001B6C86 192? March 18, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS oui lu Is& elu on. su. fsi ua. oi'- &ur &4& iel Ih. ld& Ihs !Is ted 'll- the Io 'ilk &us Bu ih- &.Is. i&c ua OW silk I silk I will Ken china nder- tches paper light I ma- glass, 5 eye dje is n& Authorized Ford Service SERVICE SERVICE See the New Model Ford and Truck on display here. ....arine ....otors 22nd and Marine Drive PHONE WEST 177 Night Phones: West 195L and West 442R 'I Automotive Experts Battery and Ignition Specialists Official Garage of B. C. Automobile Club. FREE TOWING TO MEMBERS. GASOLINE aiid OILS FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th'Street Phone West 55 IBBB&toft!tMBcIMMICBtl««Mt«I B&B&B&B&BBBB&BB&CBIMBMIMMMIBMBM1 lMMBBolcBBBMIMMMBMIMIZIBTOI Obstacles to Women's Rights By Dr. Frank Crane XE0280080BBSBMMBBtBtlMB MOB«BOO«BOMBMBtlluu&B&B&BIMltl«lllot«MtlootooBBMcocMIBIBIM&cMIBI 6 Woman's rights simply means giving women the same privileges as mcu and breaking the age-iong slavery io which they have been subja i. There were many slave-holders aud slaves in the South who object«J to abolition. They found the status of master and slave io be very pi«assai. It doubtless was in many cases and contained many amoiior. aiiug conditions. The coudiiou of women is much like that of slaves. The!r posiiios is very pleasant in many cases. It is an easy thing for a woman to ba "kept," that is, io be the wife or daughter of some mau who is willing aud anxious to support hor. The fundamental basis, however, for a good marriage is the economic independence of the woman. When shc is able io stand upon hor owu feet sho is in a much better position io drive a bargain with a man. When shc is economically dependent she has to do about as hc wants. The condition of women for many thousands of years hus been that of a slave, that is, shc has been kept for mau's enjoyment aud support J by him for thai purpose. Only emerging into the coudiiion of being an equal aud free partner shc fiuds many obsiacies. One of these is the disposition of some married f'omen io look down upon a woman who earns hcr own wages. The woman wage-earner, however, is entitled io the highest respect. Sho is much more indcpcudoui and less Iiabio io embarrassment than the woman who is depondcut for hsr mez ~ & of support on a mau. Every parcpt ought io train his daughters io make a living. The old Jews gave every soa a trade and every mon oughi to be able io make his living in the world, and the same applies to every woman. No better forui of life insurance could be left a woman than some sort of abiiiiy or training io do somothiug the world is willing io psy for. Sho ought to have somoihiug else io sell besides hcr body. That women are capable of making a living has been dcmousiraied many a iimo. There are certain kinds of caiiiugs in which a woman is more capabio than a mau aud all discrimiuaiiou against women earuin their living should be stopped. No person is entitled to higher rogard than the woman who stands squarely on hcr own feet aud is able io support hors«If. Many women have various aciiviiies, bui they produco nothing of any account. Ages of iladitioa make them look down upon iho wag«-earner, bui take it ail iu oii the wago-corner is the one pcrsou iu the world who is ootitlcd to respect. UPPER LEVELS WINNIPEG'S MAYOR BUS ARRIVES VISITS WEST VAN The new bus for the upper lev- Colonel Webb, mayor of Win- els arrived here late on Saturday nipeg, with Mrs. Webb, were vis- afternoon and went on the run itors to West Vancouver last Fri- Monday. It is an exceedingly day, and expressed themselves handsome vehicle, powerfully as being particularly delighted engined and roomy, and has all with our Marine Drive scenery, the latest appointments for the the Colonel admitting that he comfort of passengers. Much knew of nothing on the entire favorable comment has been coast to compare with it as a heard about it, and the council is residential section. Mrs. Webb to be congratulated on the good also said that she would not buy they made in the purchase mind having a home here. of this bus. It looks as though The Colonel and Mrs. Webb they got a "real" bargain. with Miss Sommerville of San Francisco and Commissioner BOARD OF TRADE 51EETING Webster were luncheon guests NEXT MONDAY of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rutledge of IVest Bay. ....The Board of Trade will hold their regular monthly meeting )Vhy do they practice baseball next Monday at 8 p. m. in the in a cage? New Ambleside Hall. To keep the flies from escap- ing, I suppose. Dundaraue Hairdressing Parlor Marine Drive, Opposite Duudaravc Hail MARCEL AND TRIM EPHc FACIALS and VIOLET RAY Phone West 179 for appoint&scut. Open Evenings THE SCOTTISH SOCIETY The regular meeting of the society is being held tonight (Friday) in "the Clachan" at 8.16. After the transaction of business Rev. J. Richmond Craig will lecture on "Scottish Char- acteristics." All friends are in- vited to be present. The first annual dance will be held on Friday, April 1st, in the Hollyburn Pavilion. Grand March at 9 p.m. Thos. Killin, Master of Ceremonies. Several old time dances. the minuet, etc., will be interspersed in the program- me and many novel features will be introduced. Each ticket car- ries a number with a chance for one of the prizes to be drawn. There will be no extra charge, as most of the prizes have been don- ated. A splendid orchestra has been engaged and it is expected to be a very enjoyable dance. There will be several tables of cards for those not wishing to dance. These will be in charge of Mr. Edington and good prizes will be given. Friends who have not yet had their invitations please communi- cate with any of the dance com- mittee: Thos. Killin, West 652L; R. McVean, West 130L; Gerard Elgar, West 652R; W. McQuak- er, West 89L; J. Larnie, West 417L. On Wednesday evening next March 23rd, there will be a "practice dance" held at "the Clachano for members and all friends interested in the old time dances. Several friends from the city and North Van- couver will be the instructors and splendid music has been ar- ranged. All friends please note. LOST--Large Brooch. Blue Buiierfiy Wing under glass. Finder pica o phone Suulgrovo, Wort 189. FOR SALE--Baby Carriage, new tilt a Painted grey. Good couditiou, $1Z Soclglovo, West 189. SNAP' For Sale No. 30 latest model Thlr maug!e ironer aud two hola electric plate. Phone iVost 176L. WANTED--Two Cheap lots above Math«vs between 20th sud 25th. Ap- ply BLot„" cio West Van. News. FOUR ROOIIED HOUSE--Sioderu. on paved street. Wonderful view. Fruit trees aud nice garden tl2300, terms. Phone West 148. EARLY WINTER RED RHUBAIIII Roots for Sale. J. A. Davis, 2455 Kings Avenue. Phone West 25LI. FOli SALE -- Cleared Lot betwe«u Bellevue aud 23rd. Price $650.00, terms. Phone ivosi GGSL. FOR SALE--2 Beds, complete, 4'6" aud 4'; Dresser aud large mirror; ivashstand aud sci of ware; Co!- Papa«able buggy; Oriole buggy. 1307 Marine Dr!vs. Phono ivcot 12GX. iVANTED--Small Furnished or Un- furnished house with piumbiu 5 State rent. IVould consider less . Address, RENTER, c'o IVost Va l. News. FOR IIEET -- Unfurnished, in Bocj resideniisi area, brand new Fivc- room Bungalow. AH mod«ra co&.- vcuieuces, including hoi air furnsc . Goad views from every window. SAVORY aad DUVAL Phone iycst 11 I GARDENING--Landscape aud gca«r- a! by contract or day work. P&un- ing aud spraying by experts from Okauagsu. Lawns made aud gard- ens designed. GET IT DONE NOVi by V. E. Pc!Ogle, 2063 Bellevue aud 21st. R. P. CLARK JP COB LTD. BUILDICVG SITES--We have soma beautiful building iocatious avail- able, extending through the Muu'- cipality from the Capiiauo River to Whytaciiit From 33 ft. Iota to 40 acres, at lowest market price", including Waterfront, a!arias Drive, Settled aad newer districtsB Hiii- side, oic. Full information gladly given. ROOM AND BOARD iVANTED On Waterfront, between 14th aud 25th, by gentleman travelling on G.45 a. m. ferry. Terms io Box 222. Duudazava P. O. DRESSMAKING--Mrs. Iiobb!Bs, 29th and Math«ra. Phone West 437R3. PROPERTY WANTED -- u c gave several iuquirlcs for mM«m homes m ait acilvo I~at&ous contalulng from two to four bedrooms. Phon in, aud we will eall for part!culars aud inspection. SEVERAL GOOD HOUSE aud LOTS in Point Grey District to exchange for West Vancouver property. SAVORY aud DUVAL. Phone West 114; evening, West 143. INSURANCE -- Lowest rates quoted on dwellings, furuiiuro, stores, autos, eic. R. P. CLARK &k COB LTD. 823 Hastings St. W. Soy. 748$, 7484 Local Rcpcoscutstivo C. J. ARCHER. West GGILNEW AMBLESIDE HALL is avail- able for dances, parties, receptions, cic. Piano, crockery supplied. For terms apply Mrs. C. Hay. Phone West 21. BUREAU REQUEST FOR GRANT FILED Little money can be spent on publicity by North Vancouver district this year, councillors stated at a meeting tonight. A request from Vancouver public- ity bureau seeking 6500 for their 1927 program, was filed. West Van Dance Band O. &VADD&BOHAH. C«BS«« THE BEST OF DANCE MUSIC PHONE WEST 121L THE NEW STUCCO HO51E, Gordon at 13th Street, will be open for in- spcciiou aii day Sunday. If you are interested in a neat home see this. London A British North Amer- ico Co. MONEY TO LOAN on Mortgage, Agreements discounted. No delay. West Van. Investment Co., 18th aud Marine. Phone Wast 102. Kevill ELKS ENTERTAINED AT CAPILANO FurnitureMORTGAGE LOANS arranged on shortest notice aud on ail up-to- dais plans. We have had years of experience in large Insurance oificos aud are capable of giving the very hest of service in any kind of in- surance. Consult us on ail real estate, insurance or fiuauciai mat- ters. BYRNELL &k hIAY At the Ferry Landing. Phone West 113 Mr. and Mrs. Koen entertained about fifty members of the Elks and the Royal Purple at the Toot- and-curn-in tearooms, Marine Drive, Capilano, on Monday eve- ning. The first part of the eve- ning was spent in playing whist, the winners being as follows Ladies'st, Mrs. Watkins; ladies'nd, Mrs. Olson; consola- tion, Mrs. Sentance. Gents'st, Mr. Sentance; gents'nd, Mr. Garthorne; consolation, Mr. Job- ling. Dainty refreshments were served by Mrs. Ed. McMillan, Mrs. Garthorne, Mrs. Max Clarke Mrs. Bob Simpson and Miss Mc- Caulty. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing, and Exalt- ed Ruler W. H. Brown extended on behalf of those present a very hearty vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Koen. Among those present were: Mrs. Lloyd, Vancouver; Mrm Butler, Vancouver; Mr. aiid Mrs. W. H. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Wai- lace Neale; Mr. and Mrs. Dod- son, Mr. and Mrs. Garthorne, Mr. and Mrs. Dougans, Reeve and Mrs. V. V. Vinson, Mr. and Mrs. Atkins, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McMil- lan, Mr. and Mrs. Max Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Jobling, Mr. and Mrs. R. Castledine, Mr. and Mrs. D. Blythe, Mr. and Mrs. Wood- ford, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Sentance, Mr. and Mrs. I . Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Burgess, Mr. aml Mrs. O'ara, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Simpson, Mrs. Olson, Miss McCaulty, Miss Florence Koan, Mr. E. Cave, Mr. Miller, Mr. F. IVatson, Mr. C.Cartwright, Chief IIemmingway, Mr. McMahon,Mr. Billie McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. IVatkjns. Store Clearance Bargains Two Nore Weeks Only IValuut finish 2" post Bcdstosd with a $ 11.OO "Slumber King" Spring aud aii felt Mattress complete ...............,... $23.CO "New Home" full Cabinet Sow- iug Machine, like new (gooil allowance on old machine). $30.00 Solid Oai'ibrary Table $6..&0 Columbia Gramaphone and 12 Records ........ $ 10.00 3 good Dressers $ 10.00, $ 13.0D aad 317.00 2 Ivory Enamel Bedstcads aad Springs, each ....... $ 10.00 Brass Bedstead aud Spring $7.0D "Walker" Range, G hole with s&de H. iv. tank .........„$2B.DD 'LorcainB Range, G hole. $2$ .0u Perfection Oil Cooker, 3 light aod Oven................. $ 10.00 2 Sanitary Couch with pads $8.00 aud $ 10.00 Good Refrigerator ........... $5.00 IVB are prepared to trade for auythlug saicabie APPLE TREES, PEARS, PLUIIS, Peaches aud Cherries, Red, Whit« aud Black Cu&vauts, Rhubarb, As- paragus and Strawberry plants. Azalea, Rhododeudrous, Evergreens, Pic«a for Rock«ries and Flowering Shrubs. Climbing, bush aud stand- ard roses. Wednesday aud Satur- day afternoon. G. LLOYD, Haywood Avenue, Between 25th and 26th Sts. HOUSES FOR SALE -- Su&aii aud large. We have a few really good buys which we can recommend. LOTS--Some of the most d«sirabic large sized view lots in West Van- couver, at very attractive prices aud on good terms. GEO. HAY, 14th aud hiariuo. Phone iVost 21 or Seymour I'&GO. WHITAKER lfi iVHITAKER $3650 -- Choice 4F& Acre Block, Maihers Avc., near 22nd. Remark- able value. $5500--Nearly 9 acres, hiariuc Drive and Kcith Road. Good chance to make a big profit. $2300--ivatccfroutagc at Duudacave, large choice Iot, GO by 2$0. Easily best waterfront buy Tv«st Vaucou- vcr. $500 cash, balance easy. COTTAGE on hiariuo Drive, 3 rooms, largo Ioi, near ferry. Price only $ 1000. Terms. Also 4-coom cottage on choice double corner, 14th Si., close to ferry; fine view. A spiou- did buy at $ 1.100 on terms. HERE Are the Throu Best Buys m vacant lots in Ivest Vancouver, G.i by 1$5, on south side Marine Drive, between Ambi«sids aud Dundacavc. level with street. POI«o $875. Also two very large lots on Marine Drivo at Horseshoe Bay; stone's throw frou& waterfront. $500. Terms. Dis- count for cash. Aii three price&I very Io&v for quick sale. WHITAKER A iVHITAKER 810 Hastings Street, WB Vancouver Phone, Seyu&our 7949. Kevill Furniture Store Ambi«a&de next to T&tos Boot Repair. Phone West 36. Grocer: Did you taLe t e note to Mrs. Jones' Boy: Yes, but I don't think s e can read. She can't see. Grocer: IVhy? Boy: Because she asked me tiyice where my hat was and it was right on mv head all 1'&e tinie. Author: I have almost coni- pleted my play. Wife: Good, we are almost o.it of coal. Mrs. Armitage, of Vancouver, is visiting Mrs. Boy&1, Bellevue and Twenty-fifth. CL ASS IFIED ADS.