001B6C98 THK 1VEST VAN &VE)VS April I, 1921. pC A NNOUNCFMENT A PIANO RECITAL vrill be given in THE HOI.I.YBURN THEATRE Next Wednesda)'t 8 p. m. by J. D. A. TRIPP assisted by A. A. CLARKE, BARITONE hIISS hIARGARET hicli(TYRE. Accompanlct Tickets S1.00--hiay be obtained from all Drug Stores or at The West Van. iVews office. St. Stephen's Church United Church Passion Sunday (April srd). 8 a. m.--Holy Conimunion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.15 a. m.--Holy Communion 3 p. m.--Confirmation Class. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. On Sunday morning the Rec- tor will preach on St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians and in the evening on Freedom as a mark of a Christian. The concluding address on the hIessage to the Churches of Asia hiinor will be given at next Thursday night's Lenten service by the Rev. A. W. Collins ivho'ill speak on Laodicea. The regular meeting of the A. Y. P. A. will be held next Tues- day night in the Parish Hall. The homeof hire. J. J. Rut- ledge, West Bay, will be the scene of next hfonday after- noon's sewing meeting of the )V. A. In place of their regular meet- ing last Friday night the senior camp of Trail Rangers attended the Allan Cup hockey game at the Arena. The regular monthly meeting &f the IVomen's Association nf the United Church will be held next Tuesday afternoon in the Church Ha!L Important bu&i- ness will be discucsed and a large turnout is expected. The presi- dent will give an address on the "Culture of Drudge&T.." The Young People's hfeeting on Wednesday evening is well at- tended. During the session the Young People have studied the Bible as Literature and have received much benefit from the study. The Baseball season for the Sunday School boys will soon be- gin. It is expected that thc United Church will enter three teams. Last year the Juvenile team won the chompionship of Greater Vancouver and they hope to repeat this year. Prac- tices will be held next )Vednes- day at Irivin Park. All boys who would like to play are requested to be present. Don't forget the Tripp Piano Recital at Hollyburn Theatre next Wednesday.BUILDING PERhllTS Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. The following are the building permits for hiarch: Houses 21 ....... S55,750 Additions 8 7,020 Store 1 ....................... 360 Garage 1 ..... 125 Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 s. m. Weekly prayer service each Ivednesday at 7.30 p.m. 363,255 This compares favorably with a total of 545,450 for February 1927, snd $54,580 for March 1926. Mrs. Shieman and son, ofSmoky Lake, Alberta, who have been guests for the . last two weeks of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Berry, 21st and Marine Drive, left today for Seattle and south- ern points. NAMES OF SUCCESSFUL COMPETITORS GIVEN NEXT 1VEEK The number of entries receiv- ed in our competition was very gratifying. The judging will be made immediately snd the names of the winners published in our next issue. The latest wedding-ring is to be very thin and narrow. The old-fashioned cumbersome af- fair, of course, was made to last a lifetime. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT of all kinds LASIPS -- FIXTURES -- RADIOS and BATTERIES IVe specialise in everything Electrical which makes for Com- fort, Beauty and Labor-Saving. BUILDING CONTRACTS or PRIVATE WORK WEST VAN ELECTRIC (J. H. Paterson) PHONE WEST 108 1473 hiarine Drive iVEST VANCOUVER Ratepayers'ssociation A meeting will be held Next TUESDAY, April 6th, at 8 p.m. in the EW AhiBLESIDE HAI.I. AGENDA: Report from Councillor K. A. Ray on the Inter-municipal Bridge Committee re Lions'ate Bridge. Election of Officers Address by Engineer James Duncan on "West Vancouver's Water Supplv." All interested Ratepsyers are urged to be present and to join the Association. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundsrsve Hall. Marine Dr. Duudacava Saaiay So&vice at ILle a.m. Subject April nrd "UNREAI.ITY" Suaday Schooi st i ~ .De s m. Toot«sony Meetlua every Wed- nesday at 8.)6 p.m. HUBBARD FUNERAI. CHAI'EL TO BE DEDI CATED SATURDAY "„,,'„"„.;, "SERVICE" We cannot offer to sell you goods cheat&ev than any other Rrm is In a i&osltlou to do, but we CAN give actual facts to prove that it is ECONOMY to desi with us Send In your order to Hollyburn General Store (IIooper and Son) 17th nnd hinrine WE DELIVER I'hone West 46 Centre & Hnnna have just had complete&l the Burrard Funeral Chapel on the North side of 3rd Street East, North Vancouver. It is a very handsome building 54 feet long by 7G feet deep. of cream stucco, with a semi-circu- lar driveway in front leading up to the central entrance. A large porch covers the driveway im- mediately in front of theentrance nml for some distance on each side of it. Reference to the ad- vertisement in this issue will show the general appcnrance of the front. The entrance opens on a spaci- ous rotunda with brick fireplace, from which n corridor leads to the chapel on the west side and two rest rooms and an embalm- ing room on the east side. In- gress to the display room on the east side is obtained from the rotunda. The interior is finished throughout in silver grey and ivory, except in the embalming room, where the walls are white enamelled with white tile floor. The electric fixtures are of silver,and the building is heat- ed with hot water, the floors be- ing of hard woo&1. The large chapel is provided with comfort- able church pews, aml at the south end there is an organ on one side contained in an organ loft, while the private room for the mourners occupies the op- posite side. Between them is a beautiful stained glass window of Lake Louise and the mount- ains surrounding it. On the west side of the chapel are large doors opening on to a covered driveway for the use of the fun- eral car and the cars of mourn- ers. Mr. B. D. White, who has been appointed manager, has had a long experience, having been with Centre & Hanna 14 years. He is a graduate of the Chicago Cooege of Embalming snd Sani- tary Science. He was born at Nottingham, England, and serv- ed for four years overseas with the 68th Canadian Field Bat- tery, being with them at the Somme. Hindenburg Line, and Amiens, and later taking part in i.he march into Germany. The chapel will be dedicated tomorrow (Saturday) at 2 p.m. the Rev. A. M. O'Donnell, of )Vest Vancouver, Rev. J. C. Switzer, snd Rev. E. M. Searles, of North Vancouver, and Rev. John D. Gillam of Lynn Valley, being the officiating clergy. T!ie public are invited to the service, and the building will be thrown open to their inspection immed- iately afterwards. BUILDER'S SUPPLIES SAND -- GRAVEL -- I.IME CE&MENT, ETC. THE WEST VAN SUI I I.Y ( fL H. )i i V i OiV S) 1458 Marine l)rive. Ambleslde Phone Wee( 105& ALL KINDS OF FUEI. STRATTON'S BAKERY West Van. RESTAURANT 1421 hfarine Drive at lith Peter Livingstoue AMBLESIDE i'HONE )VEST 27 Aad ouc Delivery msu wiu call. t If you have not eaten Strstton's Products you have not had the best. 17th St. Flower Gardens i2i 17th St. East North Vancouver CUT I'OWERS, FUNERAL DESIGNS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Ete. PHONE NORTH 85 People buy Siratton's Bread nnd I'sstries because they demand Superior Bak- ery Goods. Established over G &it Years NORMAND'S GROCERY l4O ssd IIARIE .. Fbsee Witt 66 C. J. OVERINCTON 14th and Marine BARBER For the couvsaieuce of tho ladies of tho District I have bad the tolophoao taste!led PHONE WEST 135 aud make an appoiotmout. A Complete Supplyof... GROCERIES and COiV FKCTION KRY WE DELIVER Ambleside Tes Rooms Ferry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp aud Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. Troughton II( Barrow Buy ~ LOT foc a Homr; s Homo mesne ~ LOT. Real Estate & Insurance HERE slscu isle Dun&torero Phone West 83 GLEAM &84 PARKHOUBE CARPENTERS 3& BUii.DEi&S Aitecatiouo, Repairs, Eic. Estimates Free Phone West 183RI 2sth aud )Vaterfrout F UEL DryBarh, Coal II Wood of all kinds, Marine Woodyard (G. E. Cume, Prop) 26th and Marine Phone West 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed Night Auto Service For the convenience of the public this Garage will be Oi'EN EVERY NIGHT until 9 o'lock TOWING -- AUTO REPAiRS BATTERiES RECHARGED West Van Auto Service (Kru itobiusou) his&me Drive at 25th i'hose West 44 i They'l Do lt ellNIGHT CLASSES TO CONTIN U E ANOTHER TWO WEEKS THEWhatever you send to the Bur- rard Laundry will be trente.l carefully and with skol. You can always rely upon getting everything returned on time anil just exactly as you like it, sweet. clean, wholesome an i healthful. Phone your name an&i address and our collector will calL West Van News . * PubUsbed Erecy Fchfey ii. HODGSON suit P. P. LOVEGROVE i'hone Wert iei. Phone Wert i)21. ugPubUshecs Busiuess amt )M&toriai Office& l i f36& Ma&iso Drive Mall Address& P. O. Bos iei, Houybucu, B. C. r .r ~,... r,--.. ~ ... ~tamfs Sc por copy. As a result of their starting two weeks late the night schools will be continued for another fortnight, special permissionhav- ing been obtained from the De- partment of Education. The commercial an&I dressmaking classes meet at the liollyburn School, terminating on Tuesday, April 12th. The hfanual Train- ing classes will be held in the Pauline Johnson School, the last date being Thursday, April 14th. The Burrard Laundry Limits&i For Prrplr ryhr Arr Pri&rrrrrr Tlill Srlllr rse ST. DaT&DS North Vancouver Phone North 13&0. Ii. II. Ballard Don t forget the Tripp Piano Recital at Iiollyburn Theatre next )Vednes&lay. ADVEitTISiNG RATES ON APPLICATION ,if)d pplN 'sf i roi lyre terry " ggE csgigs lle Drive 8&our phone Sey gORBII sl Old Floors 9&ed St.'] As irr)por taingig i service i plant ope duty Uigl flfteeu a msinlsixl vaao