001B6C8E March 26th, 1927. BOARD OF TRADE DISCUSSES THE WEST VAN NEWS How One Irishman C LASS IF IE D ADS. ide sn- lan ttIG lis- Iinc ing the the SGS sy, tjre iiic tsy nes rel ess ttr. ss the dg- Isr- rer, ssy sch snd for I Of 'GSI- isn- I'GI'k tWG Drowned His ShamrockWATER SUPPLY AND AMBLESIDE PARK DEVELOPMENT Vancouver co-operating in the scheme. The meeting discussed a pro- posal recently made by the Ratepayers'ssociation to the West Vancouver council, which suggested that the waterfront between Ambleside dock east- ward to a point just inside the First Narrows and including a portion of the Indian Reserve, be set aside as an amusement park, yacht harbour, and bath- ing beach. A committee consisting of Harry Hodgson, M. Williams, and W. McQuaker was appointed to meet the Ratepayers'sso- ciation and a committee from the North Vancouver Board of Trade with a view to the draft- ing of a definite proposition. Councillor Watt, chairman of the water board committee, ad- dressed the meeting on the ques- tion of water supply. In a very interesting address he went very thoroughly into the question, stressing the point, however, that what he said represented the conclusions arrived at by himself and the reeve. the mat- ter not having yet come up be- fore the council. He produced a map on which were marked the various water areas. Water could be obtained from the Metropolitan Board probably at I three cents a gallon, but it would be impossible to get it much, if at all, above the 850- 'ootlevel. He had had only two months to consider a very com- plicated and difficult matter. 'agleLake, already reserved as a source of water supply, should, I in his opinion, be used, when finances allowed, to supply the upper levels. He suggested that the board have their proposition, already before the council, en- dorsed by Mr. Cleveland. In, conclusion he stated he would 'otifythe board of the date when the question of water sup- ply came up before the council, in order that they might have the opportunity of sending a delegation to hear the discus- sion. The formation of a Retail Merchants'ureau within the board was next discussed and some valuable information was given by Mr. Mackenzie as to the procedure which had been successfully followed by his board in the establishment and conduct of such a bureau. Final- ly Messrs. Lund and Stratton were appointed a committee to go into the question of the for- mation of a similar bureau among the Board of Trade mem- bers. The Board of Trade held a very successful meeting on Mon- day evening in the New Amble- side Hall. / A letter from Gen. A. D. Mc- fRae was read in connection with the Board's efFort to obtain bet- Aer postal facilities for the dis- trict. He requested that a map be prepared showing all the houses and streets that had been opened in the district with the ',. present post offices, and that one copy of this map be sent to'l e Postmaster General and an- other to himself. He 'stateil.'I'hat the Postmaster General had not been aware of the existence of the municipal ferries andihiby™git I I W I Vancouver should receive the ! same mail service as North Van- couvei . The council of the Board had already had two copies of such a map prepared, showing that there were 1250 houses in West Vancouver. They were ordered to be forwarded as requested. The applications of R. C. Proc- tor, John Device and G. W. Kin- dersley for membership were re- ceived and accepted. Lorne E. Mackenzie, president of the North Vancouver Board of Trade, who were the guests of the evening, spoke of the de- sire of his board to co-operate in the establishment of a bath- ing beach in West Vancouver '., which should serve for the -.'hole North Shore. They had been approached by a number ~f women's organizations and 7 fo&hers as regards tho matter, which was a very live issue in North Vancouver, where the foreshore was all taken up by & ',7 ', plants, etc. He was satisfied that, while probably it would ' not be possible to do much this year, the people of North Van- couver city would be prepared to do their share towards the financing of any such scheme, and that similar assistance would be forthcoming from the district of North Vancouver. Mr. Chance, of the North Van- couver Board of Trade, also spoke in favour of the scheme, but stated he believed the Muni- cipal Act would not allow of the city or district of North Van- couver financing any projects outside their own boundaries. He therefore thought the vari- ous municipal solicitors should bo consulted on this matter, with a view to finding out just what procedure would have to ~ r,. be followed in order to allow of i P the city and district of North I Dundarafje Hairdressing Parlor Marine Drive, Opposite Dimdarave Hall MARCEL AND TRIM 96w FACIALS and VIOLET RAY Phone West 179 for eppidntment. 0 Firn Evening. Twin-Seven Cords „. $ 8.75 Paragon Cords ...„..... $ 10.00 d by Gutta Percha Rubber Co. Tires are Down- These Tires are manufacture AUTHORIZED FORD SERVICE WEST VAN GARAGE PHONE WEST 130AT AMBLESIDE By J. Porter The dawn of St. Patrick's Day found me in good spirits. Be- fore the noon-hour 1 had de- cided on having a special treat. A newspaper had been boosting a Russo-Yankee invention with all its might and main. The imagination of its staff had ac- tually run riot. Newton's fam- ous laws of motion,it appeared, had been repealed by an over- whelming vote; and the age of miracles was about to return. 1 had taken a good deal of inter- est in one of Newton's laws for a long time; so 1 decided to call at the office and see the in- ventor and, if possible, "The new and wonderful machine He'd nearly made to go!" 1 was also curious as regards his reason for coming to Van- couver in the merry spring-time instead of in October or Novem- ber, which 1 always understood was the time when men with money to burn in beating the laws of nature swarmed into the city. I stated quite truthfully that 1 was interested in perpetual motion machines, and the inter- view began. The inventor had a staff of two, a rhetorician and a gentleman whose function was to give scientific guarantees. The latter had borrowed money to buy shares in the company, which qualification was more weighty than a mere university training would have been. He explained the blue print of the machine which it was proposed to build as soon as the necessary $15,000 was forthcoming. He also told us that he had tested the original machine, and had found it a bit of all right, but that the inventor had burst it in attempting to get two more wheels into it. That was of course plausible enough; but he reached a climax when he ex- plained that the machine had burst in one place, whereas ac- cording to Newton's laws of mo- tion it ought to have burst in another. Poor Sir Isaac, to be quite as big a fool as the man who thought that two and two made four! It wss now the turn of the rhetorician. The blue print did not show a great deal for $15,- 000, but he told us that the in- ventor had been obliged to in- vent a brand-new geometry in order to get his gear-wheels cut properly. We could quite under- stand his further statement that the University of Washington was taking a great interest in this new geometry, but why it should be the department of mathematics instead of psychol- ogy was a little puzzling. It was, however, a novelty to meet a group of men who saw nothing special in the making of a circle whose circumference would hold more than 860 degrees. It ap- peared that the inventor had in- vented one to hold 890 degrees. That such a miracle was prob- ably beyond the powers of even Omnipotence would not have troubled them. I was not interested in the rhetorician's account of the ef- fect the machine would have on the cost of living and the future of humanity. It did not require "a pair of double-million magni- fying gas microscopes of extra high power" to enable me to see that it would knock the bottom out of the universe. It was of more interest to learn that the original machine had been test- ed by an eminent engineer, who had givn a certificate. 1Ve had been told that it had yielded 2,400 watts while only 2,000 had been put in. which meant an efficiency of 120 per cent. But the engineer's certificate, ivhich was handed out at my reiiuest, only showed an efficiency of 29.8 pcr cent., and 1 ventured to (Continued on Page 8) Rooil AND BOARI) IVANT D On WzterIronr, betwzen 14th and 25th, by gentleman izzveHing cm G.46 a. m. ferry. Terms Io Box 222. Dundarave P. O. DRESS5IAKING--Mrs. Robbins, 29ih znd Mathezz. Phone West 437R3. SEVERAL GOOD HOVSE and LOTS in Point Grey District Io exchange for West Vancouver property. SA VORY and DUVAL Phone West 114; evening, ivezt I.I3. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY for good buys in Ranges, Dressers, Beis complete, Sewing Machines, Books, etc., at KeviH Furniture Store, Ambleside. Phone 3G. Everything must be cleared. MONEY TO LOAN cm Mortgage, Agreements discounted. No delay. West Vzn. Investment Co., lsih and Marine. Phone West 102. MORTGAGE LOANS arranged im shortest notice and on all up-to- date plans. We have had years of experience in large insurance ofIizez and are capable of giving the very best of service in any kind of in- scrranze. Consult uz on all real estate, insurance or financial mat- ters. BYRNELL sc liIAY At the Ferry Landing. Phone West 113 WANTED -- General housework by day, by reliable woman. Phone We c 674L. FOR SALE--That well constructed building cm Marine Drive knoccm ss Dcmdarave Hall, ada table for vari- cmz purposes, suites, etc. For price and particulars apply Traushicm SI Barrow, exclusive agents, Phone West 83. COTTAGE--Partly furnished for reui rvezt 621L. HoslE IVANTED--for b!azk female kitty, one year old, Iat and zh:ny. For address apply IVezt Van. News. WANTED To I.EASE--Vnfurniehcsl modern bungalow, four or five rooms, from May 1st. Phone Ivest 407L. FOR SALE--Kiddy Kimp. Shaw, 16th an'd Gordon Ave. Phone West 64 L. HOUSES FOR SALE -- Small and large., We have a few really good buys which we can recommend. LOTS--Some of the most desirable large sized view lots in Wezr Van- couver, at very attractive prizes an&i cm good terms. GEO. HAY, 14rh znd slarinm Phone West 21 or Seymour 12GO. %est Van Dance Band O. iVZDDIXGHAif. Lender THE BEST OF DANCE MUSIC PHONE iVEST 121L SEA VTI FULLY APPOINTED Home cm waterfront, would rent with housekeeping privileges. Phone West 86LI. WHITAKER & WHITAKER 336wd Choice 4 i& Acre Block, Mztherz Ave., near 22nd. Remark- able value. 85500--Nearly 9 acres, slzrine Drive and Keith Road. Good chance tw meke a big profit. 52300-- iveierfrimiase at Dundarzve, large choice lot, 60 by 230, Easdy best waterfront hery West Varrcou- ver. 5500 cash, balance easy. COTTAGE im Marine Drive 3 rooms large Iot, near ferry. Price only 51000. Terms. Also 4-room cottage on choice double corner, 14th Sr., close ro ferry; fine view. A splen- did buy at 51400 im terms. HERE Are the Three Best Buys rn vezani lots in West Vancouver 64 by 135, cm south side Marine Drive, between Amblezidz and Dimdarave. level with street. Prize 5875. Also two very large lots on Marine Drive at Horseshoe Bay; stone's throw from waterfront. 3500. Terms. Dis- count for cash. All three priced very Iow for ecrrck sale. WHITAKER dc WHITAKER 810 Hastings Street, W., Vzncocrver Phone Seymour 7949 FOR RENT -- Unfurnished, in zwod residential area, brand new Five- room Bungalow. All modern con- veidencez, including hor zir furnace. Good views from every window. SAVORY and DUVAL Phone West 114 R. P. CLARK Ik Co., LTD. lilODERN . Fcmr - Room Bunga'ow, large verandah; living room with open fireplace; two nice size bed- rooms; bright kitchen, light imamzl finish; three-piece bathroom. best material and plumbing; large lor. An unusual opportunity for 8200 down, balance same as rent. ATTRACTIVE View Building Los, 60-focrt, within five minutes of ferry. 3375. R. P. CLARK 8: CO., LTD. 823 Hastings Sr. W. Szy. 7483, 7454 Loz&l Rzpzzsmrrsrizz C. J. ARCHER. Wzzs 651L J. 8r D. ClaverinIy 16th and Fulton Phone 1Vest 658 L SAND and GRAVEL GENERAL TRUCKING and TEAMWORK Day or Contract SERVICE Authorized Ford Service SERVICE See the New Model Ford and Truck on display here FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETO. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone Debt 55 22nd and Marine Drive PHONE 1VEST 177 Night Phones: West 195L and YVest 442R Automotive Experts Battery and Ignition Specialists Official Garage of B. C. Automobile Club. FREE TOADYING TO MEi11BERS. GASOLINE and OILS