Resampled001B6CED April 14, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS CORRESPONDENCEDELIVERY IVAGGON Now IN oPERATioN Provide Water Supply DON'T PUT IT OFF PUT IT ON and when you put it on, put on AYRE'S PAINTS and VARNISHES 'SATISFACTION THAT LASTS" We carry complete stock for every need. Drop in and let' talk it over--Our prices are RIGHT. SEED'S GROCER Y GROCERIES, HARDWARE, PAINTS AND VARNISHES, FREE DELIVERY Editor West Van. News: New Ferry Schedule In noting the new Schedule shown in your issue of date. The morning senrice is all that could be desired but why cannot the management get out of the rut of 5.15 and 5.30 p.m., back from the city in the evenings? Those closing at 5.30 p. m. are no better cared for than in the past. They have got to wait till 6.15 p. m., therefore the service is certainly misnamed a "half- hourly one." Why not make the evening service 5.00, 5.30, 6.00 and 6.30 or if the 5.15 is a suitable hour, why not make the next 5.45 and thus help out those leaving off at 5.30. A 6.00 p. m. on Sundays and holidays is a farce. Yours truly, "A 16-Year Resident and Daily Traveller." A by-law for $60,000 to pro- vide water for Eagle Harbor, Horseshoe Bay and adjacent are- as will probably be voted on by ratepayers of the municipality late this month, it has been de- cided by the council. Sources of supply will be Eag- le Lake an(l Nelson Creek. The water will be carried to the Horseshoe area by an eight-inch main on 13Iarine Drive. The ex- act date for the vote has not yet been announced, but it is expect- ed that it will be about April 23. Stratton's Bakery new deliv- ery truck is now finished and is in service for the delivery of the Stratton bakeshop products to the homes of IVest Vancouver. The body of the car was made in West Vancouver by Mr. J. Davidson of the Marine Motors, Mr. J. Carley being responsible for the painting and sign work. That a truck such as this should be turned out by local workmen for a local firm and for local use is a matter of great satisfaction. We congratulate Mr. Stratton upon his enterprise and commun- ity spirit, and feel sure his new and up-to-date delivery will still further increase the number of those who enjoy Stratton's bread and cakes. Baked in one of the most modern shops to be found anywhere in B. C. and under the most sanitary conditions the Stratton products meet with gen- eral favor. This combined with the geniality of both proprietors has made the name "Stratton" a household word in West Van- couver. Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 23 MRS. RUTLEDGE IN AUTO ACCIDENT Mrs. W. A. Rutledge of 22nd and Bellevue, was the victim of a serious auto accident on Thurs- day evening, 7th April, when the sedan she was driving skid- ded and went through the rail- ing of the Marine Drive bridge at the corner of Bewicke Ave- nue, North Vancouver and into the stream below. The heavy auto turned completely over and landed with a crash up- side down, smashing the glass and crumpling up the back of the body. Miraculous- ly Mrs. Rutledge was not hurt in any way, and was able to crawl out of the car and summon assistance from the North Shore garage. Phone Seymour 5713. CORBIN'S JANITOR SERVICE ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDING Shellacing, Waxing and Polishing Old Floors made New. New Floors made Perfect WEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF TRADE The Editor IVest Van News 422 Richards Street, Vancouver, B. C. I am directed to ask you to correct a false impression con- veyed by the heading of the re- port, in the Morning Star, nf the meeting of the West Van- couver Ratepayers'ssociation. The heading suggests that the Board of Trade has advanced a proposal for the amalgamation of the two bodies. This is not correct. The Board has offered'o co-operate with the Ratepay- ers'ssociation and other organ- izations on certain matters per- taining to the welfare of the Municipality, and stands ready so to co-operate at all times; but amalgamation with any other body has not been suggested nor could it be legally accomplished. Yours truly, H. ItIAY, Secretary. Meeting at Whytecliff re Water By-Law B. C. Electric APRIL SPECIALS Hoover Cleaner A public meeting will be held at the School House, Royal Ave- nue, Whytecliff, on Wednesday, April 20th at 6 p. m. Reeve Vin- son will preside, and he and Councillor J. T. Watt, chairman of the Water Board, who will also be present, will explain the Council's reasons for passing the Whytecliff Water Works Money By-laws for adoption or other- wise by the electors on Satur- day, April 23rJj. T0 remove all the dust and dirt athouse-cleaning time you need a Hoover. As it cleans it beats the dirt out of the deepest hiding places, and removes it permanently. Get your Hoover now on these special low terms. Free demonstration. Horticultural Society to Hold Meeting.~L $4.bO dogvss Balance over JS months The Horticultural Society will hold their annual meeting on Wednesday, April 20th, at 8 p. m. in the New Ambleside Hall. The president will give his annual ad- dress and report on the year' work, and the financial report for the year will be received. The election of officers and directors for the ensuing year will take place, and Professor F. E. Buck will give a short acldress. Percolator Set OT coiree, brewed to perfectionH right at your table, is your treat at any time, with this four-piece elec-, tric percolator set. Set has electric percolator, tray, cream jug and sugar bowl Sale price $6.95. WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE TO AID CHILDREN' PLAYGROUND FUND Hubby: Are you sure the tickets are all right? t Wife. Sure, they are. Didn t I put them in the safe just before'e started? Salesman (demonstrating mot- or tractor to farmer) "JNow I'l- throw in the clutch." Farmer: oAll right, I'l take it. I knew I would get some- thing for nothing if I waited long enough." motmmocmcxmmmcxiglgmocmM Ix{CJ~SI{JS{t{g~r .{ang " Under the auspices of the W. B. A. a whist drive and dance will be held in the New Ambleside Hall on Wednesday, April 27th. Proceeds in aid of the Children' Playground Fund. Barry's Or- chestra will be in attendance and refreshments will be seiwed. Cards at 8 p. m. sharp. Dancing 9 to 12. 5SSc doggrn Balance S2.00 a month Take a4vaatase ol these toro ssseotats, Now col4 at all onr stores "What became of your valet?" "I fired him for removing a spot from my dress suit." "That was part of his duty" "Yes, but this was a five spot!" S{mss Coi{55{M SJgcngcSJJHRgrC0. Phoncsc Vcaeouver, Seymour 5000 Neve Westminster JJJO West Vancouver COJ Call{ eck 2NNorthvoacouvcr 55 Akhotstocd 2O mtxmcxtotxtxtxtmmxmmtmxtxocticmrnigggt Jgmmmmmmmocmlxl~~l~mmxmcmxm OJJ{J{gx ~txijtgcIJCJUIO~JOJO xtxJRMO OIOIOIJI x x xtxtxtxix~xxlxmcxixcxcxlxmcxlxcmxcxm~stmxtxtx~xlxMRN Joxmmm5IBJUJBJMRBJMR1!BxixxBtMImRMm cxJRMJRRMxxnRIHJSJJIJ4HS{{JSensJRIRMJBRIRMRIxxm Main Office NORTH 305 West Vancouver Office WEST 102 Cor. 18th and Marine Residence WEST 816 We carry a large stock of Fir, Hemlock & Cedar Lumber . of all dimensions. Lengths from 6 to 40 feet. Rough and Finished Lumber, Sash & Doors, Lath & Shingles Grade, Quality and Service Guaranteed. Only white Help Employed GET OUR PRIC'ES IX RJRJRJIUxotm tooiocon nt1 RBJBNJJRMRMRMJJIRMRBCMMRJRMRMXMRBCBBXIXOJ{giJJH{5{5{5{5{5{{HIS{i ~1mmuiuiuiuttnuiuntlXIXI IJJJJU{IRJ{gg{CM MXOCMXXJXnltndmgtumimutm~nnXBCMXOCOCOOX 0\Ogntot