Resampled001B6CED 0, lp IlwfS 6 caa. pleat, t aad A Weekly Newspaper I LI„„ I /i Vol. II EIGHT PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., TH URSDAY, APRIL 14th, 1927 ~ No. 2 Circulatingin the District of West Vancouver-Ambleside, Hollyburn, Weston, Dundarave Caulfeild, Whyteeliff, CyPress Park, Etc Nemsstands 5c per copy fl Ilp e(f Prea LT|j. I gets Ltd. r 6255 lESS tg )I ces )d me- pandle «p pp ) 00.00 ,070« , 1100 ,ll, IPPP Option on Ambleside Beach THE WINNING ESSAY "COME VERY CLOSE" Be "WHITE ROSE." (Mre. iy. C. McDaniel, 1843 Duchese Sireer) Come very close beside the empty tomb; For all the world there's room; Tread very soft, the footprints on the sod Tell of a risen Ood. To Be Developed as Park The Gintzburger estate own- ers of East Ambleside beach property have given the coun- cil a 90 days option on then'oldingsto enable them to go further into the proposal made to develop that area as a bath- ing and pleasure resort. This prolect has been the sub- ject of much discussion at vari- ous meetings, definite proposals having been first made by the Ratepayers'ssociation. IV. R. Hamilton particularly did much valuable work in drawing plans and getting specific information regarding probable costs and suggested developments. The Reeve and Council evid- ently look with favor upon the proposal and, now that a definite option has been taken, it is up to the whole commuity to get to- gether and endeavor to bring the matter to fruition. WHY I PREFER WEST VANCOUVER AS A PLACE OF RESIDENCE Kneel very low within that garden fair, Your Saviour standeth there; Steal very near, the flowers about His feet Look up His smile to meet. Keep very still beside the flowers and birds; Then thou may'st hear His words; Timst very much, and He will look your way, There, as you kneel and pray. Search very deep, yet you will never find An end to love so kind; Lean very hard, His outstretched pierced hand Maketh the weak to stand. Think ver~ often, not just now and then, How He loves sinful men; Praise very much, upon this Easter day He hath put death away. Come very close beside the empty tomb; For all the world there's room; Tread very soft, the nailprints on the sod Tell of a risen God. HONORIA TRAILL, West Vancouver, B. C. Mate Macdonald Saves Drowning ManIBERALS TO MEET TUESDAY The ressther n)onthly nreeting of the West Vancouver Liberal Association will be held next Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Nem Ambleside Hall. This will be pre- ceded by a meeting of the execu- tive at 7.80. Conservatives to Hold Primrose Dance On Saturday afternoon C. W.- Hrdland, fisherman, of Capilano Indian Reserve, slipped and fell into the water at the Vancouver dock while trying to board No. 6 ferry just as she was pulling out. George MacDonald, mate of the fen~, jumped in immedi- ately and with the aid of a life preserver held up the drowning man until both mere rescued by the crew. Holland was uncon- scious when taken out of the water and it required several minutes of artificial respiration work on the part of the police to bmng him round. 5Iac jumped in with all his clothes on and a great deal of credit is due him for his bravery, and quick action, and particularly in view of the fact that he is but a poor swimmer himself. The council on Monday night passed a reso- lution congratulating 51r. Mac- Donald and also wrote to P. C. Chapman, Dundarave, request- ing that he bring this matter to the attention of the Royal Hu- mane Society. This, by the way, is not the first time 5Ir. MacDonald has The annual Primrose Dance of the West Vancouver Conserva- tive Association takes place on Tuesday, April 19th, from 9 p. m. till midnight in the Holly- burn Pavilion. The dance will be an informal affair, and light refreshments will be served. Edna Heywood's 6-piece orches- tra will be in attendance. A good time is assured to all who attend. Tickets, gentlemen 75 cents and ladies 50 cents, may be obtained by phoning J. Speck, West 487L2 or F. F. Lovegrove, West 412L. Gen. A. D. McRae and the Vancouver members will be pres- ent if the Ottawa sessions close in time for them to be back in Vancouver. Baseball Club Out for Members The West Vancouver Senior Baseball Club held a very suc- cessful organization meeting in the New Ambleside Hall on Mon- day evening, when the following officers were appointed: Hon. President, Reeve V. V. Vinson; Hon. Vice-President, Dean Spencer; President, Dr. J. E. Knipfel; Vice - Presidents, Councillor J. T. Watt and ex- Reeve Sidney Gisby; Secretary- Treasurer, A. IV. Lunn; delegat- es, M. Romans, J. Sangster. It was decided that the choice of captain would be left to the team. The membership has been thrown open to all West Van- couver residents, and member- ship cards can be obtained from the Secretary-Treasurer or any members of the team. The first practice will take place on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. in Irwin Pari'. Baseball "fans" are looking fomvard to a big season in IVest Vancouver, as development of the game is being sponsored by a bunch of "real live go-get ters." The playing field at Ambleside Park is to be fixed up right a- ivay, P. A. Andreivs having been given the contract by the coun- cil to put the field in shape. It is expected thatagrandstand and players'avilion will ultiniately be constructed. The committee is ivorking very enthusiastically in getting members. The modest sum of 50 cents being the menibership dues for the season, it is hoped that all our people ivill rally round and support the players by becoming niembers. Tax Sale Lands to be Offered to Public BOYS'HOIR GIVEN HOLIDAY NEXT SATURDAY', The Boys'hoir will be given a holiday from practice next Sat- urday, owing to the Easter holi- days but they will meet as usual on Saturday of next week i.e., April 23rd, when a full attend- ance is expected. McRae Endorses Bridge A list of tax sale lands south of Mathers Avenue is to be pre- pared by the Municipal Clerk by instructions of the council. It is expected that these lands will be offered for sale to the public next month. Any property own- ers now in arrears of taxes should make provision to liquid- ate these to prevent their prop- erty being listed. General A. D. McRae, M.P., has written the council acknow- ledging receipt of a copy of the resolution forwarded by them re- garding the construction of Lions'ate bridge. In this let- ter he says that he will follow the wishes of the council in fur- thering in any way this project. He has already taken this up with the House and has found many members in entire sym- pathy with the proposal. In his interview with the Minister of Public Works, it was prfinted out to him that specific plans for the new requirements had not yet been presented. When they werehewould again go very care- fully into the matter and that the people of West Vancouver could rely on him doing his ut- most to further it. General McRae pointed out that a resolution had been sent the Minister of Marine an&i Fish- eries, but that the 5Iinister of Public Works had the matter performed simflar heroic actions BOARD OF TRADE ilIEETS NEXT ihlONDAY The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver Board of Trade will be held next Monday at 3 p. m. in the New Ambleside HalL Post Office Holiday Hours On Good Friday and Easter Monday the wicket at the Post Office will be open only from 10.30 to 11.80 in the motsting. MOVING PICTURE COMPANY TO LOCATE ON NORTH SHORE TENNIS OPENS TOSIORROhh IVork on ieconditiomng an(l puttmg the tennis couits m shape is going apace and it is hoped that pe)minn)on can be obtained for the use of the courts tomorrow, Good Friday, the day arranged for the official open- ing. Members desiring informa- tion can obtain this by telephon- ing to 5Ir. B. Burton, IVest 23L2. Applications for membership should be mailed to J. 51cArthur, Hollyburn P. O., or 160 Water Street, City. 51ISS GUINAN'S DANCING CLASS NEXT WEDNES- DAY MORNING From an authoritative source we hear that a big moving pic- ture company intends locating on the North Shore. Arrange- ments are now being made to build a studio to cost $750,000, another being built in Toronto. It will be an all British proposi- tion throughout, and is part of the big movement in the Old Country to supply British films ~ to the peoples of the British Em- pire. Owing to the fact that Miss Guinan will be filling a dancing engagement at the Straml Thea- tre next week, her pupils here will receive their lesson on Wed- nesday morning at 9 a. m, in- stead of in the afternoon. The class will meet as usual on Sat- urday morning. Monday is a Bank Holi&lay and all Government offices will be closed. Wheh we were searching for our first home, my husband and I considered that the first essentials to be looked for, in ANY locality were fresh air and sunshine. We have found these two great essentials in West Vancouver, and lots of health-giving ozone into the bargain! What is more. We are safe-guarded by our by-laws here, so that the air we breathe cannot be defiled by industrial smoke. Next, we looked for easy accessibility to the City of Van- couver. This desideratum we are assured of in West Vancou- ver. There is an efficient transportation system, both by ferry and auto service, and it is improving all the time. Then from the housekeeping standpoint, we desire an ade- quate supply of water, heat and light, in our section of the Municipality. We get good service in all these essentials. There are of course residents in certain outlying neighborhoods who have yet to obtain a full measure of service, but the rapid growth of West Vancouver will soon bring a full service to all 'esidents. To me, and I suppose to all West Vancouver enthusiasts, the predominant attraction of West Vancouver is its great natural beauty. This is a beauty which never grows stale, all the year round. Many a pretty suburb of a great city can be delightful in the Spring, but how dreary in December! Not so West Van! The eternal mountains to shelter us, and the glorious ever-changing, but always beautiful, sea, to bathe our shores. What a contrast to a constant view of car-lines . and advertisement boarditlgp) Then as a place for recreation of body and mind, West Vancouver stands supreme. There are so many opportunities for recreation. one is at a loss where to begin to enumerate them. Long hikes up the mountain trails of Hollyburn; winter sports on the plateau itself. Then for the disciples of Isak Wal- ton there is fishing. Lots of provision for the would-be imi- tators of Gertrude Ederle too. There will soon be auto camps for the never ceasing throng of autoists. Then for the perm- anent resident who seeks stimulation and improvement of mind and body there are many valuable organizations. A not- able musical society, a literary society, etc., it would be in- vidious to mention all the many splendid bodies of enthusiastic West Vanites by name. They all do splendid work and are im- bued with a deep love for, and pride in West Vancouver. Lastly, West Vancouver has good schools, up-to-date stores, and there is adequate provision for spiritual needs too. More- over, West Vancouver residents are determined to work to- gether to preserve her beauty, to maintain a high standard in homes, gardens, boulevards and roads, in short, to make and keep West Vancouver an Earthly Paradise.