001B6C8E hlarch 26th. 1927.THE WEST VAN NEWS J. D. A. TRIPP TO RE HEARD IN RECITAI, A recital of more than pass- . ing interest to the people of West Vancouver wili he held on Wednesday, April 6th, in the Hoflyburn Theatre. This ls the piano recitnl by hfr. J. D. A. Tripp. Nr. Tripp. who, it is in- teresting to note, has l&een a resident of Caulfeild for six yenrs. Is generally recognized as being one of the most eminent nrtists in Canada. It is but rarely that men of his nbility and stamling can be prevailed upon to give recitals in nny but the larger cities. and IVest Van- couver shoul&l consider itsel( particularly fortunate in hnvlng the opportunity of listening to such an outstanding artist. We understand that the charge of admission will be very reason- able and that a goad attemlance will show that West Vancouver can appreciate go&xi music. DEATH OF hIR. J. VANCE The death of Mr. J. Vance of the Dundarave Pharmacy took place early Monday morning at the Vancouver General Hospital after an illness of only a few days. The cause of death iras an infection af the brain caused by trench fever contracted while the deceased was serving with the hfedical Corps of the C. E. F. in the Great War. The late Nr. Vance had only recently pur- chased the Dundarave Pharmacy and his sudden illness and death came as a shock to his friends hetw. He is survived by his ivi(e. Interment ivas made in West Vancouver cemetery on Wednes- day. Rev. J. Harding Priest of- ficiatingg. PERSONALS Master George Guinan, who is a student at Vancouver ('oflege spent the &seek-end with his par ants, hlr. and Mrs. F. V. Guinan Mathers and 26th. ~ ~ ~ Mr. D. Deivar, 22nd and Mar- ine, has bought Mrs. Bother ham's house st 23rd and hlath crs. ihlrs. Rotherham is now re siding in Victoria. ~ s ~ Miss Frances Guinan was the guest of Mrs. A. E. Sprott. Mar- ine Crescent. over the week-end ~ ~ Miss Nndge Farmer spent St Patrick's Day with hlrs. Iiarri Roberts, Vancouver. s s s The girls of West Vancouver lligh School team were ngain successful in the bnsketbafl league. They played against Duke of Connaught in the Trin- ity Church gym, last Friday and won by a score of 16-6. s ~ ~ Nr. Gordon Ross, who h«s been staying at the Fortune Cup Inn, is moving into his new house on Lawson and 24th St. s s s Some Japanese at Sherman's are fixing up an old steamer for use as a floating cannery. The boat is drawn up alongside the beach, and will be re-flosted when the necessary repairs have been completed. s s s AIrs. R. C. Proctor lent her lovely home at Altamont for a delightful tea on Friday after- noon, which was arranged by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E. The tea table which was centred with a silver basket of daffodils and mauve candles wss presided over by Nrs. S. E. Gar- land and Miss M. Mutchmore. The musical programme included vocal solos by Mrs. F. X. Hodg- son and Miss O'eil. The prizes for the "Book Contest" were won by Mrs. Poisson and Mrs. Dsn Hill. Conveners for the tea were Refreshments, Mrs. Peter Wait and Mrs. John Lawson, program- me Mrs. Walter Gourlay, contest Nrs. Poisson. Mrs. W. B. Small. Miss Gladys Davies and hfrs. George Shep- herd attended the annual meet- ing of the Provincial Girl Guide Association held at Glencoc Lodge on Saturday last. ~ ~ s hliss Edina Archer. ihliss Alma Partington. hire. I. IV, Crawford, hliss hlargaret Baker, Miss Gladys Davies and Nrs. IV. B. Small were guests at an "At Home" given by Nrs. F.. R. Clegg, 2033 Comox St., on Thurs- day evening to meet ihliss E. F. Nara. I'rovincial Commissioner of Girl Guides for British Col- umbia.The school trustees have ad-vised the council that they have decided to drop the matter of exchanging propertv at IVhyte- cliif for property at Cypress Park which might be suitable for a school site. ~ s ~ 'Mr. Richard Ford is building a new home on 15th and Ingle- woad. s s ~ Ladies'uxiliary of Horse- shoe Bay Boating and Yachting Club entertained at bridge and whist on Thursday afternoon at the Women's Building, &chen the prize winners for bridge were Mrs. Lawrence and 51rs. R. C. Hodgson, and for whist, Mrs. A. Currie and hfrs. Hyde. In charge of arrangements &vere hfrs. J. L Northey, hfrs. D. Y. Gorrie and Mrs. D. hIoore. ~ s s hfr. and hfrs. A. F. hiaxwefl who have been on an extended visit to Southern California, have returned and will take up resi- dence in West Vancouver. hlrs. W. B. Small, Nrs. A. A. Almas, hfiss hiutchmore, Mrs. P. C. Chapman, ihirs. I. W. Craw- ford and ihirs. J. A. Pearson with the standard of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., at- tended the Annual Meeting of the hIunicipal Chapter held on ihfonday in the Hudson's Bay dining room. Nrs. P. C. Chap- man gave the annual report of the local chapter. ~ s ~ hit~. Ridal of Vancouver is vis- iting hfrs. Dickinson of the First Narrows Lighthouse. s ~ s ihIr. and hIrs. Downing, who have been living in the city, have returned to their house at Ingle- wood and 20th. ~ & s hfr. and hfrs. R. Rudolph cf Altamont, and Miss IVinifred Rudolph left on Monday night for their home at Oskmead, Al- berta. WEST VAN TRANSFER Daily Service to nnd from Vancouver We are in a position to supply you with the FINEST INSIDE FIR ever put on the market. ED. BLACK Wesg 68 Prompt Delivery L151E -- CEMENT, ETC. Phone BRICK I ESAGEHA SIT The New Drug Store IVifl supply you with all your Drug requirements at City Prices. A full supply of everything usually found in an up-to-date City Drug Store Buy in West Vancouver and have your purchases delivered to your home. Our Free Delivery is maintained for your convenience. RELIABLE GOODS AT CITY PRICES: Here are a few of our everyday prices: ECLECTRIC OIL ............................... 33c POND'S V. & C.................................... 45c ENO'S FRUIT SALTS ......... „.... 98c 1 lb. ABSORBENT COTTON................ 69c RUSSIAN OIL .......................... 16 oz. 69c THERhIOS BOTI'LES ................. $1.19 THERMOS KITS .................................... 98c WILSON'S INVALID PORT.......... $ 1.35 PHILIP'S MILK OF MAGNESIA....... 50c NUJOL, large size ................................ $1.00 K. & S. HOT WATER BOTTLES from $ 1.00 to $2.75 WATER GLASS .................................... 25c WALPOLES COD LIVER OIL EX- TRACT ................................ $ 1.00 Phone West 323 WE DEI.I VER AN YWH ERE Lesage Drug Stores North Side of hisrine Drive, between 14th and 15th. LF4SA.G-EHASIT I.opal Archery Club Formed; hleeting Tomorrow Afternoon The initial meeting of the West Vancouver Archery Club was held last Saturday at Alta- mont, Major W. B. Barwis act- ing as chairman'. Doctor Roberts Best, Mrs. F. IV. Parkin, and ihIiss J. Tristram were present. Owin gto the very bad weather the attemlance was not large. Another meeting is to be held at 2918 Marine Drive by the kin&I permission af Nrs. Parkin to- morrow (Saturday) afternoon, at 2.30, when officers will be appointed and general business transacted. AH those interested in archery are invited to attend. Jf 4'&s&tap etta@a street- every &&&art&I&&it FainuOIIt 1000 glon Masquerade D seventh masquer d dance given by the West Van- couver branch of the Canadian Legion on Friday night at the Iioflyburn I'avilion was a dis- 'inctsuccess. hfiss Madeline Burkhart as a Turkish dancing girl won the firs prize for the best ladies'ancy costume, the second prize going to the Misses Florence an&1 Dorothy Iiofli&lay, who were dressed as twins. The first and second prizes for comic costumes were won by Miss Rsy and AIrs. Grisedale. Mr. James Ferguson as a Mexican, captured the prize for the best fancy dress among the gentlemen, an&i Mr. A. Chilton, who appeared as a Sikh, received the prize for the best original costume. The judg- es were Mrs. Huff and Mrs. Har- ron, both of North Vancouver, and Councillor Ray. Camp Stoves to Be Provided for Parks Mr. George Hsy, recently wrote the council stating he had at the old mill site a quantity of fire brick and iron and that he wuold be pleased to donate what- ever quantity the council might require to provide camp stoves at Memorial and Inglewood parks. His offer was accepted by the council, who expressed their appreciation of the gift by letter. West Vnncouver Tennis Club The West Vancouver Tennis Club will hold their annual gen- eral meeting in the Fortune Cup Inn on Thursday, March 31st, at 8 p..m AH the old members are expected to attend this meet- ing and a very hearty welcome is extended to afl intending members. Refreshments will be served later. Plans are well under way for cleaning up Dun&larave Beach at the foot of 25th Street anil making it a sandy beach for the use of children. This is of interest to afl Dun&lsrave resi- dents and a call for their flnan- cial support in pi&1 of this work will be made during the next two weeks. The next regular meeting of L.O.L. No. 2990, will be held at Dundarave Hall on Tuesday, 5th April. d ll First the Boy then the Man YOUR boy can start life with a balance in the Bank.Many a boy hss $100 or more--saved from his pocket money-- snd is proud of his bank book. A thousand dollars saved at 18 may mean a college education or a good stan in business. The Qgyal Bank of Canada West Vancouver Branch - A. Chiltaa, Manager iid 1991 b 95th ARP g pf 7bd .misim' y e'i'p", pitlg '. iilde I; ffpm(IsIl. A ldttp 4 it& a 4 fimd wss t diptte tbd Bps fsciliti& 4&t 9"Hp ts&tsd s g&titt. stpd db lgbp p "&tdtttpt'ppspd " tbp did i&peas t p(('rddpst p ( ibid t ppd tppy tet G tte PPP him&el tmsd ,ther 'postmastertbstlbp „~pl Vsscauvdr ~its mme mail de &paver. 7bp cppllcil 4 4 bsd twp'mp prep ,i&pa I II50 I there were paver. Theysll 'gg m sppli&stips! Jpbs Dsvies d tpt, o ! demiey far mern &divpj st&d accept'ke bptse E. Ilx pf tbe NPrtb Vm ( Tmgp, wbp w& pf ibe evesisii dP ditp pf bid tO'~ is the edtsblmbm& ipg beach in Iye f, which should se ole North Shorwb 1ij.„ 2 bms xpptppcbed / )~t women's ptgm jig&std pd regxr x which wxd s very Npttb Van&saver, iptddbptp wap sll planta etc. He & ,', that, while prpbai ppt be ppdpiblp tp i year, the pepple pi &paver city would tp &tp their share iipspcipg pf any xp&t that dimila bpt stated bp belie tipsi Act would pp city pr district pi &purer gnat&ting pptdl&te their pwt He therefore tbp&t pud municipal soli bp consulted ptt rdtb a view tp 5„ wb'I prate&lure w p fpllpwptt m ptd be citY ap&t distr Ddd&td& )td& x PIld I~w, tBu lrt's are &bede 7;i&ed are Auvqo„ would be iprtbcpm district pi North I I Mt. Chance, pf tl cppver Board pf , spoke itt favour pi