Resampled001B6CED THE WEST VAN NEWS isew classes now being formed J. M. Morgan wEsT vANCDUTER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction nnd Singing HollybIIrn Theatre V3'"l~SOi&~k I N Friday and Saturday April 15 and 16 JOHN GILBERT and ELEAiVOR BOARD3IA&V in Bardelys the Magaificent Comedy: 'i.lllTH'8 IIA I)V'l'ECIAI. FOR EASTER 3IONDAY hto&iuoo 2 p.m. Evening T p.m. l)auglas Fairbanks in "THE BI.A('K I'IRATE" hlaster Archie Wood &vha has been attending school in Vern- on, and 61iss Rarbarn IVood, &vho has been at kiiss Seymour's school. &vio spend the holidavs &vith Mr. an&i Birs. Ilerbert )Van&I at Caulfeihl. ~ ~ ~ Yesterday morning a pheasant ileiv through one of the large ivimlaws in the Hooyburn School smashing the glnss. The janitor came into the class room aml tin- nily succeeded in driving the pheasnnt. out, the bird going out through the broken window. Noir the question arises ns to ivho is responsible far the &lam- age. Sure sign of warm weather. Ridley is ndvertising "Ice" this iv«k, ~ ~ ~ C. &V. Barton af the Clonguinie Rabbitry, hns received permis- sion to buikl and maintnln a high clnss rabbit show place on ikiar- ine Drive between ICith nnd lfith Streets. The matter was up be- fore the council last Non&lay. ~ ~ ~ Councillor J. B. IAytnml hns been appointed by the Council as the )Vest Vancouver representn- tive at the meetings of the ('renter Vancouver I'reventorl- um Association. ~ ~ ~ The council has nccepted the plans of J. Pindar-ikioss for nn eight suite apartment block ta be erected for N. B. For&i at West Bny, ~ ~ ~ A. J. Ridley (Ridley fiiok nn&l Ice Co.) returhed from Los Ang- eles last Monday night, having gone there a week or so ago very hurriedly on account of the seri- ous illness of his sister, Mrs. Allan Cooper. Nrs. Cooper has sufficiently recovered to come tn Vancouver, where she is under- going medical treatment at the General Hospital. Her husband accompanied her here. isir. Ri&l- ley ma&le 6 record trip on his way south, going by auto he com- pleted the trip in forty-five hours driving, alternating with two others at the wheel. ~ ~ Charles Murray of Vancouver, was run over on Monday morn- ing by a yard train on the B. C. Electric Raihvay at the south end of Richards Street, False Creek. Mr. Murray was an uncle of E. Lane, who is on the teach- ing staff of the Pauline John- son School. ~ o ~ Miss Crewson of the Pauline Johnson School is spending the Easter holidays at Seattle and Victoria. o c o Nr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray are now living in the house formerly occupied by Nrs. Myrtle Foster, at 26th and Nathers. Nr. Gray is an Insurance an&i Financial Agent with offices in Vancou- ver. ~ o o Nrs. Lena Ellis of West Van- couver. was recently married at the United Church Manse, VVest- lock, Alberta, to Mr. Thomas,i. Ranson of Rossington, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Ranson are speml- ing a few days in Edmonton. Phones West 173 Seymour 3056o TRUCKING TEAM WORK Eucorauug (Duy oc Coo&roc&) SAND & GRAVEL P. A. ANDREWS 1266 Fui&oa. Phone Wcs& ssaR J. GAWTHORN in connection ivith the Paint Shop, north side of hiarine at 14th I'hone IVest 322 Agent for SIVGER SEWING 3IACHINES and C. C. 31. BICYCLES Cash or terms Gramaphone and Bicycle Repairs BABY BUGGIES Re-TYRED ~ ~ o The regular practice of the Boys 'Choir ivia be hekl in the Hooyburn School an Saturday at 10 a.m. A full attemlnnce is requested. Neiv and intend- ing members please phone I'iaf- essor k&iorgan, IVest 173. ~ ~ o The Dumlarave Pharmacy is still open for business. &airs. B. Gemmifi being in charge until the affairs of the late Nr. Vance are adjusted. An old time entertainment is to be given on Tuesday evening. April 26th, under the auspices of the United Church Women's Ai- sociation. A practice ivio be held next Thursday in tha Church hall. o BILLIARDS POOL Now Open FOR BUSINESS Hollyburn Music Shoppe Ncw Tables Just Installed ot CHET SHIELDS Nrs. John Lawson, Mrs. )V. B. Small, Nrs. P. C. Chapman, Nrs. Waiter Gourlay, Mrs. I. IV. Craw- ford, Nrs. E. H. Jupp, Nrs. Rob- ert NcVean, AIrs. Ogilvie, Mrs. R. E. Page, Mrs. J. A. MacDon- ald and Nrs. I. A. Pearson with the standard of the Duncan Law- son Chapter, I.O.D.E., attended the luncheon on Tuesday given at the Hotel Vancouver in honor of Her Excellency Lady 1Vifiing- don by the Municipal Chapter, I. O.D.E. )&TH STREET right o& Railway Crossing TOBACCO, CORFECT)ONERY au&i PERIODICALS Corucc 22u&t au&) htariuo Everything in Music and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Ferry BARBER SHOP We appreciate your business. (J. Bliico) In connection with Shiei&ro Biuior&) oud Confectionery. Shampooing oud Face )tusoug- iug in uii branches Only First Class Work GIVE US A TRIAL Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT Etc. HARRON BROS. & IVILLIhilISON g unecal lirectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Streea Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 "HO)lES THAT ARE D)FFERENT" Have your house pious designed und arranged by u fuiiy quu&if&cd urchi. tcct. Detail Blue Prints for 5-room House $25.00 LARGER OR S)IALLER BUILDlRGS OV SA)(E BASIS. John Pinder-Mossy A.E.I.C. Res. (Twenty-Bvo years m pcac&&co) ARCHITECTURAL ERG)REER Phone ives& &99 Office: Amb&csidc Lumber Coy., Ho&i)bura, B.C. 1. O. D. E. At the regular meetmg of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., hekl on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. A. Almas, it was decided to hol&l a Military Whist Drive at the "Clachan," Dundarave, on Saturday even- ing, May 7th. Mrs. VV. B. Small and Mrs. W. L. Vaughan are con- veners for the affair. Nrs. A. E. Young reported one regular visit ma&le to Shaugh- nessy Hospital and seven special visits on "Birthdays" generous supplies of "good things" were taken and the boys thoroughly appreciate this in&livl&lual atten- tion. Mrs. Ogilvie reported a Navy League meeting attended and Mrs. I. A. Pearson attemled a meeting of the Graves Commit- tee. The monthly donations to the ilospital Host Fun&I, Disabled Veterans'ssociation aml the Tuberculous Veterans'ssocia- tion were authorized. Mrs. Thomas Dick and Mrs. Fred Stainsby wereappointed on a committee to place flowers at Memorial Arch during the sum- mer. Two new members were re- ceived. Tea was served by the hostess assisted by Miss Mutch- more and Miss Almss. Ix6 and Cedar Shiplap (good).............................. S13.00 per M 2x4 Com. sized ................................. =.................. 10.00 Ix6 Clear Siding (several patterns)................... 18.00 1xs Fence Boards, clear ...............................,...... 18.00 Sxfi Cedar, rough ........................................„...,......... 24.00 4 inch Clear Gutter ..................,............................. 10c per foot We carry 6 full line of aH rough and finished Lumber IN STOCK, also SASIf, DOORS AND FRAMES WE DO SAVE YOU IvIONEY Let us figure your list and we will prove the above statement. You can't afford to pay more Ambleside Lumber Co. 16th (k lifarine I'hone )Vest 199 IMMEDIATE 1313IEDIATE April 14 1927 Ill(I &VG& YOUR Easter Films Here to he l)eveloped. 2 I-l lour Service West Van Pharmacy (G. 4& N. Gemmill) lVest 37 N&ght )best 321 "The Store of Service" West Bay Beach Store (hfioo J. H. Morris) TEAS 3& REFRESlli)IENTS Served on the verso&(oh ovoriooking the Buy Home-made Cakes nnd Candies ('rocerles, etc. I'houo iycot 69Y2 HINTS FOR THE HOME;: Trouble Saving Ideas Putty for odd jobs is ma&le by crushing 6 handful of whiten- ing in a small bowl and mixinRIt, it to the desired consistency with linseed oil. VVhen wauhing sateen or any cotton goods with a satin finish rinse in borax water to give a gloss. Apply a poultice made of white bread soaked in vinegar to a corn, an&i cover with a piece of lint or oiled skin. Leave on for twelve hours and then renew the poultice. Curtains and tablecloths need not be starched. Add a table- spoonful of methylated spirit to each gallon of rinsing water, an&i this will make the articles stiff enough, help to keep them white, and make them glossy when ironed. Locks that are stiff and hard to turn should be oiled with n feather dipped in machine oil. Insert the feather through the keyhole and twist from side to si&le. This oils the parts aml loosens dirt. A ivay of using scraps of soap of any kind is to save them until there is a fair amount then melt them, add a little san&1, and make into a soapball. This will be found useful for removing stains from the hands. Sour milk will often remove iron rust from white fabrics. AH dyes shoul&l be strained through muslin before being added to the water. To bo&l a cracked egg, put &t mto a paper bag an&i twist the top of the bag tightly. When fruit juice is split on table linen, sprinkle nt once with salt to prevent a permanent stain. All green vegetables except spinach should be cooked with the lid off the saucepan. Use a bicycle pump to bloiv out the dust when cleaning a wire mattress. Beat well with a small stick, and if rusty give it n coat of aluminum paint. If a fruit-cake mixture is not i&ut into a really hot oven at first, the fruit will sink to the bottom of the tin. (irease can be removed from the hair by washing it in warm water to which a teaspoonful af borax has been added. Do not pour col&I water inta enamel vessels while they are still hot from cooking. This causes the enamel to crack and peel ofL West Ccu&u mi tete»&Bug & cppiicciic» J. )i&JRT R BVRTB %atChi Jewele Th Watchm Ii Betwe& RA 010,'ye speci& f«t, Bea& BU PHONE at &ho 1927'pril I Glg, ( he hopeitisl IJ&&st cou G ides ver . t& Girl pi G Gon&ps"y )Vitt D&str ll tfirts vie&y t can&6,cited be he't' noa" Frank airs'etwe& Drlvei „ Iets, o" j the & gents arrsng Van& ean of,,„','a&npsny kirs. Ge"'ybil Gk I this sos in the site, A„E hib'he "pupils for thephrey sl Gir Vancouver be held st l tre, )londsy 8,15 p. 6&. 7 Girl Guides» th&9 concert the support the Girl Gui