001B6C8E THE WEST VAN NEWS You neve money when baying at SMITH'S GROCERY at ~II times, bui below we give e few extra epeciuin for this week. SEEDLESS RAISINS, 16 om pke. ) SEEDED RAISINS )...----- MALKIN'S BEST MARMALADE, per jer... PICKLES, Sweet, Sour or Chow WHITE SWAN SOAP SOCKEYE SALMON LOBSTER. pev iiu PLUhi JAhi. I Iix iiu )Vest Vancouver, 23rd ihlarch, 1927. To the Editor, West Vancouver Neivs. Dear Sir: Considering the great success of the boys'on- cert hehl in the llollyburn Thea- tre last evening an&I the ndmir- able way in which nur smnll boys of )Vest Vancouver demon- strnted their eagerness to be- come proficient in music, it i» quite apparent that this latent talent, which has been lying dormant up to the present time, in the matter of our West Van- couver boys'usical education, should not be overlooked for one moment. The large audience, ivhich was most appreciative nn this occa- sion, recognized to the fullest what wonderful results may be obtained by a continuance of this c'ass of education and what it menns under the guidance of so able a teacher as Professor hlorga n. While the result of this con- cert is still fresh in the minds of the West Vancouver people, it may be as well to suggest that the good work of Professor Mor- gan be kept alive and that the municipal council be approached ivith a view to retaining our ivorthy professor as musical director in our public schools in West Vancouver, with a respect- able remuneration for his valu- able services. It must be quite evident that with such valuable talent to ivork upon, our pro- fessor will be enabled to develop this talent in our rising venera- tion and be the means of placing West Vancouver on the map in a musical way. It may be well to repeat that this is an opportune moment in which to secure the services of Professor Morgan, an&1 it is hoped that a ivay may be found by which he will receive a satis- factory remuneration for this most valuable service to our ris- ing generation. I have the honor to be, sir, Yours very truly, LEONARD BURLEY. 2 for 29c Ioc 19c 6 rance for 23& 2 foe I.ic 2.&c euc Siaitb'~ Grocery (A. HARV EI SiIITH. Peop.) GROCERIES, HARDIVARE, DRY GOODS 8: SUNDRIES Phone cour wants eud we will give you uuiek delivery 2ech AND MARINE, Opp. Duudeeeve Hei) I'hose IVFST 469 Taxation Act Amendment Roberts'etter Meats 14th and hlarine West 190 By an amendment to the Taxa- tion Act every person engaged in any trade, business or profes- sion must fill in an application for registration to the Commis- sioner of Income Tax and file same at the Provincial Col- lector's office, Court House, Vancouver. on or before 31st hfarch, 1927. the penalty being $ 10 a day for non~ompliance with this order thirty days after the date.Where Service and Quality Counl IVE DELIVER hlORVING 9130--East 25th Only 11130--from Capilano to Caulfeild AFTERNOON 3130-- East 25th Onlv Engagement of I'opuiar Couple Announced hlr. and Mrs. IVilliam Hall of North Vancouver announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Constance, to ihlr. F. G. S. Marrington, only son of hlr. S. Marrington of East 25th Street, North Vancouver. The wedding to take place at St. John's Church, North Vancou- ver, at 8 p. m. on April 18th. A SPECIAL FOR EVERY DAY Keep this advertisement for reference Delivered only ivith other goods SATURDAY New Zealand Butter 3 Ibs for ............. $ 1.35 Pullett Eggs. 2 dozen 58c EGGS--EXTRAS 2 dozen ................ 66c Sliced Side Bacon, perlb.........:...... 40c Cambridge Sausages 3 lbs............ 25c Rolled Rib Oven Roast per lb...................... 23c Pot Roast, per lb..... 12 V! c Boiling Beef, per lb.... 10c Grape Fruit,........ 3 for 25c Rhubarb, per Ib ........... 10c Large Lemons,. 2 doz. 60c Ripe Tomatoes,.... 2 lbs. 45c Highland Potatoes, 100 lb. sack ......... $1.50 810iVDAY hfclntosh Apples per crate ......... $ 1.GO Pork Steak, per lb........22c TUESDAY Sweet Oranges, 3 doz. 9.&c Stewing Steak, 2 lbs..... 25c 1VEDNESDAY Cambridge Sausage, 3 lbs. for ....... 25c Fresh Beef Dripping per lb. ... ....... .... I Oc THURSDAY Jellied Corn Beef per lb.................. 35c Fresh Lard, per lb . 10c FRIDAY Fresh Cod, sliced, 2 Ibs 25c Loggie Haddie, per lb 15c Roasting and Boiling Chicken Fresh and Cured Fish Fresh Fruit dk Vegetables Mr. F. X. Hodgson will be one of the assisting artists at the sacred concert to be given in St. Andrew's United Church on Wednesday, April 13th, at 8 p. m., ivhen the sacred Easter cantata, "Love Triumphant," will be sung. THE WEST YAN NEWS'O M PETITION Closes Next Thursday---March 31 We offer Three Cash Prizes 1st $5.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd $2.00 For the best article on "Why I Prefer West Vancouver as a Place of Residence." Articles must not exceed 500 words an&i must be wr.'t- ten on one side of the paper only. All entries must be signed by a nom de plume only. The name and address of the entrant, as well as the nom de plume aclopted, must be enclosed in a separate envelope. All entries must be in our hands not later than G p. m. Thursday, March 31st, 1927. Anyone can enter--there are no restrictions and nn entry fee. IVe reserve the right to publish any or all replies, aml no manuscript will be returned. How One Irishman Drowned His Shamrock (Continued from Page 7) ask for an explanation of the shortage. Then the inventor took a hand, and drowned me in figures which I could not under- stand, and did not try to. 1Ve parted with expressions of mu- tual esteem; and I decided to call it a red-letter day. A DDRESS- WEST VAN. NEWS, I'. O. I)ox 101, Holly)&urn. B. C. CORRESPONDENCE Dependable Groceries March 25th, 1927, lt'6 in Ihe Tastel Choice Meats West Vancouver L'umber Co. L I MITE D 15th and hlarine I'hone West 116 IIESIDENCE I'HONE'VEST Vs&C Iiilh qneliiy L&mhee is Cheapest in the end. Lumber, Lath, Shingles Inside Finish etc. Quality Guaranteed. SERVIC:E PhOt0 is a Lansing G(/and is alwags appreciated The King Studio Photos Always I lease Everybody knows THE KING STUDIO 311 Hastings Street West, Vancouver ESTABLISHED 1902 V. V. VINSON. I'eop. Phone . 1046 for o o&cui LONDON 8, BRITISH NORTH AMERICA COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER SPECIALISTS ive have been successful in selling many homes oud properties In thisdistrict ond moiniein e separate department for this work. List Your Property With Us. Our wide edveriining covers the fleid of live prospects eud getsresults. Consult our hfr. Kinnick, West 166 R, LONDON ac BRITISH NORTH AMERICA CO. Ltci. 626 Peudee Street )yen& Seymour 6246 ,,'":."', J. H. DAWSON BUILDING CONTRACTOR ALTERATIONS ETC SOME OF OUR BEST USED CARS 1924 Chevrolet Touring. This car is in the very best of con dition, paint like new, upholstery splendid, an&i me- chanically it is perfect. $ 150.00 Cash will handle this car; balance spreacl over 12 months. 1925 Star Touring ....... 1925 Chevrolet Sedan ... 1926 Essex Coach, not yet one year oI&l...... it ........ $550.00 i ...-.. $750.00 ........ $875.00 NORTH SHORE MOTORS LIM I Tg 0 CHEVROLET CARS ON DISPLAY 135 First Street West, North Vancouver Phone North 1188 Phoae North 1350 Our meats have 6 superior tenderness--flavor~that'6 what counts. Buy and try our meats just once aml you'l be con- vinced. Everything we sell is wholesome ancl healthful. IVe neior sc)l nnythmg but the beet JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET Neni io Holiybues Theatre I'EON R WEST 3 % R I & F I.I V R II AI.L hIEATS KEPT IN REFRIGERATOR Fresh uod Cured Meats, Butter, Eggs, Recon eud Lard. Jd i n. Vol, I IVbo w hpcdsee hijnn bi The S It in writing the lani the Vsi voice ch 3 nurpy over nin here. Tbni dintiugu might b been em The does uoi uud qm nuance, deuce Ic the svci A sl aud wit woodcri which 1 npoudec Iu I work tl seldom singers mouum bend ') with it! Retail M Bu At the k~ 4 of Trs 6 retail mey dincumcd become 6 t ude orguui. 9 rtmeutofl fuuctiou I, b . I&'p, ing the preof credit byIic wbo m kolf the mm ,"md Is Ior „ bin'« Ium O,tomei wiib b;I o I tome&& iuf n t juio 0th',",Itiou I 'mt debm "eobja r from he bn I ut with extwd mille the sou~ "'owed~ ub check+1 nu b bo burreuu $