001B6C98 April I, 1927. DEATH OF GEORGE E. PINEO The death of George E. Pineo occurred on the 26th inst at his home on Keith Road. Deceased was a native of Nova Scotia, where he was born eighty one years ago. For many years he was engaged in the iron foundry business in Berwick, Nova Scotia and was weil known in business circles throughout the Maritime provinces. Seventeen years ago he retired from active business and removed to Hood River, Ore- gon, where his eldest son, Dr. H. D. W. Pineo resided. Last sum- mer he came to West Vancouver and built a home, where with his wife and daughter he has since resided.,He is survived by two sons, Dr. H. D. W. Pineo of Hood River, and C. J. Pineo of the firm of Pineo & Whitesicle, New West- minster; and four daughters, Miss Marjorie at home, Mrs. R.D. Atkinson of Advocate, N.S., Mrs. IValter Dewitt of Boston, Mass., and Mrs. C. S. Dewis of Canmore, Alta. Rev. A. J. Pineo formerly of Vancouver, now residing in Alberni, is a brother. The funeral took place on Sun- day from Masonic Temple, New Westminster, and was conducted by King Solomon Lodge No. 17, A. F. & A. M. THE WEST VAN NEWS Nurse Teare has returned from a well-earned vacation at Bucca- neer Bay. Her many friends are pleased to welcome her home a- gain. e Mr. C. E. Wintle left for the Orient on the Empress of Rus- sia, March 19th. Mrs. Wintle will remain with her mother Mrs. A. F. Tabor, Inglewood Avenue, until his return in May. e e Mr. J. Teare, Inglewood Ave., left for Vermillion, Alta., Tues- day evening to visit his daughter Mrs. R. S. Colpitts. e Mr. J. S. Daly of Abbotsford, has rented Mrs. Metcalf's bung- alow at 11th and Esplanade for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. William Smaill have moved into one of the a- partments which they have rent- ed at Appleton Court. Mr. Smaill is chief engineer of the Northern Construction Co. o The old fire hall at 14th and Waterfront has been put up for sale. Mrs. Creelman of 23rd Street, has returned home after spend- ing a few weeks with her sons at Cascade. e Mrs. Harris is going to build a house on 12th and Marine Drive. Mrs. Ina Parker of Ssn Fran- cisco, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant over the week-end. Mrs. Parker was a former resident of West Vancou- ver, and has been in the south for over a year. Mr. Viga has purchased Mrs. Harris'ouse on 12th and Keith Road. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sakar and family 14th and Lawson, have moved to the city, where they will reside for a few days. They are leaving on 6th April for an extended trip to England. Erickson & Co., who bought the Doncella some time ago, have had her converted into a fish carrier, and she will bs employ- ed in this work this summer. o e o There were a large number of hikers on Hollyburn Ridge last Sunday, although not as many as on previous fine Sundays earli- er in the year. e W. R. Rambo has moved into W. R. Sakar's house at 14th and Lawson. P ERSONALS The Store of ServiceFor almost seven years we have curved the people of West Vancouver. We have grown up with the place and are well equipped to serve the growing population in the moot import. uut port of the busiuces--Di pcusing of Prescriptions--Our line of Prcscriptiou Chemicals is complete, fresh eud pure oud two registered phormucists to serve you. Tvc serve. you iu other lines as we sell Stamps, We send Telegrams, Bring your Camera troubles here. In fact for anything you need or went'o know, Ring West 87. 19 Years as a registered drug. gist oud 24 years expcr'ence in the business is st your disposnL Night Phone West 321 WE DELIVER FATHER Doesn't often buy the Groceries but he is gust os appreciative of good food as is mother, uud uo matter how good u cook ruother is ehe cou't make good things from poor materials. Quality is our first consider- ation aud our prices are always the lowest consistent with qual Hy. Phone IVest 16 The West Van Pharmacy FRAMAR Montessori School FOR SMALL CHILORE N 1stb & secemok Rie. W. 9. Freier Pheee Woeteeh Teeme Reoeoeohl GREENWOOD'S GROCERY Phone your orders. We deliver „,„„,„,„„,„, MAWILLIAMS „„.„„... Dry Cleaning and Pressing PHONE WEST 20 CUSTOM TAILOR SPRING AND SUMMER SUITINGS Now complete. Large selection--for Sport or Business. Before Ordering Your Easter Suit Come and see our patterns. CITY Dyeing, Repairs PRICES and Alterations oe Burrard Funeral Chapel CENTRE l% HANNA LTD. EetabNshcd 1893 320 Third Street E. North Vancouver Phone North 1110 B. D. WHITE ~ 88ANACER SERVICE Authorized Ford Distributors. SERVICE New and Second Hand Cars on Display. ....arine ....Otors 22nd and Marine Drive PHONE WEST 177 Night Phones: West 195L and West 442R Automotive Experts Battery and Ignition Specialists Official Garage of B. C. Automobile Club. FREE TOWING TO MEMBERS. GASOLINE and OILS George Castree, 15th and Wat- erfront, has purchased a house on Bellevue, between 14th and 15th Streets. Mr. and Mrs. George Gemmill have moved into their new house at 15th and Esquimalt, which they recently purchased from George Shepherd. Mr. A. J. Ridley (Ridley Milk & Ice Coy.), left yesterday morn- ing for Los Angeles having been called there suddenly on account of the sickness of his sister, Mrs. Alan Cooper. Mrs. David Morgan, who has been seriously ill with pneumon- ia, is, we are glad to say, now convalescent, and her many friends will wish her a speedy 'recovery. SAVORY 84 DUVAL REAL ESTATE AND INSURAiNCE l429 Marine Drive Phone West 114 The stage will leave North Vancouver at 6 40 p m. instead of 7 p m. ANNOUNCE5IENT MRS. DRAPER 8 SON ARCHERY CLUB MEETS The first meeting of the West Vancouver Archery Club took place last Saturday at Mr. and Mrs. Perkins'esidence, 1928 Marine Drive. A committee was elected and 8 members were enrolled. Mr. Hill who is the captain of the Vancouver Archery Club was present. His advice and techni- cal knowledge were of much as- sistance and appreciated by all present at the meeting. He gave a short outline of the skill and history of archery, well known as one of the oldest of sports. Refreshments were very kind- ly provided by Mrs. Parkin, and the rest of the afternoon was followed in practice at the tar- gets at Altamont. A meeting each Wednesdav afternoon will take place at Altamont at 2.30 p. m., when those who care to join the IVest Vancouver Arch- ery Club will be welcomed and full particulars given. Phone West 84 for Sand, Gravel Truck Work Ete. H P. Tearoe l6'lu Haywood Ave. Wish to announce the opening of their Store TOMORROW (Sut- urdey) with u full supply of HohfE COOKERY A DELICA- TESSEiN. Tea Room in connection. Your patronage invited 2435 3IARINE DRIVE Next Duudaruvc HalLWest Vancouver J H REID PULTo"PHONE488 L Sand, Gravel and General Teamwork D. MORGAN, J P NOTARY PUSLIC REAL ESTATE ssd INSURANCE Twenty-Bfth and hfaciue Dr. Phone West 4 TAXI Phon ~ i Wfsv u8 Reeu WfST 880L North 4 West Vancouver Stages Office aud Waiting Roomi 5 Lousdale Avenue WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vancouver for SHERhfAN aud CYPRESS PARK on the hour from uud including 7 s.m. to 6.40 p.m.; also 20 minutes pact the hour from oud including 6.20 a.m. to 9.20 o.m. aud L20 p.m. to 1L20 p.uL RETURNING from SHERHAN 30 minutes after above times. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Leaves North Vancouver on the hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; also at L40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.60, 9.20 oud 10.20 p.m., returning from Cypress Park 30 minutes after above times. NOTICE 17th Street Phone West 55 FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property llOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETO. see JOHN LAWSON FIREWORKS DISPLAY ON GROUSE MOUNTAIN The plan of Vancouver's Dia- mond Jubilee celebration com- mittee to display fireworks from the plateau of Grouse Mountain on July 1 has met with approval of the North Shore committee. The two bodies will confer on ar- rangements for the display at an early date. Pearce's Drygoods 14th St. an&i Marine LADIES'ESTS from 30c each BLOO5IERS from 53c Pair PRINCESS SI.IPS from 85c each Phone TVest 144 F. Newman & D. Robbins CARPENTERS House Painters, Paporhaugepe Kaleomiuiug, Rc-ghiugnug, etc. Reasonable Terms Send for our sample book of IVallpapers. Latest in Dihugue Peep o'ay House Phone hfothere A 29th Weet 437R3 e ~