Resampled001B6CED EASTER SPECIALS AT SSI )TH'S GROCERY THE FINEST HONEY you can buv--The famous Exhibition Go)d lifedal Brand.............................. 4 lb. tin for $ ).00 Smaller sizes from......... 25c. NE)V LAID EGGS 3 dozen for 89c Tennis, Running and Reach Shoes 511llfII s G10f,"01 jy (A. HARVEY S5IITH, Prop.) GROCERIES. HARDWARE, DRY GOODS Jh SUNDRIES Phone your wants shd wc will give ysu quick d&4iecev 24&h AND nIARINE, Opp. Dusdsrscc Hall I'hase WEST 469 GET YOUR EASTER SUPPLIES AT Roberts'etter Neats 14th and siarine West 19Q Where Service and Quality Count 1VE DELIVER liIORiNLNG 9&30--East 25th Only 11130--from Capilano to Caulfeild AFTERNOON 3130-- East 25th Only A SPECIAL FOR EVERY DAY Keep this advertisement for reference Delivered only with other goods LOCAL LASIB and VEAL PRIME STEER BEEF LOCAL PORK and OUR OWiN COOKED DELICATESSEN SATURDAY Puiictt Eggs (EXTRA) 2 dozen ...... 57c Shamrock Lard, I lb. pk. 25c 2for.... 45c Shsmrcck Bacon, sliced, Ib 55c Shamrock Hsm, half or whsf&s psr Ib 43c Poe Roast psr Ib . 13k)c Boiling Beef pcr Ib . 12c Rolled Rib Oven Roast, lb. 25c Sweet Oranges, 3 dsz. 95c Grape Fruit, 3 for . 25c Rhubarb, 2 ibs . 25c "Bcu Davis" apples, pcr bsz .... $ 1.75 Highland Potatoes 100 lbe. 51.23 MONDAY Port Steak, per ib 22c WEDNESDAY L)b. PsB Shamrock Lard.... 65c THURSDAY Large Lemous, 2 dozes 55c FRIDAY Fresh Ccd..... 2 lbs. 25c The Board of Trade held an executive meeting last night in Byrnell and May's office. SI ECIAI ART CARDS DISI'LAYED AT ROBERTS'STORFs There is at present displayed at Roberts'etter Neat silarket, a show card made for the Messrs P. Burns Co. which is very much a product of )Vest Vancouver. The original design and finished sketch was originated and made by Mr. Harold Noble, residing at 20th and Inglewood, who is the sketch artist for the B. C. Print- ing 3.. Lithographing Co., Ltd. The photographic and art )York )vas made by Nr. Leslie Shaw of the above firm, and the whole work )vas carried out under the supervision of isfr. A. E. Shaw, who is the manager of the B.C. Printing dh Lithograph- ing, Vancouver. It may be stated that this is one of the largest orders for high class show cards p)aced in Canada and without doubt the largest order ever plac- ed in IVestern Canada for a work of this character the cost of these being over $ 10,000, and distributed to all P. Burns cus- tomers from IVinnipeg to Van- couver. This is an entirely new departure for Western Canada and in particular Vancouver. In catering to this class of work there being hundreds of thous- ands of dollars worth of work of this nature placed in the East and the United States, and it is interesting to know that it is residents of our municipality who have been instrumental in securing this business for Van- couver. Another interesting point is the fact that the origin- al sketch of this show card has been made entirely by photo- graphy, and considering the size is a remarkable achievement, there being very few jobs of such large dimensions made by any lithographer in the world the principal difficulty being the large area for which a special camera and screen are required. A meeting of the Victorian Order of Nurses will be held at ")Vi)lowdene," Dundarave, the home of Nrs. B. R. Harrison, on Wednesday, April 20th, at 3 p.m. to discuss West Vancouver's po- sition with regard to V. O. N. activities. All having informa- tion or ideas relating to the sub- ject are invited to be present. ~ ~ The P.G.E. Railway will short- )y submit to the council a new schedule for their service to IVhytec)iff. NOTICII A FUBLIC MEETING will be held at the SCHOOL HOUSE, ROYAL AVENUE, WHYTECLIFF on Wednesday, April 20th at81.51. Reeve Vinson will preside and the Council's reasons for passing the Whytecliff Waterworks Money By-Laws for adop- tion or otherwise by the electors on Saturday, April 23rd, will be explained. JAS. OLLASON, Municipal Clerk. THANKS Mrs. Lyman Jones wish- es to thank the unknown party who )vturned, by mail, the purse taken in mistake from the Nasquer- a&le Ball, last Friday. IVest Vancouver Board of Trade The Regular )Meeting will be held in the New Ambleside Hall On MONDAY Next April 18th, at 8 p. m. A full attendance is requested bvest Vancouver Municipal Ferries Change of Schedule &o take effect Friday, Aprn 15&h, 1927 Leave West Vancouver 6.00 A.iif 46.45 7.15 7.45 8.00 6.15 8.30 9.00 Leave Vancouver 16.30 47.15 $7.45 8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.30 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 1.30 6.00 25.30 $5.45 6.00 26'.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 9.'ao 10 00 10.30 11.00 11.30 INct on Sundays or holidays. 2Suudsys shd holidays uhiy. Schedule Sub)ac( es Chssgc With. sus Nuiics. Noi I.isbis fue De)aye. 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 t6.00 45.15 5.30 26.00 46.15 6'.ap " 27.00 7.30 8.00 8.80 9.00 9.30 10.00 io.ap 11.00 1130 w 12.00 THE WEST VAN NEWS L O.B.A. The Ladies Orange Bene)o)- ent Association held a very suc- cessful &5)ssquerade dance in Am- bleside ) )all on Friday. April 8th. slany beautiful snd original costumes were worn. The judg- es, &sir. and Mrs. Watson of North Vancouver. are to be con- gratulated on their good judg- ment, the winning costumes be- ing: Ladies'est fancy, Mrm. Has- lin; Gents'est fancy, Mr. J. Fergusson: Ladies original, Nrs. Cunningham: Gents original, Mr. Ellis; Ladies comic, slrs. John- son: Gents'omic, Mr, Alf Speck. Best home-made dress. ihiiss Nadeline Burkhart. The dra)ving for 1-4 ton coal to take place on Thursday even- ing, April 14th. The winning number will be published in the paper. The convener and committee wish to thank all those &vho don- ated prizes. The Scenic High)vay Gun Club will hold its first shoot of the season at their new grounds on Grouse siountain on Friday, April 15th. Psu)ct)ce shooting will com- mence at 11 a. m. while 2 p. m. will mark the start of the tournn- mentss As Friday is the opening dsy. a cordial invitation is extemled to all interested, both ladies an&i gentlemen. April 14, 1927. FRESH MEATS TE&NDER A)UD TASTYI The choicest cuts obtainable. They are sweet. tender and juicy. Our chilling refrigerator keeps them In a sanitary con- Come here for your meat&Stion. is)eats of real quality. orders. JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET I'II&)NR IYRST 3 W E DELI Y ER ALL hIEATS KFPT IN REFRIGERATOR Fresh shd Cured hfusis, Butter, Eggs, Bscsh shd Lard. West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMITED 15th and Mnrlne I'hone IVest 116 RESIDENCE I'IIONE: )VEST 73X Iiifh f)uelify Lumber is Cheapest in the enf. Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE LONDON L BRITISH NORTH ANERICA CONPANY LTD WEST VANCOUVER SPECIALISTS Ive hsvu been succcssfui in ssiiiug many homes shd proper&ice ih &his district snd maintain s separate department for this work. List Your Property With Us. Our wide advertising covers the ncid of live prospects sh,i gets results. Consult uur Mr. Kissick, )vast 166 R. LONDON & BRITISH NORTH AMERICA CO. Ltd. 626 I'cuder Street West Seymour 62.&5 -.;"'-"'. J. H. DAWSON BUILDING CONTRACTOR ALTERATIONS. ETO. YOUR LAST CHANCE TO OBTAIN ONE OF THESE GOOD USED CARS AT SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE. Many fine cars remain for your choice The wise buyer will take advant- age of the values offered, and will be well repaid by a visit to our showrooms. Our guarantee goes with each car. Iiere are three speciale --there are many others. 1926 Chevrolet Tounng in perfect condition $650 1925 Chevrolet Tounng a good buy................ $550 1925 Ford Ton Truck in first class con&I ition Ruxtal axe), for.... $ 125 NORTH SHORE MOTORS LIM I ye D CHEVROLET CARS ON DISPLAY Phone North 1180 I'bans North 1350 )J5 First Street West, North Vancouver g phOf0 L ff Gfond f'6 altf)ass appreciated The King Studio Photos Abvays I'lease Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO 311 Hastings Street West, Vnncouver ESTABLISHED 1902 V. V. VINSON, I'eup. Phone Sey. 10&6 for appointment -i $7 u I 0 v,l lt Reeve VI ,p 1 Reeve Vfn add& pun&un 6 ingst " A nun)Vb, dsy night, Io capacity meeting wH Ry Lsw& pn tumuffus and the +'nd cng»w. with gfe t I „tn tp ball tbe npcnkcff plnnntipnn I bydsw shoU A fcn with «6"m pi Mn illnc punned. COSSRRVI Sij Tbc snflu given by t ! Cpnncrvsliv Hps)burn I evening wn affair. 0« present, ncn )vent Vnncu music pf tb the dancers ef pnstnd cncp of the evcni brought tp with the uir Anthem. The than're duc tp I furtn were ing the dnr Night On Tbui very lnrg West Vnni nee the cb done dufii term. Interest the mnnuf been zttcn UUmls,r pf scter of I surprise t& pf tbe mpd ten-wngpn tp s train& uis, natu np uncertf able pnd Cpndpn. snd uof, nmply reu In the bright dis other gn l man'6 nb)i )J'fu) nnd p that c)nuu lvheelwrii 8 a&eel) tbpugb 9were the n menu pf Abbury'5 be scl ninly tp their Mg) the up)en& year pf Vnncpuvei Duringm fresh f 'sn&c'w bri I were uzni Bnldw)n '