001B6C86 Hl THE TVEST VAN. NEbVS ~oc'i ld. S O ixJ A I S ) Useful Recipes ) h(arch 18 1927 The white of egg will whip quicker and better if a pinch of salt is added. When coffee reaches holing point add a pinch nf salt to bring out the flavor. If new sik stockings are washed in very hot «.ater be(ore being worn. they are less likely to lad- der, for the washing toughenc the silk. When skimming soup, tilt the pot by lowering the handle to- wards you. The scum will rise to the opposite side,. and can easiLv be removed. Too often cabbages and Brus- sels sprouts are served looking yellow and dirty. To prevent this boil them with the lid off the saucepan. To put a gloss on silk after washing and rinsing, rinse it in cold water to which methylated spirit has been added in the pro- portion of one tablespoonful to a pint of water. Scorched fabrics should be rubbed lightlv with white flan- nel wrung out of cold water anil damped slightly with glycerine. If the glycerine leaves a mark, sponge out with alcohoL Do not let soup boil, but allow it to simmer slowly. Rfuch of the liquid is ivasted in evapora- tion, and the best of the flavo; is lost if the soup boils or is heat- ed too quickly. All glassware should be wash- ed in warm, soapy water, then rinsed in cold to which has been added a tablespoonful of vine- gar. Leave to drain for a few minutes and dry and polish well. The vinegar should give the glass a good lustre. To prevent the frequent use of hot starch causing colored articles to fade, make a solution of one ounce gumarabic Io a pint of hot water; cool, strain, and bottle. Add a teaspoonful to every quart of hot starch. It is often difficult to place anything turned out from 3 mould in the centre of the dish. If cold water is run over the dish on which the mould is to be serv- ed, it will slide into position with- out trouble. h(r. and Mrs. Mann, of Brandon, 3(anitoba, have rented a house at Twenty-fifth and ihiarine Drive. ~ o ~ 3(r. Smith, of Vancouver, has moved to a house at Twenty- fourth and ih(athers. ~ ~ ~ ih(r. H. E. Inncs-Eer sang over CFDC on Saturday night in Van- couver. ~ ~ ~ 3(r. John Allan has bought a corner lot at Seventeenth an&I Fulton and intends building n home there. ~ o ~ Mr. H. D. Southam. vice- principal of Hollyburn School, ivho has been aivay for t&vo iveeks ivith an attack of ton- silitic, has resumed his duties. ~ ~ Hollyburn wharf, which has been slo&vly disintegrating for some years owing to wave action and lack of repairs, is in danger- ous condition. At present it is not safe for children to play on. In view of the money that was spent on dredging on its east side tivo summers ago and the fact that it is much used by bathers of all ages during the summer months, it would ap- pear that the Government should make immediately such repairs as are necessary to make it at least safe for the public. ~ o o h(r. C. Upham, Twelfth and Esquimalt, has moved to the city. c ~ o The nSonrisa" passed her an- nual inspection last week. o ~ Dr. Buggins, who has been away in Edmonton, has returned to West Vancouver and is stay- ing with Mr. and Mrs. McCul- lough, %Vest Bay. 1V. B. A. The regular meeting of West Vancouver IVomen'5 Benefit As- sociation, Review No. 24, will be held on IVednesday evening, i%arch 23rd. in New Ambleside Hall, at 8 p.m. sharp. h(r. Troughton. of Troughton db Barrow «ho recently cut his left hand severely with an axe. has ha&i an operation performa1 to give him full use of his hand. fie is at present resting at home for a few days. ~ ~ ~ h(r. Wm. Logan, local painter- decorator. of Twenty-fourth and Haywoo&I, ivi&3 a pi'lie \vliiiiei'ri the Sun-Rain contest Inst &vrek. This ls the second time Mr. Logan has &von a prize in this competition. ~ ~ ~ Mr. Gibson, of the R. C. Tele- phone staff, has moved from iNineteenth and Marine Drive to a house at Fif teenth and Duchess. c ~ ~ lair. and Mrs. Pearce, of the Dry Goods Store, moved yester- day to their house at Nineteenth and hfarine Drive, which they purchased from Mr. John Hart. o o ~ Mr. Jack Neill, Thirteenth an&i IVaterfront, who has been confined to his house with oflu,n is back at work again. ~ o Mr. Good, of Vancouver, had rented Mr. F. W. Guinan's house at Twenty-fifth and Mathers. ~ o Mr. and Mrs. C. Reid have rented Mrs. Hastings'ouse on Twenty-third and Bellevue and will move over here on 1st April. Efforts are being made to re- vive soccer football in West Van- couver. It is intended to get to- gether a strong team for next fall and winter. In 1913 an:1 1914 there was a first class team here which gave a good account of itself, very nearly winning the Iroquois Cup. Mr. Claude Bsrrows, of Troughton and Bar- row, who was a member, has one of the few pictures left of this team. During the war the game languished, but a team was got together again in 1922 which did very well. It is hoped that with the large number of young men available it will be possible to get up a really strong team this year. Drug Store Service %P Phone West 323 For All Your Drug Wants Remember you are as near as your phore. Our delivery boys are for your conveni&nce. No matter how small your requirements Phone West 323 and we vrill deliver your needs in the quickest possible time. We have regular deliveries leaving every day at 9.30 East of 28th 11.30 All parts from Capilano to Caulfeild. 3.30 East of 28th. Lesage Drug Stores 2 Stores, One PricePhone West 323 Eggless Chocolate Pudding In the upper part of a clouble boiler put two cups o( milk and two squares o( chocolate. Cook until chocolate has melts.l. h(fx together a quarter cup of sugar, a quarter teaspoon of salt, three tablespoons of cornstarch and a quarter cup of milk. and add this mixture gradually to the choc- olate mixture stirring constant- ly until ii tthickens, then occas- ionally, and cook ten minutes. 'Add a half-teaspoon o( vanilla. turn into a dish anti chill. RIDLEY Milk & lee Co. MILK Prune I'udding Soak ami cook until tendai half-pound of prunes, remove stones and cut in pieces, place in layers in a greased baking clish, alternating with bread crumbs-- using one cup in all and making the top layer of crumbs. Sprinkle each layer of crumbs with two tablespoons sugar and mixei with one-eighth teaspoon cinna- mon. Dot with one tablespoon of butter. Sprinkle with chopped nut meats, using half-cup. Pour over all one cup prune juice and bake for one hour„covering for the first half hour. The nuts may be omitted if preferred. Serve with hard sauce or whip- ped cream. Cocoanut Cookies Four tablespoons butter, one- half cup sugar, two eggs, two teaspoons baking powder, one cup shredded cocoanut, one-half teaspoon salt, one cup flour, four tablespoons milk, one teaspoon lemon juice. Cream the butt r and sugar, add the eggs. Beat welL Mix and sift the dry in- gredients and add the milk, co- coanut and lemon juice. Drop by spoonfuls on a buttered pan and bake ten to twelve minutes in a moderate oven. Peanuts may be used instead of cocoanut. For iho lac& iwo weeks nuc adc hnvo ialkcd pclco. Of coucco py'co Ic always a big cnnoldoro&loa In buylug mor- chandlao, bul wllh milk &horn outarz nlhor very Impncinni con- c&dora&Iona. For Iuaiznco &'lcan- lluccc, Baclorla ond Buiioyfai con&en&. From sho following lnfoyma- ilnu you may Judge lho pro&a&- lion o&rcrcd you l&r using our milk. ll comes from Iucpccicd hoyil ~ Is Paaiourlxod nnd bottled undor the most modocu auuliayy meth- odc. The same flan& oud herds supply dnlly the milk for the Vancouver Oonccal Hnapllnl, Tho some oxpcrlancod anil colon&cd dairymen doing the Paaicuylz- Iug. Regular lac&a aro made by lho play&i manager lu addi&ion ln which Dolly Samples of hlllk are taken nnd lucia made by nuo of Vancouver'a most well-known mcdlcnl mcn--a cccngulzcd ouih- iyl&y on milk and ilalcy products. When using ouc &nllk you ayc nbaolutcly aaaurcd of go&&lug 3.6 Buiiccfai or over. Low bacicria aud pure clean milt. Ridley'3 Milk ~ or Phone West 456 for Delivery Eggs Baked in Cheese Sauce Two cups well seasoned medi- um thick white sauce, one cup buttered crumbs, half cup grat- ed cheese, six eggs. Into the bot- tom of oiled custard cups or small ramekins place three table- spoons white sauce. Cover t&&e sauce with some of the crumbs and chasse and heat in the oven. When hot drop a whole egg into each individual baking dish and cover with the remainder of the white sauce, crumbs and grated cheese. Continue baking slowly until the eggs are firm. SEWING HINTS IVhen making up Jap silk always use cotton instead oi'ilk for sewing; then the seams will not "cockle" in the wash. IVhen stitching silk or crepe de chine ahvays use thin paper under- neath to prevent the stitches dragging. Tear away the paper when finished. IVhen the light is not good on the sewing ma- chine take a small reading glarhc, hold i tso that the needle's eye is magnified, and the needle is easily threaded. yul ao norm'~azoo caczycg"..... ~ Qua~, ychssyrhc OR sendmg moneyFby mail Royal Bank Money Orders are safe, convenient and econom- icaL vihchwnrywd&r lc && an&sony azrnv ~sni&OC fhmcu&y, aukn ~"adlergccinccd Iosmur rwscco'duocylhlzmcn&ha m I Vmuz m&dy The Royal Sank of Canada West Vancouver Branch ~ A. Chil&on, Manager y&i This is part of the Service this store extends to our customers and we want you to take advantage of it. IVe always welcome seeing you in our store but if you cannot come in you will receive thesame prompt attention by using the phone. You will get a real Service from the store on your prescriptions--Phone IVest 323. We will call for your pre- scription, fill it just as the doctor ordered ard deliver it to you. Take advantage of our Service and pr&mpt free delivery. 19. ~19/I LSVS &v bus The "e" sissr 3 sud 'ival 'flcrug'" It is )(sudsy', vch lhc I p( Im c hlc cm(c coul favors haut it heard +Iul tc be cc" made &buy they Ii J ( this ~hrcsc IS'key if ~ 0FTR fiodflp 0 Thv Rn" dc ulsr their rCd Y 'icu5 uc" 'lcsld& y, i" Pcn 8RRVICS scc the Automotive FC HOUR 17th S(r& Obs1 Worn&a'i mcc acd br&i There om ic abcliilca. Pica&col. Il ~bcu &cad&lb Tbc &cail ly ycyy pimi "bop&," that ~ml as&loci bc funda Illdcpccdcm fccl yim I~ I When ybc iz Tbc cccdil cf a ~ lzyc u by bim fcy 3 0"iy cmc ~ Pc Sad& om ocmcc n I Rm 'occm ubc h ibc oc~„„ Rycq Tlm cld fl abc bii I ko belt of zbllliyyor i Bc ocsbl I ooa a&cay mc,c mPabic &holy Ihias i Rc perm, ~coNP ccab ally o ocilt bul uh siii al"ca&hi~ lc