001B6C8E March 25th, 1927. DON'7 PUT IT OFF PUT IT ON and when you put it on, put on AYRE'S PAINTS and VARNISHES 'SATISFACTION THAT LASTS" We carry complete stock for every need. Drop in and let' talk it over--Our prices are RIGHT. SEED'S GROCERY GROCERIES, HARDWARE, PAINTS AND VARNISHES, FREE DELIVERY Phone IVest 28.Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone Seymour 5718. CORBIN'S JANITOR SERVICE ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDING Shellacing, Waxing and Polishing Old Floors made New. New Floors made Perfect 422 Richards Street, Vancouver, B. C. Hat, Refreshing Toast Quickly NEW HOTPOINT ELECTRIC TOASTER C damga Balance 35c weekly on light bill IGHT at the table, morning, noon or night youR can have hot, appetizing toast dishes almost instantly with this wonderlul, self-turning toaster. Vfhat is more appetizing than cgg on toast, or asparagus on toast, or sardines on toast, for break- fast, or tca on Sunday afternoon. And it is eco- nomical too, with this newer and faster toaster. Take this opportunity to replace your old toaster with this newer, laster and more attractive one,, I- With cecry Iaasicr sold during this cffcr me are giving away 1 sharP, and regular.aired bread knife and also 1 frcc hao(lcl on "Bclur Brcahfaas and Dainlicr Suppers." Gcc year sassier Iaday lehdc they last. Special sale prus $7.00. Sec. puce anc in ypur hamc Saumsraus nlmnulg. IbnnSIICOIaIIISM " ErxennCRfIIlamrCO. ~25 Csrrss Direct Iles Ore nvl Be Blreel North ana weel venceuvet New wcslminster chuliwseh hhhelsfeta THE WEST VAN NEWS Scottish Society The next regular meetmg will be held on Friday evening, April 15th, in "the Clachan." Col. Foster will give an illustrated lecture on "National Parks of Canada." This lecture is open to the friends of the members and, since the colonel needs no introduction to West Vancouver audiences, it is expected that many friends will avail them- selves of this opportunity of hearing him. The first annual dance will be held on Friday, April 1st, in the Hollyburn Pavilion. Grand March at 9 p. m. Thos. Killin, Master of Ceremonies. Several old time dances,the minuet, etc., will be interspersed in the pro- gramme and many novel featur- es will be introduced. Each tick- et carries a number with a chance for one of the prizes to be drawn. There will be no ex- tra charge, as most of the prizes have been donated. A splendid orchestra has been engaged and it is expected to be a very enjoy- able dance. There will be several tables of cards for those not wishing to dance. These will be in charge of Mr. Edington and good prizes will be given. Friends who have not yet had their invitations please communi- cate with any of the dance com- mittee: Thos. Killin, West 652L; R. McVean, West 180L; Gerard Elgar, West 652R; W. McQuak- er, West 89L; J. Larnie, West 417L. In connection with the dance a very enjoyable and well attend- ed "practice dance" was held at "the Clachan" on Wednesday evening. Friends from North Vancouver acted as instructors'ndMiss M. Frame provided 'plendidmusic. At the close of the evening everybody decided it had been highly successful and that it spoke well for the larger event on 1st April. A conductor fears no one--he i tells them all where to get off. Office Phone Residence Phone West 78 West 98XI DR. E. R. ROWAN DENTIST 17th hnd Mhrlnc Drive GBD Evening cxtrhctlpns hhphlhtmcntn PERSONAIiS The regular practice of the Boys'hoir will be held on Sat- urday in Hollyburn School at 10 a. m. New chorus work will be- gin and all intending new mem- bers are asked to be pr sent or telephone Prof. James Morgan, West 173. 1 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Mutvay have moved into a new house on Ot- tawa Street near 25th Street. Miss Bryan, agent for the B. C. Telephone Co. here, is better and will probably be back at her duties next week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Currie have me;- ed into one of the Nightingale cottages at 24th and Heywood. Mrs. Hood of the Municipal Hall staff, has regained health and is back again at her duties. Mr. T. Turner has started the erection of a new house for Mr. Morley Johnston at 26th and Lawson. I Mr. E. G. Steiner is building a house at 11th and Esquimalt. 1 A Boston bull terrier belong- ing to Mrs. Cutler, of Marine Drive, betwen 23rd and 24th, was run over by an auto on Wed- nesday afternoon and so badly injured that Constable Shepherd had to shoot it. Mr. and Mrs. Howell of Mar- ine Drive, between 13th and 14th moved yesterday to hvhiterock, where Mr. Howell has purchased an hotel. Mr. H. Bradley, 24th and Jef ferson, is building a house for Mrs. Scott on Haywood Avenue, near 24th Street. 1 1 Mrs. Docker, 25th and Law- son, is moving to Caulfeild. 1 Mr. George Hay is having the stumps taken out of his new sub- division on 17th. between Hay- wood and Inglewood. 1 Mrs. Alexander Swanston, nee Grieve, whose marriage took place last month, was visiting in West Vancouver last Friday. 1 1 The council will have a road constructed at the side of the new Christian Science church, which is now under erection on 20th Street. 1 The Seventh Annual Conven tlon of the Town Plannmg Inst&- tute of Canada will be held in Vancouver on 26th. 27th and 28th May. A programme of the convention has been sent to the Council. S 1 Mrs. Bourne has re-opened her tea rooms at Dundarave on the Marine Drive. ~ 1 Mr. Colin Turner, 13th and Haywood, who has been indis- posed, ls back at work agam. Miss Iris Mackay of Kelowna, and Jlfiss Helen MacLean of Burnaby, were the guests of Miss Helen Badgley for the week-end, when she entertained a party of six at dinner on Sunday in their honor at Iter cottage, Rest-a- Lot, IVhytecliff. IMPORTANT NOTICE J. D. A. TRIPP The Eminient Pianist Will appear at the HOLLYBURN THEATRE in a Piano Recital On Wednesday Evening, April 8th mmmnuaus leusnsusussmm pisulnsnsusupcÃla Ihpunnl lusulu I usn Iusu m~BMBIBIBIBIBsnlnsphannmsmmammu nsmmal\ahchntuPCBMSBBBBCPRN SCBPPBIBIRIBIBPBPnsmmusussuussunassM~tlhnMDBRCBRMRIRMsmmusvvumlzlhlmumlnlmmnlu aRIRIR5BRIRIRBDRlihzlzgugsxshtgc «SBDCSCRy Rcs Xggshadzhuu "PRwesxlaggxnguguugsggggg g1 "1 fl g1 idaho,d,, ~ Main Office NORTH 305 West Vancouver Office WEST 102 Cor. 18th and Marine Residence WEST 92R2 8 'ij )Vs ] I We carry a large stock of Fir, Hemlock 8z Cedar Lumber of all dimensions. Lengths from 6 to 40 feet. Rough and Finished Lumber, Sash & Doors, Lath R Shingles Grade, Quality and Service Guaranteed. Only White Help Employed GET OUR PRICES eh'S ICR MsupmhamuMMMMDDRMlmnMMMMMDthlMMMhhulmmmu muMMMItumna~MISh!IRMDIKIBDRMMRMDlhhuhnmalumlmmuMMIRMMlululuhnXIBBI hamummhamumlmulmulmulBDCBDBBRCP