001B6C98 C SCOTTISH SOCIETY Owing to Friday April 15th being Good Friday and a holiday the regular meeting will not be held on that date as previously announced. but &vill be held the folio«ing Friday, April 2 nd, in "the Clachan." Colonel Foster has kindly changed the date with us and will lecture on "National Parks of Canada," the lecture being illustrated. All friends and members are invited to be present and are assur&v( of a very interesting entertainment. All is in readiness for the first annual dance to be held tonight (Friday) in the Holi!.burn Pavil- ion. Grand 3(arch 9 p. m. 3(any novel features are included in the programme. Originality seems to abound in a very en- thusiastic committee and a vers happy time is anticipated. A large number of visitors from North Vancouver and the cit! will attend. There «III be sev- &ral tables of cards and the priz- es that have been donated are ,of a very high order. Jas. Ed- ington will be in charge of the card tables. An!one wishing to reserve chairs telephone West 31. THE -NOCTES ASIBROSIAiNAE" There lvas a time when the programme of a Scottish social gathering lvas scarcely reckoned complete without at least onr reading from that treasury of Scottish wit and wisdom to which Professor John Wilson was the chief contributor. At the present time ho&vever, his works are neglected to an extent which it is hard to understand. A lecture on his life and work was given in the Literary Socie- a few ! ears ago; hut 'It was not till the meeting of last Mon- day evening that 0 series of read- ings from the "Noctes" was ven- tured upon. The meeting was held at the home of Slr. J. Dun- can. vice-president. Six dia- logues )vere gone through, one of &vhich was the famous "Haggis Deluge." The part of the oShep- herd" was changed around aftet each; and the splendid Doric periods &vere rendered with suc- cess in all cases, and with actual brilliancy in the case of tlvo of the readers. The readings were follolved by a brisk an&i enjoy- able discussion, after which re- freshments &vere tastefully serv- ed by Mrs. Duncan, to whom a hearty vote of thanks was pass- Dundara(je Hairdressing Parlor Siaviue Drive, Opposi&o Duudarave Hall MARCEL AND TRIM gSo FACIALS and VIOLET RAY Phone West 170 for appointment. Open Evenings One Cent Sale TODAY AND TOMORROW T«NEW DRUG STORE North Side oc Siariue, near corner oc 11&h Street 50c Tube Rexaii Sii k o( idagnezia Tooth Paste ..............2 for 5)o 35o Tubes Kleuso Tooth Paste 2 Cor 36c 60c Kieuzo Tooth Brushes 2 Cor qic 75c Bo&. Persian Lilac Toilet Water ..........2 for 76c $1.50 bot. Paradis Toilet 1Va&er 2 for $1.st Rexaii Shaving Cream, 35c tube 2 For 36c 25c Rexaii Shaving Stick Re&i)is 2 for 26& $ )ZS Shaving Brushes 2 Cor $ 1.26 60c Box Jouteo) Face Powder 2 for 51c 75c box Cher)&e&&e Face Powder 2 for 76o 35c &iu Orange Blossom Taieum 2 for 3&i& 50c tiu Jontoo) Talcum Powder 2 for Sic $ 1.00 Single Cherizetto Compa ti 2 for $ 1.01 $1.50 Double Cheriset&e Compacts 2 for SF~) Soc Chorizet&e Lip Stick 2 for 51& Soc Cher(setto Rouge....2 For Sic SAVE YOUR HAIR 50c tiu Lovie Br)kant)re 2 For 51c 35c boc. Emuisified Cocoanut Oii Shampoo.............2 for 36o 25c Joutoei Toilet Soap....2 for 26& loc Home and Hospital Bath aud Toilet Soap ........2 for 1 ic 15c Physicians'ud Surgeons'oap ............ .............2 for 1 6& 50c box Lawn Paper aud Envei- opes......................2 for Sic 35c boz Maycro(& Paper aud Ea- ve)oyez ..................2 for 36c $ 1.00 boc. Rexaii Emulsion oc Cod Liver Oil, will make boys and girls strong aud healthy. 2 for $ 1.01 $ 1.00 boc. Rexaii Eczema Lotiou 2 for $ 1.01 25c box, 2 doz. A.S.A. Tablets 2 for zsc 25c bot (100) A.B.S. 6& C. Tablets 2 For 26& $ 1.00 bo&. Sarispari&is Spring Tonic ..................... 2 For $ 1.01 $1.00 bot. oC Purest Siiuerai Oii (Russian Typo)..... 2 for $ 1.01 $ 1.00 bo&. Roxaii Blood Purifier 2 for $ 1.01 Soc box Rozaii Kidney Pills 2 for 51c $ 1.00 box Assorted Choco)a&ex 2 for $ 1.01 Ssc bo&. Kieuzo Liquid Antiseptic 2 For Sic 25c box Roxaii Order)ice 2 For 26c 6o Chocolate Bars ....... 2 For 6c soc Chocolate Bars, 6 oz. 2 Co& 31o PHOiNE WEST 323 50o pound Parkwood Writ:ug Paper .. = . 2 for 51c 1Sc pkg. Lo Ciaiie Linen Envel- opes .. 2 for 16c 15c Linen Wr'1 ug Pads, Note Sixo .. 2 for 16c inc pkg. Blue Lined Buziue-s Eu- veiopes .... 2 for iic 15o Bottle ink ...2 for 16c 15c Bottle Siuciiage......2 for tso 75c pk. Old Colony Playing Cards 2 for 76c Auto Sponge aud Chamois Both Cor 76c 25c Powder Pa&Ca .2 for 26c ioc Wa.b C.o&hs .2 for 16c Me Wash Cloths .2 For 26c $2 0 HOT WATER BOTl'LE that ia hand no&de aud is guaran- teed 2 For 52.51 50c Firz&aid Kidney Plasters 2 for 51c 15c Fizz&aid Adhmive Plaster 2 For 16& Ssc I UB E . BABY PAVTS Medium aud large site Natural Color 2 for Sic $ 1.00 Faucp Rubber Household Aprons...............2 for $ 1.01 Snc Little Girls Rubber Aprons 2 for 51& ioc Card Sa(e.'y Pins ...2 for 1)c 25c pk. Gauze, 1 pard..2 for 25c 75c Cava Name, Cher&setto or Jou- 1"ei Purse Via'z...? for 76c Soc Pur.e Vials. assorted odors 2 for 51e 2m~ Puma V'ais, azz)r&a) odors 2 For 26c 25c Box Boots'eioids, for Throat aud Voice..... 2 For 26& $1.00 bo&. Rexaii Boe(, Wine aud F&ou.................2 for $ 1.01 Sno bot. Roxai Bronchial Cough Syvuy .. -- ..2 Cor 5)o $ 1.00 bo&. Taz&eioss Cod Liver Compound with Creosote 2 for 51.01 SLOO bo&. Rezaii Syrup oC Hy- pophozphi&oa ....... 2 for 51.01 50o tiu Roxaii Health Salts, a pleasant morning laxative. 2 for Sio 25c bo&. Hydrogen Peroxide 2 for 26& anc bo&. Hydrogen Perozide 2 for ale Soc jar Jou&eei Cold Cream 2 for 51c Soc Boc. Fr&noh Balm, large zizz Keeps the skin zo(& aod smooth 2 For Sic WE DEI.(VER ANYWHERE LESAGE DRUG STORE North Side of 31arine Drive, between 11th and 15th. This is the first One Cent Sale ever held in West Vancouver. Take admm&ago oc it and stock up for future requirements YOU )VILL F)VD BFG BARGAFNS FN EVERYTHING THE WEST VAN NEWS April I, 1927 GARDENINGPERSONAI i FORSI(il.A OF POISOiNEDBAIT FOR EARWIGS While strenuous elforts to con- trol the earwig pest by the ex- tensive use of poisoned balt were made in the city Inst year, they were only nbout CO per cent. ef- fective. chiefly through heavy showers occurring just a(ter the bait had been spread, which largely destroyed its efficency. While it is understood that mena- ures to control the pest will 0- gain be taken this yea&, as so many nre interested in the mnt- ter, the formula for making the mixture is given below: So&llum fluorl&le. 12 ounces. Mnlnsses. 2 qunrts. Water, G quarts. Dissolve the so&linm fluoride nml the molnsses in the water, the latter after the flrst, and then wet the brnn with such pol- sone&l mixture, stirring the while. Add more wnter if required, but not enough to make 0 sticky mass. In inl'ested areas the balt should be npplied In spring or early summer when the young insects wander about the surface of the ground and so fln&l the bait which destroys them. Bait should not be spread until the &lew hns disappeared nnd the grouml is &Iry as rain destroys its efficiency. Garden refuse should be removed ns it furnish- es places for the insects. The four chil&lren of Colonel and 3(rs. IV. K. Savory who have been kept at home with the"measles" are now fast recover- Ing. ~ 1 ~ The executive of the Ratepay-ers'ssociation hekl 0 meeting last Tuesday. ~ ~ ~ The IVest Vancouver Conse&- vative Association are giving 0 dance on Tuesdny evening, 19th April (Primrose Day). at tho Ilollyburn Pavilion. Tickets can be obtained by phoning John Speck at IVest 437L2 or F. F. Lovcgrove at IVest 412L. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. B. llL Grady, 24th nn&l waterfront, gave n bridge party to her friends on Thursday eve- ning, 24th b(arch. Miss Nellie Stevenson won the ladies'rize. that for the gentleman going to Mr. Tom Turner. 3(iss iq(arjorie Pineo after afiv months'isit to Honolulu. left for home on the Aorangi and is expected to arrive today. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Slrs. D. C. Ritchle and family have moved from their home at Bellevue and Waterfront to their summer cottage at 30th and Marine Drive. ~ ~ ~ Mr&L F. X. Hodgson &vill be as- sisting artist at the concert to be given by the Point Grey Chor- al Society next Tuesday, April Gth. ' ~ ~ The dance given by the Naomi Chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, on Friday evening at the llollyburn Pavilion was a most successful affair. The music was excellent. and the dancers took full advantage of it, encores being repeatedly called for. Br.- sides the members of the lodge and their friends, quite n num- ber of people attended from Van- couver and North Vancouver. o ~ o iSIr. and AIrs. 1Vm. Newby of Igamloops, have taken up resid- ence in West Vancouver. M&. Newby having purchased the barbering business of G. Rad- land, who had to give up owing to failing eyesight. Mr. Newby is a professional in ladies'air cutting. &YIr. and Mrs. Newhy are residing in the apartment at the back of the shop. 1 o Herring are reported to be plentiful in Horseshoe Bay. ~ a Mrs. J. Vance has returned from Victoria and is at present staying with friends in the city. She will take up residence again at her house at Wing's Point shortly. a Mrs. Chet Shields is leaving next Sumlay for a few days'isit to Port Angeles, when she ex- pects to dispose of her real estate holdings at that point. CHILDREN'S DANCING CLASSES ARE I'ROV- ING POI'ULAR The Chil&lren's Dancing Class- es conducted by Miss Frances Guinan are being well attended and the pupils are showing much interest in the preparations for the recital which will be given next June. Two classes are now being held each week at the New Ambleside Hall, Wednesday aft- ernoon after school hours an&i Saturday morning at 9 o'lock. Parents wishing their children to take advantage of this in- struction should phone West 93R2. Norman R&xlgers is able to be out again after an illness of sev- eral weeks. ~ ~ The road on 30th Street north of Marine Drive is being grad- ed and put in shape. Mother: "Is daddy azioop7" Betty: "Yez, mother--aii oxconi hiz nose." C. 8c. W. TRANSFER Phone 79R3 Boys'hoir The regular practice will be held in the Hollyburn School to- morrow, Saturday, at 10 a. m. New chorus work is beginning and all intending new members are asked to enrol now. Parents should communicate with Prot'- essor J. Morgan, IVest 173. Fhone West 79R8 o Of Special Interest to Music Lovers The Hollyburn Music Store, at Marine and 22nd, can supply any of your music needs, sheet music or instruments. VVest Vancou- ver is a recognised musical cen- tre, and the fact that there is a business here specially to attend to the wants of the artists should be kept in mind by all. Mr. Gaw- thorne the proprietor, tells us that he can get any piece of music published. Meeting .At the A.O.T.S. meeting on Saturday evening it was decided that the club adopt as objectives the forthcoming season the mak- ing of the Ambleside playing field suitable for baseball and the clearing of the beach at the foot of Seventh Street for bathing. Committees were appointed &o find the best means of accomp- lishing these objectives. A com- mittee was chosen to see what arrangements could be made for starting a baseball league for teen-age boys. This committee will meet in the near future to make arrangements to supply trophies and medals for the league winners. The Ambleside playing field ran be made suit- able for t&aseball with the expen- diture of a small amount nf money ss all that is required is the covering of the (iel&l with a little soil to cover the stones, the ground being quite level. There ls on hand suffici- ent money to build 6 back-stop. ijJ I l'ajmmont 1000 BLACK TOP SO)I. for Lawns aud Gardens, oho atznuro. RAF)10 POLES (Cedar), CEDAR POLES FOR P.&GOF)OS ood 1&USTFC WORK Now is the time &o put in your order for your next winter's supply o( Alder Wood any lengths. ~ 7 Ipg( APF' g,Stoi gut'bjjc m'ba I'"„cuing Tuc' tbc 3 " 6 «'" l(afl b""', bi&aide ( reside'tv&cata'ddrcaaci 10 bc~,s, give& S.&glu Dwight j &F0(tb biuckleai lng Fc inta&cat& bc&0m bu)jd bt P, Robi", Bwlgb orna li c& a)su, labuj~jtjon PFOP 1 span, a ppp (c&cncl cults(cobad b e&nme" " Iggp fcct, Rra&d 0 1000 ( inquic)' ~u~naFPF Semi to put u 6 FP nd lgg feet cra an bjgb 'll'ate FCquiram " 0([nqnjcy It vrould bav' wide beta which wou alii tu cross it tion, or 6 total 0 3 gcvatcr 1 , Fa wbjcb wm Street or ac 0 in tbc same ap 3 width also a'. which bad stalk jdc glib iraf(ic on tbc wpujd bc 0&la g i + comodati&g MO'bour, again a &ban tjlosc uaii in Granvjjje Si came pcric4. Sj cd bridge bc&& wjtb time for I another bridge l lungaidc, by wj mean a separate cc an increase i the towers, wbi another roadwi sidewalk The l aide 0( the bcj&j walk would go which side 0( poecd atcuctuc& should be buili decision as Fag ol the latter wl vioua to the cn bridge. The question ca through Sjai were in the ba D( I( your, diva)ca ber. cm)k have b htk the cv been tcackcd A lcacnc woinen were dn nkcnnm', . Ou divoi lr)VCa are the caus One 0( tl way we aat. In tbepa day. ad in the cit Royal S. ock,pccdjc oalsccokcd At any i (aabjoncd k&side wjjj &noi Rc(ora biaibijitica, l(tbe (0& wjjj ™ 11 w icb t Cca ja he(