001B6C98 THE WEST VAN NEWS April I, 1927. Better Quality Isf Less Nouey CORRESPONDENCE Instrumental Hiluslc in West Van. cou'i er. We are Particular Dear Sir:-- Public School bands and or- ehesiras are no novelty in the U.S.A. or the Old Lan&i alii the days are not far off when these organisations irill be found in our oivn public schools. The importance of instrument- al music for children cannot be overlooked. 'I'here is nothing that so develops the mind as this study of music. The mind. eyes, ears, hamls. lips. tongue aml lungs all operate together when pressed in the service of a wiml instrument. A womlerful bene- fit. Another thing to be noted is thnt the boy so engaged has not the time nor inclination to in- &lulge in street loafing, smoking cigarettes round corners or shooting craps. IVhen Bill buys his horn and goes olf to the weekly band practico his parents know where he is ami also know ivhat he is doing. In the band room he will fin&1 lots of other fellows like himself engaged in the same fascinating pursuit. It is a great sight to see this boy with twenty or thirty others marching down the street behind gleaming comets, trombones, saxophones and other instru- ments. The Edmonton (Alberta) Newsboys'and a couple of years ago made a trip to the great Wembley Exhibition, played be- fore the king, and on retuni to Canada filled a week's engage- ment at the Toronto Exhibition. Now that we have several parks about to be open to the public we feel that they will not be complete without a hami. tVest Vancouver's lack of a band is its opportunity of neat- ing one right now for service next year. I shall be glad to answer any questions regarding this matter. CHAS. tVADDINGHAM West Vancouver, 28-3-27. 511lldl .I G10CC'1 ]1 (A. HARVEY ShiiTB, Psop.) GROCERIES. HARDWARE, DRY GOODS & SUNDRIES Phoae sour wants aud we will give you quick delivery 2eih ANiD siARINE, Opp. Duadarare ilail i'home iVEST d69 Council's Instructions to Bridge CommitteeRoberts'etter Neats 14th and Hlarine West 190 Th instru Inter te to of th comm nesda 1. T e Council on 51onday night cted the members of the -Municipal bridge commit- lay the following desires e municipality before that ittee irhich met on Wed- hat the driveivay be no less than 24 feet wide. That two G feet sidewalks be provided. That the height and width of span comply with Domin- ion Government regulations. That builders agree to issue commutation tickets a n d state at what percentage of regular tolls. The bridge be operated 24 hours a day and every day in the year. The builders to build and maintain approaches to the bridge; the North Shore ap- proach to connect with the present Marine Drive. To know on what basis the company would be willing to hand the bridge over to the municipalities a f t e r t h e bridge has paid for itself. An arrangement whereby the municipalities may partici- pate in the gross receipts at the end of a certain period. A certified audit of the bridge accounts annually. The franchise tp be limited to 25 years. To know on what basis the company would be willing to sell the bridge to the muni- cipalities concerned at any future date. The municipalities to have the right at the end of 15 years to purchase the bridge at a valuation, nothing being allowed for good will. That a surety bond for the sum of................ dollars in an approved company be obtain- ed to insure the faithful per- formance of the faithful per- build the bridge, naming the approximate dates of the be- ginning of this structure an&1 of its completion. To know if a bond covering public liability will be car- ried. The company to file with us a statement of the actual cost of the construction of the bridge when completed. Where Service and Ituality Count WE DEI,IVER 3IORNING 9:30--East 25th Only 11:30--from Capilano to Caulfeild AFTERiNOON 3:30-- East 25th Only A SPECIAL FOR EVERY DAY Keep this advertisement for reference Delivered only with other goods SATURDAY New Zealand Butter 3 lbs for .............. $ 135 Pullet Eggs, Extras 2 dozen ............... 5qc Side Bacon by the piece per lb ............. 3?c Side Bacon, sliced per lb.... 40c Cambridge Ssusages 3 lbs................ 25c Rolled Rib Oven Roast Prime Steer Beef, Ib 24c Pot Roast, prime steer beef, per lb .......... 12c Boiling Beef, prime steer beef, per lb............. Ioc Rhubarb, per lb ....... 15c Grape Fruit, ....... 3 for 25c Large Lemons, per doz 30. Ripe Tomatos, per lb .. 25c Highland Potatoes, 100 lb. sack.......... $ 1.45 Cooking Apples, 5 lbs 25c 310iNDAY Fresh Beef Dripping per lb........... Ioc Boneless Stewing Beef 2 lbs................ 25c TUESDAY Sweet Oranges, 3 do . 95c Boneless Corned Beef per Ib ................... 13c iVEDNESDAY Swift Jewel Shortning per lb............... 16c Sliced Cod, 2 lbs......... 25c THURSDAY Boiled Ham, per lb.... 50c Fresh Liver ................. Ioc FRIDAY Loggie'9 Haddie, per lb 16c Sliced Cod, 2 lbs.......... 2ic Fresh Killed Boiling Chicken Fresh and Cured Fish Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Don't forget the Tripp Piano Recital at Hollyburn Theatre next IVednesday. HALF HOLIDAY TO BE ENFORCED An official notice appears in this issue from the Chief of Police notifying all storekeepers that they are liable to a fine for keeping their places of business open after 1 p. m. on Thursday. This being a statutory half holi- day, it is evidently the intention of the authorities to enforce the law. 10 12 "isIy dear, what makes you al- ivays yaivsl . The wife exclaimed, her temper gone, Is home so dull aml dreary?" "Not so, my love," he said, "not so, But man and wife are one, you know, And when alone I'm always 'iv cary. Professor Low: The only thing that really interests the public is the question of to-mor- i'ow. My rate-collector will never take this view. 13 14 15 The Corporation of the District of tVest Vancouver Notice to Storekeepers The famous criminal lawyer had won a shockingly bad case by eloquence and trickery, and a rival lawyer said to him, b:t- terly: "Is there any case so low, so foul,so vilely crooked and shame. ful that you'd refuse it?" '%'ell, I don't know," the other answered with a smile. "What have you been doing now?" NOTICE is hereby given that the Statutory Half Holiday commences at I p. m. each Thursday. All Stores doing business after that time, unless ex- empted by the Act, are liable to prosecution. Signed CHIEF OF I'OLICE This is what we aim so sire you. After many tests vie hare neiecied ~ TEA which we believe wiii please ail our cuuiomern, aud we are offering this TEA at 59c per Ihu To introduce our TEA, we are &iferiug for ONE ii'EEK Oxi.v 5 ibm B. C. GRANULATED SUGAR FOR ssie with each purchase cf i ib. of Tea Ank for ShfITB'S TEA in ihe SRver Package. FRESH ROASTED COFFEE ............-- .. 59c per lb. NE'iv ZEALAND Bt.'Ti'ER..... 2 lbs. for Si.95 Very particular, about the kind of Hleats ive sell. 1Ve can- not afford to take chances on getting inferior grailes of Meat. When you buy here you are sure of getting the best aml that it is kept under the most sanitnry conditions. 3EFFERIES MEAT MARKET Neni io iioiiyburu Thea&re I'ii&iNE 'iVF.ST 2 WE DELIVER ALL hiEATS KEPT IN REFRioiERATOR fresh and Cured isieatn, Buuer, Eggs, Bacou and Lard. High ilusiiiy Lumber is Cheapest in the end. Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVICE A Phom '" '-"""'nd is ~ always appreciated The King Studio Photos Ahvays I'lease Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO 311 Hastings S(rect West, Vancouver ESTA ni.i Sip ED f992 V. V. VINSON. Prop. i'hone Sey. 19 &6 for nppoiotmeoi LONDON & BRITISH NORTH ANERICA COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER SPECIALISTS We have been successful in selling many nomen au&i propertien in this district and maintain a separate dopacimeui for shia work. List Your Property With Us. Ouc wide advertising covers the iield of live prospects aud gets results. Consult our hir. Kinnick, &Vent iss R. LONDON & BRITISH NORTH AMERICA CO. Ltd. &i26 i'ender Sireci ivcni Seymour 6285 .„;";."'., J. H. DAWSON BUILDING CONTRACTOR ALTERATIONS, ETC. SOME OF OUR BEST USED CARS 1924 Chevrolet Touring. This car is in the very best of con dition, paint like new, upholstery splendid, and me- chanically it is perfect. $ 150.00 Cash will handle this car; balance spread over 12 months. 1925 Star Touring 1925 Chevrolet Sedan 192G Essex Coach, not yet one year old $550.00 750 00 $875.00 NORTH SHORE MOTORS LsM& TED CHEVROLET CARS ON DISPLAY 135 First Street West North Vancouver Phone North 1186 Phone North 1350 West Vancouver Lumber Co. LIMITED 15th nnd lilarine I'hone 1Vest 115 i&FqiDENCE i'iiONF& WFST fsx