L AND SINGUI.AR ibose eerlaln parcel~ or tracts ol land and uvemlses ~ Ituate. )ring ~nd being In the Pruvlnce o( Urnlrb Col umbl~ . Bun(a&panty of West Vancouver. «nd 'THE WEST VAN. NEWS SCOTTISH SOCIETYbeing composed of Dlrtvict Lot Scree Hun-dred and Se enty-two (772) 1 District Lot Seven Hundred and Sevenly-four (774): District Lot Seven Hundred and Seventy-one l771): District Lci Four Hundred and Thir- ty (4$ 0) l and that portion of District Lot One Thourand Your Hundred and Nlnely- threo II ~ 9$ & ~Rusts. lying and bclog wert of the peenle Gre t Eastern Rail« ~ lr vlght- of-way( that portion of District Lot Seven Hundred snd Seventy-three (7 8) ~ Ituate. lying snd being west ol ths Paclgc Great Eastern Ran«ay right-of-way; and that por- tion o( Dl ~ trlct Lot One Thousand Three Hundred snd Seventy-four i)8' ~ Ituato. lying and heing west of the Paclgc Great Eastern Ranway right-o(-way. Reeve. Clerk. The regular meeting of the a- bove society will be held on Fri- day, April 22nd, in the «Clach- an" at 3.15 p.m. Colonel Fost- er will lecture on "National Parks of Canada." The lecture will be illustrated. Colonel Fost- er, who is a very able speaker, needs no introduction to IVest Vancouver residents, and this lecture will be very interesting. All friends of the members are invited to be present. A special invitation is extend- ed to members of the Scottish Society to attend "the Tartan Dance" in the K. P. Hall, North Vancouver, on April 29th, under the auspices of the North Van- couver Caledonian Society. TAKE NOTICE that the above ls ~ true coplr of the proposed By-I~ upon whish the vote o( the )actors of that portion or por- tions of the Manlelpanty set out In Schedule"A" of ihe raid By-law wnl be taken at the School Hours, Royal Avenue, Horseshoe Usy, Whyt cn(f. B. C.. on Saturday the 2$ rd day o( Apvn. 1927, between the hours of 0 o'lock A. bl., and 8 o'lock F. bt.: and only the electors quanfylng on prop riy ~ Ituated In such portion or portions of the Munlcl- panly shall be cntlil d to vote thereon: (Sianed) JAS. OLLASON. Municipal Clerk and Returning O(fleer. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Notice lo Electors Public Notice ls hereby a&van that the vote of the electors quanfying on property situ- ate within that portion of the Munlclpanty ect out in Schedule "A" of lhe By-lsw en- titled Whyiecliff Water Works Debenture Uy-Law No, $ 46, 1927. wnl be laken at the School Hours. Royal Avenue, Hoss shoe Bay, Wh&'teen(f, B. C,. on Salucday the 2$ rd day of Asm, 1927, between tbe hours of 8 o'clock A. M.. and 8 o'lock P. M., end that James Onason has bccn appointed Returning O(fleer to take the votes of such electors with the «eual powers In that behalf. (Signed& V. V. VINSON. Reeve. (Signed) JAS. OLLASON, Clerk. The Corporation of the District of West Vancouver WHYTECLIFF WATER WORKS CON STRUCT ION AND OPERATION BY-LAW No. 348. 1927. WHEREAS the provisional consent of the Provincial Board of Health has been duly obleined. pursuant io Section 29 of tbe "Health Acl" being Chapter 102 of tbe Re- vised Statutes of British Columbia, 1924; AND WHEREAS the lands set forth in Schedule -A" hereto have no adequate water works system. AND WHEREAS according to the estl. mute of the Mualcipel Engineer of the Corp- oration of the District of West Vancouver a sum of Sixty Thousand Dollars($ 60.000.00) is requited for construction of a water works system to supply water to the aveu set forth In Schedule "A" hereto. NOW THEREFORE the Reeve and Coun- cil of the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver in open meeting ssremblcd enact as fonows 1-- (I) I\ Is hereby declared and deemed expedient to undertake the work or service of constructing a water vrorks system and supplying waist for any and an purposes to the Inhabitants of the lands set forth in Schedule "A" hereto as a blunlcipal «adev- taking for the special bene8t of and at the satire cost of that portion nf tbe Corporation set forth in Schedule "A" hereto, pursuant to the provisions of Section 66 of the "Hunl- cipal Act", being Chapter 179 of the Revised Sist«les of British Columbia, 1924. (2) For the purpose a(ovesald thc Muni- cipal Council are hereby authorised to con- struct and operate snd maintain a water works system at the cost o( and for the benellt of the lands set forth in Schedule"A" hereio. (8) Debentures to the amount of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($ 60.000.00) shall be is- sued and the proceeds thereof util&red for the purposes aforesaid sceovdina to thc plans and speciocaiions of the Municipal Engiaeev. on Sle and open for inspection at the Municipal Hall of the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver. at West Vancouver, Uvltlrh Columbia. (I) The aforesaid debentures shall. by the By-law authorixlng th m. be charged against the land. or land and improvements, in that portion of thc Corporation set forth in Schedule "A" hereto and shall be redeem- able lo twenty-gve (26) years. (5) The rates to be charged and the terms and conditions for the «sev o( water supplied from the proposed Whytecliff Water Works System shan be the same as those contained in the By-law for tbe time bring in force regulating the supply of water from the «ster works syslem constructed undec "WEST VANCOUVER WATER WORKS BY- LAW No. 60" (6) Separate books and accounts shnn b. kept of "Whytecli(f Water Works System" and the funds shall not be Inlcrmlnal d with sny other funds of the Corporation. (7) This may be cit d for an purposes os "WHYTECLIFP )VATER WORKS CONSTRUCTION AND OPERA- TION UY-LAW No. 646, 192'i." PASSED by thc Council on the 4th day of Aprn. A. D.. 1027. RECEIVED TBE AS- SENT of the Electors of that poriion of the Corporation sel oui In Schedule "A" bcr tosi the election for that pu pose on the day of April.. A. D., 1927. RE-CONSIDER- ED and Snally ADDI'TED by \he Council SIGNED by tbc Reeve and Clerk and SEAL- ED with ihe Corporate Seal o( the said Cot ovation, «U on the day of April. A. D.. 1927. SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE A lecture on this eminent geo- logist, who died a couple of years ago, was given before the Scot- tish Society of Vancouver in Glencoe Lodge on Tuesday even-'ng last. The lecturer was 5Ir. J. Porter, who has long been familiar with the books and sci- entific memoirs of Geikie. Over 70 lantern slides tvere shown, partly portraits of contemporar- ies and partly scenes associated with Geikie's work in geology. Iteevm Clerk. SCHEDULE "A" OF THE BY-LAW ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels ov tvacle of land and pvemle ~ situate. lying snd being In tho Province of British Col- umbia. Municipality of West Vancouver, and being composed of District I.ot S ven Hund- red and Seventy-two (772); District Lot Seven Hundred and Seventy-four (774): Dis-trict Lut Seven Hundred and Seventy-one (171) 1 District I.ot Puuv Hundred snd Thir- ty ( ~ !&0); and that portion f Dl~ tvlci Lot Ono Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety-three (1498) ~ ltuaie, lyina and being west of the PaclSe Gv ai Eastern Railway viaht-of.way: that novilon of Dl ~ irlct Seven Hundr 4 Sev nty.three (77$ ) situate, lyingsnd being w et of iho pacnlc Great EasternRanway vi«bi.of-way: und that portion of Dl~ ivlci Lot One Thousand Throe HundredSeventy-fuur i1$ 74) ~ Iluaic. )ying and 8 ingwert ( tho Psenlc Great Eastern Ranwayright-of-wsy. Reeve. C le eh. TAKE NOTICE ihat ihe above ls a tcuecopy u( lh pro«us d Uy-law upun whichthe vole ( the rleciorr of that porlloo orpuriluns of ih» bluolell ~ Uiy set oul In Sehed-«le "A" of the said By-law wnl be iak nai the Bchuol Hours. Royal Avenue, Horse- shoee Uey, Wbytecn(f. U. C.. on Saturday.the 25rd day o( Aprn. 1927. between ihobours o( 0 o'lock A. 14. and 0 o'cloak, P,bluand only the olcctors quanfylng on properly ~ Ituated In such portion or portions of the blunlelpanty shan be entitled to vote there- on. (Signed& JAS. OLLASON, Municipal Clerk and Reluvnlng Of(icec. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Notice io Electors Pub)le notice i ~ hereby given that the vote of the electors quan(ring on prop riy snusie within that portion of the Munlclpal- I\y set out in Schedule "A- o( the Uy-la entitled Whytecnff iyatev Works Construc- tion and Opcvatloa Uy.lsw No. $ 40. 1927. will be taken at tho School House. Ruyal Avenue, Horse hoe Bay, Whyiecllff, U. C.. on Saiurdry, tbe 28rd duy o( Aevi), lm7. between iho hours of 8 o'clock A. 61.. snd 8 o'lock P, hlv snd that Jamm Onaron has been appoint 4 Returning Oflicer to tak the votes of such electors with tbe usual powers In iba! behalf. (Signed) V. V. VINSON, Reeve. (Signed) ZAS. OLLASON, Clerk. STANLEY BOSHIER PRE- SENTED WITH MEDAL Under the auspices of the Can- adian Forestry Association the pupils attending the Public schools of West Vancouver were instructed by a series of films at the West Vancouver Theatre on the fire hazard to our forests, at present the greatest source of , wealth and prosperity to British Columbia. A short interesting address was delivered by Mr. Wilkinson of the Forestry Association, and this together with many realistic I pictures must have made a deep impression in the minds of the rising generation. The Public Schools have now an enrolment of over 700 pupils and this nec- esffitated two exhibitions--the Juniors being entertained from 1.30 to 2.30 and the Seniors to- gether with some of the parents for the next hour. At the close of this ceremony a very pleasing presentation took place when Colonel Gunther and Mr. Paradis representing the Order of the Blue Goose, an ord- er numbering 7000 members, presented a gold medal to Stan- ley Boshier of Pauline Johnson School for an essay written on "Fire Protection" last October. Stanley's effort was adjudged the winner in a competition open to all schools on the North Shore. The gold medal is a very hand- some one. On the front in the centre is a goose in blue enamel with a thin gold line outlining it, the whole raised above the surface of the medal. Surround- ing it, also on a raised scroll of blue enamel, is the following in- scription in gold lettering uA. H. 0. of Blue Goose, Vancouver Fire Insurance Agents'ssocia- tion, B. C. Pond." On the re- verse side are inscribed the fol- lowing: "Fire Prevention Contest" Stanley Boshier Pauline Johnson School 1927. CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE--Full sized Pool Table. Can be seen at old fire hall. Sealed tenders ahould be left with J. S. Yatca, Fire Chief. DRESS3I AKING--hlra. Robbins, 29th and biathcra. Pbona West 437R3. 'WANTED IN DUNDARAVE --Mod- crn furnished cottage for May and June; also one for July and August. Tronghton and Barrow, West 83. GARDENS, ROCKPITS and DRAINS made and kept in order. Phone West 121L. FOR SALE--Cream Wicker Baby Carriage. Phone West 675R. LOST--Near St. Stephan'0 Church and hlarinc Drive, a brown ki(I glove. Please Phone Betty Gonrlay West 666L. ENGLISH BABY BUGGY in Good condition, for sale. W06t 3L FOR SALE--House on corner Egeui- malt Avenue and 10th Street. Seven rooms, cheap for cash. Sca Owner on premises. 2 LOTS, 3-ROOM COTTAGE, Stucco garage, Light, water and phone, 31325, terms. IV06t Vancouver In- vestment Co., 18th and Marine, Phone West 102. SAND, GRAVEL, and Black Soil dc livered on Short notice. WOSton Transfer. Phones West 17; Resi- dence IV«at 91R. MORTGAGE LOANS arranged on shortest notice and on 80 np-to- date plans. We have had years of experience in large insurance ofEicca and are capable of giving the very best of service in any kind of in- aurancc. Consult US on all reel estate, insurance or financial mat- ters. BYRNELL dt hIAY At the Ferry Landing. Phone West 113 HOUSES FOR SALE -- Small and large. We have a fcw really good buys which we can recommend. LOTS--Some of the most desirable largo sized view lots in West Van- couver, at very attractive prices and on good terms. GEO. HAY, 14th and 51arinc. Phone WOSt 21 or Seymour 1260. ENROL NOtv at the Pitman Bus)nasa College for the Spring Term. Con- an)t Pitman'8 about your training in any of the following subjects: Short- hand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Advanced Accounting, Commcrcia) Arithmetic, Business English, Add- ing and Calculating Machines, an(1 a gcncral Sccrctsria) Course. Stud- ents are received at any time. Day and Night School Phone Seymour 9135. Pitman Business College, 422 Richard St., Cor. Hastings Street. WANTED-- tloncy for First ttortgag 08. Interest at 8 pcr cent. We offer two part)co)arly good mortgagca now for 31,500 each. SAVORY and DUVAL Phone West 114; evening West 143. IL P. CLARK (h CO« LTD. $1EllEHglf5 Golf Course and Homesites Delightful Environment "Look it over during the holidays." R. P CLARK (h CO« LTD. 823 Hastings SL W. Say. 7483, 7484 Local Raprcgantativa C. J. ARCHER. Wcgt 661L V. PRINGLE 3( SON Invite Inspection of their work at St. Stephan'5 Church and the Amblcsidc Lnlnbcr Co. Gardens designed, made, and maintained. Phone West 470%. Lumber and Building Materials CEDARS LUMBER YARDS Lid. Phones West 313 North 207 We have over a million feet of high grade lumber in our yards, also a large range of specials that we wish to move at once, it will pay you to see us before you buy elsewhere. GRADE -- SERVICE -- PRICE and what is important FULL MEASURE GUARANTEED Sash and Doors, Paper Roofing, Cement, Veneers, Plaster Board USED CAR SALK ....arine ....otors 22nd and Marine Drive PHONE IVEST 177 Night Phones: West 1(J5L and West 442R Automotive Experts Battery and Ignition Specialists We have in stock a few reconditioned cars that are ex- ceptionally good buying. All cars are in first-class condition and cany the usual service guarantee. Come and let us give you a demonstration. Very Easy Terms 1925 Chevrolet Touring ................................. 3550.00 1925 Ford Roadster with light delivery box 3325.00 1924 Star Touring, new paint ...................... 3450.00 1921 Ford Coupe ........................................ 5195.00 1923 Ford Sedan ............................................ 3275.00 and several other private and contmercial models. Authorized Ford Distributors IVest Vancouver representatives for CHEVROLETS Official Garage of B. C. Automobile Club. Free Towing to Members