001B6C8E )927 'fl fet food IU rly sores «ter IUife Iebll heilkl ts ch D- ig hs d. ec se IT .L ,'0 it ~4 3- d- oc it. 3- ld hc lg ler March 26th, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS GARDENING P ERSONALSAmerican Blight American Blight, otherwise known as Woolly Aphis, is that woolly mass seen on apple trees in the summer and autumn. It is a small aphis protected by a covering of wood. An aphis is a tiny insect which sucks the sap from the leaves of trees and plants. Green ily is an aphis, as is the black fly of broad beans. The Woolly Aphis damages the softer parts of the wood of trees by piercing it with its beak. The insect is so frail that it seems almost impossible for it ~ to harm a tree in this way. This particular aphis is a big breeder and hides in cracks in the bark of trees. Large wounds, or cank- ers, are formed and the life blood of the tree is drained away. The best way to destroy this pest is to use a small paint brush. This should be dipped into para- ffin or methylated spirits and ap- plied to the parts of the tree infested by the aphis. Be careful not to use the pois- onous mixtures (advertised as 0 remedy for the pest) during the summer months whe nthe fruits are swelling. Mr. Roscoe, 26th and Haywood has moved to Ambleside. ~ e Messrs. J. and D. Clavering, 16th and Fulton, have bought a new Ford ton ttwck to be used in their sand and gravel busi- ness. There were not as many hik- ers visiting Hollyburn Ridge last Sunday as usual owing to the dis- agreable weathet. Snow fell during the morning turning to rain in the afternoon. This drove most of the hikers home early. e e Mrs. Davey has rented,the Woodley cottage at 26th and Haywood. e Mr. and Mrs. Ajello have mov- ed from Mr. Downing'6 house on 20th and Inglewood to their new home on 24th and Mathers. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rousseau have rented Mrs. Tear's house at 14th and Clyde. a The repairs on the bridge at Altamont which have been und- er way for some weeks, are a- bout completed. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Flanagan, 23rd and Bellevue, have moved to one of J. B. Leyland's cottag- es at 28th and Bellevue. Mr. and Mrs. McNair of Van- couver, who are friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McArthur, have rented their house at 16th and Gordon. The regular weekly sewmg meeting of St. Stephen's IV. A. was held at the home of Mrs. A. E. Shaw. The hostess for next week will be Mrs. Pearce, 21st and Bellevue. St. Anthony's Ladies Give Tea and whist Drive A very enjoyable tea was held at the Fortune Cup Inn by the ladies of St. Anthony's Church on Thursday afternoon, 17th March. The room was decorated with green and white streamers, shamrocks and harps. A large bouquet of daffodils and ferns adorned the centre table. The bridge prizes tvere won by Mrs. Poisson and Mrs. Scott, Miss Heaslip winning the consolation prize. Mrs. Rodgers and Mrs. Thos. Killin won the prizes for whist, the consolation prize go- ing to Mrs. K. A. Ray. During the tea hour solos were sung by Mrs. Laughlin and Mrs. Gar- diner of North Vancouver. Miss Franle presided at the piano. L O. B. A. The last regular meeting took place in Dundarave Hall on Thursday, March 17th, at 7 o'lock, Worthy Mistress Turner in the chair. Plans were then made to hold a masquerade dance on Friday, April 8th, in New Ambleside Hall, in future to be meeting place of the above association. Good prizes will be given for the best dressed lady, also gent; most original lady, also gent; most humorous lady, also gent. Mr. H. Bradley, 24th and Jef- ferson, is building a house at 24th and Mathers. The children of the public schools are working hard in pre- paration for the bee to be held at Pauline Johnson school next Wednesday afternoon, at which a candidate will be chosen for the Canadian History and Geo- graphy bee at the Orpheum Theatre on April 11th. Mrs. F. Stainsby returned on Tuesday from Victoria. where she was visiting over the week- end. The boys of the Pauline John- son school have started practis- ing baseball. It is reported that tyee salmon are being caught at Whytecliff. On Sunday evening a Ford sedan driven by Mr. Rutherford, agent for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in Vancou- ver, with his wife and children, overturned in the ditch on the Marine Drive at Eagle Harbor. : The car was badly damaged, the left front wheel, fender and left side with the windows being smashed. Luckily none of the occupants were hurt. Susan: I'm dying for a smoke. Etta: So'm I. Wait till I dress and we'l go some place where people can see us. I'.et ars .um)er 't'art s IJJI Inn mi ~ JIIII I I Limited North 212 - 207Phones: West 313 LUMBER In addition to the regufar lines we have several lots of I&'looring, Siding, V Joint, Shiplap, 2x4" and Shingles we wish to move at greatly reduced prices, come and look them over. WEST VAN YARD 2446 MARINE DRIVE Phone West 313 Windows, Doors, Paper Roofing, Cement, Plaster Gravel, Veneers, Beaver and Plaster Board. To Vancouver City DIRECT by DE LUXE EXPRESS MOTOR COACHES The comfortable way, the quickest way, the economical way, the only way for distin- guished citizens, who ahvays select the best transportation. BUY A BOOII OI" TICKETS Sey. 4000 ~ ~~~Pe Sey. 4000 ~ANSIDORTAT$ +l'EYMOUR AT DUNSDIUHI A. O. T. S. BAN(}UET The monthly banquet of the A. O. T. S. was held in the United Church hall on Wednes- day evening, March 16th. About forty men sat down to a splen- did banquet furnished by the I. O. D. E., Several solos were given by Mr. Syd Hollis and were much appreciated by the men present. Mr. A. E. Davis gave a short address on the use that a service club may be in a community. This address was quite appropidate, as the busi- ness of the evening included the determining of'n objective for the ensuing year. On this sub- ject there was considerable dis- cussion. If the interest shown in the discussion is any criterion of the effort that will be put forward in any undertaking the club may adopt, much may be expected in the future. The next meeting will be held in the United Church hall on Saturday, March 26th, at 8 o'lock. This meeting is purely a business meeting, at which it is hoped that the objective will be decided. All members aml those interested in the club are urgently requested to attend. We have over a million feet of high grade lumber in our yards, and to reduce this immense stock we are going to great- ly reduce prices for the next month on a number of items. YOUR TAGKLE must be right to catch the big fish. Yours will be if you get it here. See Our Window WE DELIVER Night Phone: West.19 R Day Phone: IVest 37 The West Van Pharmacy POSTAGE STAihIPS For Sale Here. FRAMAQ Montessori School FOR SMALL CHILDREN Isis 6 zatslsaft Nra. W. D. Flame Phane Weal osl Terms Reaeannhl ~ MOTHER Need uot leave the comfo* or the duties of bcr home to gct Groceries. A fcw words over the Telephone will bring the family food. Order your groceries over the phone from us. Our service consists uot only of free delivery, but guaranteed quality at lowest possible prices. It will eave you time, effort sud money to I'hone 1Vest 16 GREENWOOD S GROCERY Phone your orders. We deliver „,„.„,„,„.„, MaWILLIAMS „„„„„... CUSTOM TAILOR SPRING AND SUM VIER SUITINGS Now complete Large selection--for Sport or Business Before Ordering Your Easter Suit Come and see our patterns. CITY Dyeing, Repairs PRICES and Alterations Dry Cleaning and Pressing PHONE WEST 20 SAVORY c%. DUVAL REAI ESTATE AND IiNSURANCE l429 Marine Drive Phone West 114 NOTICE The stage will leave North Vancouver at 6.40 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. Phone West 84 For Sand, Gravel Truck Work Etc. H P. Tearoe 1640 Haywood Ave. West Vancouver FUEL Inside Fir Slab COAL Nsusimo, Wellington sud Arrow Hard (Sootlcss) SAND GRAVEL WESTON TRANSFER ,(Bob Black, Prop.) 14TH sud DIARINE I'boucsl West 17; Residence 91 R PHONE 468 L J. H. REID Sand, Gravel and General Team)York D. MORGAN, J.P. NOTARY PUSLIC REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Twsuty-Sftb sud Msmuo Dr. Phono West 4 TAXI Phaneei WEST 110 Rene WEST ISOL Pearce's Drygoods Iuh Ial Illaue lhlae lh.ae WJII Rl Window Blinds and Awnings CITY PRICES Estimates Free F. Newman K D. Robbins CARl'EiNTERS House Pslutcrs, Pspccbsngers Kslsomiuiug, llc-Shingling, ctc. Reasonable Tcruls Send for our sanlple book of W allpapers Lstcst in Dcsigus Peep o'ny House Phone iustbers dt 29\h Went 437II3 North 4 West Vancouver Stages Office sud Waiting Room; 5 Lousdslo Avcuuo WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Leave North Vancouver for SHERDIAN sud CYPRESS PARK ou the hour from sud including 7 s.m. to 6.40 p.m.; also 20 minutes past the hour from sud including 6.20 u.m. to 9.20 s.m. sud 1.20 p.m. to 11.20 p.m. RETURNING from SHERMAN 80 minutes after shove times. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Leaves North Vancouver on the hour from 8 s.m. to 8 p.md also st 1.40, 2.40, 7.40, 8.60, 9.20 sud 10.20 p.m., returning from Cypress Park 80 minutes after shove times.