001B6C8E New classes now being formed J. iaaf. ibior(yan WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro- duction and Singing Phones West IZS Seymour 895(to TRUCKING TEAM WORK Excavation (!lay or Coatract) SAND & GRAVEL P. A. ANDREWS (766 Funoa. Phoae West 6.inn BILLIARDS POOL New Tab!cc Ja. t IaataHcd CHET SHIELDS 1(TH STREEI'ight at Railway Crossing TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY aad I'ERIODICALS FERRY BARBER SHOP (J. 3H!ca) In connection with Shicl&rs Billiard aod Confectionery. Shampooing aod Face 3!aaaag- !ag !a a!I branches Only First Class Work GIVE US A TRIAL HARRON BROS. S( W ILL I Alii SON J. GAWTHORN In connection with the Paint Shop. north side of 51arine at 14th I'hone TVest 322 Agent for SIN('ER SEIVINC 81ACHlii ES and C. C. 81. BICYCI.ES Cash or terms (:ramaphone and Bicycle Repairs BAB Y DUCHIES Re-TYRED BEST'250 Glasses , on Earth EVERYTHING FOR THE EYE AND EAR We uo our owo grinding. Lenses Dup!!catc&L Repairs by mail promptly attended t(h Pitman Optical House NCXV VO FANOUS. (0 rr War(war&a'cl 615 Hat&Ious St. W. Seymour 1071 Hollyburn Theatre Friday and Saturday slarch 25th and 26th 'T~e Barrier'Rex Beach) LIO)h) EL BARRYMORE and NORMAN KERRY REGULAR ADh! ISSION( Evening !(fat!acc Adults ... 25c 20c Children .... 16c luc Now Open FOR BUSINESS Hollyburn Music Shoppe The new truck that isir. Strat- ton has recently purchased for his bread delivery from the sfar- ine Motors will be in operation at the end of next week. ~ ~ ~ 8lr. and Mrs. (L W. Thomas have rented the Elgar home on 13th Street. ~ ~ ~ siiss Leona Taylor, daughter of Mr. R, L. Taylor of Marine Drive. Ambleside, recently won a beautiful table centrepiece in the raffle of the Duncan Law- son chapter. I.O.D.E. ~ ~ ~ bir. Rogers of the Dun&larave Newsstand, is con5ned to his home through sickness. ~ ~ All the brush on the new school site has been c)eared olf, and the work of stumping is go- ing forward rapidly. This aml the stumping of Mr. Geo. Hay's subdivision adjacent to it ex- plains the continual blasting that has been heard on the upper lev- els recently. o o ~ A letter was recently received by the council from Alderman Woodside asking that West Van- couver send representatives to the meeting of the Central Com- mittee for the Diamond Jubilee Celebration, which meeting was held in the Vancouver City Hall last IVednesday. o Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rutledge of West Bay, had as their guests this week Mr. and Mrs. Cuth- bertson of Waimvright, Alberta, Mr. Cuthbertson is manager of the Bank of Montreal at that oilfield centre. This was the Ilrst time these visitors had been in West Vancouver, and, need- less to say, were elated by the marine and scenic views of our district. The many compliment- ary remarks they made were most gratifying. The fame of )Vest Vancouver will unquestion- ably be carried to Wainwright. o o o Miss J. H. Morris. sister of sire. H. T. Curtis of West Bay, is taking over the beach store, and will open next month as 3 tea room and confectionery. o o ~ R. P. Clark & Co. have applied verbally to the council for per- mission to draw water from Nelson Creek through a 6-inch pipe. They offer to install and pay for the necessary piping. The (Vaomi Chapter, Order of the Eastern Ster. are giving a dance to-night (Fri&lay) in the Hollyburn Pavilion. ~ ~ ~ Nrs. D. Anclerson with her son of 23rcl an&i Jegerson have left for \Vinnipcg, where ahe will vis- it her sister. ~ ~ ~ Mr. nncl ibirs. R. Rude)i(ye of Vancouver. the parents of is)ra. Harry Hoskin, 22nd and Argyle. met with n serious and pninful accident last Saturday night, both being knocked down by an automobile in Vancouver. Mrs. Radcliffe suffering a broken leg and Nr. Radcliffe broken ribs. Both nre making as goo&I pro- gress ah can reasonably be ex- pectecl, but at their age broken bones are a serious matter. W. B. A. The regular meeting of TVest Vancouver Women's Benegt As- sociation, Review No. 24. took place on Wednesdav evening. March 23rd, in the New Amblc- side Hall. The usual business was proceeded with, reports dealt with, etc., and Mrs. Mar- jory McTavish and Mrs. Burling were installed in their new of- fices as Lieut. Commander an&I Chaplain respectively. Nrs. E. J. Kidd, District Deputy, offi- ciated as installing officer. Members are hoping ito at- tend the W. B. A. union dance which is being held in Lester Court on Tuesday, April 19th. Plans are uncler way to hold a card party and dance on Wednesday, April 2Zth, the pro- ceeds of this to be donated to the playgrounds scheme of West Vancouver. Further details of this event will be published later, but meantime a strong committee has the matter in hand. Before the close of the above meeting an interesting com- munication was read from the Supreme Medical Officer (Dr. Fifield) urging a greater at- tendance at the local health cen- tre (Birks'lock, Vancouver) and emphasizing the benefits to be gained by members taking advantage of the centre's use- fulness and readiness to assist them in health and hygienic matters generally. THE WEST VAN NEWS (tnrooa. PERSONA I S (Alarch 26th, 192Z, l!octors'ntent prescriptlon For seasickness: Bolt your fooil tlovvn. She: Su gin&I to sce yuu Just ilnished my beauty sleep. He: I must be a little early- don't you want to rest some more f "Did yuu take hcr home after the show7" "Nu, my wifo was therel" bfan (unpacking grip) to Wife -- Di&ln't yon pack my liniment I IVife--)Vhy n o;it was )abele&I oNot to be taken." RIDLEY Milk & Ice Co. MILK We (aware&i the pr!co of afl!k to 12c a quart !n West Vancouver on March 4th. Th!a wo did on oor owo !a- !t!at!vo aod without reducing the quaflty of the afl!k to the minimum govcromcot standard. Should tho price to the farmer bc aga!o lowered at any time OUR PATRONS CAN REST ASSURED THAT THEY iVH,L IIAVE THE PRICE LoiVERED PROPORTIONATELY. Our milk aorv!cc is a West Vancouver Business entirely ani! afl connected with it are tax- payers aod live in tho muoicipa(- !ty. We purchase afl wc poaa- !bly can!o '(Vcat Vaa aod do our utmost to build up thc district. Your support will encore con- (!nocd !ow prices for milk and the quality will a!ways be the beat. Ridley's Milk or Phone West 456 for Delivery I i ~ lg2l „h 86th~ '-'" ~ gpEyg f)caa Sill Amefic "foully known aaa seen in the ll apb(a 9 asl I woo( vcfi(g I wbi& tbe 4 I'ny '" i ave! ffom green + p»n black()y j La oi ia the lfoollyfba afm aoiief P i! ) iba by piet tfcca Tba in(e, b al'. aalmmti ;I aecma ~ in .to baf apbia ma dca in c lculaf, and bi c&rge( of ifcc 'formed 9 4 lad( ,I ibe0 bcn wayTbc 9( pelt(a be I iouaesa abould ,I, „mctby»', iba Pa pk 'dbytbel Infcalc I i nol84&ace u nous mixtures aummcf month! are swell!ng L,() Zbe laat fog( place in Dun ~P „(gay, l(ia 0 c)ock )Vortby in the chair. plans were t a masquerade April Sib, in 398, In futu« place of the ab good prices ue boat dfcaac most origina) ~(noat bumorou! i,'eII I'bones: )Ve )Ve hav )'afda, and tl ly reduce pr In addi Flooring, Sb to move at I jfulicI Hl Birrf tors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Corner 22nd aad Marine Ercryth!og in ntox!c aod 5IUSICAI. INSTRUMENTS REPAH(S OF ALL RINDS ivc appreciate your boa!ncaa. Mrs. F. X. Hodgson to Tour Interior Nrs. F. X. Hodgson is leaving Friday the 25th inst., on a con- cert tour in the Okanagan valley. During her tour Mrs. Hodgson will render an entire programme at Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton and other points. Maple Leaf o Paint Store North Side of Marine, between 14th and 15th Sts. Phone West 322 %lndows,'ll llber SPeCia..S 320.00 pcr M 20.00 20.00 15.00 13.00 13.00 10.00 1 6.00 zoc each 2.50 each 1.26 1.05 I.ho 1.46 6.00 3.'OO 1x4 Short Flooring No. 1 aod 2 . Vaxs V Joint 4 to 7 ft. No. 1... Ix3 4! 4 No. I Short V Joint 2xu and 3 Com. sized, specified lengths . Irs Double Check Clear Rustic ..... Ixs Cedar Ship!ap, goad grade .. 2x4 Common. aired. A real buy ... Ix4 Long V Joint nxn Cedar Fence Poata, 6'ong .. Mx2( 2 Light Windows .. 4 Light Iox(2 Sash . 4 Light nzio Sash 6 Light Iox12 6 Light Sxlo Glass Doors from Inside Doors from . 16th & Siarine I'hone West 199 Ambleside Lumber Co. FRANCES GUINAN STUDIO--New Amb!ca!dc Han, 14th aad Marine Dr. Residence Phone iycxt 93R2 Saturday--9.00-12.00 A. M. Wednesday--3.00th 6.30 P. 51. Pr!cate Iicaxona by appointment. AH branches of the latest New York dances taught. Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker 8 Jeweller hiarine Drive B& tween ! 4th and 15th Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE Phone iyoat 9 FEED, FUEio CEMENT Etc. Flor-Glaze Enamels, Paints, Oils Varnishes, Stains and Brushes Tite'8 Special Paint $3.85 a gallon (ALL COLORS) To DE LU] Tb( cco! 8ul! Ivm Sey 488